Gop. Lead by example


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
How about following your own advice on how to balance the budget.

Take a cut in your own pay.
Pay for your own healthcare by buying over state lines in private healthcare providers.
Take a cut in your retirement also pay for your own healthcare in retirement from the generous retirement the tax payers pay you.
Instead of collecting retirement after “5 years” or services, wait until you are 70 to collect.
Pay a little more in taxes.

Then ask the American people to make sacrifices and they will more likely do as you ask. But is a little hypocritical to ask them to make sacrifices that you are not willing to make.

Example is not the main thing in influencing others, it is the only thing.
Albert Schweitzer
Democrats are very serious about killing their babies with our money. We saw how they acted when Planned Infanticide was going to be cut by the Radical right........


The right is radical?
How can the taxpayers be providing us healthcare and retirement if we are already providing for ourselves?

We aren't asking people to pay more taxes. quite the opposite. If we were to lead by example on the issue, we would have to pay less taxes since that's what we want. But if we were to do that we'd go to jail.

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