GOP lawmaker: Americans Should Rely On Jesus For Healthcare


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
No this isn't satire

'Gordon Klingenschmitt is excited about a recent Fox News poll that claims that 58 percent of Americans want to repeal Obamacare, declaring on his “Pray In Jesus Name” program recently that people ought to be relying on God for their healthcare.

Citing a passage from Exodus 15, Klingenschmitt asserted that God will protect people from disease so long as they obey His commands and said that Americans “ought to look to the Lord for our healthcare.”

GOP lawmaker Americans Should Rely On Jesus For Healthcare
What's next for goono,

he has to read this book..........

because he is moving from here ...

to here....

big move for the fucker....
No this isn't satire

'Gordon Klingenschmitt is excited about a recent Fox News poll that claims that 58 percent of Americans want to repeal Obamacare, declaring on his “Pray In Jesus Name” program recently that people ought to be relying on God for their healthcare.

Citing a passage from Exodus 15, Klingenschmitt asserted that God will protect people from disease so long as they obey His commands and said that Americans “ought to look to the Lord for our healthcare.”

GOP lawmaker Americans Should Rely On Jesus For Healthcare

Something I read a few years ago:

Mother Teresa spent a lot of time telling people to pray to get well in her Christian ministry in Calcutta, but what did she do when she got sick? She flew to the West to get first rate medical care. No doubt Klinenschmitt and everyone in his family will do the same thing if and when they ever become ill.
Faith in Christ is the best cure in getting well.

Yeah, which is why Christians don't get cancer. Oh, wait, my father worked for a church as an administrator for the building, he's not religious, he got colon cancer, and also many others there got colon cancer. My father appears to be one of the few who survived it, the rest were religious.
I get the impression that Bat Guano spends half his time researching Republicans online, to find the occasional whackoid, to throw rocks at, and to try to pin (by inference) similar behaviors upon all Republicans.

Standard Left Wingnut fare.


Nobody disputes that the guy is probably off his rocker - but so are a fair number of Democrats scattered across the country.

So what?

No big deal.

Nothing to see here.

Move along, Citizens... move along.
GOP stupidity doesn't get worse than this. I'm sure eveyone in the party is aware no healthcare plan is coming so they fall back on the default Jesus argument.

In other words:

"The GOP doesn't give a shit about you but the make-believe Jesus does!"
No this isn't satire

'Gordon Klingenschmitt is excited about a recent Fox News poll that claims that 58 percent of Americans want to repeal Obamacare, declaring on his “Pray In Jesus Name” program recently that people ought to be relying on God for their healthcare.

Citing a passage from Exodus 15, Klingenschmitt asserted that God will protect people from disease so long as they obey His commands and said that Americans “ought to look to the Lord for our healthcare.”

GOP lawmaker Americans Should Rely On Jesus For Healthcare

Cunto, aka batshit spewing liberal drone, is a one note symPHONY of dull.

He finds one conservative or one Republican who says some silly shit, and he always tries to paint all of his opposing numbers with that same brush.

Cunto can't seem to grasp that if the intelligent folks (i.e., all of us who dispute his endless mindless liberal spew) did the same thing to him and his side (i.e., other mindless liberal hack drones) we could mock the frequent imbecile commentary of MANY Dumbocrap politicians and attrivute that kind of ignorance and vile snarky dishonesty to ALL liberals.

Cunto would cry, however.

Not that I'd enjoy mocking any mentally challenged Dumbocrap politician:

Just ask any CORPSE-MAN.

"Stand up," said Joe Biden to a wheel chair bound supporter!

Faith in Christ is the best cure in getting well.

How about this plan, everyone would receive health care at government expense just like what everyone receives in the counties with the highest quality health care systems. Christians and believers of other nutty absurdities would automatically be placed on the Prayer Care Plan. This plan would not cost the government (or anyone else) anything at all. When believers got sick, they would pray for recovery. It's really that simple.

This should be quite appealing to the large number of conservative Christians who oppose any step toward universal health care because it would save large sums of money. If they really believe in prayer, as they so often claim, then they would have nothing to worry about on the Prayer Care Plan. In fact, their health care should be better than that received by the rest of us!

You know as well as I do that Christians are not going to be lining up for such a plan. They are not interested in opting out of their current health insurance or failing to seek medical treatment. The question is why. The seemingly inescapable answer is that most Christians do not believe what they so often claim to believe.
Faith in Christ is the best cure in getting well.

How about this plan, everyone would receive health care at government expense just like what everyone receives in the counties with the highest quality health care systems. Christians and believers of other nutty absurdities would automatically be placed on the Prayer Care Plan. This plan would not cost the government (or anyone else) anything at all. When believers got sick, they would pray for recovery. It's really that simple.

This should be quite appealing to the large number of conservative Christians who oppose any step toward universal health care because it would save large sums of money. If they really believe in prayer, as they so often claim, then they would have nothing to worry about on the Prayer Care Plan. In fact, their health care should be better than that received by the rest of us!

You know as well as I do that Christians are not going to be lining up for such a plan. They are not interested in opting out of their current health insurance or failing to seek medical treatment. The question is why. The seemingly inescapable answer is that most Christians do not believe what they so often claim to believe.
Or, how about this. Christians get their own insurance companies, as they also believe God sends doctors and medicine as a way to answer prayer. If this is enacted, Christians won't have to pay into the socialized medicine system, they would essentially have their own, private insurance.

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