Fewer Americans born in the U.S. have jobs now than were employed to November 2007


Gold Member
Jan 19, 2014
Yep, you read right:

"Fewer Americans born in the U.S. have jobs now than were employed to November 2007, despite a working-age population growth of 11 million.

The amazing drop in employment highlights President Barack Obama’s slow recovery from the deep 2008 shock, but also spotlights many companies’ growing reliance on foreign migrant labor.

Almost one in every two jobs added since 2009 have gone to foreign-born workers.

In November 2014, one in every five U.S. jobs was held by a foreign-born worker, up from one-in-six jobs in January 2010, according to federal datahighlighted by the Center for Immigration Studies.

Since November 2007, the number of working legal and illegal migrants has risen by two million, from 23.1 million in November 2007 to 25.1 million in November 2014."

Fewer US-Born Americans Have Jobs Now Than in 2007 The Daily Caller
Where is Americans' incentive TO work? :dunno:

What is your point? Obama clearly doesn't like minorities which is quite interesting.

Blacks are looking for work so let us give amnesty so millions can flood our borders taking jobs away from blacks.

And let us not forget the Cubans, we must normalize relation regardless if the regime has changed in Cuba. Kennedy was obviously wrong, along with every president and Congress since. Only Obama knows. The great and wonderful Obama.
obumble would be happy if no Americans were working at all.

I see your point but I am not sure that would make Obama happy. That said, it is worse. He thinks what he is doing is the right thing to do, the results prove otherwise. But that does not stop Obama, no, he knows whats best and regardless of the outcome, damn the torpedoes full steam ahead.
There Were 1.9 Persons Per Job Opening in October 2014 The Economic Populist

Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary

Table 1. Job openings levels and rates by industry and region seasonally adjusted

There are 4.8 million jobs available. That works out to something like 1.9 persons per job. Not very competitive. Just 1.9 persons per job.

So, why the amount of unemployment? Republicans want to blame it on Obama.

And read the comments under the videos. Bullshit like I know someone who never finished high school and makes four times what college graduates make. Dumbass right wingers. Always saying the must ridiculous bullshit and expecting normal people to believe it.

This is why business wants immigrants. Why Red State governors go to Blue States looking for competent workers. Right wingers can't make it running on stupid. The only thing they have is the vote. And every year that will count less as more people understand the value of education. Immigrants won't take Republican jobs because Republicans aren't qualified for those jobs to begin with. And things will never get better for them as long as they have this ridiculous notion the country depends on them.
So, what have the Democrats done for the blacks in this country? Their unemployment rate remains high and will go higher with the Immigration Order coming through. And the blacks still vote Democratic! They got a phone. Just shakin' my head!
There Were 1.9 Persons Per Job Opening in October 2014 The Economic Populist

Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary

Table 1. Job openings levels and rates by industry and region seasonally adjusted

There are 4.8 million jobs available. That works out to something like 1.9 persons per job. Not very competitive. Just 1.9 persons per job.

So, why the amount of unemployment? Republicans want to blame it on Obama.

And read the comments under the videos. Bullshit like I know someone who never finished high school and makes four times what college graduates make. Dumbass right wingers. Always saying the must ridiculous bullshit and expecting normal people to believe it.

This is why business wants immigrants. Why Red State governors go to Blue States looking for competent workers. Right wingers can't make it running on stupid. The only thing they have is the vote. And every year that will count less as more people understand the value of education. Immigrants won't take Republican jobs because Republicans aren't qualified for those jobs to begin with. And things will never get better for them as long as they have this ridiculous notion the country depends on them.

Submitted by Robert Oaks? The Economic Populist?
There Were 1.9 Persons Per Job Opening in October 2014 The Economic Populist

Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary

Table 1. Job openings levels and rates by industry and region seasonally adjusted

There are 4.8 million jobs available. That works out to something like 1.9 persons per job. Not very competitive. Just 1.9 persons per job.

So, why the amount of unemployment? Republicans want to blame it on Obama.

And read the comments under the videos. Bullshit like I know someone who never finished high school and makes four times what college graduates make. Dumbass right wingers. Always saying the must ridiculous bullshit and expecting normal people to believe it.

This is why business wants immigrants. Why Red State governors go to Blue States looking for competent workers. Right wingers can't make it running on stupid. The only thing they have is the vote. And every year that will count less as more people understand the value of education. Immigrants won't take Republican jobs because Republicans aren't qualified for those jobs to begin with. And things will never get better for them as long as they have this ridiculous notion the country depends on them.

How come when you talk you always sound stupid?
So, what have the Democrats done for the blacks in this country? Their unemployment rate remains high and will go higher with the Immigration Order coming through. And the blacks still vote Democratic! They got a phone. Just shakin' my head!

Well, according to the UnConstitutional Barack, blacks are better off today then when he took office,

Who would of thunk?


Obama says U.S. blacks better off overall than when he began presidency

Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Friday that U.S. blacks are better off now than they were when he began his presidency in 2009, but that the gap between blacks and whites remains.

"Like the rest of America, Black America, in the aggregate, is better off now than it was when I came into office," he told reporters in an end-of-year news conference.

Obama says U.S. blacks better off overall than when he began presidency Reuters
So, what have the Democrats done for the blacks in this country? Their unemployment rate remains high and will go higher with the Immigration Order coming through. And the blacks still vote Democratic! They got a phone. Just shakin' my head!
One, we have a black president, so clearly there have been gains.
Two, the part of the country where most blacks live in the Deep South and controlled by Conservative Republicans who did not vote for Obama and hate blacks. That kind of says it all. Duh!
There Were 1.9 Persons Per Job Opening in October 2014 The Economic Populist

Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary

Table 1. Job openings levels and rates by industry and region seasonally adjusted

There are 4.8 million jobs available. That works out to something like 1.9 persons per job. Not very competitive. Just 1.9 persons per job.

So, why the amount of unemployment? Republicans want to blame it on Obama.

And read the comments under the videos. Bullshit like I know someone who never finished high school and makes four times what college graduates make. Dumbass right wingers. Always saying the must ridiculous bullshit and expecting normal people to believe it.

This is why business wants immigrants. Why Red State governors go to Blue States looking for competent workers. Right wingers can't make it running on stupid. The only thing they have is the vote. And every year that will count less as more people understand the value of education. Immigrants won't take Republican jobs because Republicans aren't qualified for those jobs to begin with. And things will never get better for them as long as they have this ridiculous notion the country depends on them.

How come when you talk you always sound stupid?

Because you come from the Bizarro world? That would be my best guess.

There Were 1.9 Persons Per Job Opening in October 2014 The Economic Populist

Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary

Table 1. Job openings levels and rates by industry and region seasonally adjusted

There are 4.8 million jobs available. That works out to something like 1.9 persons per job. Not very competitive. Just 1.9 persons per job.

So, why the amount of unemployment? Republicans want to blame it on Obama.

And read the comments under the videos. Bullshit like I know someone who never finished high school and makes four times what college graduates make. Dumbass right wingers. Always saying the must ridiculous bullshit and expecting normal people to believe it.

This is why business wants immigrants. Why Red State governors go to Blue States looking for competent workers. Right wingers can't make it running on stupid. The only thing they have is the vote. And every year that will count less as more people understand the value of education. Immigrants won't take Republican jobs because Republicans aren't qualified for those jobs to begin with. And things will never get better for them as long as they have this ridiculous notion the country depends on them.

Submitted by Robert Oaks? The Economic Populist?

There Were 1.9 Persons Per Job Opening in October 2014 The Economic Populist

Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary

Table 1. Job openings levels and rates by industry and region seasonally adjusted

There are 4.8 million jobs available. That works out to something like 1.9 persons per job. Not very competitive. Just 1.9 persons per job.

So, why the amount of unemployment? Republicans want to blame it on Obama.

And read the comments under the videos. Bullshit like I know someone who never finished high school and makes four times what college graduates make. Dumbass right wingers. Always saying the must ridiculous bullshit and expecting normal people to believe it.

This is why business wants immigrants. Why Red State governors go to Blue States looking for competent workers. Right wingers can't make it running on stupid. The only thing they have is the vote. And every year that will count less as more people understand the value of education. Immigrants won't take Republican jobs because Republicans aren't qualified for those jobs to begin with. And things will never get better for them as long as they have this ridiculous notion the country depends on them.

Submitted by Robert Oaks? The Economic Populist?

Based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the second link. Duh? What is it with you morons? You don't want to learn anything? Like in the Bizarro world "Dumb am good".
The beauty of all the states and the federal government's push to raise the minimum wage is that it is causing a boom in the robotics industry. Even those companies who manufacture self-checkout equipment are seeing a boom in sales. Walmart and Home Depot among others are going more and more toward self checkout in lieu of hiring and employing humans on their cash registers. Walmarrt, Home Depot, and others are also requiring their vendors to stock their own goods within their stores cutting the numbers of employees previously required to perform stocking chores. Robots are being utilized more than ever before in warehouses to move stock around. Even some fast food businesses are exploring ways to automate. Those folks at the lowest end of the economic rung because of education and training will see their prospects of employment even further diminished because of these demands for higher wages for the unskilled.
Yep, you read right:

"Fewer Americans born in the U.S. have jobs now than were employed to November 2007, despite a working-age population growth of 11 million.

The amazing drop in employment highlights President Barack Obama’s slow recovery from the deep 2008 shock, but also spotlights many companies’ growing reliance on foreign migrant labor.

Almost one in every two jobs added since 2009 have gone to foreign-born workers.

In November 2014, one in every five U.S. jobs was held by a foreign-born worker, up from one-in-six jobs in January 2010, according to federal datahighlighted by the Center for Immigration Studies.

Since November 2007, the number of working legal and illegal migrants has risen by two million, from 23.1 million in November 2007 to 25.1 million in November 2014."

Fewer US-Born Americans Have Jobs Now Than in 2007 The Daily Caller

It's funny that the above uses the employment numbers from the PEAK of the 2000's expansion, BEFORE the recession even began.
Yep, you read right:

"Fewer Americans born in the U.S. have jobs now than were employed to November 2007, despite a working-age population growth of 11 million.

The amazing drop in employment highlights President Barack Obama’s slow recovery from the deep 2008 shock, but also spotlights many companies’ growing reliance on foreign migrant labor.

Almost one in every two jobs added since 2009 have gone to foreign-born workers.

In November 2014, one in every five U.S. jobs was held by a foreign-born worker, up from one-in-six jobs in January 2010, according to federal datahighlighted by the Center for Immigration Studies.

Since November 2007, the number of working legal and illegal migrants has risen by two million, from 23.1 million in November 2007 to 25.1 million in November 2014."

Fewer US-Born Americans Have Jobs Now Than in 2007 The Daily Caller

It's funny that the above uses the employment numbers from the PEAK of the 2000's expansion, BEFORE the recession even began.

ROFLMNAO! I wanted to get this down before the idiot could delete it...

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