GOP: Incredible at "Slight of Hand" and "Masters of Delusion", players in the "Art of the Lie"


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
It's all catching up to the GOP.

They can't do their Tax Cut for billionaires if they can't figure out how to take away healthcare from most of their base. That's where they would get the lion's share of the money for their Tax Cuts for Needy Billionaires.

They are having a harder and harder time whining about "FAKE" news when the Fake news is coming from the Republican President and the GOP leadership. More pops up hourly.

87% of manufacturing jobs lost have been automated and they are gone forever. The only solution is education. And the GOP has convinced their reluctant to learn base that higher education is a waste of money. By those few lies, the GOP leadership have ruined the lives of possibly two generations of their own party.

The leadership is pointing out that the least populated counties in the US only have one provider. Lying by omission. Not mentioning that most, if no all, of those same counties had zero providers before ACA. When Republicans in those counties say that under the ACA, they are having insurance for the first time in their lives, it's because it really is the first time in their lives they are having insurance.

Republicans have stopped crying that Obama spent too much time playing golf for obvious reasons.

Republicans have stopped crying that Obama spent too much time on vacation and charging the American Taxpayer, again, for obvious reasons.

Considering the GOP's previous positions, they have convinced their base that Vladimir Putin is our "friend". Who is next? Charles Manson?

Republicans have convinced their base, serial adulterer and liar, Donald Trump should not only not be investigated, but he is a terrific role model for their children.

Exon was fined millions by the US Government. The period of time the wrong doing happened was when our Sec. of State was CEO. This was one investigation the GOP couldn't stop. Now, how does that fit in with "Drain the Swamp"?
Oh, by the way. The fine was for disregarding Russian Sanctions imposed by the US after Russia invaded and attacked neighboring countries.

Jarrod Son in Law, tried to put a secret communications line between the White House and the President going around the intel community. The GOP base is fine with this. So they can talk more. Besides, Putin is an amazing man and everyone should trust him the way the President does.

How many more of these can we do? It's only been 6 months.

Now watch GOP gadflies swarm to try to shut down this post.





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dean you are worse than the same commercials running over and over ......
Commercials can't willingly throw out untrue information. It's called "fraud" and it's punishable.

Who is punishing the GOP?
Talk about "slight of hand", the left manages to blame civilian Trump for the alleged Russian hacking before the election and when Barry Hussein was in charge. Lefties blame republicans for the mess democrats created in Obamacare because republicans didn't fix it in a timely way.
Only seven and 1/2 more years ... we'll never get tired of your lamentations.


They are, after all, what is best in life.
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Talk about "slight of hand", the left manages to blame civilian Trump for the alleged Russian hacking before the election and when Barry Hussein was in charge. Lefties blame republicans for the mess democrats created in Obamacare because republicans didn't fix it in a timely way.
Trump's in charge now and he supports the Russians. Even more than your kind. I know. Hard to believe anyone could support the Russians more than the GOP.
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Notice they don't deny anything? Just whine. And it's not a fine whine. It's one of those scratchy skin crawling, nails on the chalkboard kind.

How Republicans act when they don't get their way.

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This is only for the "tards".

So tards, listen up.

The Democrats can't be obstructionists because the GOP controls the entire government. Just like they did under Bush. That's how they were able to pass the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts for the rich. Democrats couldn't stop them.

Did you get it? Good. Remember that.

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