Trump legal team is devising ways to undercut Mueller

Trump team seeks to control, block Mueller’s Russia investigation

If this is a "nothing burger " why is the WH so frantic? Yup, Trump is asking about his power to Pardon.

Russiagate will make Watergate look like a walk in the park.

As we told you, this is a witch hunt. Mewler will find something to prosecute no matter what the facts are. His only job is to prosecute the Trump administration, and if he doesn't indict someone, all the Dims in Washington will call him a failure and a sellout, and 90% of the people living in Washington are Dims.
I hope this video goes viral. The idiot who assigned Mueller to this case needs to be fired. Quote from body language expert who examined Mueller's testimony on IRS scandal and more. He's exposed as a bold faced liar. The IRS investigation when on trial for targeting Tea Party and Republican groups was not Mueller's top priority -as proven in this video - yet now that he is going after a Republican President using IRS / taxes - It's a top priority. Hmmm..........
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News according to a guy named "Tom Hamburger"? Don't make me laugh. "People who are familiar with the effort" is a new way to put fake news based on anonymous unverified sources.
Not gonna subscribe to a known fake news site just to read your propaganda but Mueller should be exposed for the hatchet man he is. Then he should be fired.
Mueller was exposed as a liar during IRS scandal and more. Body Language is an interesting study and a sure way to expose liars. For those in doubt? Watch this video:
I hope Trump is paying u well for defaming Mueller. The Comrade is going down, along with most of his administration and his criminal family. All that will be left is an orange cloud of stinky dust.

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