GOP Gets Their Wish - Unemployment is Up

If the discussion was on economic value, then Boedicca should have stated that when I gave her ample opportunity to define "net value" (her term). It doesn't change my point though which is that the government can, and does, provide value to the country and to its citizens. To claim otherwise is just wrong.

You said government creates value. The only way to create value is for the output to be worth more than the inputs. You still haven't described how government does that other than to point out the obvious bromide of the military. The military is one of the few constitutionally valid purposes of the federal government, and is a fraction of government spending (and was largely unaffected by The Stimulus Bill).

So, please describe all The Value we got from the massive increase in federal spending since the Dems took over Congress in 2006?

I will never be able to show it to you because you don't think of "value" the same way I do. You are thinking of it purely from a money stand point but then you completely drop that when it comes to areas of Government you like. There can be now way for me to prove something to you if your own definition changes. I can prove A and you'll simply change your definition of A. It's pointless.

The rest of us here know that a Government is not inherently evil. Even the Founding Fathers knew that. A Government can benefit an economy greatly, even if you disagree.

I would disagree about the Founding Fathers.
They knew that any Social Contract with a gov't limits your rights.
Since gov't has a "monopoly" in terms of its power, it can be very dangerous if not controlled. As such, the Constitution was meant to limit the Federal gov't and box it in, if you will.


“A government is like fire, a handy servant, but a dangerous master.”
If the discussion was on economic value, then Boedicca should have stated that when I gave her ample opportunity to define "net value" (her term). It doesn't change my point though which is that the government can, and does, provide value to the country and to its citizens. To claim otherwise is just wrong.

You said government creates value. The only way to create value is for the output to be worth more than the inputs. You still haven't described how government does that other than to point out the obvious bromide of the military. The military is one of the few constitutionally valid purposes of the federal government, and is a fraction of government spending (and was largely unaffected by The Stimulus Bill).

So, please describe all The Value we got from the massive increase in federal spending since the Dems took over Congress in 2006?

I will never be able to show it to you because you don't think of "value" the same way I do. You are thinking of it purely from a money stand point but then you completely drop that when it comes to areas of Government you like. There can be now way for me to prove something to you if your own definition changes. I can prove A and you'll simply change your definition of A. It's pointless.

The rest of us here know that a Government is not inherently evil. Even the Founding Fathers knew that. A Government can benefit an economy greatly, even if you disagree.

When you're discussing the debt I think what it's worth in cash would be a great indication of value.

Course if you wanna discuss how great you feel about your government that's screwing up our currency.....knock yourself out. But don't expect anyone to give you any props for it.
Either cut government employees pay & benefits or they can all lose their jobs. Take your pick. There will be 100 people standing in line to replace those worthless government employees who want to quit after their pay & benefits are cut.

That dishonest chart has been debunked ages ago. Most government employees are white collar and most private employees are blue collar. It's no surprise that a UN translator makes more than a ditch digger. When the exact same JOB is compared between the gov and private sectors, the private sector job pays the same or more in most cases.

What a crock of crap! Job for job, government employees produce less & get paid more than double what private sector workers get.

Plus government pays Lifeguards $200,000/yr + $3 Million for Retirement at Age 50.

Government is paying this ditch digger $400,000 a year plus far more than that in benefits.
Either cut government employees pay & benefits or they can all lose their jobs. Take your pick. There will be 100 people standing in line to replace those worthless government employees who want to quit after their pay & benefits are cut.

That dishonest chart has been debunked ages ago. Most government employees are white collar and most private employees are blue collar. It's no surprise that a UN translator makes more than a ditch digger. When the exact same JOB is compared between the gov and private sectors, the private sector job pays the same or more in most cases.

What a crock of crap! Job for job, government employees produce less & get paid more than double what private sector workers get.

Plus government pays Lifeguards $200,000/yr + $3 Million for Retirement at Age 50.
BigotBart :rofl::lmao:
PayScale - Lifeguard Wages, Hourly Wage Rate by Employer Type
Either cut government employees pay & benefits or they can all lose their jobs. Take your pick. There will be 100 people standing in line to replace those worthless government employees who want to quit after their pay & benefits are cut.

That dishonest chart has been debunked ages ago. Most government employees are white collar and most private employees are blue collar. It's no surprise that a UN translator makes more than a ditch digger. When the exact same JOB is compared between the gov and private sectors, the private sector job pays the same or more in most cases.

What a crock of crap! Job for job, government employees produce less & get paid more than double what private sector workers get.

Plus government pays Lifeguards $200,000/yr + $3 Million for Retirement at Age 50.

Government is paying this ditch digger $400,000 a year plus far more than that in benefits.

Well, since he did it for about 10 seconds and took a break that'l be about right for government work.
That dishonest chart has been debunked ages ago. Most government employees are white collar and most private employees are blue collar. It's no surprise that a UN translator makes more than a ditch digger. When the exact same JOB is compared between the gov and private sectors, the private sector job pays the same or more in most cases.

What a crock of crap! Job for job, government employees produce less & get paid more than double what private sector workers get.

Plus government pays Lifeguards $200,000/yr + $3 Million for Retirement at Age 50.
BigotBart :rofl::lmao:
PayScale - Lifeguard Wages, Hourly Wage Rate by Employer Type

:lol:Your own link proves that government lifeguards get paid more than double what private sector lifeguards make.:lol:

:cuckoo: As for your stupidity & laughing at Breitbart, how does the Orange County Register grab you retarded idiot? Lifeguarding in OC is totally lucrative; some make over $200k
What a crock of crap! Job for job, government employees produce less & get paid more than double what private sector workers get.

Plus government pays Lifeguards $200,000/yr + $3 Million for Retirement at Age 50.
BigotBart :rofl::lmao:
PayScale - Lifeguard Wages, Hourly Wage Rate by Employer Type

:lol:Your own link proves that government lifeguards get paid more than double what private sector lifeguards make.:lol:

:cuckoo: As for your stupidity & laughing at Breitbart, how does the Orange County Register grab you retarded idiot? Lifeguarding in OC is totally lucrative; some make over $200k
Somebody can't read a chart. The only people that gov lifeguards make double over, and only at the top end of the scale, are lifeguards who work at foundations or trusts!!

And BigotBart cherry-picks beaches that depend on tourist income and whose lifeguards preform thousands of rescues a year, and therefore deserve the money they make, both in the tourist dollars they help generate and the insurance money they save.

:lol:Your own link proves that government lifeguards get paid more than double what private sector lifeguards make.:lol:

:cuckoo: As for your stupidity & laughing at Breitbart, how does the Orange County Register grab you retarded idiot? Lifeguarding in OC is totally lucrative; some make over $200k
Somebody can't read a chart. The only people that gov lifeguards make double over, and only at the top end of the scale, are lifeguards who work at foundations or trusts!!

And BigotBart cherry-picks beaches that depend on tourist income and whose lifeguards preform thousands of rescues a year, and therefore deserve the money they make, both in the tourist dollars they help generate and the insurance money they save.

Thousands of rescues a year? Each lifeguard saves thousands of lives?

Are the people in California all trying to kill themselves by swimming too soon after eating?

I guess things are worse in that state then I thought.

I guess it's worth close to $10,000 a month in retirement pay. I sure wish I had gotten that for defending my country. I wonder how many lives I saved. If I was thinking like a lib I could rationalize 300 million or more......every day.
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What a crock of crap! Job for job, government employees produce less & get paid more than double what private sector workers get.

If you cut their pay by 25% none of them would quit. That's an indication that they are overpaid by at lest that much. Private firms determine their pay levels by keeping tabs of how many people quit at whatever level they are paying. Government employees never quit. Never.
What a crock of crap! Job for job, government employees produce less & get paid more than double what private sector workers get.

If you cut their pay by 25% none of them would quit. That's an indication that they are overpaid by at lest that much. Private firms determine their pay levels by keeping tabs of how many people quit at whatever level they are paying. Government employees never quit. Never.

I think cutting the pay of Congress would be a good start.

But demonizing government workers needs to be tamped down. Not all of them are lazy overpaid good for nothing faceless entities.
I think cutting the pay of Congress would be a good start.

But demonizing government workers needs to be tamped down. Not all of them are lazy overpaid good for nothing faceless entities.

Demonizing them is exactly what is needed. When taking a job is viewed as a despicable act, this country will be on the road to recovery. Furthermore, telling the truth is not "demonizing" them. The fact is they are all grossly overpaid. We could cut their pay by 25% and it wouldn't affect the operations of the government one iota.
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Congratulations to all of you who want smaller government! 39,000 jobs were shed in June. Of course, private businesses only added 57,000 jobs, so the unemployment rate went up, but that's what smaller government looks like!

So again, Congratulations!

Nobody was wishing for it. But you were warned it would happen. I guess warning is wishing in the mind of a liberal.
Nobody was wishing for it. But you were warned it would happen. I guess warning is wishing in the mind of a liberal.

I was wondering how the libturds were going to spin the unemployment numbers to make them a problem for Republicans. Their ingenuity at diversion and deflection is truly astounding.

Congratulations to all of you who want smaller government! 39,000 jobs were shed in June. Of course, private businesses only added 57,000 jobs, so the unemployment rate went up, but that's what smaller government looks like!

So again, Congratulations!


So what is the connection between those who want smaller government and increased unemployment?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Nobody was wishing for it. But you were warned it would happen. I guess warning is wishing in the mind of a liberal.

I was wondering how the libturds were going to spin the unemployment numbers to make them a problem for Republicans. Their ingenuity at diversion and deflection is truly astounding.

It's just got to be the problem of the GOP it's just got to be.:lol:

Congratulations to all of you who want smaller government! 39,000 jobs were shed in June. Of course, private businesses only added 57,000 jobs, so the unemployment rate went up, but that's what smaller government looks like!

So again, Congratulations!

That June/11 increase to 9.2% does not reflect the true total of umemployed Americans as this percentage does not even include those who have simply given up on finding work or are underemployed, scraping to get by.”

Jobless rate January 2009 was 7.8%, May 2011, it was 9.1% and June 2011 it is 9.2%.

Obama's stimulus package didn't succeed with those so-called "shovel ready jobs, that weren't so shovel ready." He sold us a "bill of bads". Check out of many billions from the stimulus that was supposed to create jobs :lol: went for broadband internet for rural counties that already had broadband."

"A new report says that $64 million in federal stimulus money meant to bring broadband to rural parts of Gallatin County was awarded to an area that already had ample access to high-speed Internet service.

"Of the 9,035 households in Opticom's proposed service area, the report's authors claim, only 136 are "unserved" by broadband, according to definitions established by the USDA's Rural Utilities Service, or RUS, which awarded the stimulus money through its Broadband Initiatives Program.

"Two other broadband projects were highlighted in the report, one in northwestern Kansas and another in northeastern Minnesota. Together, the three projects analyzed account for $231.7 million out of the $3.5 billion awarded by the RUS for rural broadband projects.

"According to the report, more than 85 percent of households in the three project areas already had access to existing broadband services."

Stimulus money for rural broadband was spent where it wasn't needed

"Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, Congress allocated $7.2 billion to expand high-speed Internet service in areas with limited or no services. Of that, $4.7 billion went to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration and $2.5 billion went to the Rural Utilities Service, part of the Department of Agriculture

"A study of broadband development projects in three states that received federal stimulus dollars shows that some of the government money is being used to duplicate services that already exist. "

Mobile Device Now | Did Stimulus Funds Help Rural Broadband?
The rest of us here know that a Government is not inherently evil. Even the Founding Fathers knew that

True, but the Founding fathers did know that unrestrained government was inherently evil. No one, not even the libertarian here (me) is arguing for no government, so you have a non point. We are arguing for what the Founding Fathers did, limit government. So again you have a non-point and your calling on the Founding Fathers who supported our position of limited government not no government, the position you're arguing, is meaningless. They are completely on our side, sorry.
Most government employees are white collar and most private employees are blue collar. It's no surprise that a UN translator makes more than a ditch digger. When the exact same JOB is compared between the gov and private sectors, the private sector job pays the same or more in most cases.

What a crock of crap! Job for job, government employees produce less & get paid more than double what private sector workers get.

Plus government pays Lifeguards $200,000/yr + $3 Million for Retirement at Age 50.

Government is paying this ditch digger $400,000 a year plus far more than that in benefits.
edthelemur should more spend time in government offices seeing how incredibly little they actually do. I have, it's pathetic. I was a commercial management consultant most of my career, but I did three government projects, all in the heart of DC, and the government employees do incredibly little. I frequently had to make decisions that should have been made by my client but I couldn't get a decision and if we didn't make one my projects would grind to a halt. At HSA you could shoot a cannon through the office any time before 10, between 12 and 2 or after 4 and the only one in danger would have been me.
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