GOP firebrand Mark Levin proves he's a government agent and controlled opposition

"GOP firebrand Mark Levin" immediately loses credibility. Levin is not a Republican. He is a conservative, a constitutionalist. He doesn't support today's Republican party. But I'm sure he would vote for the Republican nominee over Pantsuit.
Sorry mark, but calling Trump a 911 truther will backfire on you .It's been 14 years and everybody knows about building 7 - the smokiest gun in history.

Prison » Conservative Host Labels Trump A ‘Radical Kook,’ ‘Close’ To Being A 9/11 Truther

feb 16 2016 Talk show host Mark Levin labeled Trump a “radical kook”:

“But the fact that he attacked George Bush as a commander-in-chief. Not because he disagreed with him. He attacked him as a liar who knew there were not weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and said he was responsible for 9/11 and he was responsible for those towers coming down.” Levin added.

“All the rest aside. All of it aside. I know too many Gold Star families who lost sons over there to hear this 9/11 truther crap, which is pretty close to it. Pretty damn close to it.”
Levin is a shill for Cruz. He has also been misinterpreting the meaning of natural born citizen to make the populous think Cruz is constitutionally eligible. Also it was revealed Levin's girlfriends son works for the Cruz campaign. He's a Jew slimeball.

According to the government web site he is.
Are you the foreign-born child of a parent who becomes a U.S. citizen?
Sorry mark, but calling Trump a 911 truther will backfire on you .It's been 14 years and everybody knows about building 7 - the smokiest gun in history.

Prison » Conservative Host Labels Trump A ‘Radical Kook,’ ‘Close’ To Being A 9/11 Truther

feb 16 2016 Talk show host Mark Levin labeled Trump a “radical kook”:

“But the fact that he attacked George Bush as a commander-in-chief. Not because he disagreed with him. He attacked him as a liar who knew there were not weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and said he was responsible for 9/11 and he was responsible for those towers coming down.” Levin added.

“All the rest aside. All of it aside. I know too many Gold Star families who lost sons over there to hear this 9/11 truther crap, which is pretty close to it. Pretty damn close to it.”
Levin is a shill for Cruz. He has also been misinterpreting the meaning of natural born citizen to make the populous think Cruz is constitutionally eligible. Also it was revealed Levin's girlfriends son works for the Cruz campaign. He's a Jew slimeball.

According to the government web site he is.
Are you the foreign-born child of a parent who becomes a U.S. citizen?
Which of those applies to Cruz?
Sorry mark, but calling Trump a 911 truther will backfire on you .It's been 14 years and everybody knows about building 7 - the smokiest gun in history.

Prison » Conservative Host Labels Trump A ‘Radical Kook,’ ‘Close’ To Being A 9/11 Truther

feb 16 2016 Talk show host Mark Levin labeled Trump a “radical kook”:

“But the fact that he attacked George Bush as a commander-in-chief. Not because he disagreed with him. He attacked him as a liar who knew there were not weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and said he was responsible for 9/11 and he was responsible for those towers coming down.” Levin added.

“All the rest aside. All of it aside. I know too many Gold Star families who lost sons over there to hear this 9/11 truther crap, which is pretty close to it. Pretty damn close to it.”
Levin is a shill for Cruz. He has also been misinterpreting the meaning of natural born citizen to make the populous think Cruz is constitutionally eligible. Also it was revealed Levin's girlfriends son works for the Cruz campaign. He's a Jew slimeball.

According to the government web site he is.
Are you the foreign-born child of a parent who becomes a U.S. citizen?
Which of those applies to Cruz?
His mother was a citizen.
Same as if Obama had actually been born in Kenya. His mother was a citizen.
Sorry mark, but calling Trump a 911 truther will backfire on you .It's been 14 years and everybody knows about building 7 - the smokiest gun in history.

Prison » Conservative Host Labels Trump A ‘Radical Kook,’ ‘Close’ To Being A 9/11 Truther

feb 16 2016 Talk show host Mark Levin labeled Trump a “radical kook”:

“But the fact that he attacked George Bush as a commander-in-chief. Not because he disagreed with him. He attacked him as a liar who knew there were not weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and said he was responsible for 9/11 and he was responsible for those towers coming down.” Levin added.

“All the rest aside. All of it aside. I know too many Gold Star families who lost sons over there to hear this 9/11 truther crap, which is pretty close to it. Pretty damn close to it.”
Levin is a shill for Cruz. He has also been misinterpreting the meaning of natural born citizen to make the populous think Cruz is constitutionally eligible. Also it was revealed Levin's girlfriends son works for the Cruz campaign. He's a Jew slimeball.

According to the government web site he is.
Are you the foreign-born child of a parent who becomes a U.S. citizen?
Which of those applies to Cruz?
His mother was a citizen.
Same as if Obama had actually been born in Kenya. His mother was a citizen.
That would make him a citizen but not a natural born Citizen.
Sorry mark, but calling Trump a 911 truther will backfire on you .It's been 14 years and everybody knows about building 7 - the smokiest gun in history.

Prison » Conservative Host Labels Trump A ‘Radical Kook,’ ‘Close’ To Being A 9/11 Truther

feb 16 2016 Talk show host Mark Levin labeled Trump a “radical kook”:

“But the fact that he attacked George Bush as a commander-in-chief. Not because he disagreed with him. He attacked him as a liar who knew there were not weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and said he was responsible for 9/11 and he was responsible for those towers coming down.” Levin added.

“All the rest aside. All of it aside. I know too many Gold Star families who lost sons over there to hear this 9/11 truther crap, which is pretty close to it. Pretty damn close to it.”
Levin is a shill for Cruz. He has also been misinterpreting the meaning of natural born citizen to make the populous think Cruz is constitutionally eligible. Also it was revealed Levin's girlfriends son works for the Cruz campaign. He's a Jew slimeball.

According to the government web site he is.
Are you the foreign-born child of a parent who becomes a U.S. citizen?
That is for a Citizen, not natural born Citizen.
Sorry mark, but calling Trump a 911 truther will backfire on you .It's been 14 years and everybody knows about building 7 - the smokiest gun in history.
Levin is a shill for Cruz. He has also been misinterpreting the meaning of natural born citizen to make the populous think Cruz is constitutionally eligible. Also it was revealed Levin's girlfriends son works for the Cruz campaign. He's a Jew slimeball.

According to the government web site he is.
Are you the foreign-born child of a parent who becomes a U.S. citizen?
Which of those applies to Cruz?
His mother was a citizen.
Same as if Obama had actually been born in Kenya. His mother was a citizen.
That would make him a citizen but not a natural born Citizen.

And the Constitution says natural and a citizen.
If the WTC buildings were mined with explosives why didn't they come down in the first attack that Bill Clinton dismissed as a "stupid act by stupid people? We saw the planes hit the buildings with enough force to blow out the opposite side. Why is it surprising to the tinfoil (mostly left wing) hats that the freaking buildings collapsed?
Sorry mark, but calling Trump a 911 truther will backfire on you .It's been 14 years and everybody knows about building 7 - the smokiest gun in history.

Prison » Conservative Host Labels Trump A ‘Radical Kook,’ ‘Close’ To Being A 9/11 Truther

feb 16 2016 Talk show host Mark Levin labeled Trump a “radical kook”:

“But the fact that he attacked George Bush as a commander-in-chief. Not because he disagreed with him. He attacked him as a liar who knew there were not weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and said he was responsible for 9/11 and he was responsible for those towers coming down.” Levin added.

“All the rest aside. All of it aside. I know too many Gold Star families who lost sons over there to hear this 9/11 truther crap, which is pretty close to it. Pretty damn close to it.”
Levin is a shill for Cruz. He has also been misinterpreting the meaning of natural born citizen to make the populous think Cruz is constitutionally eligible. Also it was revealed Levin's girlfriends son works for the Cruz campaign. He's a Jew slimeball.

According to the government web site he is.
Are you the foreign-born child of a parent who becomes a U.S. citizen?
Which of those applies to Cruz?
His mother was a citizen.
Same as if Obama had actually been born in Kenya. His mother was a citizen.
Not according to that link you posted. What in there do you think applies to Cruz?
Levin is a shill for Cruz. He has also been misinterpreting the meaning of natural born citizen to make the populous think Cruz is constitutionally eligible. Also it was revealed Levin's girlfriends son works for the Cruz campaign. He's a Jew slimeball.

According to the government web site he is.
Are you the foreign-born child of a parent who becomes a U.S. citizen?
Which of those applies to Cruz?
His mother was a citizen.
Same as if Obama had actually been born in Kenya. His mother was a citizen.
That would make him a citizen but not a natural born Citizen.

And the Constitution says natural and a citizen.
The only time a U.S. Citizen could become president was at the time of the adoption of the Constitution until time passed for the eligibility of a Article 2 Section 1 natural born Citizen president. US Citizen presidents used the grandfather clause.
Sorry mark, but calling Trump a 911 truther will backfire on you .It's been 14 years and everybody knows about building 7 - the smokiest gun in history.

Prison » Conservative Host Labels Trump A ‘Radical Kook,’ ‘Close’ To Being A 9/11 Truther

feb 16 2016 Talk show host Mark Levin labeled Trump a “radical kook”:

“But the fact that he attacked George Bush as a commander-in-chief. Not because he disagreed with him. He attacked him as a liar who knew there were not weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and said he was responsible for 9/11 and he was responsible for those towers coming down.” Levin added.

“All the rest aside. All of it aside. I know too many Gold Star families who lost sons over there to hear this 9/11 truther crap, which is pretty close to it. Pretty damn close to it.”
Levin is a shill for Cruz. He has also been misinterpreting the meaning of natural born citizen to make the populous think Cruz is constitutionally eligible. Also it was revealed Levin's girlfriends son works for the Cruz campaign. He's a Jew slimeball.

According to the government web site he is.
Are you the foreign-born child of a parent who becomes a U.S. citizen?
That is for a Citizen, not natural born Citizen.

Did either Cruz or Obama go through immigration naturalization?
If the WTC buildings were mined with explosives why didn't they come down in the first attack that Bill Clinton dismissed as a "stupid act by stupid people? We saw the planes hit the buildings with enough force to blow out the opposite side. Why is it surprising to the tinfoil (mostly left wing) hats that the freaking buildings collapsed?

It is surprising apparently for a couple of reasons.

They say a high rise never collapsed because of fire. Yet there has never been buildings hit with fully loaded passenger jets, before or after.

They say that fire doesn't melt steel. Which of course goes against how steel is made or fabricated. And for the buildings to collapse the steel didn't have to melt, just weaken.

9/11 is like the JFK assignation. The perpetrators are too little, too insignificant, not big enough for the crimes of the century. They want it to be someone big, not Arabs which they don't think a whole lot of. Or a disgruntled failure as was LHO.

But the worse thing is, they use it to push a political agenda and make things up as they go.
Sorry mark, but calling Trump a 911 truther will backfire on you .It's been 14 years and everybody knows about building 7 - the smokiest gun in history.

Prison » Conservative Host Labels Trump A ‘Radical Kook,’ ‘Close’ To Being A 9/11 Truther

feb 16 2016 Talk show host Mark Levin labeled Trump a “radical kook”:

“But the fact that he attacked George Bush as a commander-in-chief. Not because he disagreed with him. He attacked him as a liar who knew there were not weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and said he was responsible for 9/11 and he was responsible for those towers coming down.” Levin added.

“All the rest aside. All of it aside. I know too many Gold Star families who lost sons over there to hear this 9/11 truther crap, which is pretty close to it. Pretty damn close to it.”
Levin is a shill for Cruz. He has also been misinterpreting the meaning of natural born citizen to make the populous think Cruz is constitutionally eligible. Also it was revealed Levin's girlfriends son works for the Cruz campaign. He's a Jew slimeball.

According to the government web site he is.
Are you the foreign-born child of a parent who becomes a U.S. citizen?
That is for a Citizen, not natural born Citizen.

Did either Cruz or Obama go through immigration naturalization?
Don't know about Cruz. With Obamas birth certificate being proven 100% fraudulent by the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office, who knows!
If the WTC buildings were mined with explosives why didn't they come down in the first attack that Bill Clinton dismissed as a "stupid act by stupid people? We saw the planes hit the buildings with enough force to blow out the opposite side. Why is it surprising to the tinfoil (mostly left wing) hats that the freaking buildings collapsed?

HAHAHA. Did you really say that??? Are you truly not aware that no plane hit the 600 foot high Bldg 7??? And yet it too underwent unitary collapse at free fall speed. THINK
Same as if Obama had actually been born in Kenya. His mother was a citizen.

That makes obozo a citizen but not a natural born citizen. THINK

Yes and your point is?
Article. II.
Section. 1.
No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President
They say a high rise never collapsed because of fire. Yet there has never been buildings hit with fully loaded passenger jets, before or after.

HAHAHA. The lies of you paid govt shills prove your desperation. NO plane hit the 600 foot high skyscraper Bldg 7 and most of america knows it. Not much of anything hit it. So why did it undergo unitary collapse at free fall speed. THINK.

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