GOP firebrand Mark Levin proves he's a government agent and controlled opposition

Well we know he is a birther. Though even he is too embarrassed to field questions on the matter at this point.

Everyone is a birther. Everyone knows that obozo's own literary agency for 16 years published a brochure that said obozo was born in kenya,

They didn't publish the brochure for 16 years. And the publisher said she made a mistake.

Please tell us how Obama was born in Kenya when his mother never visited that country.

This should be fun.
Well we know he is a birther. Though even he is too embarrassed to field questions on the matter at this point.

Everyone is a birther. Everyone knows that obozo's own literary agency for 16 years published a brochure that said obozo was born in kenya,

Similarly everyone knows about bldg 7 and is a 911 truther.

Your denial proves you're a paid govt shill.
You truly are dumb enough to think Obama was born in Kenya because one publication out of a dozen printed his birthplace as Kenya instead of Hawaii.

Well we know he is a birther. Though even he is too embarrassed to field questions on the matter at this point.

Everyone is a birther.

Except everyone isn't.

Everyone knows that obozo's own literary agency for 16 years published a brochure that said obozo was born in kenya,

With the person at the agency that edited the pamphlet indicating it was her mistake and Obama never indicated he was born in Kenya.

Again, Speed....just because you ignore evidence doesn't mean 'everyone' is similarly obligated to do so.

Similarly everyone knows about bldg 7 and is a 911 truther.

Your denial proves you're a paid govt shill. know you can't back your conspiracy horseshit up. And in any debate of the facts, you lose.

So you've invented an excuse to ignore anyone who doesn't ape whatever hapless conspiracy nonsense you make up: they're all government agents!

Laughing...if you're ever curious why both Birthers and Truthers are national laughing stocks and you know.
Sorry mark, but calling Trump a 911 truther will backfire on you
Since Trump is, in fact, a truther, it does not make Levin a government agent for pointing out that fact.

Here is a Tweet sent out by Katrina Pierson. She was later chosen by Donald Trump to be his official campaign spokesperson:

Well we know he is a birther. Though even he is too embarrassed to field questions on the matter at this point.

Everyone is a birther. Everyone knows that obozo's own literary agency for 16 years published a brochure that said obozo was born in kenya,

Similarly everyone knows about bldg 7 and is a 911 truther.

Your denial proves you're a paid govt shill.
You truly are dumb enough to think Obama was born in Kenya because one publication out of a dozen printed his birthplace as Kenya instead of Hawaii.


Conservatives have been carefully conditioned to gobble conspiracy batshit. There's a reason why almost every birther and truther on our board is a conservative. They don't reason well, they don't use evidence, and they don't ask questions.
Conservatives have been carefully conditioned to gobble conspiracy batshit. There's a reason why almost every birther and truther on our board is a conservative. They don't reason well, they don't use evidence, and they don't ask questions.

The board notes that all you have is namecalling. Thanks for admitting we are right and you are wrong.
Everyone is a birther. Everyone knows that obozo's own literary agency for 16 years published a brochure that said obozo was born in kenya,

They didn't publish the brochure for 16 years. And the publisher said she made a mistake.


Of course the publisher said that. THINK

Irony. ShootSpeeders telling me to think. BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Please explain how Obama was born in Kenya when his mother never visited that country.
Everyone is a birther. Everyone knows that obozo's own literary agency for 16 years published a brochure that said obozo was born in kenya,

They didn't publish the brochure for 16 years. And the publisher said she made a mistake.


Of course the publisher said that. THINK

Why would I ignore her and instead believe you, citing yourself? Remember, she edited the document in question. And you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Even your narrative doesn't make the slightest sense.

Remember, there are a half dozen published reports in newpapers before the pamphlet that cite Obama's place of birth as Hawaii. And even more after that cite Obama's place of birth as Hawaii.

Why are you fixated on some obscure editing error that got it wrong?
Conservatives have been carefully conditioned to gobble conspiracy batshit. There's a reason why almost every birther and truther on our board is a conservative. They don't reason well, they don't use evidence, and they don't ask questions.

The board notes that all you have is namecalling. Thanks for admitting we are right and you are wrong.

Laughing.....says the poor soul that just labeled anyoone who won't gobble his batshit a 'government shill'.

I love it when folks fail their own standards.

Keep running, Shoot. On both your Birther conspiracy and your Truther nonsense, you know in any review of facts, you lose. Which is why we only see your back as you flee.
Everyone is a birther. Everyone knows that obozo's own literary agency for 16 years published a brochure that said obozo was born in kenya,

They didn't publish the brochure for 16 years. And the publisher said she made a mistake.


Of course the publisher said that. THINK

Irony. ShootSpeeders telling me to think. BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Please explain how Obama was born in Kenya when his mother never visited that country.
Or him saying namecalling means one loses the argument. I'm guessing he doesn't believe that applies to him.
I'm still sitting here waiting for Speedy to even attempt a factual argument about his Birther Conspiracy or WTC 7.

Apparently the sound of crickets is the best he can manage.
Levin is right and Trump went too far. Even if this is a strategy to lure votes from non-repubs in an open primary, this would alienate too many repubs so the net would be negative for Trump.
More likely he meant what he said and that's enough for me to cross him off the list.
At this point he serves only as a rabbit in a distance race, to force the hand of the other candidates and make them be more candid. That's about it.
Remember, there are a half dozen published reports in newpapers before the pamphlet that cite Obama's place of birth as Hawaii. And even more after that cite Obama's place of birth as Hawaii.

And lots of newspaper articles say he was born in kenya.
Remember, there are a half dozen published reports in newpapers before the pamphlet that cite Obama's place of birth as Hawaii. And even more after that cite Obama's place of birth as Hawaii.

And lots of newspaper articles say he was born in kenya.
Why lie?

There was only one. And that lone article, the Weekly Standard if I recall, printed an AP article verbatim except the Weekly Standard article added Obama's birthplace as Kenya where their AP source had no such mention.

What else ya got?
Remember, there are a half dozen published reports in newpapers before the pamphlet that cite Obama's place of birth as Hawaii. And even more after that cite Obama's place of birth as Hawaii.

And lots of newspaper articles say he was born in kenya.

Show us.

Remembering of course if you're going to cite a source that claims to be AP......we're gonna need the original AP article.
Remember, there are a half dozen published reports in newpapers before the pamphlet that cite Obama's place of birth as Hawaii. And even more after that cite Obama's place of birth as Hawaii.

And lots of newspaper articles say he was born in kenya.
Why lie?

There was only one. And that lone article, the Weekly Standard if I recall, printed an AP article verbatim except the Weekly Standard article added Obama's birthplace as Kenya where their AP source had no such mention.

What else ya got?

Yup. Just that one. And it claimed to be the AP article. But the AP article didn't claim Obama was born in Kenya. That was fradulently added by the Weekly Standard.

So.....they've got jack shit. And they know it.

There's a reason why Speedy makes accusations and then runs from them. Its the same reason he babbles about WTC 7....and then runs. To his ilk, an accusation is evidence if it 'feels' true. They don't give a shit if it actually is.
tinydancer said:
Sorry mark, but calling Trump a 911 truther will backfire on you .It's been 14 years and everybody knows about building 7 - the smokiest gun in history.

Prison » Conservative Host Labels Trump A ‘Radical Kook,’ ‘Close’ To Being A 9/11 Truther

feb 16 2016 Talk show host Mark Levin labeled Trump a “radical kook”:

“But the fact that he attacked George Bush as a commander-in-chief. Not because he disagreed with him. He attacked him as a liar who knew there were not weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and said he was responsible for 9/11 and he was responsible for those towers coming down.” Levin added.

“All the rest aside. All of it aside. I know too many Gold Star families who lost sons over there to hear this 9/11 truther crap, which is pretty close to it. Pretty damn close to it.”
Levin is a shill for Cruz. He has also been misinterpreting the meaning of natural born citizen to make the populous think Cruz is constitutionally eligible. Also it was revealed Levin's girlfriends son works for the Cruz campaign. He's a Jew slimeball.

Can you clarify that last statement please because I do like you Steve? But Mark doesn't have girlfriends. And he's a staunch supporter of Israel and a rabid attack dog on "Chuckie Schmuky" as Mark likes to call him and he's not a slimeball.

Most of the time he gets shit right. Sometimes he can be really really wrong.

Take this for example though. You have to remember all I have is radio so it's like an umbilical cord to our talkers. Unless you listen to them don't believe what you read because its the media interpreting their words for you.

Perfect Levin. Annie Coulter and Laura Ingram during the Romney campaign were hell bent for leather for a Romney/Christie ticket. One day on Laura's show they flipped out and went full boar taking out Palin and were totally over the top I was screaming at the radio moment disgusting. I was so disappointed. Been a fan of both ladies for years.

Mark didn't miss a lick. He dressed them down so hard for trashing Palin it was unreal. I could feel the smackdown up here in Manitoba.


He's just got it wrong on Cruz. But make no mistake. Levin is a passionate Conservative who actually served President Reagan. He's just wrong.
Here ya go.

Mark Levin's fiancee's son works for Ted Cruz - Breaking Christian News and Opinion on

Here it is being discussed at the staunch conservative message board "Free Republic". They're pissed at Levin.

I know the freepers well for close to a decade.

One question for everybody. Mark is still married. When did he get the fiancee? I listen pretty well every day. Been thru all the sad times over the dogs listening three hours every night.

How did I miss his divorce?


You have to watch for smear job hits that the left will put out there pretending to be conservative. Now don't get me wrong and I won't let him off the hook for going after Trump but I have never seen a more dedicated talk show host taking out rinos. No one does it like Mark.

Now when did he get divorced and get a fiancee?

Mark Levin's fiancee's son works for Ted Cruz.

I know the freepers well for close to a decade.

One question for everybody. Mark is still married. When did he get the fiancee? I listen pretty well every day. Been thru all the sad times over the dogs listening three hours every night.

How did I miss his divorce?


You have to watch for smear job hits that the left will put out there pretending to be conservative. Now don't get me wrong and I won't let him off the hook for going after Trump but I have never seen a more dedicated talk show host taking out rinos. No one does it like Mark.

Now when did he get divorced and get a fiancee?

Mark Levin's fiancee's son works for Ted Cruz.

Levine is right about Trump.

Trump broke the Reagan Rule and spoke badly about Republicans. What GWB did or didn't not do on 9/11 and after has absolutely nothing to do with this election. Trump didn't have to take Jeb Bush out, Bush never had a chance. What Trump said was wrong and my guess is if a liberal said exactly the same thing we both would be dumping on them.

I was going to hold my nose and vote for Trump but not after his truther BS. Now, I have no one with a chance.

So tell me why I should just forget about Trump saying that GWB knew about 9/11 before it happened and Bush lied about WMD.
Sorry mark, but calling Trump a 911 truther will backfire on you .It's been 14 years and everybody knows about building 7 - the smokiest gun in history.

Prison » Conservative Host Labels Trump A ‘Radical Kook,’ ‘Close’ To Being A 9/11 Truther

feb 16 2016 Talk show host Mark Levin labeled Trump a “radical kook”:

“But the fact that he attacked George Bush as a commander-in-chief. Not because he disagreed with him. He attacked him as a liar who knew there were not weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and said he was responsible for 9/11 and he was responsible for those towers coming down.” Levin added.

“All the rest aside. All of it aside. I know too many Gold Star families who lost sons over there to hear this 9/11 truther crap, which is pretty close to it. Pretty damn close to it.”

Levin's wrong about everything, but an agent?

is there a lunatic conspiracy theory you don't buy into?
PS if he has failed to disclose a divorce from his wife and if this is true I'm probably going to scream so loud tonight I will scare herds of deer and coyotes tonight. And you can have private all you want. Not on a campaign trail though.


I will be beyond disappointed. I will be furious.

Here is some info on Levine, no indication of girl friend and he is still married:

Mark Levin Wife, Divorce, Salary and Net Worth

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