Good Hispanics will vote Republican...illegal Mexicans are their greatest threat and worst enemy.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Fiscally, illegals aren’t a threat to most Americans...they are however a huge threat to anchor babies and blacks.
They aren’t stealing your job if your profession requires people and communication skills, iQ and enthusiasm.
Illegals overrun their public schools, flood their ghetto hospitals, steal their welfare, drive drunk and commit crime in their neighborhoods.
It hasn’t occurred to them quite yet as their paramount concern has been in getting their entire blood line here....but just wait, as soon as they realize they won’t be able to get their family of 100 in and they’re informed that they are getting phucked the most by illegal immigration they will all vote Republican.
I’m looking forward to hearing the first GOP politician with a nutsack to make this his/her platform in a campaign.
Fiscally, illegals aren’t a threat to most Americans...they are however a huge threat to anchor babies and blacks.
They aren’t stealing your job if your profession requires people and communication skills, iQ and enthusiasm.
Illegals overrun their public schools, flood their ghetto hospitals, steal their welfare, drive drunk and commit crime in their neighborhoods.
It hasn’t occurred to them quite yet as their paramount concern has been in getting their entire blood line here....but just wait, as soon as they realize they won’t be able to get their family of 100 in and they’re informed that they are getting phucked the most by illegal immigration they will all vote Republican.
I’m looking forward to hearing the first GOP politician with a nutsack to make this his/her platform in a campaign.

Latinos are just like Anglos.
The educated, successful, prosperous and patriotic ones vote Republican, and the ones who hate America vote Democrat.
No one wants their salary in a stalemate because of cheep labor...not Hispanics or Asians or anyone....
Old thread but I kinda nailed it didn’t I?
We finally got a vocal president (Trump) who wasn’t afraid to expose the truth about illegals and the overwhelming negative impact they have on America / Americans and VIOLA……good, productive hispanics are enlightened and gravitating toward the Republican Party.
Old thread but I kinda nailed it didn’t I?
We finally got a vocal president (Trump) who wasn’t afraid to expose the truth about illegals and the overwhelming negative impact they have on America / Americans and VIOLA……good, productive hispanics are enlightened and gravitating toward the Republican Party.

Lol, as you see, more and more Hispanics are voting GOP. If/when the Democrats own internal polls show that they in total vote 51% GOP, the Left will have a come to Jesus moment. Their whole shtick will do a 180 degree turn. Why do you think the Left is so hell bent on immigration reform ASAP! They know the ones coming over the border are the MOST likely to vote for them. Hispanics already here and legal, are moving away from them in droves!
Lol, as you see, more and more Hispanics are voting GOP. If/when the Democrats own internal polls show that they in total vote 51% GOP, the Left will have a come to Jesus moment. Their whole shtick will do a 180 degree turn. Why do you think the Left is so hell bent on immigration reform ASAP! They know the ones coming over the border are the MOST likely to vote for them. Hispanics already here and legal, are moving away from them in droves!

How long before we see the Mexicrat Party reverse direction and get back to their 2009 philosophy?

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