Good Guy With a Gun

Admiral Rockwell Tory

Diamond Member
Nov 1, 2015
Sitting down in front of my computer
Imagine being in your apartment in the middle of the night, sound asleep, when you wake up to the sound of someone breaking through a wall. You wake up to realize that the sound is real and that is exactly what is happening! Drywall and insulation are being thrown around your bedroom by some drug-crazed lunatic busting out the common wall between your apartments. Young child wakes up and runs into the room about the time the man of the house locates his pistol, and orders the meth head to stop. Now the perp has his head and shoulders poking through the wall, trying to get into their apartment. Fearing for their lives, the man of the house fires one round striking the perp in the shoulder, at which point the meth head retreats. Mom grabs the child as this is happening and runs for their lives.

Meth head retreats back into his apartment. The cops show up in time to search his place before he can escape, only to find that that he has busted out another common wall and is in a third apartment, before they can access the third apartment, which was fortunately empty, he made his escape. Cops find nothing, but can ID him because he lived in the apartment! A few hours later, he is captured in another town, about to bleed out from his injuries.

Now, this story was just related to me by my daughter, as it just happened to one of her friends in the wee hours of this morning. What would the storyline be if the good guy did not protect his family with a gun?

Come on, all of you anti-2nd Amendment types out there can surely come up with an alternative scenario!

When seconds count, the police are minutes away!
Stay in school so that you can afford to live in a decent neighbourhood. (Not an anti-gun person either).
Imagine being in your apartment in the middle of the night, sound asleep, when you wake up to the sound of someone breaking through a wall. You wake up to realize that the sound is real and that is exactly what is happening! Drywall and insulation are being thrown around your bedroom by some drug-crazed lunatic busting out the common wall between your apartments. Young child wakes up and runs into the room about the time the man of the house locates his pistol, and orders the meth head to stop. Now the perp has his head and shoulders poking through the wall, trying to get into their apartment. Fearing for their lives, the man of the house fires one round striking the perp in the shoulder, at which point the meth head retreats. Mom grabs the child as this is happening and runs for their lives.

Meth head retreats back into his apartment. The cops show up in time to search his place before he can escape, only to find that that he has busted out another common wall and is in a third apartment, before they can access the third apartment, which was fortunately empty, he made his escape. Cops find nothing, but can ID him because he lived in the apartment! A few hours later, he is captured in another town, about to bleed out from his injuries.

Now, this story was just related to me by my daughter, as it just happened to one of her friends in the wee hours of this morning. What would the storyline be if the good guy did not protect his family with a gun?

Come on, all of you anti-2nd Amendment types out there can surely come up with an alternative scenario!

When seconds count, the police are minutes away!

The anti-gunners would prefer that the meth head murder the entire family...rather than they have a gun to stop it...that is where they stand, let them deny it.......if they had a chance, they would have gone back in time and removed that gun from the victims possession....allowing the meth head to do whatever he wanted to do to the people.....that is what they stand for...let them deny it.
The anti-gunners would prefer that the meth head murder the entire family...rather than they have a gun to stop it...that is where they stand, let them deny it.......if they had a chance, they would have gone back in time and removed that gun from the victims possession....allowing the meth head to do whatever he wanted to do to the people.....that is what they stand for...let them deny it.

And even more importantly than that, and in line with the actual intent of the 2nd Amendment, the anti-gunners would prefer that the entire society be disarmed and subject to the whim and brutality of a rouge government and tyrants.

You see, the 2nd isn't about protecting an individual, or hunting is about protecting ALL the people of a nation from corruption and tyranny.

All the gun grabbers either naively overlook this, or are in support of dictators and tyrants. Often the latter.

It is icing on the cake that by guaranteeing our right to bear arms, the 2nd Amendment also allows us the ability to also defend our homes and ourselves from thugs and drug crazed maniacs. Much to the anguish of the gun grabbers.
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