Good going Jan Brewer: 2 down 97 to go.

Right wing kooks claim the Obama bill has death panels.
Under right wing kooks OWN definition Brewer has authorized now operating death panels.
No right wing kook acknowledges the hypocrisy of one is okay and the other alleged death panel is not okay. Many right wing kooks stand silent when Brewer does it because she is a Republican and as ideologues they can never break lock step.
Moral of the story: right wing kooks are not principled.
where the heck are our supposed charities that should be helping these people that fall through the cracks?

i thought charities wanted to take care of ALL, unlike our gvt?


With what, Monopoly money? Who knows if either of these two individuals even approached a charity for assistance after they got their Medicaid cut. Regardless, charities can only help as many people as they have donations for and they'd find themselves with a lot more dollars to spend if the feds would get the hell out of government "charity." The more taxes we have to pay for fund our bloated government the less we have to give to charitable causes.

Let us also not forget that it's the more conservative states, you know, the ones who hate all the poor people, who donate the most money to charity by leaps and bounds, as opposed to the left wing states, who claim to care so much about the destitute, yet have little to show for it. That's just a fact.

ummmmm, maybe you were out of the country, but we NOW HAVE FAITH BASED INITIATIVES, where it is our government who funds a great deal of charity now....president bush even had a czar for it, I believe?
What we want, and will get eventually, is a single payer plan that covers all citizens. And blackhearted bastards like you can go to hell.
And you really think that health care won't be rationed? That bean counters won't be making treatment decisions instead of doctors?

are bean counters making decisions instead of doctors now??????
Yes. So why do you think government bean counters are going to be more compassionate?

Hint: They aren't.
States have to balance the books every year. What would you have her cut from the budget in order to pay for this? Wages for 10 state troopers? Close down a jail?

States don't have a Federal Reserve Fairy that just conjures money out of pixie dust. Where does it come from?

And you lefties, this is what we told you you were going to get. Health care decisions made on the basis of budget expediency. This is what you wanted. Why you complaining about it?

How about we make sure that our financial institution don't collapse because of some smartie's derivative algorithm designed to make a very small group of people extremely wealthy.

We somehow had to money to keep these guys from shelling billions out of their own pockets..but all of a sudden come up short when a young person is dying because they need a transplant that costs around 70K.

That's fucked up. No matter how you slice it.

No argument here and I doubt you'll find too many conservatives here on this board who were in favour of a single one of the bailouts. The vast majority of us feel that all of the banking and car companies should have been allowed to fail. It would have been better for the country in the long run.

:clap2: No such thing as "too big to fail". Incompetence should not be rewarded.
Right wing kooks claim the Obama bill has death panels.
Under right wing kooks OWN definition Brewer has authorized now operating death panels.
No right wing kook acknowledges the hypocrisy of one is okay and the other alleged death panel is not okay. Many right wing kooks stand silent when Brewer does it because she is a Republican and as ideologues they can never break lock step.
Moral of the story: right wing kooks are not principled.
You seem to be leaving out a chapter:

Left wing kooks condemn Brewer's actions while conveniently forgetting that the system they support will do the exact same thing only on a nation-wide scale.

Moral of the story: Left-wing kooks are hypocrites.
Right wing kooks claim the Obama bill has death panels.
Under right wing kooks OWN definition Brewer has authorized now operating death panels.
No right wing kook acknowledges the hypocrisy of one is okay and the other alleged death panel is not okay. Many right wing kooks stand silent when Brewer does it because she is a Republican and as ideologues they can never break lock step.
Moral of the story: right wing kooks are not principled.
You seem to be leaving out a chapter:

Left wing kooks condemn Brewer's actions while conveniently forgetting that the system they support will do the exact same thing only on a nation-wide scale.

Moral of the story: Left-wing kooks are hypocrites.

The "System" is just an instrument used to get things done. A means or a tool.

Like an ax.

The Liberal uses the ax to chop wood.

The Conservative uses the ax to chop off hands.

More of the story: Keep the ax away from Sociopathic Conservatives with no empathy.
her salary.
its amusing, you "righties" are always going on and on about death panels and what not. Brewer cuts money, people die because of it, and i get " what did you expect her to cut".

and a little tip, states can get emergency federal aid if needed, so yes they do have that little fairy there.

also this isnt what i wanted, You dont know what i wanted, so please stop being a fucking moron and stop talking out your ass when in regards to what i am thinking. You want to know what i am thinking ask, or wait till i state as such.

Fucking retard.

Before you make yourself look like a complete imbecile, where exactly do you think the Feds, the State the county governemnts get the money that they can "give" to each other? Does it magically grow on trees?

they print from the fed or borrow from other nations like China.
You were saying twat?

And you really don't understand where this is heading do you?
How about we make sure that our financial institution don't collapse because of some smartie's derivative algorithm designed to make a very small group of people extremely wealthy.

We somehow had to money to keep these guys from shelling billions out of their own pockets..but all of a sudden come up short when a young person is dying because they need a transplant that costs around 70K.

That's fucked up. No matter how you slice it.

No argument here and I doubt you'll find too many conservatives here on this board who were in favour of a single one of the bailouts. The vast majority of us feel that all of the banking and car companies should have been allowed to fail. It would have been better for the country in the long run.

:clap2: No such thing as "too big to fail". Incompetence should not be rewarded.

Absolutely. Those bastards should have been pitched out on their ears. To then allow them to use taxpayer dollars for bonuses (which Barney Frank specifically allowed) is an insult to the American people.
Right wing kooks claim the Obama bill has death panels.
Under right wing kooks OWN definition Brewer has authorized now operating death panels.
No right wing kook acknowledges the hypocrisy of one is okay and the other alleged death panel is not okay. Many right wing kooks stand silent when Brewer does it because she is a Republican and as ideologues they can never break lock step.
Moral of the story: right wing kooks are not principled.
You seem to be leaving out a chapter:

Left wing kooks condemn Brewer's actions while conveniently forgetting that the system they support will do the exact same thing only on a nation-wide scale.

Moral of the story: Left-wing kooks are hypocrites.

The "System" is just an instrument used to get things done. A means or a tool.

Like an ax.

The Liberal uses the ax to chop wood.

The Conservative uses the ax to chop off hands.

More of the story: Keep the ax away from Sociopathic Conservatives with no empathy.

That is a laugh. How many trillions did LBJ spend on his "War on Poverty"? What was the percentage of people still living in poverty after the expenditure of those trillions? The same! Surely you jest! And yet it's true. Institutional poverty is the same as slavery in many respects and the Democrats havn't made a dent in the numbers yet. I am a Democrat but I have the honesty to spell out the truth.
No argument here and I doubt you'll find too many conservatives here on this board who were in favour of a single one of the bailouts. The vast majority of us feel that all of the banking and car companies should have been allowed to fail. It would have been better for the country in the long run.

:clap2: No such thing as "too big to fail". Incompetence should not be rewarded.

Absolutely. Those bastards should have been pitched out on their ears. To then allow them to use taxpayer dollars for bonuses (which Barney Frank specifically allowed) is an insult to the American people.

You're thinking of Paulson..but that's okay.
You seem to be leaving out a chapter:

Left wing kooks condemn Brewer's actions while conveniently forgetting that the system they support will do the exact same thing only on a nation-wide scale.

Moral of the story: Left-wing kooks are hypocrites.

The "System" is just an instrument used to get things done. A means or a tool.

Like an ax.

The Liberal uses the ax to chop wood.

The Conservative uses the ax to chop off hands.

More of the story: Keep the ax away from Sociopathic Conservatives with no empathy.

That is a laugh. How many trillions did LBJ spend on his "War on Poverty"? What was the percentage of people still living in poverty after the expenditure of those trillions? The same! Surely you jest! And yet it's true. Institutional poverty is the same as slavery in many respects and the Democrats havn't made a dent in the numbers yet. I am a Democrat but I have the honesty to spell out the truth.


That's one of the things LBJ got right. The other was civil rights.
Right wing kooks claim the Obama bill has death panels.
Under right wing kooks OWN definition Brewer has authorized now operating death panels.
No right wing kook acknowledges the hypocrisy of one is okay and the other alleged death panel is not okay. Many right wing kooks stand silent when Brewer does it because she is a Republican and as ideologues they can never break lock step.
Moral of the story: right wing kooks are not principled.
You seem to be leaving out a chapter:

Left wing kooks condemn Brewer's actions while conveniently forgetting that the system they support will do the exact same thing only on a nation-wide scale.

Moral of the story: Left-wing kooks are hypocrites.

The "System" is just an instrument used to get things done. A means or a tool.

Like an ax.

The Liberal uses the ax to chop wood.

The Conservative uses the ax to chop off hands.

More of the story: Keep the ax away from Sociopathic Conservatives with no empathy.
Your bumper-sticker way of "thinking" has only one advantage: It doesn't take long to reveal your simple-mindedness.

What's happened in Arizona is the inevitable consequence of government involvement in healthcare. It takes a conscious effort to ignore that fact while you condemn Brewer.
No argument here and I doubt you'll find too many conservatives here on this board who were in favour of a single one of the bailouts. The vast majority of us feel that all of the banking and car companies should have been allowed to fail. It would have been better for the country in the long run.

:clap2: No such thing as "too big to fail". Incompetence should not be rewarded.

Absolutely. Those bastards should have been pitched out on their ears. To then allow them to use taxpayer dollars for bonuses (which Barney Frank specifically allowed) is an insult to the American people.
Indeed. But the Democrats don't really give a damn about the America people, do they?
You seem to be leaving out a chapter:

Left wing kooks condemn Brewer's actions while conveniently forgetting that the system they support will do the exact same thing only on a nation-wide scale.

Moral of the story: Left-wing kooks are hypocrites.

The "System" is just an instrument used to get things done. A means or a tool.

Like an ax.

The Liberal uses the ax to chop wood.

The Conservative uses the ax to chop off hands.

More of the story: Keep the ax away from Sociopathic Conservatives with no empathy.
Your bumper-sticker way of "thinking" has only one advantage: It doesn't take long to reveal your simple-mindedness.

What's happened in Arizona is the inevitable consequence of government involvement in healthcare. It takes a conscious effort to ignore that fact while you condemn Brewer.

You're saying you have emotions now?
Absolutely. Those bastards should have been pitched out on their ears. To then allow them to use taxpayer dollars for bonuses (which Barney Frank specifically allowed) is an insult to the American people.
Indeed. But the Democrats don't really give a damn about the America people, do they?

It's true. Democrats care only for political power. The groups they claim to care about are just means to an end.
The "System" is just an instrument used to get things done. A means or a tool.

Like an ax.

The Liberal uses the ax to chop wood.

The Conservative uses the ax to chop off hands.

More of the story: Keep the ax away from Sociopathic Conservatives with no empathy.
Your bumper-sticker way of "thinking" has only one advantage: It doesn't take long to reveal your simple-mindedness.

What's happened in Arizona is the inevitable consequence of government involvement in healthcare. It takes a conscious effort to ignore that fact while you condemn Brewer.

You're saying you have emotions now?
I'm saying nothing different than what I've always said: Government has no business in health care. You're seeing what happens when it makes decisions for people. You don't like it? Good! Stop insisting on government-run healthcare, then.
Right wing kooks claim the Obama bill has death panels.
Under right wing kooks OWN definition Brewer has authorized now operating death panels.
No right wing kook acknowledges the hypocrisy of one is okay and the other alleged death panel is not okay. Many right wing kooks stand silent when Brewer does it because she is a Republican and as ideologues they can never break lock step.
Moral of the story: right wing kooks are not principled.
You seem to be leaving out a chapter:

Left wing kooks condemn Brewer's actions while conveniently forgetting that the system they support will do the exact same thing only on a nation-wide scale.

Moral of the story: Left-wing kooks are hypocrites.

"will do"
How can I write a chapter on something that has not happened yet?

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