Good going Jan Brewer: 2 down 97 to go.

And you really think that health care won't be rationed? That bean counters won't be making treatment decisions instead of doctors?

And Jan Brewer is doin' the counting!

Good job!:clap2:
If you want government-run health care, this is exactly what you're going to get.

But you condemn her for what's in inevitable consequence of what you want.

I can tell you haven't given this very much thought.

Actually I have.

She cut the budget..and didn't explain why this "had" to be done. No auditing, nothing. And yes...she owes the public at large, accountability.

She's just basically killed two people. At the very least, this opens Arizona up for some rather large lawsuits. In essense...she saved perhaps 200k..but might wind up costing the state millions.
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At the risk of sounding crass

What happened to the persons insurance?

what did the doctors say her chance of surving was?

There's a lot of factors.

Are you even certain it was b/c of the budget cuts?

They were approved for the procedures.

That changes alot of "factors". And in one was a relative that donated the organ.

This is probably going to cost court..regardless of the outcome.
It does not matter who makes the government decision. Bernie Sanders or Jan Brewer still have to deal with the same choices. There is a limited pool of money and an infinite pool of wants and needs.

This is how government health care works. Those who support government health care, this is what you support. Sometimes Republicans have the power of Gd, and sometimes the Democrats.

In a rational universe, it wouldn't be either.
He that believeth in Obama shall have eternal life and gubbamint cheese shall follow him all his days


The Government's Prayer

Our Government in D.C.,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy nanny state come.
Thy mandate be done
on flyover country as it is in the coasts.
Give us this month our monthly check,
and audit us our trespasses,
as we file suit against those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into liberty,
but deliver us from ourselves.
For thine is the oligarchy,
and the power, and the glory,
for ever and ever.


I already repped you today.

I gotta copy that and send to my friends.
:lol: Thanks! Send it far and wide.
The Government's Prayer

Our Government in D.C.,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy nanny state come.
Thy mandate be done
on flyover country as it is in the coasts.
Give us this month our monthly check,
and audit us our trespasses,
as we file suit against those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into liberty,
but deliver us from ourselves.
For thine is the oligarchy,
and the power, and the glory,
for ever and ever.


I already repped you today.

I gotta copy that and send to my friends.

Thats ok I got you covered.
*tips hat*
And Jan Brewer is doin' the counting!

Good job!:clap2:
If you want government-run health care, this is exactly what you're going to get.

But you condemn her for what's in inevitable consequence of what you want.

I can tell you haven't given this very much thought.

Actually I have.

She cut the budget..and didn't explain why this "had" to be done. No auditing, nothing. And yes...she owes the public at large, accountability.

She's just basically killed two people. At the very least, this opens Arizona up for some rather large lawsuits. In essense...she saved perhaps 200k..but might wind up costing the state millions.
So why are you pretending the Feds won't do the same thing?
If you want government-run health care, this is exactly what you're going to get.

But you condemn her for what's in inevitable consequence of what you want.

I can tell you haven't given this very much thought.

Actually I have.

She cut the budget..and didn't explain why this "had" to be done. No auditing, nothing. And yes...she owes the public at large, accountability.

She's just basically killed two people. At the very least, this opens Arizona up for some rather large lawsuits. In essense...she saved perhaps 200k..but might wind up costing the state millions.
So why are you pretending the Feds won't do the same thing?

Government seems to fail spectacularly in the hands of Conservatives. Which is what they want to happen.
Those who have a clue such as the insurance companies and people like Brewer.

The health care systems in the other industrial nations do a better job than our for profit system, and the results are far better. #37 is something you asses are so proud of.

We pay twice as much per capita, do not cover tens of millions of citizens, and get poor results. But you defend that kind of efficiency.

The only way that we are going to have a real health care system in the US is to completely end the present health care system, and create a single payer system, paid for with a targeted tax.

Rocks serious question a person with a so called "expensive disease"....going to be covered or are they going to be told..... "sorry we cant cover you", or will only "certain" things be covered?....and the rest of the stuff they need...they are on their own......
Actually I have.

She cut the budget..and didn't explain why this "had" to be done. No auditing, nothing. And yes...she owes the public at large, accountability.

She's just basically killed two people. At the very least, this opens Arizona up for some rather large lawsuits. In essense...she saved perhaps 200k..but might wind up costing the state millions.
So why are you pretending the Feds won't do the same thing?

Government seems to fail spectacularly in the hands of Conservatives. Which is what they want to happen.

it failed spectacularly in California also with A HELL OF A LOT of Liberals running the show....maybe we should say they both suck at running things....
Nah, that just means government can tell everyone and anyone there not enough money to keep them alive.

Medicaid is a single payer. If Medicaid doesn't pay for it, you can't buy it elsewhere.

How's that working out?

No, it is not a true single payer. Requires matching funds from the state. So Repuke Governors like Brewer can get their jollies by letting 'undesirables' die for lack of available treatment. And call it cost savings and refer to it proudly.

Isn't it strange that the same people that hate the way Gov. Brewer handled this health care issue want all health care issues handled by the Government. If you let this happen you will get exactly what you deserve. Need a heart? Gov has never been big on heart.
What part of the majority of these people die anyway because their bodies reject the transplants. It only prolongs their life for a very short amount of time, so paying for this type of surgery is not really going to help them in the long run.
So why are you pretending the Feds won't do the same thing?

Government seems to fail spectacularly in the hands of Conservatives. Which is what they want to happen.

it failed spectacularly in California also with A HELL OF A LOT of Liberals running the show....maybe we should say they both suck at running things....

Again..government failed in California as a result of two things.

1. Direct Democracy in that people capped tax increases through the use of "propositions".
2. Increase..not reduction in services. Revenue has to stay in line with expenditure.
What part of the majority of these people die anyway because their bodies reject the transplants. It only prolongs their life for a very short amount of time, so paying for this type of surgery is not really going to help them in the long run.

You mean like Larry Hagman and Steve Jobs.

Yeppers..dropped dead right away they did.
What we want, and will get eventually, is a single payer plan that covers all citizens. And blackhearted bastards like you can go to hell.

When are you going to stop poisoning your neighbors you black hearted bastard?
Nah, that just means government can tell everyone and anyone there not enough money to keep them alive.

Medicaid is a single payer. If Medicaid doesn't pay for it, you can't buy it elsewhere.

How's that working out?

No, it is not a true single payer. Requires matching funds from the state. So Repuke Governors like Brewer can get their jollies by letting 'undesirables' die for lack of available treatment. And call it cost savings and refer to it proudly.

Isn't it strange that the same people that hate the way Gov. Brewer handled this health care issue want all health care issues handled by the Government. If you let this happen you will get exactly what you deserve. Need a heart? Gov has never been big on heart.

was thinking the same thing.
looks pretty silly of them.
So, here we have the same people that were screaming bloody murder about doctors being paid to help people that wished to have a living will, defending letting people die, even when the means of saving their lives was already in hand.

All in the name of ideology.
If Medicaid doesn't pay for it, you can't buy it elsewhere.

I assume you think that's because of some sort of legal restriction, as opposed to the fact that Medicaid recipients are by definition low-income people with limited assets.

Kids say the darndest things. :laugh:
If Medicaid doesn't pay for it, you can't buy it elsewhere.

I assume you think that's because of some sort of legal restriction, as opposed to the fact that Medicaid recipients are by definition low-income people with limited assets.

Kids say the darndest things. :laugh:

It's a single payer system. Period. You have nowhere else to turn when government tells you they won't pay for it. It is a legal restriction. If you have the resources to pay for health care, you don't qualify.

Why trade what I have for that?
Maybe if there was some money left over from financing the illegals in the State there would have been some money left over for the citizens.
Maybe if there was some money left over from financing the illegals in the State there would have been some money left over for the citizens.

There's a lot of truth to this. A newspaper in Seatle did a story on California and how they spend 55 million dollars a year for dialysis for 1250 illegal aliens and yet a native born hispanic kid could not get health care and was dying.


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