Good Description of Globalist Fear of Trump


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I found this on Breitbart and I think it is very accurate.

VirtualParticle Schrödinger's cat2 hours ago

*** Romney & Trump - Aquisitors, Inheritors & The Man Who Embodies Both ***

I've always favored those acquire wealth by their own means over those that inherit it ---and Romney is a case-in-point.

What causes this great divide between Romney and Trump?

Whether in the form of Euro aristocrat bloodline offspring or countless Rockefeller grandchildren, Inheritors dominate the Globalist Liberal Establishment.

These creatures feign leftist sympathy for the unwashed masses (while deeply condescending them) ---But live in Sheer Terror of any plebian who rises up to their station by his own wits.

But there is 1 species that scares Globalist Inheritors far more than the occasional plebian-cum-nouveaux riche: He is the man who is both Inheritor and Aquisitor.

Someone who is born to wealth and privilege --but shows the energy, drive and ambition of a bright hungry plebian --and shows exceptional talent at politically connecting with the latter.

Trump's mere existence informs Romney's subconscious that he is a mere mediocre pretender: A Little Man accidentally born to great wealth and privilege, but with no noble qualities of character, no exceptional intelligence or even integrity.

If there's one thing that Globalist Inheritors hate more than a wealthy plebian-cum-acquistor, it is when one of their own outshines them.

Trump is Romney's worst nightmare come true.
I am hoping that Trump is different than Globalists Romney,the Bushs,the clintons,the Obamas who are all pals with each other but he has been in office two years now and yet he STILL has not got rid of the evil CIA,FBI,the fed and all these other three letter evil alphabet organizations.the CIA and the fed is the reason the world is in a mess and WHY nothing ever changes despite who the president is.

I give him two more years to do what our last great president who was the last president not a puppet for the globalists JFK who tried to get rid of both those evil organizations and paid the deadly price for it. will trump have the balls to stand up for americans and put his life on the line for us? i am not holding my breath but again,i give him two more years and that will tell us if he is any different.
I can recall ,back in the Reagan/Clinton years , when globalization was sold to the public as being for their own good.....~S~
So what's the point here Jim?

If it's wealth does not equate to integrity, i'm on board

It is about old inherited wealth has a dichotomy between those who are confident and successful in the private sector, building on their legacy, vrs those that sit on Daddy's money and hope to grow it via their social networking and cronyism.

The latter live in fear of the former wrecking their schemes.
So what's the point here Jim?

If it's wealth does not equate to integrity, i'm on board

It is about old inherited wealth has a dichotomy between those who are confident and successful in the private sector, building on their legacy, vrs those that sit on Daddy's money and hope to grow it via their social networking and cronyism.

The latter live in fear of the former wrecking their schemes.

Thanks for dumbin' down to basic 'redneck' Jim

But isn't that the whole modus operandi of DC ?

dunno if it fits, but Mr Beale ruined my whole day w/this one >>>


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