Goldberg's comments need to be discussed


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

In the recent controversy over Whoopi saying that the Holocaust was not about race, and her subsequent spanking with a week ban or something stupid for saying it, we should really look at her comments and understand what she was trying to say. After all, we need to better understand the mind of Leftists who are obsessed with race.

  • When co-host Joy Behar said that the Nazi Jews were a different race, Goldberg replied, “But it’s not about race. It’s not. It’s about man’s inhumanity to other men.”
Co-host Ana Navarro pushed back and said that it’s about white supremacy where Jews, gypsies and Roma were targeted.

  • Goldberg responded by saying, “but these are two white groups of people.”
  • “The minute you turn it into race, it goes down this alley. Let’s talk about it for what it is. It’s how people treat each other. It’s a problem,” she said.
My question is, what is race since we all have a little bit of everything in us? Leftists obsess about terms they don't even understand. For example, when Elizabeth Warren put on her applications that she was part Indian, so that she would receive special perks, what did that mean to her? What did that mean to those who gave her those perks? And when Warren sent in a blood test that showed she was only 1023rd Indian, Indians retorted that the percentage of Indian genetics was not high enough to consider her as part of their tribe. So Warren got all those special perks on a false premise, at least according to the Indian nation. Sure, she made a fool of herself, but does anyone care? Democrats make fools of themselves all the time and no one seems to care, at least, in the media.

But Whoopi tapped into an important notion, and that is, do they look black? In the mind of Whoopi, and most democrats I talk to, racism only occurs when a white man wrongs a person of "color".

Naturally, politics comes even before the color of someone's skin. For example, when Zimmerman, who had brown skin and considered Hispanic, shot a black teen, the media went into a frenzy over it being about white supremacy. So as we can see, politics "trumps" even their obsession with race. Or when Larry Elder, who is a black man, was running for governor of California, a white woman dressed in a gorilla suit threw rotten eggs at him, which had clear racist overtones

But instead of the NAACP being in an outrage about how a black was treated, the media declared Larry as the new face of white supremacy.

So for the Left, saying they are concerned about racism is merely virtue signaling. They don't really care about Blacks, in fact, look at DNC run cities all across the country with never ending black on black crime and poverty. Thirty people in Chicago can get shot in a weekend and the media hardly ever addresses it. Shoot a few white folk in a Progressive side of town though, and the media will obsess about it for weeks.

But I digress.

What is interesting is that Nazis had Jews wear special garb, like a Star of David to set them apart because as Whoopi said, "They ain't black so how do you tell them apart?"

But if you ask Tiger Woods if he is black, he will go into this in depth analysis of how many races he has in him, the majority of which is not black. But people still think of him as black anyway

So as we can see, the human race is insane. It is just sad that the Democrat party seems to be leading the insanity.

And yes, the Nazis were socialists. It is no surprise here. But democrats seem more obsessed with race than the Nazi regime ever was.

Tell you what, ignore everything I just said and watch this video that does a better job at showing us Left wing insanity.

It doesn’t matter if Jews are a different race. They were as far as Hitler was concerned - and, to him, a far inferior race. For that black bigot to deny that horrific racism was the core reason for Hitler’s mass torture and murder of 6 million Jews is disgusting.

What is behind that is that leftists want to deny that there are victims of racism OTHER than blacks. Even the ADL, the liberal organization originally founded to fight antisemitism, has come up with a “woke” version of racism - and it is only when it is perpetrated against blacks.
Jews are white.

Prove me wrong.

You're an idiot.

Jews are white.

Prove me wrong.
What about Zimmerman? Is he white?

And is Tiger Black?

And is Larry Elder the face of white supremacy?

Please help us understand the twisted mind of a Progressive.

In the recent controversy over Whoopi saying that the Holocaust was not about race, and her subsequent spanking with a week ban or something stupid for saying it, we should really look at her comments and understand what she was trying to say. After all, we need to better understand the mind of Leftists who are obsessed with race.

  • When co-host Joy Behar said that the Nazi Jews were a different race, Goldberg replied, “But it’s not about race. It’s not. It’s about man’s inhumanity to other men.”
Co-host Ana Navarro pushed back and said that it’s about white supremacy where Jews, gypsies and Roma were targeted.

  • Goldberg responded by saying, “but these are two white groups of people.”
  • “The minute you turn it into race, it goes down this alley. Let’s talk about it for what it is. It’s how people treat each other. It’s a problem,” she said.
My question is, what is race since we all have a little bit of everything in us? Leftists obsess about terms they don't even understand. For example, when Elizabeth Warren put on her applications that she was part Indian, so that she would receive special perks, what did that mean to her? What did that mean to those who gave her those perks? And when Warren sent in a blood test that showed she was only 1023rd Indian, Indians retorted that the percentage of Indian genetics was not high enough to consider her as part of their tribe. So Warren got all those special perks on a false premise, at least according to the Indian nation. Sure, she made a fool of herself, but does anyone care? Democrats make fools of themselves all the time and no one seems to care, at least, in the media.

But Whoopi tapped into an important notion, and that is, do they look black? In the mind of Whoopi, and most democrats I talk to, racism only occurs when a white man wrongs a person of "color".

Naturally, politics comes even before the color of someone's skin. For example, when Zimmerman, who had brown skin and considered Hispanic, shot a black teen, the media went into a frenzy over it being about white supremacy. So as we can see, politics "trumps" even their obsession with race. Or when Larry Elder, who is a black man, was running for governor of California, a white woman dressed in a gorilla suit threw rotten eggs at him, which had clear racist overtones

But instead of the NAACP being in an outrage about how a black was treated, the media declared Larry as the new face of white supremacy.

So for the Left, saying they are concerned about racism is merely virtue signaling. They don't really care about Blacks, in fact, look at DNC run cities all across the country with never ending black on black crime and poverty. Thirty people in Chicago can get shot in a weekend and the media hardly ever addresses it. Shoot a few white folk in a Progressive side of town though, and the media will obsess about it for weeks.

But I digress.

What is interesting is that Nazis had Jews wear special garb, like a Star of David to set them apart because as Whoopi said, "They ain't black so how do you tell them apart?"

But if you ask Tiger Woods if he is black, he will go into this in depth analysis of how many races he has in him, the majority of which is not black. But people still think of him as black anyway

So as we can see, the human race is insane. It is just sad that the Democrat party seems to be leading the insanity.

And yes, the Nazis were socialists. It is no surprise here. But democrats seem more obsessed with race than the Nazi regime ever was.

Tell you what, ignore everything I just said and watch this video that does a better job at showing us Left wing insanity.

Well gunna take a beating for saying this in a world that wants to ram it right up your rear for saying anything the wrong way but ya if there were zero inhumanity there would be zero racism. Racism is a sub plot not the original cancer. Racism is just a supposed argument to make inhumanity acceptable. It's a shitty excuse for being an ass hole.
It doesn’t matter if Jews are a different race. They were as far as Hitler was concerned - and, to him, a far inferior race. For that black bigot to deny that horrific racism was the core reason for Hitler’s mass torture and murder of 6 million Jews is disgusting.

What is behind that is that leftists want to deny that there are victims of racism OTHER than blacks. Even the ADL, the liberal organization originally founded to fight antisemitism, has come up with a “woke” version of racism - and it is only when it is perpetrated against blacks.
Hitler hated the idea of having to conquer England because he viewed them as Aryan like Germans were, much like Progressives hate the idea of fighting in the Middle East cuz they don't want to kill brown folk.

They are a different side of the same cookie.
Well gunna take a beating for saying this in a world that wants to ram it right up your rear for saying anything the wrong way but ya if there were zero inhumanity there would be zero racism. Racism is a sub plot not the original cancer. Racism is just a supposed argument to make inhumanity acceptable. It's a shitty excuse for being an ass hole.
Racism is merely a political ploy. After all, the art of politics is to divide and conquer. Create one group of people to oppose the other in order to get a leg up on them.

The color of ones skin is merely a very useful tool to motivate useful idiots for your cause.

"Any crossing of two beings not at exactly the same level produces a medium between the level of the two parents. This means: the offspring will probably stand higher than the racially lower parent, but not as high as the higher one. Consequently, it will later succumb in the struggle against the higher level. Such mating is contrary to the will of Nature for a higher breeding of all life. The precondition for this does not lie in associating superior and inferior, but in the total victory of the former. The stronger must dominate and not blend with the weaker, thus sacrificing his own greatness. Only the born weakling can view this as cruel, but he after all is only a weak and limited man; for if this law did not prevail, any conceivable higher development of organic living beings would be unthinkable."
Whoppi wasn't completely wrong, but she pressed the wrong buttons and got in trouble.
Wokeism and Cancel Culture now means that you can be destroyed if you do not perfectly cross the T's and doth the I's in a comment. Whoopi talked in the right direction at least for her but did not word it correctly. She and the Progs caused all of this. And now it is consuming them as it has a life of its own.
The Jews in Europe were persecuted for centuries before the Holocaust.

But why?


It had NOTHING to do with the color of their skin.

Leftists like Whoopi need to be educated about this. And when I say educated, I mean tell them the facts so they can reject them outright as fake news.

The Holocaust was merely a logical climax of the Jew hatred.
I imagine this thread makes a lot of people round here nervous.

After all, no other people in human history have been persecuted over the centuries like the Jews.

Not even close.
And that is why libs try to play it down. That a people so persecuted… victimized by bigotry… MURDERED by prejudice…and throughout history….can rise above it all to be more successful than average, more educated than average, be awarded more than their share of Nobel prizes, and contribute far out of proportion to the arts, to medicine, to science, to technology flies in the face of the liberal narrative of racism = failure (or at least less successful).
I imagine this thread makes a lot of people round here nervous.

After all, no other people in human history have been persecuted over the centuries like the Jews.

Not even close.


What Japan did to the Chinese... that we're not allowed to speak about.

Stalin and Lenin genocides.

Chairman Mao's genocides.

Pol Pot's genocide.

The Rwandan genocide.

China's current Uighur situation.

Similarities exist in recent history we just don't acknowledge them.

Some of these make what Nazi Germany did look like a drive by shooting.



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