Going to vote in Florida

It's 6:50 am, I'm taking my daughter to school and then going to vote. I'll be voting for Ron Paul this morning even though he has no chance. My personal philosophy is to vote my conscience in the primaries and then to support the winner in the general. Even if I have to hold my nose to do so. I had to hold it while I voted for McCain last time, and if it's Romney I'll have to use vice grips to hold my nose this time.

Imagine if one million Floridians felt that way today. "I'm going to vote even though Ron Paul can't win I am going to vote for him"

They didn't, did they?

I always vote for the most conservative candidate locally and in the primaries, and if my guy doesn't win the primary, I support the GOP. I don't blindly toe the line for the GOP. I'm a conservative first and formost.
He is a guy who is helping Obama get re-elected by splitting libertarians from the conesrvative base.

Obama isnt going to be reelected.

And who exactly do you think is going to beat Obama if it's not Ron Paul or Romney, who are the two people actually beating him in polls. Just wondering, though I could guess.

From your keyboard to God's ears my friend.
It's 6:50 am, I'm taking my daughter to school and then going to vote. I'll be voting for Ron Paul this morning even though he has no chance. My personal philosophy is to vote my conscience in the primaries and then to support the winner in the general. Even if I have to hold my nose to do so. I had to hold it while I voted for McCain last time, and if it's Romney I'll have to use vice grips to hold my nose this time.

Rock on Ron Paul.
It's 6:50 am, I'm taking my daughter to school and then going to vote. I'll be voting for Ron Paul this morning even though he has no chance. My personal philosophy is to vote my conscience in the primaries and then to support the winner in the general. Even if I have to hold my nose to do so. I had to hold it while I voted for McCain last time, and if it's Romney I'll have to use vice grips to hold my nose this time.

Imagine if one million Floridians felt that way today. "I'm going to vote even though Ron Paul can't win I am going to vote for him"

They didn't, did they?

I always vote for the most conservative candidate locally and in the primaries, and if my guy doesn't win the primary, I support the GOP. I don't blindly toe the line for the GOP. I'm a conservative first and formost.

What else can be said after this? Unless you redefine the meaning of Conservative there are no conservatives as front runners in the GOP.
Hey--vote you conscious!

If everyone did that instead of voting for the most likely to win, we the people would win more often.

Go ahead and vote for Paul if you support him
Or Santorum if you vibe with him.

Vote Gingrich if you believe in him
Vote Romney if you think he is the man for the job!

Or even write in Obama if you are Klepto-liberal!!

but always vote your conscious!
Who's Ron Paul?

He is a guy who is helping Obama get re-elected by splitting libertarians from the conesrvative base.

Unless he runs 3rd party in the general, which he swears he won't do, voting for him is not electing Obama.

Even back in 2008 when he ran, if you took all the votes he got and gave them to McCain, McCain still would have lost.

I am a Libertarian and will be supporting the GOP in the general.

If Romney wins the nomination I will vote Obama.

IF someone else gets it but Paul runs 3rd party, I will vote for Paul.

The GOP is run by people who are just as debased and evil as the people that run the Deemocrats. But in the case of Romney, he's the fracking anti-Christ.

White Horse Prophecy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The White Horse Prophecy is a statement purported to have been made in 1843 by Joseph Smith, Jr., founder of the Latter Day Saint movement, regarding the future of the Latter Day Saints (Mormons) and the United States of America. The Latter Day Saints, according to the prophecy, would "go to the Rocky Mountains and ... be a great and mighty people", identified figuratively with the White Horse described in the Revelation of John. The prophecy further predicts that the United States Constitution will one day "hang like a thread" and will be saved "by the efforts of the White Horse".[1]

Some have speculated, on the basis of the White Horse Prophecy, that Mormons expect the United States to eventually become a theocracy dominated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church).[2][3] The authenticity of the prophecy as a whole, which was not made public until long after Smith's death, is debated, and the leadership of the LDS Church has stated that "the so-called 'White Horse Prophecy' ... is not embraced as Church doctrine."[4] However, the belief that members of the LDS Church will one day need to take action to save the imperiled US Constitution has been attributed to Smith in several sources and has been discussed in an approving fashion by Brigham Young and other LDS leaders.

It has been widely rumored that many mormons think that this prophesy refers to Romney.


When Mitt Romney received his patriarchal blessing as a Michigan teenager, he was told that the Lord expected great things from him. All young Mormon men — the “worthy males” of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, as it is officially known — receive such a blessing as they embark on their requisite journeys as religious missionaries. But at 19 years of age, the youngest son of the most prominent Mormon in American politics — a seventh-generation direct descendant of one of the faith’s founding 12 apostles—Mitt Romney had been singled out as a destined leader.

From the time of his birth — March 13, 1947 — through adolescence and into manhood, the meshing of religion and politics was paramount in Mitt Romney’s life. Called “my miracle baby” by his mother, who had been told by her physician that it was impossible for her to bear a fourth child, Romney was christened Willard Mitt Romney in honor of close family friend and one of the richest Mormons in history, J. Willard Marriott.

In 1962, when Mitt — as they decided to call him — was a sophomore in high school, his father, George W. Romney, was elected governor of Michigan. Throughout the early 1960s, Mitt collected petition signatures, campaigned at his father’s side, attended strategy sessions with his father’s political advisors, and interned at his father’s office during all three of his gubernatorial terms. He attended the 1964 Republican National Convention where his father led a challenge of moderates against the right-wing Barry Goldwater. Although he was fulfilling his spiritual obligation as a Mormon missionary in France in 1968 while his father was the front-running GOP presidential candidate, Mitt was kept apprised of the political developments back in the U.S.

Upon completion of his foreign mission, he immersed himself in the 1970 senatorial campaign of his mother, Lenore Romney, who was running against Phillip Hart in the Michigan general election. That same year, the Cougar Club — the all male, all white social club at Brigham Young University in Salt Lake City (blacks were excluded from full membership in the Mormon church until 1978) — was humming with talk that its president, Mitt Romney, would become the first Mormon president of the United States. “If not Mitt, then who?” was the ubiquitous slogan within the elite organization. The pious world of BYU was expected to spawn the man who would lead the Mormons into the White House and fulfill the prophecies of the church’s founder, Joseph Smith Jr., which Romney has avidly sought to realize...

Out of Smith’s national political ambitions grew what would become known in Mormon circles as the “White Horse Prophecy” — a belief ingrained in Mormon culture and passed down through generations by church leaders that the day would come when the U.S. Constitution would “hang like a thread as fine as a silk fiber” and the Mormon priesthood would save it.

Romney is the product of this culture. At BYU, he was idolized by fellow students and referred to, only half jokingly, as the “One Mighty and Strong.” He was the “alpha male” in the rarefied Cougar pack, according to Michael D. Moody, a BYU classmate and fellow member of the group. Composed almost exclusively of returned Mormon missionaries, the club members were known for their preppy blue blazers and enthusiastic athletic boosterism. Romney, who had been the assistant to the president of the French Mission where he was personally in charge of more than 200 missionaries, easily assumed a leadership position in the club.

Both political and religious, the Cougar Club raised funds for the school and its members emulated the campus-wide honor and dress codes, passionately disavowing the counterculture symbolism of long hair, bell-bottom jeans and antiwar slogans that were sweeping college campuses throughout America. They held monthly “Fireside testimonies” — Sacrament meetings at which each member testified to his belief that he lived in Heaven before being born on Earth, that he became mortal in order to usher in the latter days, and that he recognized Joseph Smith as the prophet, the Book of Mormon as the word of God, and the Mormon church as the one true faith.

If the Amemrican version of fascism will come carrying a cross instead of wrapped in aflag, Romney has the background to be its awaited deliverer who would be the Supreme Leader.
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