Going to vote in Florida


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
It's 6:50 am, I'm taking my daughter to school and then going to vote. I'll be voting for Ron Paul this morning even though he has no chance. My personal philosophy is to vote my conscience in the primaries and then to support the winner in the general. Even if I have to hold my nose to do so. I had to hold it while I voted for McCain last time, and if it's Romney I'll have to use vice grips to hold my nose this time.

I held my nose last time and voted for McCain as well.

Everyone should exercise that first and formost right. Voting.
Even if Romney wins Floriduh, the nomination is not yet decided.

News of Romneys LIES about what he intends to do is being given away by many of his aides who sometimes speak truthfully. For example he has one aid who admitted that Obamacare is not touchable and will have to be reformed instead of repealed.

Romney Advisor: No Obamacare Repeal | RedState

The same article discusses how his aids are talking about instituting a VAT tax on top of all our other taxes, and an additional $2 a gallon gasoline tax, too.

When you look at Romneys aids you see what Romney really stands for, and it is BIG government liberal policies that will kick social conservatives in the teeth, raise our tax burden, and consolidate what the left has gained in the four years Obama has reigned.

Might as well just re-elect Obama as to vote for Romney.

And at this point in the nomination process (Floriduh primary), a vote for anyone other than Gingrich is in effect a vote for Romney. And since Romney cannot beat Obama, a vote for Romney is in effect a vote for another four years of Obama. Hell, I will vote Obama before I vote Romney anyway.

Conservatives keep falling for this Mutt and Jeff routine, where the establishment RINOs keep us voting for their lap dogs because if we dont that EEEEvil Democrat will win for sure. And despite the fact that every election the GOP has won since 1972 has been with a solid conservative at the top of the ticket.

Romney is not a conservative as his endorsements by McCain, Dole, all the closet liberals that palled around with Stockmen back in the Bush days, etc, demonstrate while Newt is getting the endorsements/support of Cain, Palin, Perry, Thompson, and more.

Conservatives need to get behind the top challenger against Romney in every state he runs in. I am going to vote for Paul here in Virginia, and though I like Paul, I am doing it as much to vote against Romney as to vote for Paul. If Santorum were the leading anti-Romney candidate in Virginia I would vote for him too.

Unless we want to end up with four more years of Obama instead of a real conservative in the White House, then we need to STOP ROMNEY FIRST by voting for his leading opponent and then go for who we think best once it is clear Romney can no longer buy the election. It seems that a brokered convention is our best shot at getting a solid conservative the nomination.
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It's 6:50 am, I'm taking my daughter to school and then going to vote. I'll be voting for Ron Paul this morning even though he has no chance. My personal philosophy is to vote my conscience in the primaries and then to support the winner in the general. Even if I have to hold my nose to do so. I had to hold it while I voted for McCain last time, and if it's Romney I'll have to use vice grips to hold my nose this time.

Who's Ron Paul?
It's 6:50 am, I'm taking my daughter to school and then going to vote. I'll be voting for Ron Paul this morning even though he has no chance. My personal philosophy is to vote my conscience in the primaries and then to support the winner in the general. Even if I have to hold my nose to do so. I had to hold it while I voted for McCain last time, and if it's Romney I'll have to use vice grips to hold my nose this time.

Who's Ron Paul?

He is a guy who is helping Obama get re-elected by splitting libertarians from the conesrvative base.
Conservatives keep falling for this Mutt and Jeff routine, where the establishment RINOs keep us voting for their lap dogs because if we dont that EEEEvil Democrat will win for sure. And despite the fact that every election the GOP has won since 1972 has been with a solid conservative at the top of the ticket.
"And despite the fact that every election the GOP has won since 1972 has been with a solid conservative at the top of the ticket."???????


.....And, "despite" that "fact".....WHAT?????

How is it that "conservatives" manage to dispense with such Absolutes.....yet, can't manage to construct a complete-sentence/thought??

About the only option, for a Lib, is to point-out such an Absolute is.....

......because, no other complete-thought was expressed!

"And despite the fact that every election the GOP has won since 1972 has been with a solid conservative at the top of the ticket."???????


.....And, "despite" that "fact".....WHAT?????

Yes, it is a fact. GOP nominees that ran as conservatives: Nixon 72, Reagan 80 & 84, Bush I 88, Bush II 2000 and 2004. Nominees who ran as RINOs Ford 76, Bush I 92, Dole 96 and McCain 2008.

The facts are the facts, dude, so dont get your panties in a wad when I merely point them out.

How is it that "conservatives" manage to dispense with such Absolutes.....yet, can't manage to construct a complete-sentence/thought??

You mean kinda like what you just did?

It's 6:50 am, I'm taking my daughter to school and then going to vote. I'll be voting for Ron Paul this morning even though he has no chance. My personal philosophy is to vote my conscience in the primaries and then to support the winner in the general. Even if I have to hold my nose to do so. I had to hold it while I voted for McCain last time, and if it's Romney I'll have to use vice grips to hold my nose this time.

Good for you PredFan, we shouldn't let anyone tell us our vote is wasted.
It's 6:50 am, I'm taking my daughter to school and then going to vote. I'll be voting for Ron Paul this morning even though he has no chance. My personal philosophy is to vote my conscience in the primaries and then to support the winner in the general. Even if I have to hold my nose to do so. I had to hold it while I voted for McCain last time, and if it's Romney I'll have to use vice grips to hold my nose this time.

Imagine if one million Floridians felt that way today. "I'm going to vote even though Ron Paul can't win I am going to vote for him"
It's 6:50 am, I'm taking my daughter to school and then going to vote. I'll be voting for Ron Paul this morning even though he has no chance. My personal philosophy is to vote my conscience in the primaries and then to support the winner in the general. Even if I have to hold my nose to do so. I had to hold it while I voted for McCain last time, and if it's Romney I'll have to use vice grips to hold my nose this time.

Who's Ron Paul?

He is a guy who is helping Obama get re-elected by splitting libertarians from the conesrvative base.

No that's the GOP's job because they got behind Newt and Romney. two carbon copies of obama.
He is a guy who is helping Obama get re-elected by splitting libertarians from the conesrvative base.

Obama isnt going to be reelected.

And who exactly do you think is going to beat Obama if it's not Ron Paul or Romney, who are the two people actually beating him in polls. Just wondering, though I could guess.
He is a guy who is helping Obama get re-elected by splitting libertarians from the conesrvative base.

No that's the GOP's job because they got behind Newt and Romney. two carbon copies of obama.

Newt has some flaws, I agree, but to say he is a carbon copy of Obama is simply slanderous and blatantly false.

You're right. Newt may actually be worse.

Oh and on what planet is Bush a conservative in 88 and not a conservative in 92? Bush was never a conservative. Im not convinced his son was either.
It's 6:50 am, I'm taking my daughter to school and then going to vote. I'll be voting for Ron Paul this morning even though he has no chance. My personal philosophy is to vote my conscience in the primaries and then to support the winner in the general. Even if I have to hold my nose to do so. I had to hold it while I voted for McCain last time, and if it's Romney I'll have to use vice grips to hold my nose this time.

Imagine if one million Floridians felt that way today. "I'm going to vote even though Ron Paul can't win I am going to vote for him"


Witnessing your desperation is more fun than a guy should be allowed to have.
He is a guy who is helping Obama get re-elected by splitting libertarians from the conesrvative base.

Obama isnt going to be reelected.

And who exactly do you think is going to beat Obama if it's not Ron Paul or Romney, who are the two people actually beating him in polls. Just wondering, though I could guess.

Keep repeating that........and stay on the yellow brick road.
It's 6:50 am, I'm taking my daughter to school and then going to vote. I'll be voting for Ron Paul this morning even though he has no chance. My personal philosophy is to vote my conscience in the primaries and then to support the winner in the general. Even if I have to hold my nose to do so. I had to hold it while I voted for McCain last time, and if it's Romney I'll have to use vice grips to hold my nose this time.

Yeah, I had to vote for Mark Kirk during the midterms...

It was "the lesser of the two evil" situation...

Kirk is such a RINO, but he was less dangerous than Alexi Giannoulias - who is nothing more than an Obama clone...

As an informed voter it sucked being in my position...

Obviously I'm voting Ron Paul in March...
Keep repeating that........and stay on the yellow brick road.

I am not going to stop denying the truth. Not sure why you are worried.

The only one who might lose to Obama is Newt. and things arent looking Newt's way right now.
He is a guy who is helping Obama get re-elected by splitting libertarians from the conesrvative base.

Obama isnt going to be reelected.

And who exactly do you think is going to beat Obama if it's not Ron Paul or Romney, who are the two people actually beating him in polls. Just wondering, though I could guess.

I am not sure that anyone of the four current GOP candidates will beat Obama.

I would love to see Paul get the nomination, but it wont happen because he wont play the political gamesmanship necesary to win. It's like he really thinks he is running for Great Prophet instead of President. I agree with him on 95% of issues, the 5% being his lack of respect for the idea that we are leaders of the free world, like it or not.

My second choice is Santorum, but the guy comes across to me as sanctimonius; I watch him speak on TV and the self-righteousness just ooozes through and makes me sick. But I agree with him. I agree with him on 90% of the issues the ten percent being his continued Big State solutions to what are primarily economic problems.

Gingrich is my 'I'll hold my nose' candidate. I respect his leadership in the House to overturn Democratic control, but he is like a typical academian and lets his imagination and ego roam freely and that is generally not a good indicator for leadership. I agree with him on about 80% of what he says, my disagreement being with his Big State conservatism attitude and his apparent belief that he is somekind of genius or something. Who knows, maybe he is but so what?

Romney is simply a giant fraud. While I agree with almost everything he *says*, I find his actual record so abhorent that I have to see something that supports his claim to have turned a new leaf, but the evidence simply is not there other than mere words. In fact, Romneys aids show the true mind of Romney or he wouldnt have hired them and those men, by and large are among the most liberal, loathesome, amoral wretches of human beings that have ever been born. They have personally destroyed Palin, Bachman (who has no clue), Perry, Cain and now Gingrich and all the while pretending to be innocent by-standers.

Santorum is actually hilarious when he talks about Gingrich haveing been shown to have too many causes for doubting his leadership when the observation is AFTER Romney Super Pacs tore into Newt. Once Santorum shows himself to be a serious challenge to Romney (Ohio or Michigan maybe?) Santorum will have the privilege of being face-raped by Romney's hatchet team. Romney has no respect for human dignity, ethics or morality whatsoever and he will destroy Santorum just like he has done everyone else and lie that he has done nothing the whole time.

While Gingrich is guilty of spinning the facts about Romney, Romney simply makes shit up. His superpac is obviously tasking direction from him but he denies that he even communicates to them, lol.

All four candidates have bagage.

Paul's is his mistakes letting closet racists write columns in his news letter.

Santorum's is that his colleagues regared him as a sanctimonius ass. If he shows even a hint of a threat to Roney he will see his reputation similarly gutted.

Ginriches baggage is well known, and Romney's is beoming well known as time goes on. Bain capital, his liberal policies, his gun banning, his support for abortion, all these things are gradually coming out.

The question is whether it will be in time to save the GOP. But his biggest asset, his super wallet, will be completely neutralized by Obamas team who will have hundreds of millions of dollars to completely ruin whoever his opponent is.
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It's 6:50 am, I'm taking my daughter to school and then going to vote. I'll be voting for Ron Paul this morning even though he has no chance. My personal philosophy is to vote my conscience in the primaries and then to support the winner in the general. Even if I have to hold my nose to do so. I had to hold it while I voted for McCain last time, and if it's Romney I'll have to use vice grips to hold my nose this time.

Who's Ron Paul?

It's 6:50 am, I'm taking my daughter to school and then going to vote. I'll be voting for Ron Paul this morning even though he has no chance. My personal philosophy is to vote my conscience in the primaries and then to support the winner in the general. Even if I have to hold my nose to do so. I had to hold it while I voted for McCain last time, and if it's Romney I'll have to use vice grips to hold my nose this time.

Who's Ron Paul?

He is a guy who is helping Obama get re-elected by splitting libertarians from the conesrvative base.

Unless he runs 3rd party in the general, which he swears he won't do, voting for him is not electing Obama.

Even back in 2008 when he ran, if you took all the votes he got and gave them to McCain, McCain still would have lost.

I am a Libertarian and will be supporting the GOP in the general.

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