Going to give Apple a try.

Like he said, different strokes for different folks, I've always said use what works for what you are doing, sometimes Windows fits that bill, sometimes it's Apple, sometimes it's Linux. My next machine will most likely be an Apple, time to give them a try considering I personally am pretty fed up with Windows, again a personal choice.

If people want to buy Mac, have at. Mac is fine for web browsing. For those who want or need to do a bit more, they will need Linux or Windows.
The only reason Windows is were it's at is smart marketing early on making it the dominant OS so obviously that's what programs were written for. As for Mac, now that they're using Intel chips Windows programs (ones written for Windows) will now run on Macs........ Pretty smart move if you ask me.
Heck, I've been researching building a Hackentosh machine, with that OS a PC configured for Snow Leopard will run faster with less RAM and a Duo-core than a Windows PC with twice the RAM and an octo-core. And as I already stated run all my Windows applications.......... :eusa_whistle:
Welcome to the future.......
You keep repeating your idiotic comments as if that will make them true. If Linux hurts your pussy, tough shit.
Yes, it's not your operating system - it's your religion....
I use it because it works, asshole. You have no idea how ignorant you come across. I've mostly used windows, had Macs for 10 years, Linux + open source software is very good these days, no reason not to use it unless you need a specific program not available, games and such.

What I don't do is tell people absolute bullshit about what they are using to feel better about my choice. The religion is all yours.
The only reason Windows is were it's at is smart marketing early on making it the dominant OS so obviously that's what programs were written for. As for Mac, now that they're using Intel chips Windows programs (ones written for Windows) will now run on Macs........ Pretty smart move if you ask me.
Heck, I've been researching building a Hackentosh machine, with that OS a PC configured for Snow Leopard will run faster with less RAM and a Duo-core than a Windows PC with twice the RAM and an octo-core. And as I already stated run all my Windows applications.......... :eusa_whistle:
Welcome to the future.......

While MacBook sales are good, the use of Mac OSX is on the decline.

Why are Mac sales plummeting Apple gave up on innovating Digital Trends

Apple was able to exploit M$ troubles in the '07 - '10 era, but that time is gone.

Your history is pretty sketchy as well. Microsoft became dominant because it was an open system. Hobbyists could slap together low cost parts and put DOS or later Windows on it successfully. Apple was the North Korea of the computing world then, as it is now. A closed society with no tolerance for innovation. The PC with the open architecture of the ISA and later PCI standards let people make what they wanted. Now hardware has become so cheap and disposable that people care far less than they used to.

Apple hardware is doing okay, though many just use the hardware to run Windows.
I use it because it works, asshole.

If that were the case, you would be less passionate. You become angry if others fail to bow before Linus.

You have no idea how ignorant you come across. I've mostly used windows, had Macs for 10 years, Linux + open source software is very good these days, no reason not to use it unless you need a specific program not available, games and such.

I've used Linux for over a decade. I'm very familiar with the more popular distros.

What I don't do is tell people absolute bullshit about what they are using to feel better about my choice. The religion is all yours.

The one angry here is you. I encourage people to try Linux, but I'm honest about it - they WILL have to drop to the command line and SUDO to install programs. They will have to learn far more about the OS and the programs to get anywhere. Hey, you'll encode an MP4 faster under ffmpeg on Mint than Windows Media player on the same hardware. Of course you WILL go to the command line and enter ffmpeg -i video.flv video.mp4, But that's Linux, that's what it's all about - oh and of course a good Torrent client is needed as well.

Look, I understand the appeal of Linux, it's elitist. It weeds out the novice users. Quite the opposite of what the Apple fanatics are looking for.
I use it because it works, asshole.

If that were the case, you would be less passionate. You become angry if others fail to bow before Linus.

You have no idea how ignorant you come across. I've mostly used windows, had Macs for 10 years, Linux + open source software is very good these days, no reason not to use it unless you need a specific program not available, games and such.

I've used Linux for over a decade. I'm very familiar with the more popular distros.

What I don't do is tell people absolute bullshit about what they are using to feel better about my choice. The religion is all yours.

The one angry here is you. I encourage people to try Linux, but I'm honest about it - they WILL have to drop to the command line and SUDO to install programs. They will have to learn far more about the OS and the programs to get anywhere. Hey, you'll encode an MP4 faster under ffmpeg on Mint than Windows Media player on the same hardware. Of course you WILL go to the command line and enter ffmpeg -i video.flv video.mp4, But that's Linux, that's what it's all about - oh and of course a good Torrent client is needed as well.

Look, I understand the appeal of Linux, it's elitist. It weeds out the novice users. Quite the opposite of what the Apple fanatics are looking for.
You're a little behind yourself on Linux. I started out a decade ago with Ubuntu and ended up with Mint as my primaries. Never once did I have to use the command line for anything, I did learn to SUDO because I wanted to, not because I had to, I was a novice........
The only reason Windows is were it's at is smart marketing early on making it the dominant OS so obviously that's what programs were written for. As for Mac, now that they're using Intel chips Windows programs (ones written for Windows) will now run on Macs........ Pretty smart move if you ask me.
Heck, I've been researching building a Hackentosh machine, with that OS a PC configured for Snow Leopard will run faster with less RAM and a Duo-core than a Windows PC with twice the RAM and an octo-core. And as I already stated run all my Windows applications.......... :eusa_whistle:
Welcome to the future.......

While MacBook sales are good, the use of Mac OSX is on the decline.

Why are Mac sales plummeting Apple gave up on innovating Digital Trends

Apple was able to exploit M$ troubles in the '07 - '10 era, but that time is gone.

Your history is pretty sketchy as well. Microsoft became dominant because it was an open system. Hobbyists could slap together low cost parts and put DOS or later Windows on it successfully. Apple was the North Korea of the computing world then, as it is now. A closed society with no tolerance for innovation. The PC with the open architecture of the ISA and later PCI standards let people make what they wanted. Now hardware has become so cheap and disposable that people care far less than they used to.

Apple hardware is doing okay, though many just use the hardware to run Windows.
Uuuummm, one persons explanation of what's happening with the drop in sales........ I'll take that with a grain of salt.
As for the reason Windows is dominant, yes, I over-generalized, my bad. I was mentally including that in my statement, unfortunately none of us are clairvoyant....... :lol:
You're a little behind yourself on Linux. I started out a decade ago with Ubuntu and ended up with Mint as my primaries. Never once did I have to use the command line for anything, I did learn to SUDO because I wanted to, not because I had to, I was a novice........

Ubuntu 14 is the distro on my Alienware. Not only is command line required constantly, but to use Wine in hopes of running common software, the creation of script files is a must. The simple installation of most programs requires it be started from the command prompt.

I appreciate the appeal, I really do - but it is precisely because Linux is difficult to use that makes it appealing - it is elitist. If games ran well, I might use it more, but they don't and OpenGL is vastly inferior to DirectX, so this isn't going to change. Also, I have no hatred of Microsoft - I find them stupid much of the time, but I don't hate them. Apple I hate - they are evil - they define evil.

For my money, the hands down most useful and sophisticated piece of hardware on the market is this;

Uuuummm, one persons explanation of what's happening with the drop in sales........ I'll take that with a grain of salt.
As for the reason Windows is dominant, yes, I over-generalized, my bad. I was mentally including that in my statement, unfortunately none of us are clairvoyant....... :lol:

I don't think the drop in sales is even relevant. By breaking into the mainstream market, Apple has sold a lot of hardware. People who buy a MacBook and run Windows on it are making Apple a lot of money. My prediction is that Apple drops OS X completely in the next 5 years and puts IOS on their Macs.
You're a little behind yourself on Linux. I started out a decade ago with Ubuntu and ended up with Mint as my primaries. Never once did I have to use the command line for anything, I did learn to SUDO because I wanted to, not because I had to, I was a novice........

Ubuntu 14 is the distro on my Alienware. Not only is command line required constantly, but to use Wine in hopes of running common software, the creation of script files is a must. The simple installation of most programs requires it be started from the command prompt.

I appreciate the appeal, I really do - but it is precisely because Linux is difficult to use that makes it appealing - it is elitist. If games ran well, I might use it more, but they don't and OpenGL is vastly inferior to DirectX, so this isn't going to change. Also, I have no hatred of Microsoft - I find them stupid much of the time, but I don't hate them. Apple I hate - they are evil - they define evil.

For my money, the hands down most useful and sophisticated piece of hardware on the market is this;

Well it's probably your machine that doesn't play well with Linux, all 5 of the ones I've put Linux on never, never, never required I use the command line for anything.
As for Macs, I have no desire to pay those prices, I'll build a Hackentosh.
You may like the newer Windows, I'll stick with 7 until I can't use it any more, I have a 3-in-one with 8.1 on it, had it for 6 months now and still despise it. Now I have a $1000 machine that spends most of it's time shut off.
I use it because it works, asshole.

If that were the case, you would be less passionate. You become angry if others fail to bow before Linus.
I said you were an ignorant asshole. That is a fact, NOT me getting angry. You are too stupid to get angry over. I'm pointing out how wrong you are, don't like it? Tough shit.

You have no idea how ignorant you come across. I've mostly used windows, had Macs for 10 years, Linux + open source software is very good these days, no reason not to use it unless you need a specific program not available, games and such.

I've used Linux for over a decade. I'm very familiar with the more popular distros.
I don't believe you. You installed them and think they're just for surfing and porn? Not credible.

What I don't do is tell people absolute bullshit about what they are using to feel better about my choice. The religion is all yours.

The one angry here is you. I encourage people to try Linux, but I'm honest about it - they WILL have to drop to the command line and SUDO to install programs. They will have to learn far more about the OS and the programs to get anywhere. Hey, you'll encode an MP4 faster under ffmpeg on Mint than Windows Media player on the same hardware. Of course you WILL go to the command line and enter ffmpeg -i video.flv video.mp4, But that's Linux, that's what it's all about - oh and of course a good Torrent client is needed as well.

Look, I understand the appeal of Linux, it's elitist. It weeds out the novice users. Quite the opposite of what the Apple fanatics are looking for.
I didn't say you were angry, you can't even fucking read. You don't understand the appeal at all, you're just a stupid little dumb fuck that has an emotional investment with your operating system of choice, an inferior one in my experience.
Uuuummm, one persons explanation of what's happening with the drop in sales........ I'll take that with a grain of salt.
As for the reason Windows is dominant, yes, I over-generalized, my bad. I was mentally including that in my statement, unfortunately none of us are clairvoyant....... :lol:

I don't think the drop in sales is even relevant. By breaking into the mainstream market, Apple has sold a lot of hardware. People who buy a MacBook and run Windows on it are making Apple a lot of money. My prediction is that Apple drops OS X completely in the next 5 years and puts IOS on their Macs.
Oh and if M$ was smart they would have listened to us Win 8 user beta testers who told them 8 was great for tablets, etc but sucked for desktops and laptops. We told them they needed to have two options, a full Windows 7 type interface and their new Win 8, of course they didn't listen and now they're trying (poorly) to compromise, making a not so great all in one product. They still have their collective heads up their collective asses, all they had to do was look at Ubuntu and Unity to see what happened. One size doesn't fit all any more, M$ needs to figure this out and stop forcing a product on it consumers that it's consumers don't really want.
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MicroSoft has come to believe that corporate IT departments will forever force Windows on users.

They haven't noticed that IT departments are fast becoming quaint vestiges where they continue to cling to life at all.

Please don't tell 'em.
I've been a windows user from the beginning,but after going through three mid range laptops in just over a year and having iphones that never fail I've decided to go to the dark side. Or the hipster side as it were.
Any advice from MacBook Pro users on making the switch a little less painful?

Please switch to Apple. The Millennial cycle will be complete.

You're not calling me a millennial I hope.
If you are acting like one yes I am.
All that MS-hostility. You don´t like tiles? Don´t use them. MS is forcing a software upon you? Wake up.

Big bashing on MS each day. But when Ubuntu isn´t democracy and not voting on design decisions and users aren´t relevant, nothing is going to be posted here.
All that MS-hostility. You don´t like tiles? Don´t use them. MS is forcing a software upon you? Wake up.

Big bashing on MS each day. But when Ubuntu isn´t democracy and not voting on design decisions and users aren´t relevant, nothing is going to be posted here.
Worried about your M$ stock falling.......?

All that MS-hostility. You don´t like tiles? Don´t use them. MS is forcing a software upon you? Wake up.

Big bashing on MS each day. But when Ubuntu isn´t democracy and not voting on design decisions and users aren´t relevant, nothing is going to be posted here.
Worried about your M$ stock falling.......?

No. I don´t purchase stocks. I am just wondering what MS has done to the Linux refugees.
Learning you can still install windows made it a little more palatable.
If you use the program "Parallels Desktop" rather than the free "Boot Camp" that comes with the Mac, you can run Mac, Windows, Linux, etc., all at the same time and C&P from OS to OS, rather than have to boot into only one OS at a time. Very cool.
All that MS-hostility. You don´t like tiles? Don´t use them. MS is forcing a software upon you? Wake up.

Big bashing on MS each day. But when Ubuntu isn´t democracy and not voting on design decisions and users aren´t relevant, nothing is going to be posted here.
Worried about your M$ stock falling.......?

No. I don´t purchase stocks. I am just wondering what MS has done to the Linux refugees.
They came out with Windows 8......... You might like it but you're in the minority.
Most users don't know how or want to "customize" their OS so they feel stuck with tiles. While the Metro interface is great for some (tablet and phone users) it sucks for most using laptops and desktops.
From what I've seen Win 10 is a half assed compromise that will not satisfy either group. I don't have a problem with M$, I just know what I like and what I don't like and I don't like Win 8.1 for many reasons, give me a pure Win 7/XP style interface and I'll be happy, I'm not a tablet user.

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