God Would Have Trouble Deciding


Sep 23, 2010
August 22, 2016, 12:25 am
Obama’s ransom payment to Iran out-lies Hillary and even his own Obamacare mendacity.

Lie of the Decade | The American Spectator

Not even Taqiyya the Liar can out-lie either Clinton; so it is impossible for mere mortals to say which one of the three is the biggest liar:

With Mrs. Clinton facing accusations of favoritism toward Clinton Foundation donors during her time as secretary of state, former President Bill Clinton told foundation employees on Thursday that the organization would no longer accept foreign or corporate donations should Mrs. Clinton win in November.​

August 21, 2016
Bubba Says Contributions to the Clinton Foundations Will Stop if Hillary Wins
By J. Marsolo

Blog: Bubba Says Contributions to the Clinton Foundations Will Stop if Hillary Wins

Do not believe a word of it. The money will continue to pour into the Clinton Foundation one way or another because Bill Clinton lies in such a way nobody can say Hillary is actually telling the lies. Notice the Clinton Foundation lie that neither Clinton can handle:

Trump's son questioned why the foreign contributions would pose a conflict of interest for a president if, as Hillary Clinton frequently argues, they posed no conflict for her when she was secretary of state.​

Critics doubt Clinton Foundation's pledge to curb foreign donations
By Sarah Westwood
8/22/16 12:01 AM

Critics doubt Clinton Foundation's pledge to curb foreign donations

The fact is that the Clintons do not care one bit about getting caught in one more lie. As president, Hillary Clinton will lie and keep right on repeating the same lies as though she is telling the truth. Taqiyya the Liar used the same strategy from the day he swore the oath of office: “I can lie. Whatever I say becomes the truth because I am your president.”

Parenthetically, FDR used to hold the record for lying. Then came Bill Clinton who was punished for lying. Then came the Chicago sewer rat who now holds the record for lying. On the plus side the sewer rat is the first president that taught the American people “Do not listen to what I say. Look at what I do.”

Should Hillary Clinton steal the election she will be the first president where every American knew what she was long before election day.

Interestingly, Hillary is not liked as was FDR, her husband, or Obama, yet a substantial number of Democrats will vote for her already knowing they dislike her, knowing they distrust her, knowing she is a liar, knowing she is a crook, knowing she is a traitor, and knowing she is drenched in blood from head to toe.

One has only to look at what Hillary is to conclude that Democrats believe a venomous nut case will make a good president.

Finally, Donald Trump recently asked African Americans:

Next time The Donald might ask African Americans exactly what else President Hillary Clinton will take away from struggling black Americans irrespective of what she lies about on the campaign trail?
Does anybody believe anything this guy says about elections?


The FBI is “very seriously” examining alleged hacks at two state election offices, director James Comey said Tuesday.

FBI head: We're taking suspected political hacks 'very seriously'
By Julian Hattem - 08/30/16 12:11 PM EDT

FBI head: We're taking suspected political hacks 'very seriously'

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