Globalism sucks ass...

The debt from socialist entitlement programs from the last hundred years is a far greater threat… Fact
Oddly, it wasn't a problem until Reagan's economic miracle
The very concept of socialism/socialist entitlement programs is a fucked up one… Fact
To you soc sec and medicare appear to be socialism. If it rocks your world go for it. But the fact is that when you subtract from that 47% on welfare, the kids on schips and the old/disabled, the 47% shrinks dramatically.
There's nothing more nanny in "state" than Social Security Medicare/Medicaid... fact
Like all socialist/socialist programs it's nothing but diminishing return…
we don't have a welfare-state we have a warfare-state; we get six hundred dollar hammers, sometimes.
that's a myth, The fact remains many more people are taking out much more than putting in, the very nature of socialism/socialist entitlement programs...
Nanny states never have any real future... fact
We are entering pre-world war conditions. Countries think other countries are robbing from them, and are electing people to rob from them back. Trade is under attack, tolerance is under attack, militaries are being built up, the superpower eected a lunatic who takes nuclear weaponry lightly......

It's going to take a lot of luck to survive the next decade
The debt from socialist entitlement programs from the last hundred years is a far greater threat… Fact
Our Warfare-State is the problem if the right refuses to pay wartime tax rates for it, is a far greater threat...Fact.
Socialist entitlement programs Dorf all spending, fact. It's the most frivolous all spending by a long shot fucking socialist deadbeat fucks…
Tax expenditures are literally twice as much as all other welfare spending put together...fact.
"Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford warned Congress that the implementation of a No Fly Zone, a centerpiece of Hillary’s foreign policy strategy, would result in World War III."

Top US General: Hillary’s No Fly Zone Strategy Would ‘Require

’ War With Russia
An article from a year ago when there were zero plans for a no fly zone :rolleyes:
Hillary came up with the no fly zone a year ago. Why do you ignore the insanity? Why should an American wish to stop the war on terror by no fly zones which would result in direct confrontation of Russia and the US, anyway? Why should that happen?
That she would have done it is wild speculation. That Trump is giving his blessing to Russia, Syria, and Iran to solidify their relationship, is a thing that's actually happening. They will side with China and vice versa when Trump threatens trade wars and military action.
Third Presidential debate:

Moderator: “Secondly, if you impose a no-fly zone and a Russian plane violates that, does President Clinton shoot that plane down?”

Clinton: “A no-fly zone can save lives and hasten the end of the conflict."

Hillary Clinton Goes All-In On Syria No-Fly Zone | The Huffington Post
Now post the rest of what she said you hack.

Doesn't matter though. With Trump you get to keep your brutal dictator and Russia cements an alliance against U.S. interests for years to come.
Yeah, doesn´t matter, after Hillary has no answer what to do in case Putin dares to ignore her save haven for al-Qaeda zone.
Russia is looking for other partners after the West imposed sanctions on Russia. What do you expect?
Oddly, it wasn't a problem until Reagan's economic miracle
The very concept of socialism/socialist entitlement programs is a fucked up one… Fact
To you soc sec and medicare appear to be socialism. If it rocks your world go for it. But the fact is that when you subtract from that 47% on welfare, the kids on schips and the old/disabled, the 47% shrinks dramatically.
There's nothing more nanny in "state" than Social Security Medicare/Medicaid... fact
Like all socialist/socialist programs it's nothing but diminishing return…
we don't have a welfare-state we have a warfare-state; we get six hundred dollar hammers, sometimes.
that's a myth, The fact remains many more people are taking out much more than putting in, the very nature of socialism/socialist entitlement programs...
Nanny states never have any real future... fact
How much do the richest, actually pay in personal income taxes?
Globalism sucks ass...

I guess you'll be donning a Guy Fawkes mask, and picking up a baseball bat and smashing a Seattle McDonald's windows next.
Only thing worse than nationalism is socialism… Fact
And you tards are sounding more and more like national socialists every day...fact.
National Socialist and socialists are one in the same... fact

Very, very wrong.
Globalism sucks ass...

I guess you'll be donning a Guy Fawkes mask, and picking up a baseball bat and smashing a Seattle McDonald's windows next.
Only thing worse than nationalism is socialism… Fact
And you tards are sounding more and more like national socialists every day...fact.
National Socialist and socialists are one in the same... fact

Very, very wrong.
yeah.....the difference between Nazism and Nazism-lite....
An article from a year ago when there were zero plans for a no fly zone :rolleyes:
Hillary came up with the no fly zone a year ago. Why do you ignore the insanity? Why should an American wish to stop the war on terror by no fly zones which would result in direct confrontation of Russia and the US, anyway? Why should that happen?
That she would have done it is wild speculation. That Trump is giving his blessing to Russia, Syria, and Iran to solidify their relationship, is a thing that's actually happening. They will side with China and vice versa when Trump threatens trade wars and military action.
Third Presidential debate:

Moderator: “Secondly, if you impose a no-fly zone and a Russian plane violates that, does President Clinton shoot that plane down?”

Clinton: “A no-fly zone can save lives and hasten the end of the conflict."

Hillary Clinton Goes All-In On Syria No-Fly Zone | The Huffington Post
Now post the rest of what she said you hack.

Doesn't matter though. With Trump you get to keep your brutal dictator and Russia cements an alliance against U.S. interests for years to come.
Yeah, doesn´t matter, after Hillary has no answer what to do in case Putin dares to ignore her save haven for al-Qaeda zone.
Russia is looking for other partners after the West imposed sanctions on Russia. What do you expect?
Russia invaded a sovereign nation in the face of the international community and for no other reason than to take their land. They're lucky all they got were sanctions.

Now will you stop being facetious and post the rest of what Hillary said?
I guess you'll be donning a Guy Fawkes mask, and picking up a baseball bat and smashing a Seattle McDonald's windows next.
Only thing worse than nationalism is socialism… Fact
And you tards are sounding more and more like national socialists every day...fact.
National Socialist and socialists are one in the same... fact

Very, very wrong.
yeah.....the difference between Nazism and Nazism-lite....
Yeah. This guy below just screams "left wing".

You people are retarded. Actually retarded.

Only thing worse than nationalism is socialism… Fact
And you tards are sounding more and more like national socialists every day...fact.
National Socialist and socialists are one in the same... fact

Very, very wrong.
yeah.....the difference between Nazism and Nazism-lite....
Yeah. This guy below just screams "left wing".

You people are retarded. Actually retarded.


Nazism belongs in the Totalitarian category along with all the other Leftist has nothing to do with individual rights espoused by rightwing Americans..
Globalism sucks ass...

I guess you'll be donning a Guy Fawkes mask, and picking up a baseball bat and smashing a Seattle McDonald's windows next.
Only thing worse than nationalism is socialism… Fact
And you tards are sounding more and more like national socialists every day...fact.
National Socialist and socialists are one in the same... fact

Very, very wrong.
They are both control freaks and corrupt to the core... fact
Only thing worse than nationalism is socialism… Fact
And you tards are sounding more and more like national socialists every day...fact.
National Socialist and socialists are one in the same... fact

Very, very wrong.
yeah.....the difference between Nazism and Nazism-lite....
Yeah. This guy below just screams "left wing".

You people are retarded. Actually retarded.

Nazism is left-wing socialism, only a blithering idiot would think socialism has any good attributes... :lmao:
Russia invaded a sovereign nation in the face of the international community and for no other reason than to take their land. They're lucky all they got were sanctions.
That´s what the propaganda is telling us but in reality nazi thugs that have no sympathy within the population toppled the democratically elected government violently under the western cheer choirs.


"The Obama administration has vehemently denied charges that Ukraine's nascent regime is stock full of neo-fascists despite clear evidence suggesting otherwise. Such categorical repudiations lend credence to the notion the U.S. facilitated the anti-Russian cabal's rise to power as part of a broader strategy to draw Ukraine into the West's sphere of influence. Even more disturbing are apologists, from the American left and right, who seem willing accomplices in this obfuscation of reality, when just a cursory glance at the profiles of Ukraine's new leaders should give pause to the most zealous of Russophobes.

The Svoboda party has tapped into Nazi symbolism including the "wolf's angel" rune, which resembles a swastika and was worn by members of the Waffen-SS, a panzer division that was declared a criminal organization at Nuremberg. A report from Tel-Aviv University describes the Svoboda party as "an extremist, right-wing, nationalist organization which emphasizes its identification with the ideology of German National Socialism.""

The Neo-Nazi Question in Ukraine | The Huffington Post

Now will you stop being facetious and post the rest of what Hillary said?
Oh, of course! She gabbled something about diplomacy and nothing at all or something like that and thus nullified her ridiculous no fly zone and pre-transformed it into a reason to provide more support for the "rebels".
Russia invaded a sovereign nation in the face of the international community and for no other reason than to take their land. They're lucky all they got were sanctions.
That´s what the propaganda is telling us but in reality nazi thugs that have no sympathy within the population toppled the democratically elected government violently under the western cheer choirs.


"The Obama administration has vehemently denied charges that Ukraine's nascent regime is stock full of neo-fascists despite clear evidence suggesting otherwise. Such categorical repudiations lend credence to the notion the U.S. facilitated the anti-Russian cabal's rise to power as part of a broader strategy to draw Ukraine into the West's sphere of influence. Even more disturbing are apologists, from the American left and right, who seem willing accomplices in this obfuscation of reality, when just a cursory glance at the profiles of Ukraine's new leaders should give pause to the most zealous of Russophobes.

The Svoboda party has tapped into Nazi symbolism including the "wolf's angel" rune, which resembles a swastika and was worn by members of the Waffen-SS, a panzer division that was declared a criminal organization at Nuremberg. A report from Tel-Aviv University describes the Svoboda party as "an extremist, right-wing, nationalist organization which emphasizes its identification with the ideology of German National Socialism.""

The Neo-Nazi Question in Ukraine | The Huffington Post

Now will you stop being facetious and post the rest of what Hillary said?
Oh, of course! She gabbled something about diplomacy and nothing at all or something like that and thus nullified her ridiculous no fly zone and pre-transformed it into a reason to provide more support for the "rebels".
How can you talk bad about "Nazi thugs" when you literally started a forum on this website based entirely around support for Nazi ideology? You're a fucking joke.
Russia invaded a sovereign nation in the face of the international community and for no other reason than to take their land. They're lucky all they got were sanctions.
That´s what the propaganda is telling us but in reality nazi thugs that have no sympathy within the population toppled the democratically elected government violently under the western cheer choirs.


"The Obama administration has vehemently denied charges that Ukraine's nascent regime is stock full of neo-fascists despite clear evidence suggesting otherwise. Such categorical repudiations lend credence to the notion the U.S. facilitated the anti-Russian cabal's rise to power as part of a broader strategy to draw Ukraine into the West's sphere of influence. Even more disturbing are apologists, from the American left and right, who seem willing accomplices in this obfuscation of reality, when just a cursory glance at the profiles of Ukraine's new leaders should give pause to the most zealous of Russophobes.

The Svoboda party has tapped into Nazi symbolism including the "wolf's angel" rune, which resembles a swastika and was worn by members of the Waffen-SS, a panzer division that was declared a criminal organization at Nuremberg. A report from Tel-Aviv University describes the Svoboda party as "an extremist, right-wing, nationalist organization which emphasizes its identification with the ideology of German National Socialism.""

The Neo-Nazi Question in Ukraine | The Huffington Post

Now will you stop being facetious and post the rest of what Hillary said?
Oh, of course! She gabbled something about diplomacy and nothing at all or something like that and thus nullified her ridiculous no fly zone and pre-transformed it into a reason to provide more support for the "rebels".
How can you talk bad about "Nazi thugs" when you literally started a forum on this website based entirely around support for Nazi ideology? You're a fucking joke.
What? There is no such forum. And you are going off topic so suddenly.
Russia invaded a sovereign nation in the face of the international community and for no other reason than to take their land. They're lucky all they got were sanctions.
That´s what the propaganda is telling us but in reality nazi thugs that have no sympathy within the population toppled the democratically elected government violently under the western cheer choirs.


"The Obama administration has vehemently denied charges that Ukraine's nascent regime is stock full of neo-fascists despite clear evidence suggesting otherwise. Such categorical repudiations lend credence to the notion the U.S. facilitated the anti-Russian cabal's rise to power as part of a broader strategy to draw Ukraine into the West's sphere of influence. Even more disturbing are apologists, from the American left and right, who seem willing accomplices in this obfuscation of reality, when just a cursory glance at the profiles of Ukraine's new leaders should give pause to the most zealous of Russophobes.

The Svoboda party has tapped into Nazi symbolism including the "wolf's angel" rune, which resembles a swastika and was worn by members of the Waffen-SS, a panzer division that was declared a criminal organization at Nuremberg. A report from Tel-Aviv University describes the Svoboda party as "an extremist, right-wing, nationalist organization which emphasizes its identification with the ideology of German National Socialism.""

The Neo-Nazi Question in Ukraine | The Huffington Post

Now will you stop being facetious and post the rest of what Hillary said?
Oh, of course! She gabbled something about diplomacy and nothing at all or something like that and thus nullified her ridiculous no fly zone and pre-transformed it into a reason to provide more support for the "rebels".
How can you talk bad about "Nazi thugs" when you literally started a forum on this website based entirely around support for Nazi ideology? You're a fucking joke.
What? There is no such forum. And you are going off topic so suddenly.
Group or whatever. Or did you take it down? Lucy banned me. It was very hilarious.
The lame-ducky needs to get out of the way for bigger and better things…
If people are so pissed about globalism, then why are they happy with Trump's cabinet? His SoS is the CEO of Exxon, which is a global company.

Never mind all the other rich people he's got in there who have business holdings all over the world.

And then...............there's Trump himself, a person who has business interests in over 15 different countries.

You say you hate globalists, but you elected one, and he's outfitted his cabinet with lots of others.

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