Globalism sucks ass...

We are entering pre-world war conditions. Countries think other countries are robbing from them, and are electing people to rob from them back. Trade is under attack, tolerance is under attack, militaries are being built up, the superpower eected a lunatic who takes nuclear weaponry lightly......

It's going to take a lot of luck to survive the next decade
Obama will be gone in three weeks....
Russia invaded a sovereign nation in the face of the international community and for no other reason than to take their land. They're lucky all they got were sanctions.
That´s what the propaganda is telling us but in reality nazi thugs that have no sympathy within the population toppled the democratically elected government violently under the western cheer choirs.


"The Obama administration has vehemently denied charges that Ukraine's nascent regime is stock full of neo-fascists despite clear evidence suggesting otherwise. Such categorical repudiations lend credence to the notion the U.S. facilitated the anti-Russian cabal's rise to power as part of a broader strategy to draw Ukraine into the West's sphere of influence. Even more disturbing are apologists, from the American left and right, who seem willing accomplices in this obfuscation of reality, when just a cursory glance at the profiles of Ukraine's new leaders should give pause to the most zealous of Russophobes.

The Svoboda party has tapped into Nazi symbolism including the "wolf's angel" rune, which resembles a swastika and was worn by members of the Waffen-SS, a panzer division that was declared a criminal organization at Nuremberg. A report from Tel-Aviv University describes the Svoboda party as "an extremist, right-wing, nationalist organization which emphasizes its identification with the ideology of German National Socialism.""

The Neo-Nazi Question in Ukraine | The Huffington Post

Now will you stop being facetious and post the rest of what Hillary said?
Oh, of course! She gabbled something about diplomacy and nothing at all or something like that and thus nullified her ridiculous no fly zone and pre-transformed it into a reason to provide more support for the "rebels".
How can you talk bad about "Nazi thugs" when you literally started a forum on this website based entirely around support for Nazi ideology? You're a fucking joke.
What? There is no such forum. And you are going off topic so suddenly.
Group or whatever. Or did you take it down? Lucy banned me. It was very hilarious.
You stormed the group with wild and absurd nazi accusations though the terms of the group are clear.

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