Global Warming


Gold Member
Apr 8, 2008
What is the concern about global warming? That we are going to have lots of hot days? NO.

The problem is that global warming will lead to rapid and unpredictable climate change.

What will we do when the great plains, America's bread basket becomes the great desert or the great swamp?

Oh yeah, the science denying right wingers have found a handful of 'scientists' paid by the oil and coal companies who say the science is wrong.

And besides the 'creation scientists' tell us that god will take care of the 'believers' so not to worry.
What is the concern about global warming? That we are going to have lots of hot days? NO.

The problem is that global warming will lead to rapid and unpredictable climate change.

1) What will we do when the great plains, America's bread basket becomes the great desert or the great swamp?

2) Oh yeah, the science denying right wingers have found a handful of 'scientists' paid by the oil and coal companies who say the science is wrong.

3) And besides the 'creation scientists' tell us that god will take care of the 'believers' so not to worry.

1) We find another bread basket which according to science will move to another location, big deal.

2) You really don't pay attention, science is what many of us are using to counter the scam of global warming, and many of us are not right wingers. Hi, I'm an independent liberal. :cool:

3) Also not a christian .... not by a long shot, and I know for a fact that global warming is a scam. Nice try.

Climate changes happens, change happens, that's what nature is, constant change. The natural world changes all the time, it drive species extinct when they cannot survive the change, and science says the only constant in the universe is change. Trying to stop change is against nature and science, not for it.
What is the concern about global warming? That we are going to have lots of hot days? NO.

The problem is that global warming will lead to rapid and unpredictable climate change.

1) What will we do when the great plains, America's bread basket becomes the great desert or the great swamp?

2) Oh yeah, the science denying right wingers have found a handful of 'scientists' paid by the oil and coal companies who say the science is wrong.

3) And besides the 'creation scientists' tell us that god will take care of the 'believers' so not to worry.

1) We find another bread basket which according to science will move to another location, big deal.

2) You really don't pay attention, science is what many of us are using to counter the scam of global warming, and many of us are not right wingers. Hi, I'm an independent liberal. :cool:

3) Also not a christian .... not by a long shot, and I know for a fact that global warming is a scam. Nice try.

Climate changes happens, change happens, that's what nature is, constant change. The natural world changes all the time, it drive species extinct when they cannot survive the change, and science says the only constant in the universe is change. Trying to stop change is against nature and science, not for it.

Yeah that's it we'll just go to that other place in our country that is covered with milleniums of built up topsoil with the same perfect weather and conditions for growing grain.

Oh, that's right, there aren't any.

What science are you talking about? Every major scientific organization in the world concurs that global warming is real, is at least in part caused by human activity and is a real threat to human existence.

Who is this scam being run by, which you know for a fact exists? And why would anybody want to run a scam about this? What's to be gained? Are NASA scientists part of the scam? Are they getting paid to make stuff up?

I can understand why the oil and coal companies would want to convince people that it is a scam, they have money to lose if we change our ways.
What is the concern about global warming? That we are going to have lots of hot days? NO.

The problem is that global warming will lead to rapid and unpredictable climate change.

1) What will we do when the great plains, America's bread basket becomes the great desert or the great swamp?

2) Oh yeah, the science denying right wingers have found a handful of 'scientists' paid by the oil and coal companies who say the science is wrong.

3) And besides the 'creation scientists' tell us that god will take care of the 'believers' so not to worry.

1) We find another bread basket which according to science will move to another location, big deal.

2) You really don't pay attention, science is what many of us are using to counter the scam of global warming, and many of us are not right wingers. Hi, I'm an independent liberal. :cool:

3) Also not a christian .... not by a long shot, and I know for a fact that global warming is a scam. Nice try.

Climate changes happens, change happens, that's what nature is, constant change. The natural world changes all the time, it drive species extinct when they cannot survive the change, and science says the only constant in the universe is change. Trying to stop change is against nature and science, not for it.

Yeah that's it we'll just go to that other place in our country that is covered with milleniums of built up topsoil with the same perfect weather and conditions for growing grain.

Oh, that's right, there aren't any.

What science are you talking about? Every major scientific organization in the world concurs that global warming is real, is at least in part caused by human activity and is a real threat to human existence.

Who is this scam being run by, which you know for a fact exists? And why would anybody want to run a scam about this? What's to be gained? Are NASA scientists part of the scam? Are they getting paid to make stuff up?

I can understand why the oil and coal companies would want to convince people that it is a scam, they have money to lose if we change our ways.

"Peer pressured" scientists are not the only "major" scientific "communities" that exist. NASA has been part of the scam, though not by choice, won't go into those details because like all the others you will ignore it since it's not from a "peer pressured" source. The scam started back when they couldn't find a location to dump a barge worth of garbage, the first step was to con people into recycling, which Al Gore owned the plants at the time. He saw how great using that one simple controversy worked that he bought other failing companies then started more scares to push their products. the "official" document he used to push them was edited by him, after which was about 80% black marker and leaving only fragments of facts and changing many facts by omitting the part where it contradicted them. Then he greased the palms of the "peer pressured" scientists to back up his claim and many politicians as well. Continuing, the scientists had no choice but to fall in line or risk losing funding at that point, since because of their bought findings supporting the scare Gore was able to con the politicians into supporting the products produced by the companies he now owned. So yeah, it's a con, if you would only look past the headlines more you'd see the con yourself, that's how I figured it out.
Well, Kitten, you are wrong on all points. Not that anything that I can post or point out will change your mind. Not even when the predictions of the scientists come true far sooner than expected.
What is the concern about global warming? That we are going to have lots of hot days? NO.

The problem is that global warming will lead to rapid and unpredictable climate change.

What will we do when the great plains, America's bread basket becomes the great desert or the great swamp?

Oh yeah, the science denying right wingers have found a handful of 'scientists' paid by the oil and coal companies who say the science is wrong.

And besides the 'creation scientists' tell us that god will take care of the 'believers' so not to worry.

"Rapid and unpredictable climate change?" Are you bonkers? So if it gets warm and then rapidly and unpredictably changes and let's say it's cooler for a year, then will it stabilize? Do you think about this crap before you write it?

"What will we do when the great plains becomes the great desert?" Same thing we did 70 years ago when the great plains became the great desert. Leave and wait for the drought to end.
What is the concern about global warming? That we are going to have lots of hot days? NO.

The problem is that global warming will lead to rapid and unpredictable climate change.

What will we do when the great plains, America's bread basket becomes the great desert or the great swamp?

Oh yeah, the science denying right wingers have found a handful of 'scientists' paid by the oil and coal companies who say the science is wrong.

And besides the 'creation scientists' tell us that god will take care of the 'believers' so not to worry.

Your attempt at a question is devoid of both intelligence and sound reasoning, and even fails at the simplest of sarcasm.

Come back when you have further honed your posting skills...
So, apparently global warming is just a big scam. Thousands of scientists around the world are in on it. These people who are some of our most educated have no ability to resist peer pressure and no moral compunctions against conning the whole world into believing in climate change due to global warming. Why are they doing it? Because they want to help Al Gore get rich. What's in it for them? Nothing. That's right, these people who have dedicated their lives to pursuit of knowledge are willing to abandond all principle and ethics just so they can help Al Gore make a buck.

Sounds perfectly reasonable to me!
So, apparently global warming is just a big scam. Thousands of scientists around the world are in on it. These people who are some of our most educated have no ability to resist peer pressure and no moral compunctions against conning the whole world into believing in climate change due to global warming. Why are they doing it? Because they want to help Al Gore get rich. What's in it for them? Nothing. That's right, these people who have dedicated their lives to pursuit of knowledge are willing to abandond all principle and ethics just so they can help Al Gore make a buck.

Sounds perfectly reasonable to me!

Of course it's a scam, you dumass!

As a scientist, that is my official position.
So, apparently global warming is just a big scam. Thousands of scientists around the world are in on it. These people who are some of our most educated have no ability to resist peer pressure and no moral compunctions against conning the whole world into believing in climate change due to global warming. Why are they doing it? Because they want to help Al Gore get rich. What's in it for them? Nothing. That's right, these people who have dedicated their lives to pursuit of knowledge are willing to abandond all principle and ethics just so they can help Al Gore make a buck.

Sounds perfectly reasonable to me!

Did you ever look at where they get their funding? At any time, ever wonder why they get funding? Is there some hidden government that is actually making sure these specific scientists are somehow the only legitimate ones?

Peer pressure is easy in a world where they need funding from private organizations, companies, and governments, too easy. Those who are funded by non-biased parties however are ignored completely, but not one of them has ever come up with any evidence to support the peer pressured scientists claiming global warming is something we can or need to do anything about. Since these scientists are not peer pressured, they don't even get air time on your news networks.
Funding for scientists come from a miriad of sources from governments to industry to univerisities. Are we to believe that all these sources and all the scientists are on the take? What evidence do you have for any of this?

You are just trowing out wild speculation and conjecture.

On the other hand the funding for global warming denying 'scientists' comes almost exclusivley from the fossil fuel industry. Who's really compromised?
Funding for scientists come from a miriad of sources from governments to industry to univerisities. Are we to believe that all these sources and all the scientists are on the take? What evidence do you have for any of this?

You are just trowing out wild speculation and conjecture.

On the other hand the funding for global warming denying 'scientists' comes almost exclusivley from the fossil fuel industry. Who's really compromised?

Really? Most of those "denying" it, telling the truth in other words, are retired and no paid when they do. Try again.
Funding for scientists come from a miriad of sources from governments to industry to univerisities. Are we to believe that all these sources and all the scientists are on the take? What evidence do you have for any of this?

You are just trowing out wild speculation and conjecture.

On the other hand the funding for global warming denying 'scientists' comes almost exclusivley from the fossil fuel industry. Who's really compromised?

Really? Most of those "denying" it, telling the truth in other words, are retired and no paid when they do. Try again.

Oh please do provide evidence for all of these claims.
So, apparently global warming is just a big scam.
It definitely is.

Look how disingenuous it is, even its marketing is dishonest. The "green" movement if it has it's way with stated goals -- to reduce greenhouse gas emissions significantly especially life-giving CO2 -- will see not a green planet at all, but a brown one. A colder one where plant life struggles. And they know it!

Ever given any real thought to any of this? In actual greenhouses, they keep the CO2 level to 1500ppm or better at all times. That's around three times atmospheric concentration. Why? Because it's good for plants, all plants. And oddly enough, it never gets very hot in there, it just feels that way because of the #1 greenhouse gas by far -- water vapor. Humidity.

Two, if one truly wanted to reduce mankind's contribution of CO2 to the atmosphere, the first thing you would do is outlaw manufacturing of same! We manufacture billions of tons of CO2 for things like water treatment, fire fighting, beverage carbonation and hollywood special effects!

But these aren't counted in the AGW Church, because they're not the result of fossil fuel combustion! So it's like there's "good" CO2 and "Bad" CO2! The "bad" CO2 is caused by Americans ONLY burning of fossil fuels, and the "good" CO2 is caused by the rest of the world's combustion and mankind's manufacturing of CO2 for use in water treatment, fire fighting, beverage carbonation and hollywood special effects!

It's simply as dishonest as the "hockey stick" was proven and later admitted to be. This is why the AGW church and its idiot followers like you wish to stifle debate and destroy those who don't agree, or simply dishonestly dismissing them by saying they're paid for by "big oil" which, you moron, is one of the biggest financiers of this "go green" idiocy!

Science is showing us, once again, our folly caused by vanity. You need to start paying attention to actual science instead of the popular, bought and paid for, science fiction of the AGW religion which is agenda driven and simply a lie, and cannot stand in the shitstorm of free and open debate and scrutiny.
So, apparently global warming is just a big scam.
It definitely is.

Look how disingenuous it is, even its marketing is dishonest. The "green" movement if it has it's way with stated goals -- to reduce greenhouse gas emissions significantly especially life-giving CO2 -- will see not a green planet at all, but a brown one. A colder one where plant life struggles. And they know it!

Ever given any real thought to any of this? In actual greenhouses, they keep the CO2 level to 1500ppm or better at all times. That's around three times atmospheric concentration. Why? Because it's good for plants, all plants. And oddly enough, it never gets very hot in there, it just feels that way because of the #1 greenhouse gas by far -- water vapor. Humidity.

Two, if one truly wanted to reduce mankind's contribution of CO2 to the atmosphere, the first thing you would do is outlaw manufacturing of same! We manufacture billions of tons of CO2 for things like water treatment, fire fighting, beverage carbonation and hollywood special effects!

But these aren't counted in the AGW Church, because they're not the result of fossil fuel combustion! So it's like there's "good" CO2 and "Bad" CO2! The "bad" CO2 is caused by Americans ONLY burning of fossil fuels, and the "good" CO2 is caused by the rest of the world's combustion and mankind's manufacturing of CO2 for use in water treatment, fire fighting, beverage carbonation and hollywood special effects!

It's simply as dishonest as the "hockey stick" was proven and later admitted to be. This is why the AGW church and its idiot followers like you wish to stifle debate and destroy those who don't agree, or simply dishonestly dismissing them by saying they're paid for by "big oil" which, you moron, is one of the biggest financiers of this "go green" idiocy!

Science is showing us, once again, our folly caused by vanity. You need to start paying attention to actual science instead of the popular, bought and paid for, science fiction of the AGW religion which is agenda driven and simply a lie, and cannot stand in the shitstorm of free and open debate and scrutiny.

I didn't know they have Oceans, or Polar ice caps, or currents in greenhouses....

Oh wait. Analogy fail.
So, apparently global warming is just a big scam.
It definitely is.

Look how disingenuous it is, even its marketing is dishonest. The "green" movement if it has it's way with stated goals -- to reduce greenhouse gas emissions significantly especially life-giving CO2 -- will see not a green planet at all, but a brown one. A colder one where plant life struggles. And they know it!

Ever given any real thought to any of this? In actual greenhouses, they keep the CO2 level to 1500ppm or better at all times. That's around three times atmospheric concentration. Why? Because it's good for plants, all plants. And oddly enough, it never gets very hot in there, it just feels that way because of the #1 greenhouse gas by far -- water vapor. Humidity.

Two, if one truly wanted to reduce mankind's contribution of CO2 to the atmosphere, the first thing you would do is outlaw manufacturing of same! We manufacture billions of tons of CO2 for things like water treatment, fire fighting, beverage carbonation and hollywood special effects!

But these aren't counted in the AGW Church, because they're not the result of fossil fuel combustion! So it's like there's "good" CO2 and "Bad" CO2! The "bad" CO2 is caused by Americans ONLY burning of fossil fuels, and the "good" CO2 is caused by the rest of the world's combustion and mankind's manufacturing of CO2 for use in water treatment, fire fighting, beverage carbonation and hollywood special effects!

It's simply as dishonest as the "hockey stick" was proven and later admitted to be. This is why the AGW church and its idiot followers like you wish to stifle debate and destroy those who don't agree, or simply dishonestly dismissing them by saying they're paid for by "big oil" which, you moron, is one of the biggest financiers of this "go green" idiocy!

Science is showing us, once again, our folly caused by vanity. You need to start paying attention to actual science instead of the popular, bought and paid for, science fiction of the AGW religion which is agenda driven and simply a lie, and cannot stand in the shitstorm of free and open debate and scrutiny.

I didn't know they have Oceans, or Polar ice caps, or currents in greenhouses....

Oh wait. Analogy fail.
Your cherry-picking fails. You cannot assail the facts, so you erect a strawman. Keeps you from ever needing to actually think.

What say you to this guy?

"Environmental extremists and global warming alarmists are in denial and running for cover. Their rationale for continuing a lost cause is that weather events in the short term are not necessarily related to long-term climatic trends. But these are the same people who screamed at us each year that ordinary weather events such as high temperatures or hurricanes were undeniable evidence of imminent doom. Now that global warming is over, politicians are finally ready to enact dubious solutions to a non-existent problem.

To the extent global warming was ever valid, it is now officially over. It is time to file this theory in the dustbin of history, next to Aristotelean physics, Neptunism, the geocentric universe, phlogiston, and a plethora of other incorrect scientific theories, all of which had vocal and dogmatic supporters who cited incontrovertible evidence. Weather and climate change are natural processes beyond human control. To argue otherwise is to deny the factual evidence.
- Geophysicist Dr. David Deming, associate professor of arts and sciences at the University of Oklahoma who has published numerous peer-reviewed research articles.

I have about 200 more such quotes, from actual scientists who aren't funded by anyone. Some of them even used to be members of the IPCC and some of them even originally wrote the opinions there, WHILE they WERE getting funding.

Honesty seems to creep in when they're off the AGW tit!
And besides the 'creation scientists' tell us that god will take care of the 'believers' so not to worry.
Man's vanity caused him to create God in his own image. It was never the other way around. My personal belief aside, for others who reject God and the idea of religion they've substituted science. Man apparently HAS to worship something, seems to be part of the makeup. But when will you AGW zealots wake up and realize your religion is nothing but mediocre fakery?

Since the "debate is over" mantra, there's mounting evidence that the whole thing is a sham. The only warming over the past few years is the hot air coming out of Al Gore and his fellow global warming nuts. All of the reports have shown that temperatures have actually been falling the past few years. There have been record snows and Polar caps are actually growing. This fiasco clearly illustrates how flawed this religion is:

PRUDEN: The killer frost for global warming - Washington Times

So far the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reports 63 record snowfalls in the United States, 115 lowest-ever temperatures for the month. Only 44 Octobers over the past 114 years have been cooler than this last one.

This despite NASA's recent outright LIE that the last October was the warmest on record. What say you zealots now? Blinders slipping off yet? Fallen back on the covers-it-all "climate change" spin yet?

How about the core theory of AGW that since the earth is warming, the great heatsinks of the planet -- the oceans -- are getting warmer and melting ice? Would it surprise you to know that science actually proves the opposite is true?

The Oceans Have Stopped Warming!

Something isn’t following the Greenhouse script. The oceans, which contain 80 to 90 percent of the planet’s heat, have recently stopped warming!

Over the past 4-5 years, “there has been a very slight cooling, but not anything really significant,” Josh Willis of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory recently told National Public Radio.

Nothing very significant—except the ocean warming trend has stopped?! This, in the midst of the biggest furor over global temperatures and climate overheating in human history?

Willis monitors the data from a nifty new set of Argo ocean buoys. They not only record sea surface temperatures but periodically dive 3,000 feet under water and record sub-surface temperatures as they rise back up. These wonderful new Argo floats say the oceans have been cooling slightly for the past 4-5 years, instead of accentuating a continuing global warming trend.
Now, the millions spent on these Buoys didn't produce the desired results, therefore you've never heard of this. And you see right there, NASA actually calling it insignificant. But if these miracles of modern science -- the Argo Buoys, had indicated even the most minuscule warming -- they would have been hailed as the greatest measuring device ever conceived by Man and you would know all about them.

There would be Argo dolls, pendants, earrings, tatoos, t-shirts, you name it. But since they made an honest and factual report, no one knows about them...

Can you AGW zealots now wake up and start having healthy skepticism and doubt about your religion -- start questioning the dogma -- or, will you bitterly cling to your misbegotten religion? Continue to cherry-pick your "facts" and data while discarding any evidence that belies it?

There's far too much evidence piling up that the planet is actually cooling instead of warming, and you're happy with purposely trying to affect climate change by the forcing of going "green" and reducing the output of life-giving CO2?

It's not science you're embracing, it's a Goebbels-style Big Lie. Please wake up and discard your vanity and realize Man is totally insignificant on this planet and in the universe. It's really very liberating once you're there. I'll quote again from the offending article linked first here:
It's clear now that the earth has been cooling for the past decade, to the sorrow of the special pleaders and despite everything Al can do about it. The solar cycle peaked, the sun is quieter, the sunspots have faded and everybody but Al is cooling off.

Even the United Nations says so. The director of the U.N.'s panel on climate change concedes that nature has overwhelmed everything man can do and it might even be another decade before man can rally and the warming resumes. Until then, like it or not, nature rules the cosmos.
What say you zealots?

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