Global Warming Predictions That HAUNT Liberals / Global Warming Nuts


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
PREDICTION 1: June 1988 NASA's Jim Hansen says before Congress "That the West Side Highway in New York City will be underwater in 20-40 years."

REALITY: We're 23 years into this prediction and sea levels have risen 2.5" since then...only about 10 feet to go before the West Side Highway goes underwater. At the current pace we're about 1,200 years away.

PREDICTION 2: 12 October 2007 Al Gore said with apocalyptic certainty while accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, "The North Polar ice cap is falling off a cliff; 'It could be completely gone in summer in as little as seven years. Seven years from now!" We all can point to thousands of media stories on this topic so Al has some company on this scientific propaganda.

REALITY: It's now 7 years later and what do we have? 76% bigger ice coverage and thickness than just two years ago, 35% BIGGER than 2007 when Gore spoke from the pulpit.

PREDICTION 3: Hurricanes numbers are increasing and getting stronger.

REALITY: The scary truth is Global and Atlantic basin hurricane activity and intensity has been plummeting for years and now at 50 year lows globally and 30 year lows in the Atlantic.

PREDICTION 4: Snow and frost will disappear. Same group as point 3 but there are hundreds of scientists who made this claim over the past 20 years.

REALITY: As soon as the 30-year Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) cycle started it's cold phase in 2007 we've seen a wholesale change in the severity of cold/snowy Winters the past 7 years. Cold Pacific Ocean - cold snowy planet with 4 of the past 7 winters the snowiest on record based on NOAA/NASA measurements that started in the late 1960s.

PREDICTION 6: Global temperatures will be +0.8C to +1.8C above average by 2014 made by 74 IPCC UN Climate Models in 2005 - just 9 years ago and they were completely and utterly wrong and not one predicted the continued 17 years pause in global temperatures.

REALITY: They all get F and time to go back to the drawing board to figure out why! Last year July, all 90 IPCC climate models were completely wrong as the global temperature remained flat for 16 straight years - not one predicted the pause with the current temp below the 100% guarantee it won't be this temp.

PREDICTION 7: Tornadoes are getting more frequent, greater numbers and much stronger.

REALITY: According to the severe storms forecast center, the actual number of violent monster F3 tornadoes has actually been decreasing.

LINK: 10 Predictions vs Reality and the Winter 2014-2015 Hype - Blog - weathertrends360
PREDICTION 1: June 1988 NASA's Jim Hansen says before Congress "That the West Side Highway in New York City will be underwater in 20-40 years."

REALITY: We're 23 years into this prediction and sea levels have risen 2.5" since then...only about 10 feet to go before the West Side Highway goes underwater. At the current pace we're about 1,200 years away.

PREDICTION 2: 12 October 2007 Al Gore said with apocalyptic certainty while accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, "The North Polar ice cap is falling off a cliff; 'It could be completely gone in summer in as little as seven years. Seven years from now!" We all can point to thousands of media stories on this topic so Al has some company on this scientific propaganda.

REALITY: It's now 7 years later and what do we have? 76% bigger ice coverage and thickness than just two years ago, 35% BIGGER than 2007 when Gore spoke from the pulpit.

PREDICTION 3: Hurricanes numbers are increasing and getting stronger.

REALITY: The scary truth is Global and Atlantic basin hurricane activity and intensity has been plummeting for years and now at 50 year lows globally and 30 year lows in the Atlantic.

PREDICTION 4: Snow and frost will disappear. Same group as point 3 but there are hundreds of scientists who made this claim over the past 20 years.

REALITY: As soon as the 30-year Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) cycle started it's cold phase in 2007 we've seen a wholesale change in the severity of cold/snowy Winters the past 7 years. Cold Pacific Ocean - cold snowy planet with 4 of the past 7 winters the snowiest on record based on NOAA/NASA measurements that started in the late 1960s.

PREDICTION 6: Global temperatures will be +0.8C to +1.8C above average by 2014 made by 74 IPCC UN Climate Models in 2005 - just 9 years ago and they were completely and utterly wrong and not one predicted the continued 17 years pause in global temperatures.

REALITY: They all get F and time to go back to the drawing board to figure out why! Last year July, all 90 IPCC climate models were completely wrong as the global temperature remained flat for 16 straight years - not one predicted the pause with the current temp below the 100% guarantee it won't be this temp.

PREDICTION 7: Tornadoes are getting more frequent, greater numbers and much stronger.

REALITY: According to the severe storms forecast center, the actual number of violent monster F3 tornadoes has actually been decreasing.

LINK: 10 Predictions vs Reality and the Winter 2014-2015 Hype - Blog - weathertrends360
This post to be follwed by leftist saying every time they got the opposite result means the CC is actually truer b/c.

B/c 'why' you might ask

Well B/C you're a racist.
June 1988 NASA's Jim Hansen says before Congress "That the West Side Highway in New York City will be underwater in 20-40 years."

Reality: That's a big ol' lie, like almost everything your source claims.

The Congressional Record has every word everyone ever said in Congress, and it's online. So why don't you point us to those words in the Congressional Record? I'll let you know it will be difficult, as there was no such speech.

I do so enjoy watching you squirm, you know. What happened is you just blindly copied a big lie somebody fed you, being that independent research is such a totally foreign concept to you and most deniers. Your masters fed it to you, and like a good cultist, you believe without question.

Now, Hansen did says such a thing in an interview, but the situation being discussed was 40 years after a doubling of CO2. 40 years after we reach 700 ppm, we can see if Hansen was right. Since it's just 400 ppm now, it's not possible to judge the prediction.

12 October 2007 Al Gore said with apocalyptic certainty while accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, "The North Polar ice cap is falling off a cliff; 'It could be completely gone in summer in as little as seven years. Seven years from now!" We all can point to thousands of media stories on this topic so Al has some company on this scientific propaganda.

That's embarrassing for Gore. But nobody else cares, as he's not a scientist. It's also embarrassing for you, that you have to ignore the actual science and fixate on Gore.

Hurricanes numbers are increasing and getting stronger.

Nobody predicted more. So, another lie on your part. And intensity has been growing, so you lied there as well. And the Pacific had record activity this year, so you lied especially massively there.

Snow and frost will disappear. Same group as point 3 but there are hundreds of scientists who made this claim over the past 20 years.

"Hundreds"? There's another outright lie on your part. There's not even one person who made that claim for the whole globe, much less hundreds. There's one guy who made that claim for England, and that's the sum total of such predictions.

Global temperatures will be +0.8C to +1.8C above average by 2014 made by 74 IPCC UN Climate Models in 2005 - just 9 years ago and they were completely and utterly wrong and not one predicted the continued 17 years pause in global temperatures.

And your lies keep coming. Global temps are right smack dab on what the models predicted.

Tornadoes are getting more frequent, greater numbers and much stronger.

Another lie, as that prediction wasn't made for the present time. It's thought it will happen in the far future, but nobody predicted more and bigger tornadoes for the present.

So, congratulations. Perfect failure on your part, and a perfect record of dishonesty. You've demonstrated your skill at parroting frauds and liars. Probably not what you were going for, eh?

At this point, you have a choice. You ask your sources why they fed you the lies, or you can just run back to them, drop to your knees and beg for more lies. As you're a devoted cultist, we all know you'll choose the latter.
Darn racist facts.

We get it, by the way. You and Two Thumbs are too chickenshit to respond to any actual facts, so you just auto-squeal "Racism!", wet yourselves and run.

It's very rare to find a denier who isn't a dishonest chickenshit. Any normal person has fled that cult out of sheer disgust, leaving only the most sorry specimens of humanity to remain.
Darn racist facts.

We get it, by the way. You and Two Thumbs are too chickenshit to respond to any actual facts, so you just auto-squeal "Racism!", wet yourselves and run.

It's very rare to find a denier who isn't a dishonest chickenshit. Any normal person has fled that cult out of sheer disgust, leaving only the most sorry specimens of humanity to remain.
Thank you Mamooth. Not only are you a typical leftist with no sense of humor whatsoever, you have demonstrated the tactics of true believers: Don't explain why you still believe in a discredited theory. Just trot out the talking points and call those who don't bow to the great god consensus, names.

You still believe in Piltdown Man too, don't you?
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Mamooth says atmospheric pressure has no effect on temperature, even on Venus

Just take your beatings like a man, Frank, if you're capable of it. Which everyone doubts, given your past behavior. When your stupid claims get debunked, simply slink away in disgrace. Don't follow me to another thread and sulk out some stupid lie.
Mamooth says atmospheric pressure has no effect on temperature, even on Venus

Just take your beatings like a man, Frank, if you're capable of it. Which everyone doubts, given your past behavior. When your stupid claims get debunked, simply slink away in disgrace. Don't follow me to another thread and sulk out some stupid lie.

Do you stand by your staggering, absurd claim that atmospheric pressure has no effect on temperature?
PREDICTION 1: June 1988 NASA's Jim Hansen says before Congress "That the West Side Highway in New York City will be underwater in 20-40 years."

REALITY: We're 23 years into this prediction and sea levels have risen 2.5" since then...only about 10 feet to go before the West Side Highway goes underwater. At the current pace we're about 1,200 years away.

Reality! Since you gave no link, going to call this a lie until you back it up with a link.

PREDICTION 2: 12 October 2007 Al Gore said with apocalyptic certainty while accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, "The North Polar ice cap is falling off a cliff; 'It could be completely gone in summer in as little as seven years. Seven years from now!" We all can point to thousands of media stories on this topic so Al has some company on this scientific propaganda.

REALITY: It's now 7 years later and what do we have? 76% bigger ice coverage and thickness than just two years ago, 35% BIGGER than 2007 when Gore spoke from the pulpit.

Reality! Al Gore is a businessman, ex-politician, and a journalist by training. He should not have tried his hand at ice prediction. No more than you should be trying your hand at half-lies. The summer lows for the ice are very much lower than they were in 1979 when we first started getting accurate numbers from the satellites.

PREDICTION 3: Hurricanes numbers are increasing and getting stronger.

REALITY: The scary truth is Global and Atlantic basin hurricane activity and intensity has been plummeting for years and now at 50 year lows globally and 30 year lows in the Atlantic.

Reality! Again, working with half-lies and outright lies. There is much variability in hurricane strength and numbers year to year. However, you have given numbers for the Atlantic, and ignored the record numbers of hurricanes in the Pacific. And the record intensity for some of those hurricanes. And the numbers will continue to vary, and every year that the are low, you will point this out, and ignore the years that they are very high. That is how liars work.

PREDICTION 4: Snow and frost will disappear. Same group as point 3 but there are hundreds of scientists who made this claim over the past 20 years.

REALITY: As soon as the 30-year Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) cycle started it's cold phase in 2007 we've seen a wholesale change in the severity of cold/snowy Winters the past 7 years. Cold Pacific Ocean - cold snowy planet with 4 of the past 7 winters the snowiest on record based on NOAA/NASA measurements that started in the late 1960s.

Reality. Outright lie, dumb fuck. One scientist made this prediction for England, not the whole world. And the average date for the first snowfall in the mountains has been getting later every decade for several decades now, worldwide. And the average date for the snow melt has been earlier in the spring every decade for several decades now.

Climate Change 2014 – Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability: Part A: Global and Sectoral Aspects: Volume 1, Global and Sectoral Aspects

PREDICTION 6: Global temperatures will be +0.8C to +1.8C above average by 2014 made by 74 IPCC UN Climate Models in 2005 - just 9 years ago and they were completely and utterly wrong and not one predicted the continued 17 years pause in global temperatures.

REALITY: They all get F and time to go back to the drawing board to figure out why! Last year July, all 90 IPCC climate models were completely wrong as the global temperature remained flat for 16 straight years - not one predicted the pause with the current temp below the 100% guarantee it won't be this temp.

Reality! Looks like 2015 is going to come in above +1 C. How can you be so stupid as to ignore what is happening right now?
Warming set to breach 1C threshold - BBC News

PREDICTION 7: Tornadoes are getting more frequent, greater numbers and much stronger.

REALITY: According to the severe storms forecast center, the actual number of violent monster F3 tornadoes has actually been decreasing.

Reality! OK, the number of F3 tornadoes has been diminishing. But the scale is F1, F2, F3, F4, and F5. F5 being the strongest. So why the specified F3? Maybe because the other numbers don't agree with your statement? Nice little half lie.

LINK: 10 Predictions vs Reality and the Winter 2014-2015 Hype - Blog - weathertrends360
"easyt65, post: 12925855, member: 55400"]PREDICTION 1: June 1988 NASA's Jim Hansen says before Congress "That the West Side Highway in New York City will be underwater in 20-40 years."

REALITY: We're 23 years into this prediction and sea levels have risen 2.5" since then...only about 10 feet to go before the West Side Highway goes underwater. At the current pace we're about 1,200 years away.

Reality! Since you gave no link, going to call this a lie until you back it up with a link.

PREDICTION 2: 12 October 2007 Al Gore said with apocalyptic certainty while accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, "The North Polar ice cap is falling off a cliff; 'It could be completely gone in summer in as little as seven years. Seven years from now!" We all can point to thousands of media stories on this topic so Al has some company on this scientific propaganda.

REALITY: It's now 7 years later and what do we have? 76% bigger ice coverage and thickness than just two years ago, 35% BIGGER than 2007 when Gore spoke from the pulpit.

Reality! Al Gore is a businessman, ex-politician, and a journalist by training. He should not have tried his hand at ice prediction. No more than you should be trying your hand at half-lies. The summer lows for the ice are very much lower than they were in 1979 when we first started getting accurate numbers from the satellites.

PREDICTION 3: Hurricanes numbers are increasing and getting stronger.

REALITY: The scary truth is Global and Atlantic basin hurricane activity and intensity has been plummeting for years and now at 50 year lows globally and 30 year lows in the Atlantic.

Reality! Again, working with half-lies and outright lies. There is much variability in hurricane strength and numbers year to year. However, you have given numbers for the Atlantic, and ignored the record numbers of hurricanes in the Pacific. And the record intensity for some of those hurricanes. And the numbers will continue to vary, and every year that the are low, you will point this out, and ignore the years that they are very high. That is how liars work.

PREDICTION 4: Snow and frost will disappear. Same group as point 3 but there are hundreds of scientists who made this claim over the past 20 years.

REALITY: As soon as the 30-year Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) cycle started it's cold phase in 2007 we've seen a wholesale change in the severity of cold/snowy Winters the past 7 years. Cold Pacific Ocean - cold snowy planet with 4 of the past 7 winters the snowiest on record based on NOAA/NASA measurements that started in the late 1960s.

Reality. Outright lie, dumb fuck. One scientist made this prediction for England, not the whole world. And the average date for the first snowfall in the mountains has been getting later every decade for several decades now, worldwide. And the average date for the snow melt has been earlier in the spring every decade for several decades now.

Climate Change 2014 – Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability: Part A: Global and Sectoral Aspects: Volume 1, Global and Sectoral Aspects

PREDICTION 6: Global temperatures will be +0.8C to +1.8C above average by 2014 made by 74 IPCC UN Climate Models in 2005 - just 9 years ago and they were completely and utterly wrong and not one predicted the continued 17 years pause in global temperatures.

REALITY: They all get F and time to go back to the drawing board to figure out why! Last year July, all 90 IPCC climate models were completely wrong as the global temperature remained flat for 16 straight years - not one predicted the pause with the current temp below the 100% guarantee it won't be this temp.

Reality! Looks like 2015 is going to come in above +1 C. How can you be so stupid as to ignore what is happening right now?
Warming set to breach 1C threshold - BBC News

PREDICTION 7: Tornadoes are getting more frequent, greater numbers and much stronger.

REALITY: According to the severe storms forecast center, the actual number of violent monster F3 tornadoes has actually been decreasing.

Reality! OK, the number of F3 tornadoes has been diminishing. But the scale is F1, F2, F3, F4, and F5. F5 being the strongest. So why the specified F3? Maybe because the other numbers don't agree with your statement? Nice little half lie.

LINK: 10 Predictions vs Reality and the Winter 2014-2015 Hype - Blog - weathertrends360[/QUOTE]
Mamooth says atmospheric pressure has no effect on temperature, even on Venus

Just take your beatings like a man, Frank, if you're capable of it. Which everyone doubts, given your past behavior. When your stupid claims get debunked, simply slink away in disgrace. Don't follow me to another thread and sulk out some stupid lie.

Do you stand by your staggering, absurd claim that atmospheric pressure has no effect on temperature?
Not only did he never say that, he never claimed that the moon is hollow, either.
Mamooth says atmospheric pressure has no effect on temperature, even on Venus

Just take your beatings like a man, Frank, if you're capable of it. Which everyone doubts, given your past behavior. When your stupid claims get debunked, simply slink away in disgrace. Don't follow me to another thread and sulk out some stupid lie.

Do you stand by your staggering, absurd claim that atmospheric pressure has no effect on temperature?
Not only did he never say that, he never claimed that the moon is hollow, either.

Actually, he did. He was pretty proud of himself when he said it too...
Given your level of credibility, a link is in order. In context.
Anyone who thinks AGW is real, should have zero a sane nation.
Anyone that ignores what nearly the totality of the scientists involved in the study of atmosphere and climate state, is an ignorant ass. Especially when they think the know much more than these scientists with just a GED to show for education.

Virtually every Scientific Society, every Academy of Science , and every major University in the world had policy statements that state that AGW is real and a clear and present danger.
Mamooth says atmospheric pressure has no effect on temperature, even on Venus

Just take your beatings like a man, Frank, if you're capable of it. Which everyone doubts, given your past behavior. When your stupid claims get debunked, simply slink away in disgrace. Don't follow me to another thread and sulk out some stupid lie.

Do you stand by your staggering, absurd claim that atmospheric pressure has no effect on temperature?
Not only did he never say that, he never claimed that the moon is hollow, either.

Mammooth actually said that atmospheric pressure has no effect on temperature
Given your level of credibility, a link is in order. In context.
Anyone who thinks AGW is real, should have zero a sane nation.
Anyone that ignores what nearly the totality of the scientists involved in the study of atmosphere and climate state, is an ignorant ass. Especially when they think the know much more than these scientists with just a GED to show for education.

Virtually every Scientific Society, every Academy of Science , and every major University in the world had policy statements that state that AGW is real and a clear and present danger.
Appeal to authority means you can't think for yourself.

Why have you chosen to believe lies from known liars? Are you stupid or just dumb?
Actually, he did. He was pretty proud of himself when he said it too...

You can tell whenever I start spanking deniers extra-hard, because they start bawling hard and then lying outright about me.

Westwall, Frank if you two aren't not lying outright, then show where I supposedly said "atmospheric pressure has no effect on temperature", as both of you liars expressly claimed.

If you can't do that, a big apology to me and the board would be in order. But that's only if you're concerned about not looking like proud pathological liars. If having such a reputation doesn't bother you, then obviously you can skip the apology.
Actually, he did. He was pretty proud of himself when he said it too...

You can tell whenever I start spanking deniers extra-hard, because they start bawling hard and then lying outright about me.

Westwall, Frank if you two aren't not lying outright, then show where I supposedly said "atmospheric pressure has no effect on temperature", as both of you liars expressly claimed.

If you can't do that, a big apology to me and the board would be in order. But that's only if you're concerned about not looking like proud pathological liars. If having such a reputation doesn't bother you, then obviously you can skip the apology.

Oh? You didn't say this?

"Static pressure absolutely positively does not create heat. _Increasing_ pressure creates heat, because work is being done on the gas to compress it."

Why lookey DID say that. Yes you did..... Run along now junior...

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