Responsible Moderate Action Needed On Climate Change!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
It was surprising that this past weekend the esteemed Wall Street Journal published an editorial article by very reputable people, Matt Ridley and Benny Peiser (Your Complete Guide To The Climate Debate), taking the stance that human activity is not damaging the climate that there is nothing mankind needs to worry about here with such stupid arguments. They were dismissive about a report (by the UN) that world temperatures will likely rise by 2.7 to 8.1 degrees Fahrenheit by the latter part of this century; they argued this might even be beneficial to the environment. This is a stupid argument common sense indicates this will clearly be a really bad development, higher temperatures will make the ocean warmer which will increase the frequency and destructive power of hurricanes, higher temperatures will increase the evaporation of surface water increasing areas and severity of water shortages throughout the world, higher temperatures will spread plant life diseases throughout the world that flourish in warmer temperatures. The article also tried to dismiss worries about CO2 emissions essentially saying that if CO2 levels throughout the world doubled it is not going to have an alarming effect on world wide-temperatures older people like 40 years of age and older know from personal experience that the climate in their lifetime has dramatically changed for the worse and during the last hundred years or so the human race has recklessly dumped CO2 into the atmosphere and common sense indicates there is a connection and doubling this problem certainly is something responsible human beings need to worry about!
Even though these climate damage naysayers are stupid the other side of the debate the pro-environment extremists are people to be worried about because they don't appreciate the economic and thereby social costs of what they seek. The world needs a balanced responsible approach. Really the optimally wise approach is not the carbon tax and "cap and trade" models that just make things more expensive for consumers in the process doing very little to cut harmful emissions; authorities should stick with regulations that directly cut harmful emissions. It is a given that the power industry world-wide is the worst polluting culprit. World leaders need to start there for wealthier countries ban new coal plants until the coal industry can bring about advancement of science where coal is no longer more polluting than natural gas plants. World leaders should come up with an organization and system that can bring nuclear energy to countries throughout the world bring about this organization having security power to secure these facilities throughout the world so that nuclear fuel doesn't get into the wrong hands maybe have nuclear plants throughout the world be considered embassies where domestic personnel won't have access to the facilities to remove the nuclear fuel only this international organization will have access to the facilities. World leaders need to make a definite diffence in this area if only a small difference the issue involved warrants this! The human race needs action on this problem but fully wise considerate action!
It was surprising that this past weekend the esteemed Wall Street Journal published an editorial article by very reputable people, Matt Ridley and Benny Peiser (Your Complete Guide To The Climate Debate), taking the stance that human activity is not damaging the climate that there is nothing mankind needs to worry about here

It's not surprising. It's just the truth.
"They were dismissive about a report (by the UN)"
don't blame them a bit
Ridley and Paiser have been paid denier shills for many years. Neither of them has any science background. Ridley is especially notable for being so incompetent, his bank suffered the first bank failure in Britain in 150 years. Paiser is an anthropologist with a background in Sports Medicine. And the WSJ editorial page has been a conservative propaganda outlet now for many years.
It was surprising that this past weekend the esteemed Wall Street Journal published an editorial article by very reputable people, Matt Ridley and Benny Peiser (Your Complete Guide To The Climate Debate), taking the stance that human activity is not damaging the climate that there is nothing mankind needs to worry about here with such stupid arguments. They were dismissive about a report (by the UN) that world temperatures will likely rise by 2.7 to 8.1 degrees Fahrenheit by the latter part of this century; they argued this might even be beneficial to the environment. This is a stupid argument common sense indicates this will clearly be a really bad development, higher temperatures will make the ocean warmer which will increase the frequency and destructive power of hurricanes, higher temperatures will increase the evaporation of surface water increasing areas and severity of water shortages throughout the world, higher temperatures will spread plant life diseases throughout the world that flourish in warmer temperatures. The article also tried to dismiss worries about CO2 emissions essentially saying that if CO2 levels throughout the world doubled it is not going to have an alarming effect on world wide-temperatures older people like 40 years of age and older know from personal experience that the climate in their lifetime has dramatically changed for the worse and during the last hundred years or so the human race has recklessly dumped CO2 into the atmosphere and common sense indicates there is a connection and doubling this problem certainly is something responsible human beings need to worry about!
Even though these climate damage naysayers are stupid the other side of the debate the pro-environment extremists are people to be worried about because they don't appreciate the economic and thereby social costs of what they seek. The world needs a balanced responsible approach. Really the optimally wise approach is not the carbon tax and "cap and trade" models that just make things more expensive for consumers in the process doing very little to cut harmful emissions; authorities should stick with regulations that directly cut harmful emissions. It is a given that the power industry world-wide is the worst polluting culprit. World leaders need to start there for wealthier countries ban new coal plants until the coal industry can bring about advancement of science where coal is no longer more polluting than natural gas plants. World leaders should come up with an organization and system that can bring nuclear energy to countries throughout the world bring about this organization having security power to secure these facilities throughout the world so that nuclear fuel doesn't get into the wrong hands maybe have nuclear plants throughout the world be considered embassies where domestic personnel won't have access to the facilities to remove the nuclear fuel only this international organization will have access to the facilities. World leaders need to make a definite diffence in this area if only a small difference the issue involved warrants this! The human race needs action on this problem but fully wise considerate action!

Dude Matt Ridley is a journalist and member of the house of Lords. Clearly there is no one more qualified to determine if a rise in temperature would be beneficial or not. Who you gonna trust? Some stuffy "scientist" ? Those guys are all liars, its be proven time and time again by Breitbart and by people who cut and paste from Breitbart.
Ridley and Paiser have been paid denier shills for many years. Neither of them has any science background. Ridley is especially notable for being so incompetent, his bank suffered the first bank failure in Britain in 150 years. Paiser is an anthropologist with a background in Sports Medicine. And the WSJ editorial page has been a conservative propaganda outlet now for many years.

Sports medicine is a real world science. I'm more inclined to believe whatever he says about climate than some government leech who has devoted his entire life to the study of it.
It was surprising that this past weekend the esteemed Wall Street Journal published an editorial article by very reputable people, Matt Ridley and Benny Peiser (Your Complete Guide To The Climate Debate), taking the stance that human activity is not damaging the climate that there is nothing mankind needs to worry about here with such stupid arguments. They were dismissive about a report (by the UN) that world temperatures will likely rise by 2.7 to 8.1 degrees Fahrenheit by the latter part of this century; they argued this might even be beneficial to the environment. This is a stupid argument common sense indicates this will clearly be a really bad development, higher temperatures will make the ocean warmer which will increase the frequency and destructive power of hurricanes, higher temperatures will increase the evaporation of surface water increasing areas and severity of water shortages throughout the world, higher temperatures will spread plant life diseases throughout the world that flourish in warmer temperatures. The article also tried to dismiss worries about CO2 emissions essentially saying that if CO2 levels throughout the world doubled it is not going to have an alarming effect on world wide-temperatures older people like 40 years of age and older know from personal experience that the climate in their lifetime has dramatically changed for the worse and during the last hundred years or so the human race has recklessly dumped CO2 into the atmosphere and common sense indicates there is a connection and doubling this problem certainly is something responsible human beings need to worry about!
Even though these climate damage naysayers are stupid the other side of the debate the pro-environment extremists are people to be worried about because they don't appreciate the economic and thereby social costs of what they seek. The world needs a balanced responsible approach. Really the optimally wise approach is not the carbon tax and "cap and trade" models that just make things more expensive for consumers in the process doing very little to cut harmful emissions; authorities should stick with regulations that directly cut harmful emissions. It is a given that the power industry world-wide is the worst polluting culprit. World leaders need to start there for wealthier countries ban new coal plants until the coal industry can bring about advancement of science where coal is no longer more polluting than natural gas plants. World leaders should come up with an organization and system that can bring nuclear energy to countries throughout the world bring about this organization having security power to secure these facilities throughout the world so that nuclear fuel doesn't get into the wrong hands maybe have nuclear plants throughout the world be considered embassies where domestic personnel won't have access to the facilities to remove the nuclear fuel only this international organization will have access to the facilities. World leaders need to make a definite diffence in this area if only a small difference the issue involved warrants this! The human race needs action on this problem but fully wise considerate action!
A lady on NPR tonight said that by the middle of this century 35 years from now we need to be at zero emissions. That would be an amazing accomplishment and although I don't think we'll get there I know we could if we tried

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