Global Warming is either Benign or Our Friend

The deniers are all doing that group "Nuh uh!" thing again that they do so often and so well. It's very convincing science on their part.

Remember deniers, nobody is obligated to address a Gish Gallop of crap, and that's all you can ever present. Quite the contrary, the burden of proof is on you to back up your Gish Gallop of crap. You haven't even tried. Because you can't.

Ha ha, look here is the foul mouthed asshole who never debates anything, just babble shit and run off.

You can't address the post one article either, must too hard for you to answer it since that requires effort and intelligence, which you have little of.


Ha ha, look here is the foul mouthed asshole who never debates anything, just babble shit and run off.

Yes! A total meltdown! I'm that good.

Got any more kook Gish Gallops for us that you'll post, demand that everyone accept unconditionally, and then melt down over when we laugh?

Still nothing from you but a bunch of useless noise.

You can't address the post one article either, must too hard for you to answer it since that requires effort and intelligence, which you have little of.

When are you ever going to address the Content of post one article?

"Refute my dumb links, which I'm too inept and terrified to discuss, or I win!".

If you won't discuss your own link, you're pretty much admitting that it's a big steaming pile. And it was.

Since you're too scared, I'll go through them.

1. Koonin is a sad paid liar, and not a climate scientist. The models have been excellent.

2. Koonin being stupid again, this time with economics. Pretty much all of the actual economists disagree, and say that global warming is very harmful.

3. False. Hurricanes are definitely getting stronger.

4. Red herring. Natural disasters get less deadly because we're better at forecasting them and responding to them.

5. The fact that a few very well-paid denier shills say global warming is good just means they're taking money to lie.

6. Again, false. That "study" that shows cold kills more than heat conveniently left out almost all the tropics, where all of the heat is. It's easy to say heat doesn't kill when you just leave out all the places where heat kills.
Do you ever wonder……how does someone end up believing such nonsense, which not only stands in stark contrast to actual science, but stands in stark contrast to the painfully obvious reality we can all see, right here on planet earth?

There seems to be this special kind of stupid that afflicts many Trumpists, and you realize this ignorance has been nurtured and cultivated by many decades of propaganda and disinformation, and it actually is highly effective.

People continue to say their eyes are lying. The ignorance is appalling.
"Refute my dumb links, which I'm too inept and terrified to discuss, or I win!".

If you won't discuss your own link, you're pretty much admitting that it's a big steaming pile. And it was.

Since you're too scared, I'll go through them.

1. Koonin is a sad paid liar, and not a climate scientist. The models have been excellent.

2. Koonin being stupid again, this time with economics. Pretty much all of the actual economists disagree, and say that global warming is very harmful.

3. False. Hurricanes are definitely getting stronger.

4. Red herring. Natural disasters get less deadly because we're better at forecasting them and responding to them.

5. The fact that a few very well-paid denier shills say global warming is good just means they're taking money to lie.

6. Again, false. That "study" that shows cold kills more than heat conveniently left out almost all the tropics, where all of the heat is. It's easy to say heat doesn't kill when you just leave out all the places where heat kills.
Do you ever wonder……how does someone end up believing such nonsense, which not only stands in stark contrast to actual science, but stands in stark contrast to the painfully obvious reality we can all see, right here on planet earth?

There seems to be this special kind of stupid that afflicts many Trumpists, and you realize this ignorance has been nurtured and cultivated by many decades of propaganda and disinformation, and it actually is highly effective.

People continue to say their eyes are lying. The ignorance is appalling.

It is you and Mamooth's inability to address the content of post one article that is funny, it is making the two of you look bad in your avoidance of a simple 6 points argument.

It is YOU who is lying to yourself when you chronically avoid reading them, then make up lies about it.

That is truly stupid.

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