Global temperatures COOLER now than when Gore won Nobel Prize in 2007


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2015
AL GOREā€™S POOR TRACK RECORD - Chart by Meteorologist Joe Bastardi of Weatherbell Analytics. - An inconvenient truth: Global temps were warmer when Al Gore won the 2007 Nobel Prize than today, even after the 2015/16 super El Nino.


Meteorologist Joe Bastardi explains: ā€œAl Gore was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize based on warnings of future events ā€” the same future events that have not happened. The fact is that global temperatures from 2006-2007 while Gore was basking in the glory of his apocalypse-driven fame were warmer than they are now, and we are still falling off the Super El NiƱo peak. Additionally, much of the time in-between was lower than what it was in the run-up to ā€˜An Inconvenient Truth.'ā€ Bastardi added: ā€œFact: Without monkeying around and ā€˜findingā€™ warming, temps have changed very little during 20 year AGW hysteria period.ā€

[Climate Depot Note: The Bastardi graph uses the the global 2m temperature anomaly. There are several different temperature datasets, two satellite datasets (UAH & RSS) and several surface datasets that may show somewhat different temperature anomalies. Claims of ā€œhottest yearā€ or ā€œhottest decadeā€ are debunked here: Load of bollocks: 2016 allegedly ā€˜hottest yearā€™ by unmeasureable 1/100 of a degree ā€“ While satellites show ā€˜pauseā€™ continues ā€“ Former Obama Official Mocks ā€˜Hottest Year on Recordā€™ ā€“ Temps Within Margin of Error & MIT climate scientist on ā€˜hottest yearā€™: ā€˜The hysteria over this issue is truly bizarreā€™]

Global temperatures COOLER now than when Gore won Nobel Prize in 2007
It's cooler now.

One month in 2007 warmer than July, 2017, the rest cooler. And if you look at the last 12 months the running average is far higher than that of 2007.

2007 1 0.43
2007 2 0.19
2007 3 0.26
2007 4 0.14
2007 5 0.14
2007 6 0.13
2007 7 0.18
2007 8 0.20
2007 9 0.12
2007 10 0.12
2007 11 0.04
2007 12 -0.04

Yep, only one month was warmer and that was January! This year is so far above 2007 it isn't even funny.

Another to consider that D/J/F had a .7c at 3.4 so it was a nino induced.

Here is RSS for July
2017 7 0.524

Only one month beat this July in the RSS record and that was January 2007! The rest were much below and don't compete at all with the rest of this year..
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It's 20 degrees cooler than normal here.
So why did Bastardi fake the temperatures, and why are all the denier here proudly repeating the fraud?

Remember, if a denier says something, you always assume it's fraudulent, because experience indicates that's usually the case.

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