Global carbon emmissions fAiL


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
As Ive been saying on this forum for 2 years now............NOBODY CARES ABOUT THE SCIENCE!!!

Yet.........I continue to see tens of thousands of posts/year on this forum by the environmental nutters that are all about temperatures this........polar ice caps that..........glacier disappearance this.......................sea levels that................hurricane intensity this............

But what came out of the Durbin Climate summit that ended last week?


Durban Climate Change Vows Made To Be Broken - Reason Magazine

Many know that global warming has been a hoax for more than a decade, but now, even the UN sponsored climate summits are a total farce. It has become nothing at all about trying to impact climate is ONLY about robbing the wealthy nations for the purpose of redistributing wealth. And when the Varsity replaces The JV after next NOvembers election, odds are the US will be pulling out of the UN just like Canada just did in South Africa last week. Subsequently, the cry will be, "Let the drilling begin!!!":D

Indeed..........these days........if you're a skeptic............

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As Ive been saying on this forum for 2 years now............NOBODY CARES ABOUT THE SCIENCE!!!

Yet.........I continue to see tens of thousands of posts/year
on this forum by the environmental nutters that are all about temperatures this........polar ice caps that.......


Too.......I do have to give alot of credit to this guy here...........who predicted more than 10 years ago that this whole global warming crap would fizzle out with a whimper over time................


Say what you want about him...........the man is ALWAYS correct.

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