Glenn Beck: Privatize The Military?

Wow, not only have you lunatics now claimed that the US Military is incompetent, you've managed to pave the way for a full-on corporate oligarchy here in the US.

Nice work!

Hey, I know, why don't we just sell half the country to Halliburton, and the other half to Exxon/Mobil?

At least that way we'd make some money on the deal, before giving up our way of life to bow to the corporate overlords.

Nice to know where your true motivations lie though.

I hope you morons really get what is being said here. (Oh and fuck all of you who say our military is substandard and needs to be privatized. Fuck you...)

I don''t think the military should be privatized. It's one of the fundemental things a government should provide. But as far as police and fire departments, we could do that through contracts and it would most likely be cheaper and more efficient. I live in a suburb of Seattle right now that has practically no crime and we have like 50 cops on patrol a day it seems. We don't need that many, it's a waste of tax dollars. Not to mention they stalk minorities and young folks.
Got any idea of what a privately owned military would cost us?

You know.........considering what happened on Wall St., as well as how many business' LOST money, a quick question......

Consider a privatized military, then consider the Wall St. plunge.

What would have happened during the Iraq/Afghan war if the company holding the miltary contract went belly up like Fannie or Freddie?

How long would it take to resupply the bullets? Would the soldiers have to ration their bullets for the next 6-12 months?

Additionally, who's gonna run the boot camps, and will they have the same dedication as a Gunny or First Class who's a career man?

Will they teach good order and discipline? Most military things are based on many years of tradition developed over the life of this country.

Would a privatized firm be able to inspire that kind of loyalty?
It would happen much faster with a privatized military Observer.

Truth......privatize the military, and the country has about 3 years.

And no, healthcare isn't going to fracture the US, it's going to be the fear mongering by the GOP.

When people are scared, they get stupid, trust me.

while I'm not a big fan of the current GOP in the house and senate... I'm definitley not a fan of the democrats. I don't want to get us off topic, but how do you know healthcare won't fracture the US? After all, didn't Pelosi say they had to pass it before they knew what was in it? And didn't they add to it after putting the bill out to the public?
If we did not maintain a platinum plated military with the capacity to project power at a moments notice everywhere and anywhere on the globe, perhaps we could get a good hold on government spending.

Funny how Conservatives always want to make cuts in programs which directly benefit Americans, but never ever suggest cuts be made in the defense budget. Conservatives want tax cuts, but never ever suggest how those cuts will be paid for.

Defense programs don't directly benefit Americans? Where do you think F-22s and MRAPs and MREs and uniforms and warships come from...they're found under cabbage leaves?

I thought liberals were for the working man. Why do you want to put so many people out of work?
If you start building American arms from American steel, we'll talk.
If we did not maintain a platinum plated military with the capacity to project power at a moments notice everywhere and anywhere on the globe, perhaps we could get a good hold on government spending.

Funny how Conservatives always want to make cuts in programs which directly benefit Americans, but never ever suggest cuts be made in the defense budget. Conservatives want tax cuts, but never ever suggest how those cuts will be paid for.

Defense programs don't directly benefit Americans? Where do you think F-22s and MRAPs and MREs and uniforms and warships come from...they're found under cabbage leaves?

I thought liberals were for the working man. Why do you want to put so many people out of work?
If you start building American arms from American steel, we'll talk.

what % of U.S. arms are built with foreign steel?
Defense programs don't directly benefit Americans? Where do you think F-22s and MRAPs and MREs and uniforms and warships come from...they're found under cabbage leaves?

I thought liberals were for the working man. Why do you want to put so many people out of work?
If you start building American arms from American steel, we'll talk.

what % of U.S. arms are built with foreign steel?
Hundreds of defense contractors are using illegal foreign metals in weapons systems | Manufacturing & Technology News | Find Articles at BNET

Hundreds of defense contractors are using illegal foreign metals in weapons systems. - Free Online Library
If we did not maintain a platinum plated military with the capacity to project power at a moments notice everywhere and anywhere on the globe, perhaps we could get a good hold on government spending.

Funny how Conservatives always want to make cuts in programs which directly benefit Americans, but never ever suggest cuts be made in the defense budget. Conservatives want tax cuts, but never ever suggest how those cuts will be paid for.

Defense programs don't directly benefit Americans? Where do you think F-22s and MRAPs and MREs and uniforms and warships come from...they're found under cabbage leaves?

I thought liberals were for the working man. Why do you want to put so many people out of work?
If you start building American arms from American steel, we'll talk.
You can thank the unions for that.
Defense programs don't directly benefit Americans? Where do you think F-22s and MRAPs and MREs and uniforms and warships come from...they're found under cabbage leaves?

I thought liberals were for the working man. Why do you want to put so many people out of work?
If you start building American arms from American steel, we'll talk.
You can thank the unions for that.
yeah. sure. the unions put the American steel industry on a ship and sent it to Singapore. You really believe this? But, more directly, are you willing to convince me, a resident of the Rust Belt, that such an argument can hold water?
Got any idea of what a privately owned military would cost us?
Mercenaries are paid a hell of a lot more than regular military are.

WikiAnswers - How much does blackwater employee make

How much does blackwater employee make?
In: Salary and Pay Rates, Professions [Edit categories]

I hear that it is done with contracts indiviualy - so that one guy may be paid; lets say $1,000 a month while another guy who did better with his contract, was given a better offer or maybe even used a lawyer to discuss that contract may get between $4,000 and $10,000 a month -

but I would figure that you average "mercenary" and thats what they are - gets paid more than top government officials - while the military is on an antiquated flat pay system. I am sure that restrictions are used - such as - if you are a mercenary and your job is to protect a diplomat or other "important" person, it would stand to reason that they would be getting a better pay rate than there counterparts gaurding say a a building or depot or whatever it may be.

It also makes sense that the ex military soldier who joins blackwater has the intelligents to see that A: they could be paid a poor salary with terrible benifits and stand to lose or have those benefits canceled due to loop holes and poor oversite. or they could B: join a mercenary group like blackwater and make a respectable salary that 7 year college grads make - and on top of that I am just guessing here, they have far better medical benefits than your average military foot soldier - and that is mainly because the tax payer pays for these benefits and salary. So as far as the company of Blackwater is concerned they aren't spending any of there money to provide said benefits.

I would like to say that most of what I wrote is just me making educated guesses and using a basic understanding of business structure.

Either way tax money pays both.
If you start building American arms from American steel, we'll talk.
You can thank the unions for that.
yeah. sure. the unions put the American steel industry on a ship and sent it to Singapore. You really believe this? But, more directly, are you willing to convince me, a resident of the Rust Belt, that such an argument can hold water?
Oh, I'm willing to convince you. But you're not willing to be convinced.
You can thank the unions for that.
yeah. sure. the unions put the American steel industry on a ship and sent it to Singapore. You really believe this? But, more directly, are you willing to convince me, a resident of the Rust Belt, that such an argument can hold water?
Oh, I'm willing to convince you. But you're not willing to be convinced.
Go ahead and enthrall me with your knowledge of the history of the American steel industry.
Defense programs don't directly benefit Americans? Where do you think F-22s and MRAPs and MREs and uniforms and warships come from...they're found under cabbage leaves?

I thought liberals were for the working man. Why do you want to put so many people out of work?
If you start building American arms from American steel, we'll talk.

what % of U.S. arms are built with foreign steel?
Most of europe's arms aren't built in Europe. This is an argument for.... what?

yeah. sure. the unions put the American steel industry on a ship and sent it to Singapore. You really believe this? But, more directly, are you willing to convince me, a resident of the Rust Belt, that such an argument can hold water?

Oh boy oh boy!!!! "The current state exists in a vacuum" argument! I LOVE these! They're so easy to shred, like a kitten on a roll of toilet paper!

Daveman's taking a pass on blowing holes on this, so I will.

Yes, the unions were the first of 3 major forces that killed the American steel industry.

1. NIMBY Environmentalism.
2. Unreasonable Unions
3. Globalist economics.

1. Asshat econazis and hypocritical Not In My Back Yard advocates hurt the steel industry immensely by forcing the industry to install extremely expensive environmental controls on the industry at a time of economic downturn. This in turn put more than a few steel companies into rusting hulks of their own right. Only the most modern of the failing factories were saved. Ever hear of the Rust Belt? It wasn't always because steel was produced there. It was also because of the wreckage these jackoffs created.

2. Unions, unwilling to sacrifice now for future gains by longer term employment fought tooth and nail to keep benefits that, if times were good, could have remained. But when times turned sour thanks to reason 3, the Unions were not willing to flex with the times, making the company inflexible and unable to compete better. Hence, bye bye jobs hello singapore steel.

3. Globalism is a very dangerous economic game when not everyone plays either fair or by the same rules. Nationalized companies, just like monopolies starving out smaller private businesses and start ups have nothing to fear because they can just raise taxes and get bigger bailouts. So, once the marketshare has been stolen from private entities, they can raise prices whatever they want, gouge the shit out of the consumer and because it takes so little to protect their monopoly, the only people they have to worry about are other nationalized industries.

That is why steel comes from abroad, and why your argument is so fulla shit it squeeks going into the turn. Your liberal friends fucked you over in the 1970's by going all ecoNIMBY and wage indignant while opening the door for unfair foreign competition.

And now you have the gall to whine????

Cram the fauxrage, nobody buys it here. Unless you count your simpering socialist sycophants engaging in dubious debate and dialectics.
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Glenn Beck is a drug addict and alchoholic, therefore what he says should not be taken seriously by rational people. I think he's a f**king nut.
Got any idea of what a privately owned military would cost us?
Mercenaries are paid a hell of a lot more than regular military are.

WikiAnswers - How much does blackwater employee make

How much does blackwater employee make?
In: Salary and Pay Rates, Professions [Edit categories]

I hear that it is done with contracts indiviualy - so that one guy may be paid; lets say $1,000 a month while another guy who did better with his contract, was given a better offer or maybe even used a lawyer to discuss that contract may get between $4,000 and $10,000 a month -

but I would figure that you average "mercenary" and thats what they are - gets paid more than top government officials - while the military is on an antiquated flat pay system. I am sure that restrictions are used - such as - if you are a mercenary and your job is to protect a diplomat or other "important" person, it would stand to reason that they would be getting a better pay rate than there counterparts gaurding say a a building or depot or whatever it may be.

It also makes sense that the ex military soldier who joins blackwater has the intelligents to see that A: they could be paid a poor salary with terrible benifits and stand to lose or have those benefits canceled due to loop holes and poor oversite. or they could B: join a mercenary group like blackwater and make a respectable salary that 7 year college grads make - and on top of that I am just guessing here, they have far better medical benefits than your average military foot soldier - and that is mainly because the tax payer pays for these benefits and salary. So as far as the company of Blackwater is concerned they aren't spending any of there money to provide said benefits.

I would like to say that most of what I wrote is just me making educated guesses and using a basic understanding of business structure.

Either way tax money pays both.

Your last sentence is your most telling. No, your educated guesses are totally off base.

A military man sees a job billet that draws special pay. He volunteers for that job, works their ass off at getting qualified and able to draw pay for that job, and therefore gets a "bonus".

There are many different qualifying pays btw.....sub pay, flight deck pay, classifier pay (extra 200/month, I qualified for 2 years).

As far as your gruntings on the health care that the military receives? Guess what......epic fail again.....

In 1994 I was playing softball with my friends, slid into 3rd base, and ripped almost all the ligaments in my left ankle. Saw the doc within 1 hour of getting hurt and was healed and back to full duty in 3 weeks, after 1 week of being off work.

I was riding my bicycle in '97 and thought I was having a heart attack because I pushed my max heart rate to 220 just to see if I could. I was seen immediately, checked out closely and turned loose after being told that I had the heart of a person 1/2 my age.

Should I go on?

And, your idiotic scribblings on your business theory is proof that people like you should never be allowed to try to privatize the military.
the US government fails at everything, including military operations.

You calling our military a failure?
Our military fails only when there's a pussy acting as CIC and a Congress calling the shots. We fight with kid gloves and one hand tied behind...can't shoot 'til you're shot...

Let the Generals run the wars with the goal of winning and keep the President informed of progress. Then we might come out a winner instead of stalemating and retreating.

You can thank Eisenhower for winning the last one. Thank him for the Interstate system while you're at it.
First off eisenhower didn't win the korean war, it has been in a cease fire, technically it is still going on.
rEALLY? They fail at everything? Really?

Certainly a governmental body couldn't possibly run anything better than the private sector.

Quote: Originally Posted by Liberty
the US government fails at everything, including military operations.

Liberty said they fail at everything including military operations. I call Bullshit. Actually as a vet, I am offended really but that is my own issue.

Oh and the private sector did so well recently didn't
The private sector would have done better without gov't interference, and lets get one thing straight, it was the housing market collapse due to the democrats; clinton,dodd,franks forcing banks to lend money to people who could not afford them, that caused the economic collapse, but lets keep blaming Bush as the idiot obama keeps doing. By the way, thanks for your service.
Some 40 percent of the soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan work for a private company. Your Military was privatized soon after the drfat was ended. America has never ih her histroty been able to rasie an army of sufficient size without a draft. American men for the most part are fat, lazy, intellectually inferior cowardly, boozers.
You are a certified idiot.
Certainly a governmental body couldn't possibly run anything better than the private sector.

Quote: Originally Posted by Liberty
the US government fails at everything, including military operations.

Liberty said they fail at everything including military operations. I call Bullshit. Actually as a vet, I am offended really but that is my own issue.

Oh and the private sector did so well recently didn't
The private sector would have done better without gov't interference, and lets get one thing straight, it was the housing market collapse due to the democrats; clinton,dodd,franks forcing banks to lend money to people who could not afford them, that caused the economic collapse, but lets keep blaming Bush as the idiot obama keeps doing. By the way, thanks for your service.

The decision to lend was and always has been the banks'.

There may have been incentives but the final decision rested with the loan officers.
The private sector would have done better without gov't interference, and lets get one thing straight, it was the housing market collapse due to the democrats; clinton,dodd,franks forcing banks to lend money to people who could not afford them, that caused the economic collapse, but lets keep blaming Bush as the idiot obama keeps doing. By the way, thanks for your service.

Not even remotely true. Tired GOP talky point.

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