Glenn Beck: Privatize The Military?

the US government fails at everything, including military operations.

You calling our military a failure?
Our military fails only when there's a pussy acting as CIC and a Congress calling the shots. We fight with kid gloves and one hand tied behind...can't shoot 'til you're shot...

Let the Generals run the wars with the goal of winning and keep the President informed of progress. Then we might come out a winner instead of stalemating and retreating.

You can thank Eisenhower for winning the last one. Thank him for the Interstate system while you're at it.
the US government fails at everything, including military operations.

You calling our military a failure?
Our military fails only when there's a pussy acting as CIC and a Congress calling the shots. We fight with kid gloves and one hand tied behind...can't shoot 'til you're shot...

Let the Generals run the wars with the goal of winning and keep the President informed of progress. Then we might come out a winner instead of stalemating and retreating.

You can thank Eisenhower for winning the last one. Thank him for the Interstate system while you're at it.

Eisenhower won Korea?
Splain that one. Ike was the first to fight limited engagements.
the US government fails at everything, including military operations.

You calling our military a failure?
Our military fails only when there's a pussy acting as CIC and a Congress calling the shots. We fight with kid gloves and one hand tied behind...can't shoot 'til you're shot...

Let the Generals run the wars with the goal of winning and keep the President informed of progress. Then we might come out a winner instead of stalemating and retreating.

You can thank Eisenhower for winning the last one. Thank him for the Interstate system while you're at it.

Funny, I always got the impression that FDR was very, very engaged in the decision making process during WWII.

I gues he just kept taking cat naps and let Eisenhower run the show, huh?
I do not think the military should be privatized but I do think that the politicians in charge should be more win oriented and less image oriented. Where would we be if Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, and Franklin D. Roosevelt would have been worried about image? What needs to happen is that a goal is set and allow the military to achieve it instead of setting no real goal and putting stipulations on what you can and can't do.
Military-industrial complex - SourceWatch

Military-industrial complex

The phrase military-industrial complex was first used on January 17, 1961, by President Dwight D. Eisenhower [1] in his farewell address to the nation in what is called his Military Industrial Complex Speech:

"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

"We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together."
Military-industrial complex - SourceWatch

Military-industrial complex

The phrase military-industrial complex was first used on January 17, 1961, by President Dwight D. Eisenhower [1] in his farewell address to the nation in what is called his Military Industrial Complex Speech:

"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

"We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together."

who can we trust to protect our interests,
our friends in the military-industrial complex?
the powerful ones exploit the weakness
and pull the strings of a television reflex
-'Flowers and Birds', Rise Robots Rise
Is there something that government hasnt failed at?

What a nice neat Conservative Talking Point, that is a complete lie.

We are a democratic republic. The government we create truly represents us. It is as intelligent or as stupid as the people that vote it into place.

Now there are a number of agencies that have done some pretty impressive things over the years. From the reduction of diseases to the point that childhood death from disease is a rarity, rather than common. The network of roads and railroads came about through the agency of the Federal Government. We still have real forests left because it was realized that private enterprise cannot be trusted to see further than five years down the road, so we created National Forests and the Forest Service.

And one can go on for a long, long time listing the accomplishments of our nation through the agency of our government. There are things that are too large for private enterprise to do, and things that private enterprise simply does very poorly. Government is the people's tool to accomplish such things.

Military defence is one such matter, also. Historically, when a government depended on a mercenary force for it's defence, the end of that government was usually at the hands of the military that it had hired. When you have all the guns, why settle for a small percentage of the wealth?
rEALLY? They fail at everything? Really?

Certainly a governmental body couldn't possibly run anything better than the private sector.

Quote: Originally Posted by Liberty
the US government fails at everything, including military operations.

Liberty said they fail at everything including military operations. I call Bullshit. Actually as a vet, I am offended really but that is my own issue.

Oh and the private sector did so well recently didn't
Beck shows some interesting words of distrust regarding the government operating our military.

Article and video w/ him and Stossel.

I guess we can say Beck has some anarchist leanings? Good for him. :clap2:

And before you guys go bashing Blackwater as a "market option" please be aware that 90% of their revenue comes from government contracts (aka, taxpayer dollars) - they are NOT a true outcome of market incentives, but government privilige (and therefore - not actually "private").

XE is a private entity and as such is exploited for the US military ops to get around laws like the Geneva Conventions.
This is too funny.

Some people read Catch-22 as a WARNING.

Others read it as a BLUEPRINT.
Beck shows some interesting words of distrust regarding the government operating our military.

Article and video w/ him and Stossel.

I guess we can say Beck has some anarchist leanings? Good for him. :clap2:

And before you guys go bashing Blackwater as a "market option" please be aware that 90% of their revenue comes from government contracts (aka, taxpayer dollars) - they are NOT a true outcome of market incentives, but government privilige (and therefore - not actually "private").

XE is a private entity and as such is exploited for the US military ops to get around laws like the Geneva Conventions.

So what?
Some 40 percent of the soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan work for a private company. Your Military was privatized soon after the drfat was ended. America has never ih her histroty been able to rasie an army of sufficient size without a draft. American men for the most part are fat, lazy, intellectually inferior cowardly, boozers.
Wow, not only have you lunatics now claimed that the US Military is incompetent, you've managed to pave the way for a full-on corporate oligarchy here in the US.

Nice work!

Hey, I know, why don't we just sell half the country to Halliburton, and the other half to Exxon/Mobil?

At least that way we'd make some money on the deal, before giving up our way of life to bow to the corporate overlords.

Nice to know where your true motivations lie though.

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