Glenn Beck could go to jail?

Much the way that the GOP screwed itself by giving in to nutjob conspiracies resulting in Trump, Beck has seemingly screwed himself in the same way. After the Boston bombing, Beck was SOOO hell-bent on fomenting partisan hatred and insanity, that he attempted to destroy the life of a completely innocent man in a ratings grab.

Now, much like the GOP and Losin' Donald's nomination, it's coming back to bite him in the ass:

In the weeks after the 2013 attack that killed three people and injured 264 others, the conservative media host reported that a Saudi Arabian student was part of the plot. Authorities had “tagged” 20-year-old Abdulrahman Alharbi as a “proven terrorist” who funded the operation, Beck alleged.

“You know who the Saudi is?” Beck, formerly of Fox News, said. “He’s the guy who paid for it.”

The claim was untrue. Police did question Alharbi, who had attended the marathon and was injured in the blast. They even searched his apartment and Facebook account. Within a day of the attack, authorities had cleared him of any wrongdoing.

That didn’t stop Beck from pushing the “money man” theory. In several radio broadcasts and posts on his website TheBlaze, Beck claimed that Alharbi recruited the two brothers who carried out the attack, and ultimately gave them the “go order” for the bombing.

In an order issued Tuesday, U.S. District Judge Patti B. Saris in Massachusetts ruled that Beck must identify at least two officials from the Department of Homeland Security who, according to Beck, gave TheBlaze the information purportedly linking Alharbi to the bombing.

The ruling came in a defamation lawsuit Alharbi filed after the attack alleging that Beck falsely accused him of participating in it, causing him “grave injury.”

Saris’s order could set up a First Amendment battle. If Beck refuses to comply, the judge could impose sanctions or even take the extreme step of jailing Beck for contempt.

Judge orders Glenn Beck to reveal sources for story linking innocent man to Boston Marathon bombing

Finally his big mouth is going to be filled with his foot. When are judges going to take similar action against Dimbaugh and Scammity.

Watch yourself.

LOL huh? What does that mean.

What are you charging Hannity and Limbaugh with? Be careful here.
Why was Beck supporting Trump while pretending to be supporting Cruz? Why?

Fuck off Lakhota. Beck was supporting Cruz because he was the anointed one. Remember? Get it right douche bag.

Oh and Cruz was not only the annointed one but fulfilling the WHITE HORSE PROPHECY.

You want to try to make Beck a Trump supporter? Get ready bitch.
Needs moar jizz.
Much the way that the GOP screwed itself by giving in to nutjob conspiracies resulting in Trump, Beck has seemingly screwed himself in the same way. After the Boston bombing, Beck was SOOO hell-bent on fomenting partisan hatred and insanity, that he attempted to destroy the life of a completely innocent man in a ratings grab.

Now, much like the GOP and Losin' Donald's nomination, it's coming back to bite him in the ass:

In the weeks after the 2013 attack that killed three people and injured 264 others, the conservative media host reported that a Saudi Arabian student was part of the plot. Authorities had “tagged” 20-year-old Abdulrahman Alharbi as a “proven terrorist” who funded the operation, Beck alleged.

“You know who the Saudi is?” Beck, formerly of Fox News, said. “He’s the guy who paid for it.”

The claim was untrue. Police did question Alharbi, who had attended the marathon and was injured in the blast. They even searched his apartment and Facebook account. Within a day of the attack, authorities had cleared him of any wrongdoing.

That didn’t stop Beck from pushing the “money man” theory. In several radio broadcasts and posts on his website TheBlaze, Beck claimed that Alharbi recruited the two brothers who carried out the attack, and ultimately gave them the “go order” for the bombing.

In an order issued Tuesday, U.S. District Judge Patti B. Saris in Massachusetts ruled that Beck must identify at least two officials from the Department of Homeland Security who, according to Beck, gave TheBlaze the information purportedly linking Alharbi to the bombing.

The ruling came in a defamation lawsuit Alharbi filed after the attack alleging that Beck falsely accused him of participating in it, causing him “grave injury.”

Saris’s order could set up a First Amendment battle. If Beck refuses to comply, the judge could impose sanctions or even take the extreme step of jailing Beck for contempt.

Judge orders Glenn Beck to reveal sources for story linking innocent man to Boston Marathon bombing

Finally his big mouth is going to be filled with his foot. When are judges going to take similar action against Dimbaugh and Scammity.

Watch yourself.

LOL huh? What does that mean.

What are you charging Hannity and Limbaugh with? Be careful here.

Be careful of what, I mean you need to keep your conspiracy voice inside your head and not let it out into the fresh air. Go bother someone else with this nonsense.
Same old war on the 1st Amendment that the left has been playing for the last 40 years. A gigantic headline in the NY Daily News blames the NRA for the mass shooting by a freaking terrorist. Hillary and Barry Hussein blamed some poor schlep's obscure you tube video for a well planned attack on a U.S. Embassy on the anniversary of 9-11 and they want to put Glenn Beck in jail. No surprises here
Much the way that the GOP screwed itself by giving in to nutjob conspiracies resulting in Trump, Beck has seemingly screwed himself in the same way. After the Boston bombing, Beck was SOOO hell-bent on fomenting partisan hatred and insanity, that he attempted to destroy the life of a completely innocent man in a ratings grab.

Now, much like the GOP and Losin' Donald's nomination, it's coming back to bite him in the ass:

In the weeks after the 2013 attack that killed three people and injured 264 others, the conservative media host reported that a Saudi Arabian student was part of the plot. Authorities had “tagged” 20-year-old Abdulrahman Alharbi as a “proven terrorist” who funded the operation, Beck alleged.

“You know who the Saudi is?” Beck, formerly of Fox News, said. “He’s the guy who paid for it.”

The claim was untrue. Police did question Alharbi, who had attended the marathon and was injured in the blast. They even searched his apartment and Facebook account. Within a day of the attack, authorities had cleared him of any wrongdoing.

That didn’t stop Beck from pushing the “money man” theory. In several radio broadcasts and posts on his website TheBlaze, Beck claimed that Alharbi recruited the two brothers who carried out the attack, and ultimately gave them the “go order” for the bombing.

In an order issued Tuesday, U.S. District Judge Patti B. Saris in Massachusetts ruled that Beck must identify at least two officials from the Department of Homeland Security who, according to Beck, gave TheBlaze the information purportedly linking Alharbi to the bombing.

The ruling came in a defamation lawsuit Alharbi filed after the attack alleging that Beck falsely accused him of participating in it, causing him “grave injury.”

Saris’s order could set up a First Amendment battle. If Beck refuses to comply, the judge could impose sanctions or even take the extreme step of jailing Beck for contempt.

Judge orders Glenn Beck to reveal sources for story linking innocent man to Boston Marathon bombing

Finally his big mouth is going to be filled with his foot. When are judges going to take similar action against Dimbaugh and Scammity.

Watch yourself.

LOL huh? What does that mean.

Just giving you a heads up. I come from Free Dominion times. You can get screwed on a board. And worst yet the board can get screwed. These days watch yourself. You are a good poster.

What are you charging Hannity and Limbaugh with? Be careful here.

Be careful of what, I mean you need to keep your conspiracy voice inside your head and not let it out into the fresh air. Go bother someone else with this nonsense.

Just giving you a heads up. I come from Free Dominion times. You can get screwed on a board. And worst yet the board can get screwed. These days watch yourself. You are a good poster.

What are you charging Hannity and Limbaugh with? Be careful here.
Beck is insane, but absolutely NO ONE should be FOR the government being allowed to force him to reveal his sources.

I swear some of you idiots place your ideology above all, don't you.
We have libel and slander laws for a reason.

This case is one of those reasons.

libel and slander have NOTHING to do with forcing a journalist to reveal their sources .

The onus is on the plaintiff to PROVE Beck lied, not the other way around.
"Massachusetts, where Alharbi filed his suit, is one of about a dozen states that does not have a shield law protecting journalists from revealing anonymous sources.

Saris acknowledged that her ruling would raise “First Amendment concerns,” but said the document production that she ordered failed to show that authorities indeed thought Alharbi had funded the bombing.

“None of the documents supports the idea that Alharbi was the ‘the money man’ financing the Boston Marathon attacks,” Saris said in the 61-page order."

You do realize that US district judges are subject to FEDERAL law, not state law, correct?

Also, I'm not talking about what is legal, I'm talking about what is right.

If reporters are suddenly afraid that they can go to jail for not revealing sources that does two things. 1. it makes them less likely to investigate stores that need investigating, and 2. it makes witnesses less likely to come forward.

THAT should be the main concern here, not if some asshole got accused of something he alleges he didn't do.
Are you calling Beck a reporter? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Much the way that the GOP screwed itself by giving in to nutjob conspiracies resulting in Trump, Beck has seemingly screwed himself in the same way. After the Boston bombing, Beck was SOOO hell-bent on fomenting partisan hatred and insanity, that he attempted to destroy the life of a completely innocent man in a ratings grab.

Now, much like the GOP and Losin' Donald's nomination, it's coming back to bite him in the ass:

In the weeks after the 2013 attack that killed three people and injured 264 others, the conservative media host reported that a Saudi Arabian student was part of the plot. Authorities had “tagged” 20-year-old Abdulrahman Alharbi as a “proven terrorist” who funded the operation, Beck alleged.

“You know who the Saudi is?” Beck, formerly of Fox News, said. “He’s the guy who paid for it.”

The claim was untrue. Police did question Alharbi, who had attended the marathon and was injured in the blast. They even searched his apartment and Facebook account. Within a day of the attack, authorities had cleared him of any wrongdoing.

That didn’t stop Beck from pushing the “money man” theory. In several radio broadcasts and posts on his website TheBlaze, Beck claimed that Alharbi recruited the two brothers who carried out the attack, and ultimately gave them the “go order” for the bombing.

In an order issued Tuesday, U.S. District Judge Patti B. Saris in Massachusetts ruled that Beck must identify at least two officials from the Department of Homeland Security who, according to Beck, gave TheBlaze the information purportedly linking Alharbi to the bombing.

The ruling came in a defamation lawsuit Alharbi filed after the attack alleging that Beck falsely accused him of participating in it, causing him “grave injury.”

Saris’s order could set up a First Amendment battle. If Beck refuses to comply, the judge could impose sanctions or even take the extreme step of jailing Beck for contempt.

Judge orders Glenn Beck to reveal sources for story linking innocent man to Boston Marathon bombing

This is the man that annointed Cruz and claimed the White Horse Prophecy.

FUCK YOU for trying to link Beck to Trump.
Beck spent his entire career paving the way for Trump. You should be grateful. Now he has to look on in horror at what he's done, and may have to do so from a jail cell.

What's with you you lying mother fucker today. You know damn well Beck was Cruz all the time. So what's with your fucking lies now?

You just being an asshole or what?
Whooooooosh! Right over your head.
Much the way that the GOP screwed itself by giving in to nutjob conspiracies resulting in Trump, Beck has seemingly screwed himself in the same way. After the Boston bombing, Beck was SOOO hell-bent on fomenting partisan hatred and insanity, that he attempted to destroy the life of a completely innocent man in a ratings grab.

Now, much like the GOP and Losin' Donald's nomination, it's coming back to bite him in the ass:

In the weeks after the 2013 attack that killed three people and injured 264 others, the conservative media host reported that a Saudi Arabian student was part of the plot. Authorities had “tagged” 20-year-old Abdulrahman Alharbi as a “proven terrorist” who funded the operation, Beck alleged.

“You know who the Saudi is?” Beck, formerly of Fox News, said. “He’s the guy who paid for it.”

The claim was untrue. Police did question Alharbi, who had attended the marathon and was injured in the blast. They even searched his apartment and Facebook account. Within a day of the attack, authorities had cleared him of any wrongdoing.

That didn’t stop Beck from pushing the “money man” theory. In several radio broadcasts and posts on his website TheBlaze, Beck claimed that Alharbi recruited the two brothers who carried out the attack, and ultimately gave them the “go order” for the bombing.

In an order issued Tuesday, U.S. District Judge Patti B. Saris in Massachusetts ruled that Beck must identify at least two officials from the Department of Homeland Security who, according to Beck, gave TheBlaze the information purportedly linking Alharbi to the bombing.

The ruling came in a defamation lawsuit Alharbi filed after the attack alleging that Beck falsely accused him of participating in it, causing him “grave injury.”

Saris’s order could set up a First Amendment battle. If Beck refuses to comply, the judge could impose sanctions or even take the extreme step of jailing Beck for contempt.

Judge orders Glenn Beck to reveal sources for story linking innocent man to Boston Marathon bombing

After Trump's rape trial - maybe the two of them could share a cell. Maybe even a prison romance...
Hey Jackass party supporter, there is no Trump rape trial.


A third woman alleges she was sexually assaulted by Donald Trump


When you have a proven mother fucker getting his dick sucked in the Oval Office what's your problem with these allegations?

And no one ever voted for him again....but you'll support anything Drumpf.
This is the man that annointed Cruz and claimed the White Horse Prophecy.

FUCK YOU for trying to link Beck to Trump.
Beck spent his entire career paving the way for Trump. You should be grateful. Now he has to look on in horror at what he's done, and may have to do so from a jail cell.

Yep, Trump was Beck's boy all the way.

Fucking stupid asshole. Beck's Mormon and was throwing in behind his annointed Cruz.

Do you really want to make me to make you look like the asshole you and Old School are right now?

He claimed Cruz was the annointed. The White Horse Prophecy. Now I have you both on record claiming Beck was in it for Trump?


Got ya!
Glenn Beck in his OWN words praising Donald Trump - MUST SEE!

Till he annointed Cruz. He's still Never Trump. You should see these Mormon whackos. Man oh man they are something to behold.
"Mormon wackos"'s fun to watch the RWNJs implode.
He can be jailed in contempt of court. Like right wing legend Kim Davis.

Hey jackass, beck has a right to protect any of his sources. Your article is crap

Sure. He can refuse to give up his sources, and go to jail for it, as well as almost certainly losing this defamation case.
So your for reporters going to jail for not revealing sources ? Got it.
Did they destroy a life by completely fabricating information?

Shit that's what media does daily and its sickening. Check out an old movie. With Newman and Fields called |Abscence of Malice". It will anger you.

Oh, well then. A movie.
Yep, Trump was Beck's boy all the way.

Fucking stupid asshole. Beck's Mormon and was throwing in behind his annointed Cruz.

Do you really want to make me to make you look like the asshole you and Old School are right now?

He claimed Cruz was the annointed. The White Horse Prophecy. Now I have you both on record claiming Beck was in it for Trump?


Got ya!
Glenn Beck in his OWN words praising Donald Trump - MUST SEE!

Till he annointed Cruz. He's still Never Trump. You should see these Mormon whackos. Man oh man they are something to behold.
He's only been never Trump for a few months. He was pro-extremist lunatic for decades before that. Like the rest of talk radio and conservative media. And now here we are.

Piss off. He's been pro Cruz for months on end. It's the Mormon in him.
You hate Mormons now?
Much the way that the GOP screwed itself by giving in to nutjob conspiracies resulting in Trump, Beck has seemingly screwed himself in the same way. After the Boston bombing, Beck was SOOO hell-bent on fomenting partisan hatred and insanity, that he attempted to destroy the life of a completely innocent man in a ratings grab.

Now, much like the GOP and Losin' Donald's nomination, it's coming back to bite him in the ass:

In the weeks after the 2013 attack that killed three people and injured 264 others, the conservative media host reported that a Saudi Arabian student was part of the plot. Authorities had “tagged” 20-year-old Abdulrahman Alharbi as a “proven terrorist” who funded the operation, Beck alleged.

“You know who the Saudi is?” Beck, formerly of Fox News, said. “He’s the guy who paid for it.”

The claim was untrue. Police did question Alharbi, who had attended the marathon and was injured in the blast. They even searched his apartment and Facebook account. Within a day of the attack, authorities had cleared him of any wrongdoing.

That didn’t stop Beck from pushing the “money man” theory. In several radio broadcasts and posts on his website TheBlaze, Beck claimed that Alharbi recruited the two brothers who carried out the attack, and ultimately gave them the “go order” for the bombing.

In an order issued Tuesday, U.S. District Judge Patti B. Saris in Massachusetts ruled that Beck must identify at least two officials from the Department of Homeland Security who, according to Beck, gave TheBlaze the information purportedly linking Alharbi to the bombing.

The ruling came in a defamation lawsuit Alharbi filed after the attack alleging that Beck falsely accused him of participating in it, causing him “grave injury.”

Saris’s order could set up a First Amendment battle. If Beck refuses to comply, the judge could impose sanctions or even take the extreme step of jailing Beck for contempt.

Judge orders Glenn Beck to reveal sources for story linking innocent man to Boston Marathon bombing

This is the man that annointed Cruz and claimed the White Horse Prophecy.

FUCK YOU for trying to link Beck to Trump.
Beck spent his entire career paving the way for Trump. You should be grateful. Now he has to look on in horror at what he's done, and may have to do so from a jail cell.

What's with you you lying mother fucker today. You know damn well Beck was Cruz all the time. So what's with your fucking lies now?

You just being an asshole or what?
Whooooooosh! Right over your head.

Bod they hate your guts. They dismember others. Now that said.

Beck was Cruz 24/7. Wanna dance?

Beck adored Cruz. Wanna dance?

Google White Horse prophecy quickly so you can converse with me.

Fucking stupid asshole. Beck's Mormon and was throwing in behind his annointed Cruz.

Do you really want to make me to make you look like the asshole you and Old School are right now?

He claimed Cruz was the annointed. The White Horse Prophecy. Now I have you both on record claiming Beck was in it for Trump?


Got ya!
Glenn Beck in his OWN words praising Donald Trump - MUST SEE!

Till he annointed Cruz. He's still Never Trump. You should see these Mormon whackos. Man oh man they are something to behold.
He's only been never Trump for a few months. He was pro-extremist lunatic for decades before that. Like the rest of talk radio and conservative media. And now here we are.

Piss off. He's been pro Cruz for months on end. It's the Mormon in him.
You hate Mormons now?

I don't hate them yet. Trying to figure them out. Strange bunch for true. Certainly not Christians.
Much the way that the GOP screwed itself by giving in to nutjob conspiracies resulting in Trump, Beck has seemingly screwed himself in the same way. After the Boston bombing, Beck was SOOO hell-bent on fomenting partisan hatred and insanity, that he attempted to destroy the life of a completely innocent man in a ratings grab.

Now, much like the GOP and Losin' Donald's nomination, it's coming back to bite him in the ass:

In the weeks after the 2013 attack that killed three people and injured 264 others, the conservative media host reported that a Saudi Arabian student was part of the plot. Authorities had “tagged” 20-year-old Abdulrahman Alharbi as a “proven terrorist” who funded the operation, Beck alleged.

“You know who the Saudi is?” Beck, formerly of Fox News, said. “He’s the guy who paid for it.”

The claim was untrue. Police did question Alharbi, who had attended the marathon and was injured in the blast. They even searched his apartment and Facebook account. Within a day of the attack, authorities had cleared him of any wrongdoing.

That didn’t stop Beck from pushing the “money man” theory. In several radio broadcasts and posts on his website TheBlaze, Beck claimed that Alharbi recruited the two brothers who carried out the attack, and ultimately gave them the “go order” for the bombing.

In an order issued Tuesday, U.S. District Judge Patti B. Saris in Massachusetts ruled that Beck must identify at least two officials from the Department of Homeland Security who, according to Beck, gave TheBlaze the information purportedly linking Alharbi to the bombing.

The ruling came in a defamation lawsuit Alharbi filed after the attack alleging that Beck falsely accused him of participating in it, causing him “grave injury.”

Saris’s order could set up a First Amendment battle. If Beck refuses to comply, the judge could impose sanctions or even take the extreme step of jailing Beck for contempt.

Judge orders Glenn Beck to reveal sources for story linking innocent man to Boston Marathon bombing

This is the man that annointed Cruz and claimed the White Horse Prophecy.

FUCK YOU for trying to link Beck to Trump.
Beck spent his entire career paving the way for Trump. You should be grateful. Now he has to look on in horror at what he's done, and may have to do so from a jail cell.

What's with you you lying mother fucker today. You know damn well Beck was Cruz all the time. So what's with your fucking lies now?

You just being an asshole or what?
Whooooooosh! Right over your head.

Bod they hate your guts. They dismember others. Now that said.

Beck was Cruz 24/7. Wanna dance?

Beck adored Cruz. Wanna dance?

Google White Horse prophecy quickly so you can converse with me.

You've gone completely off the deep end. :cuckoo: