Glaring evidence of just how completely INSANE the entire dumbocrat party as gone

RFK Jr. claims Republican's own the media... :cuckoo:

Let's see - MSNBC and NBC actually work for the Dumbocrats. ABC, CBS, and CNN work overtime trying to cover up the truth in favor up pushing liberal dumbocrat propaganda.

So basically RFK Jr. is outraged that there is still one media outlet left in the United States (Fox News) that is telling the truth.

RFK' Jr.'s reaction is the exact same reaction that Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, Saddam Hussein, and China would have as well if a news outlet was not under their control and was reporting the "unfortunate" truth to the people.

RFK Jr: Right-Wing Controls American Media, Fox News Has Divided US to a Point not Seen Since Civil War | Video |

A. One person's opinion does not reflect the entire party, nor have you shown that to be the case.
B. His opinion is evidence of nothing other than his own opinion.
C. Every network 'covers things up' by your head up the ass reasoning.
D. Your lack of intellect is why you're unemployed.
E. Please XXXXXX-Meister
RFK Jr. claims Republican's own the media... :cuckoo:

Let's see - MSNBC and NBC actually work for the Dumbocrats. ABC, CBS, and CNN work overtime trying to cover up the truth in favor up pushing liberal dumbocrat propaganda.

So basically RFK Jr. is outraged that there is still one media outlet left in the United States (Fox News) that is telling the truth.

RFK' Jr.'s reaction is the exact same reaction that Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, Saddam Hussein, and China would have as well if a news outlet was not under their control and was reporting the "unfortunate" truth to the people.

RFK Jr: Right-Wing Controls American Media, Fox News Has Divided US to a Point not Seen Since Civil War | Video |

The mass media is owned by roughly 10 large corporations who want lower taxes and fewer regulations. This is why there is never a pro-union story on any network.

The only Liberal programming is MSNBC Primetime.

MSNBC also has Joe Scarborough; FOX would never give a Liberal his own show.

The NYT suppressed the Bush Wiretapping story on the eve of the 2004 election.

The NYT rolled over for Bush on Iraq.

The myth of Liberal media bias is from Nixon. It was a strategy to get the press to stop investigating his crimes. He is famously on tape saying "Jew-run Liberal media". He openly speculated that Jews in media and Hollywood were trying to destroy him.

The large corporations that own mass media don't want higher taxes, tighter regulations, or labor unions. Therefore, they do not support Liberals. The only reason MSNBC Primetime exists is because advertisers want to reach the other half of America.

The OP's belief comes from the people who control media.

(one wonders if the OP believes that Jews secretly run everything)
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Londoner opined:

"This is why there is never a pro-union story on any network".

Obviously, Londoner never watched the "Ed Show" on MSNBC.

I will waste no more time and effort to show the utter worthlessness of his opinion until he actually does, at least once, any given weekday evening at 9:00 PM ET., except Friday, when MSNBC drops its usual Republican bashing format and programs and switches to showing future residences of well deserving Democrats.
Londoner opined:

"This is why there is never a pro-union story on any network".

Obviously, Londoner never watched the "Ed Show" on MSNBC.

I will waste no more time and effort to show the utter worthlessness of his opinion until he actually does, at least once, any given weekday evening at 9:00 PM ET., except Friday, when MSNBC drops its usual Republican bashing format and programs and switches to showing future residences of well deserving Democrats.

Which in no way invalidates the rest of his post.

Run, Forest! Run!
Londoner insanely and ignorantly opined:

"MSNBC also has Joe Scarborough; FOX would never give a Liberal his own show."

O'Reilley always has guests on "The Factor" who are Democrats/liberals, sometimes two, with no Republican/conservative anywhere in sight.

Hannity (considered to be the most conservative on FOX) usually have an opposing view in every segment of "Hannity".

Same thing with Greta "On The Record".

"The Five" has Bob Beckel as a permanent Member.

On the other hand, the only Republican ever to appear with Chris Matthews is Michael Steele.
No Republican/conservative hardly ever on the "Ed Snow" and such a guest would be unthinkable on "The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell".

Don't know about Rachel Maddow's show, never watch it, can't stand the voice of the screeching bitch.

Bottom line is even if Joe Scarboro has "his own show" he is overwhelmed by his 4-5 guests who are unfailingly and viciously liberal.

And Shepard Smith who presents three hours of News broadcast is a registered Democrat.
Now boys, Faux News won the right to legally lie in court. All is well.

links to prove your point, please...

Daily Kos: Fox News wins in court

December 1996, Jane Akre and her husband, Steve Wilson, were hired by FOX as a part of the Fox “Investigators” team at WTVT in Tampa Bay, investigat bovine growth hormone (BGH), a controversial substance manufactured by Monsanto Corporation.

Fox executives and their attorneys wanted the reporters to use statements from Monsanto representatives that the reporters knew were false and to make other revisions to the story that were in direct conflict with the facts. Fox editors then tried to force Akre and Wilson to continue to produce the distorted story.

Akre and Wilson refused and threatened to report Fox's actions to the FCC, they were both fired.

August 18, 2000, a unanimous Florida jury found that Akre was wrongfully fired by Fox Television when she refused to broadcast (in the jury's words) “a false, distorted or slanted story” The jury awarded her $425,000 in damages.

FOX appealed the case, and on February 14, 2003 the Florida Second District Court of Appeals overturned the settlement awarded to Akre.

In a stunningly narrow interpretation of FCC rules, the Florida Appeals court claimed that the FCC policy against falsification of the news does not rise to the level of a "law, rule, or regulation," it was simply a "policy." Therefore, it is up to the station whether or not it wants to report honestly.

IOW, this 'damning' case had to do with a single FOX affiliate and NOT the national organization?

Now there's a surprise... NOT.

Lying hacks are lying hacks.
Now boys, Faux News won the right to legally lie in court. All is well.

links to prove your point, please...

Daily Kos: Fox News wins in court

December 1996, Jane Akre and her husband, Steve Wilson, were hired by FOX as a part of the Fox “Investigators” team at WTVT in Tampa Bay, investigat bovine growth hormone (BGH), a controversial substance manufactured by Monsanto Corporation.

Fox executives and their attorneys wanted the reporters to use statements from Monsanto representatives that the reporters knew were false and to make other revisions to the story that were in direct conflict with the facts. Fox editors then tried to force Akre and Wilson to continue to produce the distorted story.

Akre and Wilson refused and threatened to report Fox's actions to the FCC, they were both fired.

August 18, 2000, a unanimous Florida jury found that Akre was wrongfully fired by Fox Television when she refused to broadcast (in the jury's words) “a false, distorted or slanted story” The jury awarded her $425,000 in damages.

FOX appealed the case, and on February 14, 2003 the Florida Second District Court of Appeals overturned the settlement awarded to Akre.

In a stunningly narrow interpretation of FCC rules, the Florida Appeals court claimed that the FCC policy against falsification of the news does not rise to the level of a "law, rule, or regulation," it was simply a "policy." Therefore, it is up to the station whether or not it wants to report honestly.

On that basis, CBS should be excoriated because one of his icons, Dan Rather, turned out to be a despicable, lying and cheating bastard who sank to the lowest of the low and forged a document to falsify and invalidate an upcoming election by attempting to influence voters by accusing G.W. Bush being drunkard.
Londoner opined:

"This is why there is never a pro-union story on any network".

Obviously, Londoner never watched the "Ed Show" on MSNBC.

I will waste no more time and effort to show the utter worthlessness of his opinion until he actually does, at least once, any given weekday evening at 9:00 PM ET., except Friday, when MSNBC drops its usual Republican bashing format and programs and switches to showing future residences of well deserving Democrats.

Noted. Again, the point I was making is that there is one block of Liberal commentators in media, concentrated on one network, in the evening.

I think you are missing my primary point. The mass media is owned by large corporations who are diametrically opposed to the Liberals who want to raise their taxes.

When MSNBC created its Liberal Prime Time block, it was owned by GE.

GE is the primary driver behind the American Legislative Exchange Council. The council's primary agenda is to weaken environmental legislation... Support school privatization ... Undercut health care reform ... Defund unions and limit their political influence ... Fund primary challenges against any legislator who does not support the party line on taxes and regulations ... Make it harder for minority, elderly and students to vote ... Weaken anti-trust legislation against Health Care monopolies, making it easier for them to raise premiums without being disciplined by market competition.

Keith Olbermann was fired when NBC was sold to Comcast because a few Comcast execs thought he was too anti-business and too anti-Conservative. [They started by asking him to "tone it down", which was a mistake because Olbermann is notoriously stubborn]

Since NBC delivers mass amounts of Blue State viewers to advertisers, they needed to replace Olbermann with a Liberal. So they hired ED, who has a midwestern, gee-whiz, salt-of-the-earth tone. His support of unions has the edge of a soggy stool. He is more harmless than Jimmy Carter but with 1/2 the IQ. But your point is taken.

However, it's not merely that big media (i.e., big corporations) opposes the tax and regulatory policies of the Left. There was a larger shift inside the Left which peaked with Clinton, a shameless opportunist if there ever was one. In order to consolidate the growing consensus for smaller government (represented by the Reagan Revolution and the historic GOP capture of the House), Clinton declared in his State of the Union Address that the era of Big Government was over. He also screwed Labor with NAFTA and pivoted hard to Wall Street donations. He handed his fiscal policy to severe Friedmenite and Free Marketeer Richard Rubin, who completed Reagan's dream of fiscal deregulation (thus moving power form Washington to the private sector). That is to say, Clinton undercut the rhetorical and ideological support for Big Government. Granted, this support started to weaken with Kennedy, who lowered taxes, and then Carter, who deregulated Communications and Transportation. However, the postwar New Deal Consensus that fed Liberal Media Bias for so long was severely weakened by the Reagan Revolution, which literally changed public opinion about the competence of Government. And let's not forget Vietnam, which caused the Left to "drop out" and oppose their Washington leaders "Hey, Hey LBJ, How Many Kids Did You Kill today" - or Watergate, which helped America realize that the Government who defeated the Nazis and put a man on the moon had taken a corrupt turn.

That is, to some extent, trust in Government has been dying for a long time - and with it the larger public consensus for Big Government. As the public consensus changes, news content (which is really just a vehicle to deliver advertisers to viewers) also changes. This is why we see fewer pro labor stories today than we saw in 1945. Also, Big Business, once the ire of Teddy Roosevelt Populism, has been slowly consolidating its power over Government/Media. Today, the only people who keep the myth of the Old Left alive are on the Right. They act like we're still living in Ayn Rand's world where Stalin steals your family's pharmacy. The rest of us know better. We now live in a world where Big Pharma - by funding elections and massive Lobbying - owns government. Until you recognize this basic shift, it will probably be hard for us to have a discussion without retreating to simplifications and straw men. My personal opinion is that if there was a genuine Liberal Media Bias, than we would see more criticism of the corporations who own media, specifically we would see more "hard hitting" stories about the negative influence of corporate money in politics. I'd love to see more stories about how regulatory capture and election funding do more to destroy competition than FDR Brownshirts. If there was more Liberal influence in media we'd see front page stories about Eli Lilly's behavior during the 2003 Drug Bill. The fact that nobody knows this story speaks volumes about who owns the media. But, again, your point about Ed it taken.
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GE = Jeffrey Immelt = Obama's economics guru

I wonder where THAT relationship came from?
RFK Jr. claims Republican's own the media... :cuckoo:

Let's see - MSNBC and NBC actually work for the Dumbocrats. ABC, CBS, and CNN work overtime trying to cover up the truth in favor up pushing liberal dumbocrat propaganda.

You "MSM is liberal" types sound like a bum in the park, covered in vomit screaming about aliens.

NBC is a billion dollar corp, idiot.
Londoner insanely and ignorantly opined:

"MSNBC also has Joe Scarborough; FOX would never give a Liberal his own show."

O'Reilley always has guests on "The Factor" who are Democrats/liberals, sometimes two, with no Republican/conservative anywhere in sight.

Hannity (considered to be the most conservative on FOX) usually have an opposing view in every segment of "Hannity".

Same thing with Greta "On The Record".

"The Five" has Bob Beckel as a permanent Member.

On the other hand, the only Republican ever to appear with Chris Matthews is Michael Steele.
No Republican/conservative hardly ever on the "Ed Snow" and such a guest would be unthinkable on "The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell".

Don't know about Rachel Maddow's show, never watch it, can't stand the voice of the screeching bitch.

Bottom line is even if Joe Scarboro has "his own show" he is overwhelmed by his 4-5 guests who are unfailingly and viciously liberal.

And Shepard Smith who presents three hours of News broadcast is a registered Democrat.

MSNBC Prime Time is the Liberal version of FOX. It is Liberal programming designed for a Liberal audience. It feeds liberal content to liberal audiences.

As for which network is more open to opposing positions, I can only add this: debating who is more doctrinaire between Alan Combs and Michael Steele doesn't change the fact that FOX would never give a big government Liberal his own show. Joe Scarboro is a very literate small government Conservative. He is ten times more intelligent than Ed - and he is far more intelligent than any liberals he has on his show (IMO).

But you miss my point. I didn't say that FOX would not allow Liberal guests. O'Reilly makes his living shouting down stupid Liberals. Every network needs the appearance of balance. But I wasn't talking about that. I opined that FOX would never give the Liberal equivalent of Joe Scarboro his own show.
You "MSM is liberal" types sound like a bum in the park, covered in vomit screaming about aliens.

NBC is a billion dollar corp, idiot.

That's your proof that NBC isn't liberal? Seriously?

Is Warren Buffet a conservative?
IOW, this 'damning' case had to do with a single FOX affiliate and NOT the national organization?.

Actually no. Orders on this came from Fox Corporate in New York, bowing to pressures from Monsanto, and that's on the record. I'm familiar with this case; I've written extensively on it in the past (not here) and I can link you directly to those documents later on when I get time. Or you can look them up in the meantime.

Mainstream media is not necessarily owned by "Republicans". It's owned by conservatives. That's why as a whole it leans to the right.

I'll be back...
When ever the right wing tries to "explain" the "liberal agenda", everyone outside the GOP laughs. No one could possibly be so stupid as to believe the nonsense the right makes up. Except for the Right. Rick said they had no smart people.
Mainstream media is not necessarily owned by "Republicans". It's owned by conservatives. That's why as a whole it leans to the right.


I marvel at the way libturds have buffaloed themselves with their own propaganda.
You "MSM is liberal" types sound like a bum in the park, covered in vomit screaming about aliens.

NBC is a billion dollar corp, idiot.

That's your proof that NBC isn't liberal? Seriously?

Is Warren Buffet a conservative?

Pretty sure he is saying the since NBC is a corp., it probably doesn't lean too far to the left.

Yeah, I know. That's why I'm still laughing.

I just wanted him to say it. It sounds just as stupid when you say it though.

Thanks for playing!
IOW, this 'damning' case had to do with a single FOX affiliate and NOT the national organization?.

Actually no. Orders on this came from Fox Corporate in New York, bowing to pressures from Monsanto, and that's on the record. I'm familiar with this case; I've written extensively on it in the past (not here) and I can link you directly to those documents later on when I get time. Or you can look them up in the meantime.

Mainstream media is not necessarily owned by "Republicans". It's owned by conservatives. That's why as a whole it leans to the right.

I'll be back...

In case you aren't aware of it, the First Amendment protects the right of News corporations to lie. Apparently you object to the First Amendment. No surprise there, liberals have been whining about anyone but liberals exercising their First Amendment rights since the existence of liberals. Woodrow Wilson was one the first to persecute anyone who disagreed with him.

All you turds are doing with your whining about this case is revealing your fascist cloven hoof.

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