Giuluani calls Kushner "disposable"

Jared Kushner is 'disposable' as far as Rudy Giuliani is concerned

Ha Ha Ha.....I love Rudy. Who else will he throw under the bus?

JackassJim caught in another BOLD FACED LIE as the only way to keep up his continuous feed of Trump Tripe. Rudy isn't/hasn't thrown anyone under the bus and as usual, his remarks are being taken totally out of the context they were said in:

Jared is a fine man, you know that. But men are, you know, disposable,” Giuliani said with a laugh. “A fine woman like Ivanka, come on."

He was commenting on how the media bias treats people.
Jared Kushner is 'disposable' as far as Rudy Giuliani is concerned

Ha Ha Ha.....I love Rudy. Who else will he throw under the bus?

Julieannie is a real hoot.


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