GFreat News - Biden Orders US Renewal Of Relations With Terrorists of Hamas


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Less than a week after he was sworn into office, President Joe Biden has ordered the State Department to restore relations with the genocidal terrorists of Hamas.

“Under the new administration, the policy of the United States will be to support a mutually agreed two-state solution, one in which Israel lives in peace and security alongside a viable Palestinian state,” he said.

Mills said peace can’t be imposed on either side and stressed that progress and an ultimate solution require the participation and agreement of Israelis and Palestinians.

“In order to advance these objectives, the Biden administration will restore credible U.S. engagement with Palestinians as well as Israelis,” he said.

President Trump earned 4 (FOUR) separate Nobel Peace Prizes for negotiating peace deals, deals Democrats / the Left declared we would never see in our lifetime. Part of how he accomplished this was to minimize the importance of the terrorist group whose charter still calls for the total destruction of Israel and the death of all Israelis.

Biden wants to take a massive step backwards by giving the 'violent childish tantrum-throwing' terrorists a seat at the adult Peace Talk Tables again and wants to start arming them (again), it seems.
"Less than a week after he was sworn into office, President Joe Biden has ordered the State Department to restore relations with the genocidal terrorists of Hamas.

“Under the new administration, the policy of the United States will be to support a mutually agreed two-state solution, one in which Israel lives in peace and security alongside a viable Palestinian state,” he said.

Mills said peace can’t be imposed on either side and stressed that progress and an ultimate solution require the participation and agreement of Israelis and Palestinians.

“In order to advance these objectives, the Biden administration will restore credible U.S. engagement with Palestinians as well as Israelis,” he said.

President Trump earned 4 (FOUR) separate Nobel Peace Prizes for negotiating peace deals, deals Democrats / the Left declared we would never see in our lifetime. Part of how he accomplished this was to minimize the importance of the terrorist group whose charter still calls for the total destruction of Israel and the death of all Israelis.

Biden wants to take a massive step backwards by giving the 'violent childish tantrum-throwing' terrorists a seat at the adult Peace Talk Tables again and wants to start arming them (again), it seems.

Next thing you know, President Biden may sign a peace deal with the Taliban. That will make you livid!

It's the zionist Israeli's that are the terrorists. ... :cool:

The US Government has designated HAMAS a Foreign Terrorist Organization.

So biden is ordering the state dept to negotiate with terrorists. Wow
If you remember, Barry interfered in allied Egypt's elections to help the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood take over Egypt...for a while.

Barry, Joe's 'terrorist facilitating mentor', armed, trained, supplied, financed, protected, and defended terrorists during his 8 years in office.
Biden has white supremacist domestic terrorists to worry about.
He really doesn't care much about middle east issues.
Especially those involving Israel. ... :cool:
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Biden has white supremeist domestic terrorists to worry about.
He really doesn't care much about middle east issues.
Especially those involving Israel. ... :cool:
Yeah, he and the Democrats are going after Conservatives and Trump supporters, leaving foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorists to continue to loot, burn, destroy, assault, murder, hunt / harm cops as the VP called for.
"Less than a week after he was sworn into office, President Joe Biden has ordered the State Department to restore relations with the genocidal terrorists of Hamas.

“Under the new administration, the policy of the United States will be to support a mutually agreed two-state solution, one in which Israel lives in peace and security alongside a viable Palestinian state,” he said.

Mills said peace can’t be imposed on either side and stressed that progress and an ultimate solution require the participation and agreement of Israelis and Palestinians.

“In order to advance these objectives, the Biden administration will restore credible U.S. engagement with Palestinians as well as Israelis,” he said.

President Trump earned 4 (FOUR) separate Nobel Peace Prizes for negotiating peace deals, deals Democrats / the Left declared we would never see in our lifetime. Part of how he accomplished this was to minimize the importance of the terrorist group whose charter still calls for the total destruction of Israel and the death of all Israelis.

Biden wants to take a massive step backwards by giving the 'violent childish tantrum-throwing' terrorists a seat at the adult Peace Talk Tables again and wants to start arming them (again), it seems.
So we'll soon be back to nightly news casts filled with images of bombings and dead children. Thank you Biden voters. I hope you feel the pain every time those images emerge. You will own those Middle East deaths.
President Rigged is trying to erase President Trump's historic Middle East Peace Deal
There never was a real Peace Deal.
Just the U.S. and Israel dictating the bogus terms the other side must accept or else ... :cool:
Why would they need a “peace deal”? Israel won the land in the last war they had with surrounding Islamic countries. When you win a war, you own the land, that’s human history. Why suddenly are these loser Arabs entitled to any of it?

Besides, I would think you Muslims would prefer Jews have their own country, so they don’t “infect” others.
It's the zionist Israeli's that are the terrorists. ... :cool:

The US Government has designated HAMAS a Foreign Terrorist Organization.

So is the Taliban:

Your blob negotiated and signed deals with them. Where was your outrage?

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