Getting To Know Mitt Romney


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
A very informative article.
Learning to Like Mitt
Andrew Ferguson, reluctant Romneyite
SEP 3, 2012, VOL. 17, NO. 47 • BY ANDREW FERGUSON

Romney once famously called himself “severely” conservative. Other adverbs fit better: culturally, personally, instinctively. He seems to have missed out on The Sixties altogether, and wanted to. As a freshman at Stanford he protested the protesters, appearing in the quad carrying signs of his own: SPEAK OUT, DON’T SIT IN! In 1968 the May riots stranded him in Paris. “The disorder appalled him,” the authors write. He left Stanford for BYU, where long hair, rock bands, and peace symbols were banned. As a young go-getter he liked to give friends copies of Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill—a Stephen Covey for the Coolidge era, sodden with moral uplift. (Even his anachronisms are anachronistic.) “There was nothing jaded about him,” a school friend tells the authors, “nothing skeptical, nothing ironic.”

At his wedding, he declined when the photographer asked him to kiss the bride: “Not for cameras,” he said. Since that day, Ann says, they haven’t had an argument; friends believe her. And their kids—we’ve all seen their kids. The authors tick off a typical week for the young family. Sunday: “church, reflection, volunteer work, family dinners.” Monday: “family night,” when the family gathered for Bible stories and skits about animals. Tuesday was for family basketball games and cookouts. Friday was date night for Mitt and Ann. Saturday was for doing chores, and so on, in a pinwheel of wholesomeness that a -post-60s ironist can only gape at, disbelieving. The Romneys present a picture of an American family that popular culture has been trying to undo since—well, since An American Family, the 1973 PBS documentary that exposed the typical household as a cauldron of resentment and infidelity.

Learning to Like Mitt | The Weekly Standard
Romney has been running for President for six years now..

Now we are 'getting to know him'? Really?

He's rich douchebag with a weird religion.... I'm not sure that there's much to add to that.

He's the same religion as that douchebag Harry Reid.
Romney has been running for President for six years now..

Now we are 'getting to know him'? Really?

He's rich douchebag with a weird religion.... I'm not sure that there's much to add to that.

He's the same religion as that douchebag Harry Reid.

Yes, he is.. what is your point?

Harry isn't running for president, and if he were, I'd be just against him for the same reason.
We all know him well enough already, I could not care less about his seemingly wholesome personal family life his less than wholesome public and corporate life tells me all I need to know about the man.
The more I know about Romney, the better I like him. I didn't know that he gave the entirety of his inheritance to charity and never took a penny. Nor did I know that he closed down an entire company so the employees could look for a lost child. I didn't vote for Romney last time. Had I known some of these things I might have.
The more I know about Romney, the better I like him. I didn't know that he gave the entirety of his inheritance to charity and never took a penny. Nor did I know that he closed down an entire company so the employees could look for a lost child. I didn't vote for Romney last time. Had I known some of these things I might have.

Gee, these are the best things you can say about him?

That he gave away his father's money because after a lifetime of building off his father's rolodex, his quarter of his father's money he gave away. I'd have more respect for him if he let his three siblings have his shares...

George Romney didn't die until 1995. His mother Lenore didn't die until 1998. So I'm glad he didn't go off to Vegas and squander the last of their retirement money, that's something.

Okay, then we get the other story Romney apologists like to throw out there. That he closed down the Bain offices to go look for a Partners (not an employee's) daughter who stayed out too late at a party.

Oh, this Partner. Big surprise, a fellow Prominent Mormon.

Now, if he shut down his whole company to try to help find good health care for Joe Soptic's wife, that would impress me.
The more I know about Romney, the better I like him. I didn't know that he gave the entirety of his inheritance to charity and never took a penny. Nor did I know that he closed down an entire company so the employees could look for a lost child. I didn't vote for Romney last time. Had I known some of these things I might have.

If he gave everything to charity how did he and Ann live during that awful period when Mitt had to sell stocks in order to pay the rent?
Romney has been running for President for six years now..

Now we are 'getting to know him'? Really?

He's rich douchebag with a weird religion.... I'm not sure that there's much to add to that.

sounds like Obama to me :confused:

And probably only to you...

But nice to see you suffer from the top symptom of Obama Derangement Syndrome...

"But...but...but Obama!!!!"
Romney has been running for President for six years now..

Now we are 'getting to know him'? Really?

He's rich douchebag with a weird religion.... I'm not sure that there's much to add to that.

sounds like Obama to me :confused:

And probably only to you...

But nice to see you suffer from the top symptom of Obama Derangement Syndrome...

"But...but...but Obama!!!!"

so then Obama is not rich, not a douchbag and has never attended a Black Liberation Theology church?

then telling the truth is Obama Derangement Syndrome
Romney has been running for President for six years now..

Now we are 'getting to know him'? Really?

He's rich douchebag with a weird religion.... I'm not sure that there's much to add to that.

And he ran for guv before that. Interesting that we still don't much about him - except that he's boring, incredibly dishonest and very possibly not human.

I don't like the cult religion but really, aren't all religions pretty nutty? They all start with the really whacked belief in an invisible old man with magical powers.

In any event, the more we find out about him, the creepier he seems. BUT, that won't even slow the sheeples down. They will do anything, believe anything, no matter how outrageous because, if they didn't, they'd have to admit that they're creeped out by him too.

And that doesn't even address his chronic lies or that his religion actually teaches lying.

Watch Ann Romney's face when ole Etch a Sketch is speaking. It says it all.
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Romney has been running for President for six years now..

Now we are 'getting to know him'? Really?

He's rich douchebag with a weird religion.... I'm not sure that there's much to add to that.

sounds like Obama to me :confused:

And probably only to you...

But nice to see you suffer from the top symptom of Obama Derangement Syndrome...

"But...but...but Obama!!!!"

rw's here have no idea what "rich" really means. One of them actually said that Soros has more money than Romney. And now, one is saying that Obama's money compares to Mittens'?

I do have to agree that Baptist is nutty but the morms really are. I mean they really are crazy. But, crazy smart. They have been quietly amassing huge money and property. someone said the morms are what Scientology wishes it were.

Fact - our system is such that only the wealthy can run for office. And, only those who believe in Magic Sky Fairies. With the super pacs now buying public office, there is no way we will ever see a middle class atheist run for prez. For that matter, we will never again see an honest election.
Not sure there is anything to learn about the Governor. He is the typical entitled rich guy; born on third base and grew up thinking he hit a triple. You saw this in his hazing activities, his activities with the odd cop impersonating, etc...

He was born rich, to his credit remained rich--not always easy to do. Don't be fooled. Whatever weaknesses he had as a youth he has quelled. He is a good, faithful man who raised a wonderful family, is involved in his church, and is probably a neighbor we'd like to have.

His job as CEO forced him to act in favor of his unitholders; not employees. The ad ran by Obama's Super Pac was true; there is a messy human wreckage to what he does as a CEO. That is the job; is it the man? I don't know.

I think the questions America had about the Governor have been answered. He is not a Presidential man wanting to run the country as if it were a business. What served him well as CEO is so heinous that he cannot embrace those qualities as a President. Which is why you do not hear much from the man about his policies from the cut-throat world of market forces. There is a muddled message from the Romney/Ryan ticket except, "Obama; bad".

Because the questions have been asked and answered in 2007, 2008, and again in 2011, and through the Obama definition of 2012; the convention bump that he may receive will be minimal. Not only because of those answers but also because there are fewer undecideds than normal as the nation has become more polarized. Additionally, the Obama camp has done a very good job in painting the Governor as being out of touch, out of step, and out for himself and those like him. These notes are the spice in the stew. They are resonating. And the Governor has done little to stem the tide.

Obama and his surrogates run the risks of overplaying his hand. Obama can still fumble away his advantages and his electoral lead. We're 73 days out. The problem the Governor has is that he isn't giving the few undecideds a reason to vote for him. In our bi-party system, he represents the alternative--true--but he doesn't represent the only choice. Many will likely stay home on our silly-assed election "day". Just another reason we need an extended period to cast ballots in my view.
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sounds like Obama to me :confused:

And probably only to you...

But nice to see you suffer from the top symptom of Obama Derangement Syndrome...

"But...but...but Obama!!!!"

so then Obama is not rich, not a douchbag and has never attended a Black Liberation Theology church?

then telling the truth is Obama Derangement Syndrome

definitely not a douchebag who says stuff like "I like to be able to fire people" and "I'm not worried about the poor", no. That's all Mitt.

He's not even particularly rich. He does well, I guess.

And, no, sorry, the Trinity Church is not what you make it out to be. There's no Black Liberation Preacher hiding under your bed waiting to spring a guilt trip on you...
The more I know about Romney, the better I like him. I didn't know that he gave the entirety of his inheritance to charity and never took a penny. Nor did I know that he closed down an entire company so the employees could look for a lost child. I didn't vote for Romney last time. Had I known some of these things I might have.

I did vote for Romney last time and think that he'll make an excellent president. I suspect there are many good deeds done by Romney that no one will ever know of. From the article:

"Almost every personal detail about Romney I found endearing. But my slowly softening opinion went instantly to goo when The Real Romney unfolded an account of his endless kindnesses—unbidden, unsung, and utterly gratuitous. “It seems that everyone who has known him has a tale of his altruism,” the authors write. I was struck by the story of a Mormon family called (unfortunately) Nixon. In the 1990s a car wreck rendered two of their boys quadriplegics. Drained financially from extraordinary expenses, Mr. Nixon got a call from Romney, whom he barely knew, asking if he could stop by on Christmas Eve. When the day came, all the Romneys arrived bearing presents, including a VCR and a new sound system the Romney boys set up. Later Romney told Nixon that he could take care of the children’s college tuition, which in the end proved unnecessary. “I knew how busy he was,” Nixon told the authors. “He was actually teaching his boys, saying, ‘This is what we do. We do this as a family.’ ”
Learning to Like Mitt | The Weekly Standard
Romney has been running for President for six years now..

Now we are 'getting to know him'? Really?

He's rich douchebag with a weird religion.... I'm not sure that there's much to add to that.

Why do you hate Mormons? Do you hate Muslims too? Why are you such a bigot?
The more I know about Romney, the better I like him. I didn't know that he gave the entirety of his inheritance to charity and never took a penny. Nor did I know that he closed down an entire company so the employees could look for a lost child. I didn't vote for Romney last time. Had I known some of these things I might have.

I did vote for Romney last time and think that he'll make an excellent president. I suspect there are many good deeds done by Romney that no one will ever know of. From the article:

"Almost every personal detail about Romney I found endearing. But my slowly softening opinion went instantly to goo when The Real Romney unfolded an account of his endless kindnesses—unbidden, unsung, and utterly gratuitous. “It seems that everyone who has known him has a tale of his altruism,” the authors write. I was struck by the story of a Mormon family called (unfortunately) Nixon. In the 1990s a car wreck rendered two of their boys quadriplegics. Drained financially from extraordinary expenses, Mr. Nixon got a call from Romney, whom he barely knew, asking if he could stop by on Christmas Eve. When the day came, all the Romneys arrived bearing presents, including a VCR and a new sound system the Romney boys set up. Later Romney told Nixon that he could take care of the children’s college tuition, which in the end proved unnecessary. “I knew how busy he was,” Nixon told the authors. “He was actually teaching his boys, saying, ‘This is what we do. We do this as a family.’ ”
Learning to Like Mitt | The Weekly Standard

I am so excited. I'm on with a couple of old rock friends. Romney and Ryan have to must absolutely must go "TCB".

I think if the right people go for it Randy would might go for it. Or at least let them use it.

I'm doing cartwheels. You can feel it.

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