Getting paid to move your business out of California


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
I love this guys business model.

This Man Will Pay You To Move Your Business Out Of California

After 31 years in California, making a good living in commercial real estate, John Ghiselli had enough. His youngest child was out of high school and he was free to move where he wanted to with minimal disruption to his family life. He chose Texas. And he’s hoping you will, too—he’ll even help.

Ghiselli wasn’t ready to retire. And in his commercial real estate development business, he had noticed that the trickle of businesses moving out of California 15 years ago had grown into a flood. Businesses large and small, publicly traded and privately-owned, were calling it quits in the Golden State and starting anew elsewhere.

In some cases, though, owners who thought they might be able to improve profitability by relocating out of California were held back by the cost of moving, combined with the uncertainty of making the jump. This gave Ghiselli an idea: What if capital for moving wasn’t an issue—how many more businesses might take the initiative to move out of state?

As soon as Ghiselli landed in Texas, he created Waterloo Capital Private Equity, LLC. He’s now open for business and looking to provide capital to companies with revenues in the range of $20 million to $250 million—if they’ll move out of California and relocate to Texas (or to other low-cost states).

Ghiselli is confident he’ll get a return on his investment because his research shows that the average business that leaves California sees a 32% savings in overall operating costs. Further, moving out is a matter of fiduciary responsibility owed by corporate leaders to both shareholders and employees alike.

This Man Will Pay You To Move Your Business Out Of California
I hope California secedes, should dumb Don win re-election. That just might put an end to this corrupt murderous Empire.
Hell. I don't know how any business can survive in that goofy State.

Really depends on the business you have. If you were going to open a poo-removal business, you would want to do business in an area where the crapping on the sidewalk is customary.
I love this guys business model.

This Man Will Pay You To Move Your Business Out Of California

After 31 years in California, making a good living in commercial real estate, John Ghiselli had enough. His youngest child was out of high school and he was free to move where he wanted to with minimal disruption to his family life. He chose Texas. And he’s hoping you will, too—he’ll even help.

Ghiselli wasn’t ready to retire. And in his commercial real estate development business, he had noticed that the trickle of businesses moving out of California 15 years ago had grown into a flood. Businesses large and small, publicly traded and privately-owned, were calling it quits in the Golden State and starting anew elsewhere.

In some cases, though, owners who thought they might be able to improve profitability by relocating out of California were held back by the cost of moving, combined with the uncertainty of making the jump. This gave Ghiselli an idea: What if capital for moving wasn’t an issue—how many more businesses might take the initiative to move out of state?

As soon as Ghiselli landed in Texas, he created Waterloo Capital Private Equity, LLC. He’s now open for business and looking to provide capital to companies with revenues in the range of $20 million to $250 million—if they’ll move out of California and relocate to Texas (or to other low-cost states).

Ghiselli is confident he’ll get a return on his investment because his research shows that the average business that leaves California sees a 32% savings in overall operating costs. Further, moving out is a matter of fiduciary responsibility owed by corporate leaders to both shareholders and employees alike.

This Man Will Pay You To Move Your Business Out Of California
A number of States are paying businesses to move there via tax incentives. I love pissing the Left off.

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