Get ready for synthetic meat


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Essentially, scientists have figured out a way to make meat cells to reproduce without stopping, much like a cancer cell.

They say it will be used to feed the world and that people will get used to the taste and like it.

I think Bill Gates wants to start using it in food at the end of this year.

Isn't science great!

Essentially, scientists have figured out a way to make meat cells to reproduce without stopping, much like a cancer cell.

They say it will be used to feed the world and that people will get used to the taste and like it.

I think Bill Gates wants to start using it in food at the end of this year.

Isn't science great!

Just one little important hitch with that cancer cell meat................................


Essentially, scientists have figured out a way to make meat cells to reproduce without stopping, much like a cancer cell.

They say it will be used to feed the world and that people will get used to the taste and like it.

I think Bill Gates wants to start using it in food at the end of this year.

Isn't science great!

Another attempt at the depopulation the elites so badly want.
If it feeds people I support it.
I also think A.i And robotics should do away with the need to work. Once this is done we can just let people live their lives without the need of wage slavery.
If restaurants and grocery stores only sell the synthetic version, especially without telling you, what will you do about it?

Aha! Here's where those of us with food allergies have it all over you normies! I haven't eaten at a restaurant in many years! No big loss!

And I meet my meat -- go out to the farm and take the tour and see exactly how all my animal protein is treated before it comes to my freezer.

If it feeds people I support it.
I also think A.i And robotics should do away with the need to work. Once this is done we can just let people live their lives without the need of wage slavery.

You must be far away from retirement age.

Explains a lot.

Another attempt at the depopulation the elites so badly want.
Interesting take on it. I'm guessing you're alleging that this is some sort of secret 'poison' being foisted on fluoride in the water, GMO's or, ***gasp*** vaxxing, right?

Logic..which is not usually your friend--says that if there was a cheap, infinitely renewable source of protein, the population would surge upwards across the Globe. Probably stay the same here in the most get enough to eat anyway. But Africa and Asia would boom!
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Essentially, scientists have figured out a way to make meat cells to reproduce without stopping, much like a cancer cell.

They say it will be used to feed the world and that people will get used to the taste and like it.

I think Bill Gates wants to start using it in food at the end of this year.

Isn't science great!
I won't be eating that shit. I'll just shoot my own rabbit, wood pigeon, pheasant etc..
Interesting take on it. I'm guessing you're alleging that this is some sort of secret 'poison' being foisted on fluoride in the water or, ***gasp*** vaxxing, right?

Logic..which is not usually your friend--says that if there was a cheap, infinitely renewable source of protein, the population would surge upwards across the Globe. Probably stay the same here in the most get enough to eat anyway. But Africa and Asia would boom!

Africa and Asia are already booming. Making fake meat from cancer cells isn't going to help anyone, but I encourage you to chow down.
Feel free to enjoy your Frankenstein proteins ... I'll continue to enjoy the real deal.
Fair enough....Frankenstein Rib-eye .59 a lb....real deal $17.99lb. Now, a simple knowledge of economics will tell you that you and those like you will become a niche market, with ever increasing prices.
Now, right now we don't know as to whether or not the faux meat is identical to the real---but if it is, in a generation it will be, 'A difference that makes no difference..IS no difference.'
Africa and Asia are already booming. Making fake meat from cancer cells isn't going to help anyone, but I encourage you to chow down.
LOL@fake meat from cancer cells! That's the meme, right there.

Oh..not to burst your lil bubble..but Africa and Asia are full of death and disease, with a huge amount of people suffering from malnutrition and diseases that stem from not enough food and clean water. I think we both know just how very little you care about all that eh?
LOL@fake meat from cancer cells! That's the meme, right there.

Oh..not to burst your lil bubble..but Africa and Asia are full of death and disease, with a huge amount of people suffering from malnutrition and diseases that stem from not enough food and clean water. I think we both know just how very little you care about all that eh?

Your fellow DemoKKKrats are going to want this garbage in school lunches ASAP.
No thanks I'll stick to my whole food plant based diet
IMHO, the best choice, by far. Especially here in the U.S..

I laugh about all the Hoo-ha about meat prices..and then go and buy my tub of extra-firm $1.49.
The occasional salmon fillet and such....lots of salads....will add 10 years to the average life. Quality years..ya know..not wearing an oxygen mask?
Fair enough....Frankenstein Rib-eye .59 a lb....real deal $17.99lb. Now, a simple knowledge of economics will tell you that you and those like you will become a niche market, with ever increasing prices.
Now, right now we don't know as to whether or not the faux meat is identical to the real---but if it is, in a generation it will be, 'A difference that makes no difference..IS no difference.'
Animals aren't going away. There will always be real meat. You can enjoy test tube steaks though. Cheers!
IMHO, the best choice, by far. Especially here in the U.S..

I laugh about all the Hoo-ha about meat prices..and then go and buy my tub of extra-firm $1.49.
The occasional salmon fillet and such....lots of salads....will add 10 years to the average life. Quality years..ya know..not wearing an oxygen mask?

Ah, tofu. This explains a lot about you.


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