Get ready for synthetic meat

Animals aren't going away. There will always be real meat. You can enjoy test tube steaks though. Cheers!
"Always be real meat' "Animals not going away"
You're quite the optimist, I got to say. Again, the GLOBAL reality is something quite different. Again, I doubt you give a hoot about such goings on.
BTW..the correct term would be vat-grown steaks, just sayin'. It amuses how 'Steak' is the go-to protein--I suspect it would be vat-grown burgers first.
IMHO, the best choice, by far. Especially here in the U.S..

I laugh about all the Hoo-ha about meat prices..and then go and buy my tub of extra-firm $1.49.
The occasional salmon fillet and such....lots of salads....will add 10 years to the average life. Quality years..ya know..not wearing an oxygen mask?
When your time comes, won't you hate lying in the hospital dying of nothing?
Ah, tofu. This explains a lot about you.

LOL..if that was intended to be a flame, let it be known that you entirely missed the mark~
From your link:

The Takeaway: Soy is a unique food that is widely studied for its estrogenic and anti-estrogenic effects on the body. Studies may seem to present conflicting conclusions about soy, but this is largely due to the wide variation in how soy is studied. Results of recent population studies suggest that soy has either a beneficial or neutral effect on various health conditions. Soy is a nutrient-dense source of protein that can safely be consumed several times a week, and probably more often, and is likely to provide health benefits—especially when eaten as an alternative to red and processed meat.

Soy is exalted as a health food by some, with claims of taming hot flashes, warding off osteoporosis, and protecting against hormonal cancers like breast and prostate.

At the same time, soy is shunned by others for fear that it may cause breast cancer, thyroid problems, and dementia, though these claims have not been substantiated.
Ill stick with eating red meat from animals with hooves, except venison &/or goat meat. As far as climate alarmists go their religion looong ago had been irrefutably proven disingenuous. The climate alarmists fantasy of one world without borders is the drive for all their bogus propaganda & absurd concoctions they attempt to foist upon the general global public as the Savior of the planet earth. With 50 years of 100% doom & gloom failed prophecy of climatic destruction of the planet earth all we folks gifted with the gift of good old common sense can do, is sit back & watch the climate alarmists comedy of errors show!

When your time comes, won't you hate lying in the hospital dying of nothing?
I hope to die at home....but I have a whole raft of dead friends and acquaintances--who died in their early 50's to early 60's. They essentially chose to eat and sometimes smoke, themselves to death...heart disease, stroke, prostate cancer, lung cancer. Most of them had early warning signs, but would not, or could not take the steps to prolong their lives.
Their choice, I know. Too bad they couldn't see their grands grow up..or enjoy the smell of pines off the mountain..or the feel of sun on their backs, eh?

Dying of nothing? LOL!
We used to shoot rabbits as kids, gut the rabbits, and dry the skins out in the sun with salt.

Although I've never tanned a rabbit pelt, I have a library of instructions for tanning most kinds of hide. I guess I'd be boning up on preserving rabbit pelt.

Ill stick with eating red meat from animals with hooves, except venison &/or goat meat. As far as climate alarmists go their religion looong ago had been irrefutably proven disingenuous. The climate alarmists fantasy of one world without borders is the drive for all their bogus propaganda & absurd concoctions they attempt to foist upon the general global public as the Savior of the planet earth. With 50 years of 100% doom & gloom failed prophecy of climatic destruction of the planet earth all we folks gifted with the gift of good old common sense can do, is sit back & watch the climate alarmists comedy of errors show!

What's wrong with venison and goat?'

Essentially, scientists have figured out a way to make meat cells to reproduce without stopping, much like a cancer cell.

They say it will be used to feed the world and that people will get used to the taste and like it.

I think Bill Gates wants to start using it in food at the end of this year.

Isn't science great!
There is very good reasons to supplant natural beef with man made beef. Scientist have been working on this for years, trying to get the right texture, nutritional content, and affordability. However the one thing that they have not succeeded in doing is getting same taste and aroma of beef while keeping the texture. Currently artificial beef taste more like chicken than beef and lacks the aroma of beef. Until it has aroma, taste, and texture of beef, it will not replace it. However, if the cost is low enough then if just might catch on in some parts of the world that can't afford beef. Reducing beef consumption will be good for our health and the environment.
They say it will be used to feed the world and that people will get used to the taste and like it.

Bet you a million dollars that when they have the populations eating fake meat and crickets, the elite will still be packing in Wagyu steaks.

Wouldn't be a lot easier to just slowly back off on the number of babies people keep having and let the population come back down naturally to a level that the earth can sustain well?

Although I've never tanned a rabbit pelt, I have a library of instructions for tanning most kinds of hide. I guess I'd be boning up on preserving rabbit pelt.

Rabbits stink inside, so you don't want to spill the intestines etc.. when cutting them open.

We just used to pin the skin fur side down on some wood, and rub salt into the skin, then leave them in the sun. Apart from having some dried rabbit skins about, we never actually did anything with them
If restaurants and grocery stores only sell the synthetic version, especially without telling you, what will you do about it?
Who ever said I get my meat at the chain grocery store? I buy most of my beef, pork, chicken and fish either directly from the farm or from small local butcher/seafood markets.
What's wrong with venison and goat?'
Goat and Venison that I have eaten do not taste like beef. I suspect the problems in replacing 130 billion pounds of beef the world eats each each year with goats and venison would have it's own problems just as bad as cattle.

I believe the best answer is to raise more children as vegetarians. It is not a complete solution but a bit more practical than trying to take all beef off the menu throughout the world.
Bet you a million dollars that when they have the populations eating fake meat and crickets, the elite will still be packing in Wagyu steaks.

Wouldn't be a lot easier to just slowly back off on the number of babies people keep having and let the population come back down naturally to a level that the earth can sustain well?
That would be nice, however it is not very practically. Couples like to have families. Generally the poorer they are the bigger the family.
Rabbits stink inside, so you don't want to spill the intestines etc.. when cutting them open.

We just used to pin the skin fur side down on some wood, and rub salt into the skin, then leave them in the sun. Apart from having some dried rabbit skins about, we never actually did anything with them

Thanks for that tip. It would be a bitch to foul the meat by not knowing this.

Interesting take on it. I'm guessing you're alleging that this is some sort of secret 'poison' being foisted on fluoride in the water, GMO's or, ***gasp*** vaxxing, right?

Logic..which is not usually your friend--says that if there was a cheap, infinitely renewable source of protein, the population would surge upwards across the Globe. Probably stay the same here in the most get enough to eat anyway. But Africa and Asia would boom!
Which is the problem.....the best thing that can happen to Africa is for their population to decrease.....there are too many of them as it is

Essentially, scientists have figured out a way to make meat cells to reproduce without stopping, much like a cancer cell.

They say it will be used to feed the world and that people will get used to the taste and like it.

I think Bill Gates wants to start using it in food at the end of this year.

Isn't science great!

Lab grown meat isn't scaleable. As the 'lab grown cells' have no immune system. These factories must be bio-tech level sterile. A single virus or bacteria could destroy an entire batch.

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