Get ready for synthetic meat

Isn't that why you people started Planned Parenthood?
White folks started planned parenthood...for other white folks......

Most of the shit you whine about are systems put in place by white folks...

But I understand how much more satisfying it is to blame black people....

Essentially, scientists have figured out a way to make meat cells to reproduce without stopping, much like a cancer cell.

They say it will be used to feed the world and that people will get used to the taste and like it.

I think Bill Gates wants to start using it in food at the end of this year.

Isn't science great!

I wouldn't eat that!

I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole! No way.

I don't eat red meat anyway, I just eat chicken, fish and
I wouldn't eat that!

I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole! No way.

I don't eat red meat anyway, I just eat chicken, fish and

The fake meat is made from cell lines that are referred to as "immortal", and another kind of cells that are immortal are cancer cells.

Anybody wants to eat cancer, feel free.

Skye, you are probably wise to eat only fish and fowl.

I hope to die at home....but I have a whole raft of dead friends and acquaintances--who died in their early 50's to early 60's. They essentially chose to eat and sometimes smoke, themselves to death...heart disease, stroke, prostate cancer, lung cancer. Most of them had early warning signs, but would not, or could not take the steps to prolong their lives.
Their choice, I know. Too bad they couldn't see their grands grow up..or enjoy the smell of pines off the mountain..or the feel of sun on their backs, eh?

Dying of nothing? LOL!

How did you stay so healthy hanging around with Taco Bell addicts??

I'm sure you're lying again, LIAR!!
Goat and Venison that I have eaten do not taste like beef. I suspect the problems in replacing 130 billion pounds of beef the world eats each each year with goats and venison would have it's own problems just as bad as cattle.

I believe the best answer is to raise more children as vegetarians. It is not a complete solution but a bit more practical than trying to take all beef off the menu throughout the world.
I don't think anyone ever said venison and goat taste like beef.

The fake meat is made from cell lines that are referred to as "immortal", and another kind of cells that are immortal are cancer cells.

Anybody wants to eat cancer, feel free.

Skye, you are probably wise to eat only fish and fowl.


Laughing......conservative logic is on perfect display.
I'm not eating meat grown in a lab because some rich asshole sitting on his throne says I should. Bill gates can go F himself in the A for all I care.

Essentially, scientists have figured out a way to make meat cells to reproduce without stopping, much like a cancer cell.

They say it will be used to feed the world and that people will get used to the taste and like it.

I think Bill Gates wants to start using it in food at the end of this year.

Isn't science great!


Essentially, scientists have figured out a way to make meat cells to reproduce without stopping, much like a cancer cell.

They say it will be used to feed the world and that people will get used to the taste and like it.

I think Bill Gates wants to start using it in food at the end of this year.

Isn't science great!
My X used synthetic meat for years. When she got to 3 d cells it got to be too much in batteries every month
X :icon_sjung:
I'm not eating meat grown in a lab because some rich asshole sitting on his throne says I should. Bill gates can go F himself in the A for all I care.
No one will require you or anyone else to eat synthetic meat. There are advantages to synthetic meet that will convince a lot people to give up beef during this century but we will be eating cows well into the future.

What makes synthetic meats desirable:
  • Zero Animal Cruelty
  • Less saturated fat means people will live longer
  • Less antibiotic resistance could save people's lives
  • No growth hormones
  • No bacterial contamination
  • It will eventually be cheaper than conventional meat
  • Global hunger could be reduced
I was going to include saving the rainforest but that ship has sailed

If it feeds people I support it.
I also think A.i And robotics should do away with the need to work. Once this is done we can just let people live their lives without the need of wage slavery.

People with nothing to do to keep themselves fed and sheltered will mostly devolve into thuggery.
No one will require you or anyone else to eat synthetic meat. There are advantages to synthetic meet that will convince a lot people to give up beef during this century but we will be eating cows well into the future.

What makes synthetic meats desirable:
  • Zero Animal Cruelty
  • Less saturated fat means people will live longer
  • Less antibiotic resistance could save people's lives
  • No growth hormones
  • No bacterial contamination
  • It will eventually be cheaper than conventional meat
  • Global hunger could be reduced
I was going to include saving the rainforest but that ship is sailed

Just like people in NY and CA won't require us to but only EV's if we want a new car?

Force is ALWAYS part of the leftist program.
If restaurants and grocery stores only sell the synthetic version, especially without telling you, what will you do about it?
Raise my own meat supply and go hunting.
Hoping and praying that I may FINALLY be getting over Long Covid after suffering for the past 4 months....... yeah... screw this.
Covid long is caused by protein spikes. 1 in 5 adult Americans is expected to get Covid long in 2023. All caused by unforeseen, and never seen before, radical proteins.
And now you want me to eat food containing untested proteins????
I'll wait yeaars before I would touch the stuff

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