Get ready for a one world government if Trump fails to come back.

I really do try to increase my understanding of this incredible adoration and devotion. To this man, of all people.

And then I see stuff like this.
the only thing you increase, is your denial that AMERICA was in a great economic stage, under support the pedophile, sack of shit, xiden, and the anti-AMERICA assholes in the SCUM demonRAT party
if you only had a brain
There will never be one world government. Are you stuck in that old illuminati garbage?
says the retard that voted for this economy.....
there wouldn't be a 1 world gov,'t if more people like TRUMP keep putting AMERICA first.....but no, retards like you support pedophiles, criminals, traitors of the SCUM demonRAT party....look at the 'farcebook' big wig that got popped in a child porn sting----another SCUM demonrat
Yeah...when are you going to start doing that?
retards like you, that live their pathetic lives in denial, would respond as you did....thanx 4 voting for the inflation AMERICANS are suffering right now----as long as it isn't TRUMP
shit stains like you, must enjoy the sky rocketing prices with NO relief in sight.....only retards voted for this and the sack of shit in the white house
if you only had a brain
the only thing you increase, is your denial that AMERICA was in a great economic stage, under support the pedophile, sack of shit, xiden, and the anti-AMERICA assholes in the SCUM demonRAT party
if you only had a brain
Have you ever considered taking a debate class?
Tell me some more alternative facts
you spew them all----just trying to make shit stains like you to see TRUTH----but, your lack of a functioning brain doesn't allow that to happen....sux 2 b you
if you only had a brain
Trump will golf his way to our freedom! Or maybe he can Marolago our asses free!

Trump’s an imbecile that has convinced imbeciles that shouting at brown people fixes the world. The world has no time for you yahoos.
Trump will golf his way to our freedom! Or maybe he can Marolago our asses free!

Trump’s an imbecile that has convinced imbeciles that shouting at brown people fixes the world. The world has no time for you yahoos.
the SCUM demonRATS are imbeciles that have convinced imbeciles(YOU) that allowing illegals to storm AMERICAS borders fixes AMERICA....... AMERICA has no time for you retarded, pedophile loving, traitor loving, anti AMERICA loving--SCUM
The shills from Langley sure are out in full force today,man we need trump back by the mid terms,America and the world cannot survive three more years of lying biden.

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