Get ready for a one world government if Trump fails to come back.

What is hideous is that you voted for such a demented weakling that our enemy felt so emboldened as to launch a war.
Are you guys done scratching each others eyes out? Truth is, both Trump and Biden were the worst possible candidates out of 330,000,000 people. So quit splitting hairs.

The reason that Putin didn't attack Ukraine and other western nations is because when he was president Trump expressed his desire on numerous occasions for the United States to withdraw from NATO altogether. He did so while campaigning for president in 2016. He did so as president. And apparently, he even made clear to advisers he hoped to make it a reality after he won re-election in 2020.

Putin was waiting for Trump to weaken his opposition (ie NATO) due to Trump's unending pathetic stupidity. Fortunately Trump lost the free and fair election. Unfortunately a senile weak old man past his prime of life won the election, so here we are.
Are you guys done scratching each others eyes out? Truth is, both Trump and Biden were the worst possible candidates out of 330,000,000 people. So quit splitting hairs.

The reason that Putin didn't attack Ukraine and other western nations is because when he was president Trump expressed his desire on numerous occasions for the United States to withdraw from NATO altogether. He did so while campaigning for president in 2016. He did so as president. And apparently, he even made clear to advisers he hoped to make it a reality after he won re-election in 2020.

Putin was waiting for Trump to weaken his opposition (ie NATO) due to Trump's unending pathetic stupidity. Fortunately Trump lost the free and fair election. Unfortunately a senile weak old man past his prime of life won the election, so here we are.
Hey! I agree with everything you said. I would have liked to see a better candidate than Biden. But it was only a binary choice as usual. I don't praise Biden. I just point out the sheer madness of Trump. In my opinion, only one of them is an existential threat to democracy. So don't assume anything about me please. I wish there were 100 party's to choose from. After serving my country in Vietnam with the 1st Marine Div in 1969 I get a little pissed off when I see capitulation and excuse making from fellow Americans who should know better.
Hey! I agree with everything you said. I would have liked to see a better candidate than Biden. But it was only a binary choice as usual. I don't praise Biden. I just point out the sheer madness of Trump. In my opinion, only one of them is an existential threat to democracy. So don't assume anything about me please. I wish there were 100 party's to choose from. After serving my country in Vietnam with the 1st Marine Div in 1969 I get a little pissed off when I see capitulation and excuse making from fellow Americans who should know better.
Besides, it's fun to fuck with morons.
Hey! I agree with everything you said. I would have liked to see a better candidate than Biden. But it was only a binary choice as usual. I don't praise Biden. I just point out the sheer madness of Trump. In my opinion, only one of them is an existential threat to democracy. So don't assume anything about me please. I wish there were 100 party's to choose from. After serving my country in Vietnam with the 1st Marine Div in 1969 I get a little pissed off when I see capitulation and excuse making from fellow Americans who should know better.
Thank you for your service!
There is a connection between Putin’s unclear invasion plans of Ukraine and Canada’s prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Both are making moves to show that elite power is not going to bend to the will of common people. In a fascist world, leadership is king and any challenge to that leadership must be met with stringent measures to keep power in the hands of government. Oddly both fascist events are the result of a corrupted stolen election in the United States on the heels of a biological attack on the world by the world’s most fascist regime in history, the People’s Republic of China.

Both Putin and Trudeau realize that to keep power they must attack their own people. Trudeau is far worse than Putin in that he is attacking citizens in his own cities while Putin is threatening a sovereign country that was at one time part of the former Soviet Union. Trudeau is going to war against working people exercising their right to peacefully protest government policies, Putin has been cornered by the corruption of a US presidential administration that is trying to foist Nato on an authoritarian state. No one in Ukraine cares a lick about becoming part of Nato which was in place to counter the now defunct USSR. But because Ukraine is a thoroughly corrupt country with ties to the drug-addled son of a US president, shadow deals have been made to keep Ukraine’s authoritarian leader in place to antagonize Russia which is a fascist competitor of the fascist Biden administration.

American and international media ceased asking questions long ago when they became propaganda shills for fascist governments. So, people get a distorted picture of what is really happening. Russia’s forced aggressions are obviously a planned distraction to deal with a lack of confidence in America in the Biden administration. If the Biden administration can manipulate a war in eastern Europe, it can get the people to take their eye off the ball. The problem with cornering Russia is that it is a nuclear armed enemy, and the ineptitude of the Biden administration could bring about World War Three and a planet wide nuclear holocaust.

The real war going on in the world is elite leadership against average people. The Biden administration along with permanent Washington is owned lock, stock, and barrel by the People’s Republic of China which is the actual controlling influence. The US must be brought down in the eyes of the world so another Donald Trump can never again emerge as a voice for common people. If the Biden administration can distract the people long enough, it can use concocted legal corruption to make it impossible for Trump to run again. A war is Eastern Europe is just the ticket to buy that time.

Meanwhile the people are being conditioned by Canada to accept the notion that government is superior to the collective wisdom of average citizens. So, charging on horseback into crowds of disabled people is necessary to maintain order. The world is a mess, and leadership internationally is moving to fascism to protect itself from the people. This is the major goal of one world government. It is not going to work. Trump will be back. News Forum - Ottawa Mounted Police Charge Horses Into <br/>Crowd, Disabled Elderly Woman Using Walker <br/>Trampled Reported Killed, Police Claim <br/>Her Walker Was Bicycle

Police descend on Ottawa protest with horses, riot gear as at least 100 are arrested - Canada News -

NATO doesn't want peace – Russia — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

This should be in conspiracy theories.

You're equating someone stopping a protest that went on too long, with another invading a country. Wow.
There are differences between Trump and Biden. Trump was declared to have told the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and America prospered.

Biden claimed he extorted a billion dollars from the Ukraine according to a video that went viral a couple of years ago. He bragged about giving the Ukrainians 6 hours to come up with a billion dollars in cash and put it on Air Force Two, where it miraculously disappeared on the way to Washington. Hush-hush bank somewhere in the third world? Who knows? Biden clammed up! Oh, wait. He vented to the press knew how much he hates the conservatives in America a few days ago. What a take-no-survivors creep no-identification-necessary brought to us via Mob Boss Nancy and her fellow false witness narrators. Got herself and participating communists elected to control the entire United States, once a free land, and now a Democrat Dungeon for people the deep state hates.

On the other hand, President Trump forfeited his salary to spend on things the American people, which he constantly had before his eyes as he administered fairness for all who labor. He raised people's paychecks to a living standard and lowered the price of gasoline by governing wisely and giving the oil and gas industry incentives, the same way he gave incentatives to those who once were parasites, he turned into proud, productive people. And she has her minions prancing around all over the net with instructions to follow Nancy's choice of lying narratives. At first, I was mad at her for referring to herself she was the most important person in America. Now, just thinking about her charging the American people for the gold pens she handed out to her friends only celebrating her two phony impeachments of Donald Trump. May her hatred for doing the right thing be burnt and put through a spaghetti crank.

I choose Trump. If the Democrats hadn't cheated their butts off on election day, we'd be living in a world of peace. But no. The selfish Demonrats had to kick the popular vote of the American people for trump under the carpet, as they drew their 3am cheater boxes out at the polls, all handwritten by one or two writers per box to represent thousands of nonexistent people instead of the 2 that wrote it all down.
/venting complete!
There are differences between Trump and Biden. Trump was declared to have told the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and America prospered.

Biden claimed he extorted a billion dollars from the Ukraine according to a video that went viral a couple of years ago. He bragged about giving the Ukrainians 6 hours to come up with a billion dollars in cash and put it on Air Force Two, where it miraculously disappeared on the way to Washington. Hush-hush bank somewhere in the third world? Who knows? Biden clammed up! Oh, wait. He vented to the press knew how much he hates the conservatives in America a few days ago. What a take-no-survivors creep no-identification-necessary brought to us via Mob Boss Nancy and her fellow false witness narrators. Got herself and participating communists elected to control the entire United States, once a free land, and now a Democrat Dungeon for people the deep state hates.

On the other hand, President Trump forfeited his salary to spend on things the American people, which he constantly had before his eyes as he administered fairness for all who labor. He raised people's paychecks to a living standard and lowered the price of gasoline by governing wisely and giving the oil and gas industry incentives, the same way he gave incentatives to those who once were parasites, he turned into proud, productive people. And she has her minions prancing around all over the net with instructions to follow Nancy's choice of lying narratives. At first, I was mad at her for referring to herself she was the most important person in America. Now, just thinking about her charging the American people for the gold pens she handed out to her friends only celebrating her two phony impeachments of Donald Trump. May her hatred for doing the right thing be burnt and put through a spaghetti crank.

I choose Trump. If the Democrats hadn't cheated their butts off on election day, we'd be living in a world of peace. But no. The selfish Demonrats had to kick the popular vote of the American people for trump under the carpet, as they drew their 3am cheater boxes out at the polls, all handwritten by one or two writers per box to represent thousands of nonexistent people instead of the 2 that wrote it all down.
/venting complete!
Biden was doing government work, not trying to rig an election. How stupid are you to believe what comes out of the mouth of "find me 11,000 votes"?
If Biden was trying to shake down Ukraine for personal favors would we see it on YouTube?
Biden was doing government work, not trying to rig an election. How stupid are you to believe what comes out of the mouth of "find me 11,000 votes"?
If Biden was trying to shake down Ukraine for personal favors would we see it on YouTube?
Biden's minions have scrubbed all the videos they can find from the internet. If I knew how to use a computer, I'd have known how to save the video, but they'd just figure out a way to wipe my computer off the face of the web. That's how the Democrat Party rolls these days. Their credo is: "There are a lot of bad things to do, but getting caught is unacceptable."

?The deep state did not inform Biden of their works. That's how the DNC does it. If the kingpin has no knowledge of it he's innocent, right? <burp>
Biden's minions have scrubbed all the videos they can find from the internet. If I knew how to use a computer, I'd have known how to save the video, but they'd just figure out a way to wipe my computer off the face of the web. That's how the Democrat Party rolls these days. Their credo is: "There are a lot of bad things to do, but getting caught is unacceptable."

?The deep state did not inform Biden of their works. That's how the DNC does it. If the kingpin has no knowledge of it he's innocent, right? <burp>
Okay there Comrade. You understand that to support Trump is to support autocracy, right? You need to learn a lot more than how to use a computer.
Biden's minions have scrubbed all the videos they can find from the internet. If I knew how to use a computer, I'd have known how to save the video, but they'd just figure out a way to wipe my computer off the face of the web. That's how the Democrat Party rolls these days. Their credo is: "There are a lot of bad things to do, but getting caught is unacceptable."

?The deep state did not inform Biden of their works. That's how the DNC does it. If the kingpin has no knowledge of it he's innocent, right? <burp>
Crazy people say crazy things like Deep State. There are dozens of videos available because there was no reason to scrub anything.

Okay there Comrade. You understand that to support Trump is to support autocracy, right? You need to learn a lot more than how to use a computer.
I explained it as if I was talking to a 6 year old and that didn`t seem to help him/her. These nuts are pretty desperate to find a Biden scandal but all they have is Biden`s dog biting a Secret Service agent.
Hey! I agree with everything you said. I would have liked to see a better candidate than Biden. But it was only a binary choice as usual. I don't praise Biden. I just point out the sheer madness of Trump. In my opinion, only one of them is an existential threat to democracy. So don't assume anything about me please. I wish there were 100 party's to choose from. After serving my country in Vietnam with the 1st Marine Div in 1969 I get a little pissed off when I see capitulation and excuse making from fellow Americans who should know better.
Thank you for your service, Wickersburg. I have great sympathy for what my brother and others who served in that awful day, and I had to deal with feelings of anger that people were spitting on soldiers who arrived at FPO and APO San Francisco when called home. In the meantime, I raised a family, spent 5 years studying human health and the benefits of exeercise and dieting, but my talented husband was moved around 3 or 4 times, so I never got a degree, because on my senior year, I had a choice to stay home and mind the home fires for a difficult child or finish my ed. I decided to deal with home fires. In the meantime, I had always been interested in the people who formed our country, and the people in my home town were very harsh on black people, which destroyed my faith in the equality demands of the Constitution and I viewed human beings as brothers (still do). A week after my husband and I married, I joined his party to keep us from cancelling each other's votes. He was a Republican. There never were discussions about bad race this or bad race that, so I started liking the Republicans. That's my story as to the only reason I became a conservative. He passed 6 years back, after 44 wonderful years of pride and joy that he gave me, So pardon me if I favored President Trump, but in business matters, I know when people are lying or telling the truth. It didn't take me ten minutes to know he did business on a top of the table understanding of telling the truth. After four years of watching the Democrats lie their butts off about his integrity, the false charges against him that were run into the ground were not verified by the Mueller probe that followed both a House and a Senate search that found the same thing. No matter. The Democrats had a deep pocket donor all those years who bought and paid for leftist lockstep press daily harrassing truthless narratives about "why the president must be impeached," after the Mueller report was issued with a "maybe we missed something" attitude which was the Democrat's exploitative open door to further more incendiary false charges that "seemed" true to their quite wealthy by then fat press rats.

So when you refer to Trump with vulgarities, I am not sympathetic, even if you fell for a real otherwise-sweet-looking lady or man who seemed "convinced" that indeed somebody missed something. It conveniently furnished enough narratives in triplicate to roast President Trump into the ground, needlessly. He every time told the truth. He every time handled his finances through the best of honest CPAs whose integrity cannot be challenged as they are quite a truthful society that has jetisoned the markets to good places, all honestly and upfronterly.

IOW, the lies about Trump were dirtier than used toilet paper.
I explained it as if I was talking to a 6 year old and that didn`t seem to help him/her. These nuts are pretty desperate to find a Biden scandal but all they have is Biden`s dog biting a Secret Service agent.
Color me naive but I never even dreamed how stupid our population is. And it took the king of stupid to show me. It's amusing and scary as shit at the same time. Trumpers are even on board with the Trump/Putin partnership.
Thank you for your service, Wickersburg. I have great sympathy for what my brother and others who served in that awful day, and I had to deal with feelings of anger that people were spitting on soldiers who arrived at FPO and APO San Francisco when called home. In the meantime, I raised a family, spent 5 years studying human health and the benefits of exeercise and dieting, but my talented husband was moved around 3 or 4 times, so I never got a degree, because on my senior year, I had a choice to stay home and mind the home fires for a difficult child or finish my ed. I decided to deal with home fires. In the meantime, I had always been interested in the people who formed our country, and the people in my home town were very harsh on black people, which destroyed my faith in the equality demands of the Constitution and I viewed human beings as brothers (still do). A week after my husband and I married, I joined his party to keep us from cancelling each other's votes. He was a Republican. There never were discussions about bad race this or bad race that, so I started liking the Republicans. That's my story as to the only reason I became a conservative. He passed 6 years back, after 44 wonderful years of pride and joy that he gave me, So pardon me if I favored President Trump, but in business matters, I know when people are lying or telling the truth. It didn't take me ten minutes to know he did business on a top of the table understanding of telling the truth. After four years of watching the Democrats lie their butts off about his integrity, the false charges against him that were run into the ground were not verified by the Mueller probe that followed both a House and a Senate search that found the same thing. No matter. The Democrats had a deep pocket donor all those years who bought and paid for leftist lockstep press daily harrassing truthless narratives about "why the president must be impeached," after the Mueller report was issued with a "maybe we missed something" attitude which was the Democrat's exploitative open door to further more incendiary false charges that "seemed" true to their quite wealthy by then fat press rats.

So when you refer to Trump with vulgarities, I am not sympathetic, even if you fell for a real otherwise-sweet-looking lady or man who seemed "convinced" that indeed somebody missed something. It conveniently furnished enough narratives in triplicate to roast President Trump into the ground, needlessly. He every time told the truth. He every time handled his finances through the best of honest CPAs whose integrity cannot be challenged as they are quite a truthful society that has jetisoned the markets to good places, all honestly and upfronterly.

IOW, the lies about Trump were dirtier than used toilet paper.
I don't know quite what to say to that word salad but Lady, you've been hoodwinked beyond all recovery. You have been so indoctrinated that there is no hope for any kind of an awakening. Just the fact that you believe Trump is an honest man and do not see the multiple connections to Putin from Trump and just about everyone around him, scares me to death. Don't you understand how serious the danger is right now of our country falling into a kleptocracy like Trump's Russia? Trump has used Mien Kampf as a playbook, from the degrading of the free press to the vilification of all gov't entities that might hold him responsible for his actions. And now, right in your face is praising the king of evil, Vladimir Putin. That didn't occur to you? Wow! Just Wow!!
Biden was doing government work, not trying to rig an election. How stupid are you to believe what comes out of the mouth of "find me 11,000 votes"?
If Biden was trying to shake down Ukraine for personal favors would we see it on YouTube?
How dare you. Biden got on the loudspeaker and was videotaped describing his extortion of one billion dollars from the Ukraine. He's a damn crook.
He also at another time got on the horn about how he got the top cop in the Ukraine fired for asking his son Hunter as to why he was getting a million dollars from the Burisma Company's board meetings which he didn't have to attend, and that was per annum. Two years after all this sludge came out, Hunter gave the million back to Burisma, but nobody ever said word one about Biden's removal of a billion dollars from the country of Ukraine, and he did it in correspondence with the knowledge he had as Vice President that several billion were alloted by Trump's insistence to help the Ukraine avoid being railroaded by Russian missiles if they did anything whatsoever to use their sovereignty as an excuse to do as they pleased.

What, shall we criticized this beseiged nation for paying up the billion to Biden who threatened to have Congress repeal their promise of a lot of money to them to build up their defense system to counter any Russian threat of takeover. We're in the middle of that right now, and the damn Russians started off their first day by wiping out an orphanage nursery, killing 15 babies according to the report I read last week.

You can believe the lying lockstep press, but keep in mind they were paid well for their lies by George Soros. Why?? I don't know, but you pair that with Barack's gift of the 3 oil-rich Aleutian Islands belonging to the state of Alaska without bothering himself to inform the state officials which is in my book a crime against the American people, and in particular, the American citizens who live in and profit from things in their borders. Those three Aleutians are smack dab in the middle of an underwater, underground billion barrels of oil resources, and that is per island. Not only that, but his secretary of state Hillary Clinton made a deal with Putin to further feather the arsenal nest of Russia with 20% of America's finest uranium mines on earth. That crime and anti-constitutional act to give assets to a hostile nation was horrific and a slap in the face to the people of the United States of America, because after Putin's plan of destroying the Ukraine, then Poland, then Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, and as of yesterday, Putin's put both Finland and Sweden on his list of future destruction. Putin is a damn Hitler, and Hitlery, Obama, and Biden, not to mention Pelosi and Waters are in on every little thing about this sellout of the United States of America for ambitious wealth. How else would Biden own 5 of the best homesteads on American soil? Answer: he routed foreign aid packages with threats to foreign countries for 47 years before he was shoved into place by the deep state into a stolen election Presidency for feathering all the Democrat nests in Congress. And yeah, I'm not real happy with any of them.
How dare you. Biden got on the loudspeaker and was videotaped describing his extortion of one billion dollars from the Ukraine. He's a damn crook.
He also at another time got on the horn about how he got the top cop in the Ukraine fired for asking his son Hunter as to why he was getting a million dollars from the Burisma Company's board meetings which he didn't have to attend, and that was per annum. Two years after all this sludge came out, Hunter gave the million back to Burisma, but nobody ever said word one about Biden's removal of a billion dollars from the country of Ukraine, and he did it in correspondence with the knowledge he had as Vice President that several billion were alloted by Trump's insistence to help the Ukraine avoid being railroaded by Russian missiles if they did anything whatsoever to use their sovereignty as an excuse to do as they pleased.

What, shall we criticized this beseiged nation for paying up the billion to Biden who threatened to have Congress repeal their promise of a lot of money to them to build up their defense system to counter any Russian threat of takeover. We're in the middle of that right now, and the damn Russians started off their first day by wiping out an orphanage nursery, killing 15 babies according to the report I read last week.

You can believe the lying lockstep press, but keep in mind they were paid well for their lies by George Soros. Why?? I don't know, but you pair that with Barack's gift of the 3 oil-rich Aleutian Islands belonging to the state of Alaska without bothering himself to inform the state officials which is in my book a crime against the American people, and in particular, the American citizens who live in and profit from things in their borders. Those three Aleutians are smack dab in the middle of an underwater, underground billion barrels of oil resources, and that is per island. Not only that, but his secretary of state Hillary Clinton made a deal with Putin to further feather the arsenal nest of Russia with 20% of America's finest uranium mines on earth. That crime and anti-constitutional act to give assets to a hostile nation was horrific and a slap in the face to the people of the United States of America, because after Putin's plan of destroying the Ukraine, then Poland, then Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, and as of yesterday, Putin's put both Finland and Sweden on his list of future destruction. Putin is a damn Hitler, and Hitlery, Obama, and Biden, not to mention Pelosi and Waters are in on every little thing about this sellout of the United States of America for ambitious wealth. How else would Biden own 5 of the best homesteads on American soil? Answer: he routed foreign aid packages with threats to foreign countries for 47 years before he was shoved into place by the deep state into a stolen election Presidency for feathering all the Democrat nests in Congress. And yeah, I'm not real happy with any of them.
He was doing the job he was sent to do. There was a tug of war between us and your Russian friends. We couldn`t make any headway until Ukraine dumped a crooked prosecutor and it had nothing to do with Biden`s idiot kid. There you go with that goofy Deep State nonsense again. Wildfires were started by Jewish space lasers too! What a QAnon buffoon you are.
He was doing the job he was sent to do. There was a tug of war between us and your Russian friends. We couldn`t make any headway until Ukraine dumped a crooked prosecutor and it had nothing to do with Biden`s idiot kid. There you go with that goofy Deep State nonsense again. Wildfires were started by Jewish space lasers too! What a QAnon buffoon you are.
That's what QAnons do! They spread QAnonsense. Because the dumbest asshole (Trump) in history is their cult leader. Pardon me while I rake my forest. Thanks for the Space laser warning.

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