Germany: Jamaika coalition is like the Russian Fable: Swan, Pike and Crab


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
It's looks like Merkel Jamaika Coalition failed. From the beginning it was a stupid idea to unite four different parties like CDU/CSU, FDP and Greens in one coalition.

Once a Swan, a Pike, and a Crab
Tried to pull a loaded cab, …
The pulled hard, did not flinch,
But they gained not an inch …
The Swan pulled hard toward the sky
The Crab to crawl backward did try,
The Pike made for the river nearby.
They could not agree on an approach out of the mess.

Everything which includes Merkel's participation has already failed. I can't imagine Germans elected her AGAIN after she flooded EU and Germany with thousands of terrorists.

Germany became DDR 2.0, it is not a free country anymore.

28 Jahre Mauerfall: Die Wandlung des "größten historischen Ereignisses der Nachkriegsgeschichte" zur größten Katstrophe der gesamtdeutschen Geschichte | Michael Mannheimer Blog
All EU has been controlled by Deep State, that was the idea: to control all 28 country by controlling just Brussels.
It's looks like Merkel Jamaika Coalition failed. From the beginning it was a stupid idea to unite four different parties like CDU/CSU, FDP and Greens in one coalition.

Once a Swan, a Pike, and a Crab
Tried to pull a loaded cab, …
The pulled hard, did not flinch,
But they gained not an inch …
The Swan pulled hard toward the sky
The Crab to crawl backward did try,
The Pike made for the river nearby.
They could not agree on an approach out of the mess.

It's the Environmentalist psychos causing the problem for CDU/CSU the Environmentalist psychos want the family reunion thing ie. the 2 million Kebab savages Merkel invited to flood in without anyones permission the Environmentalists want them to now be allowed to bring their entire family with them, so that could be anything between another 8-10 MILLION Kebabs, illustrating that all Environmentalist psychos should just be dealt with as the enemy.

Katrin Göring-Eckardt supports flooding them with another 8-10 MILLION Kebabs to add to the 2 million Kebabs Merkel invited.


CDU cannot allow this and especially CSU won't allow that, what FDP think who knows I think they think no also.

So Merkel could go for the monumental mistake of a Minority Government of CDU/CSU/FDP but CDU/CSU got 32.9% and FDP got 10.7% in September so that would be CDU/CSU at 246 seats and FDP at 80 seats, the whole opposition is at AfD 93 seats, SPD 153 seats, Die Linke 69 seats and the above Environmentalist psychos 67 seats. A Minority Government would last about a month and it would collapse, see below:

So CDU/CSU/FDP = 326 seats

All others parties = 382 seats

SPD have said no again to helping Merkel form another coalition, so IMHO they are going to have to have a new election.

A friend of mine his Papa operates a well known polling company and he said he's already considered a new election and has a random poll and the results would not be a lot different from September for the main parties, so they again would have the exact same problem forming a government....what happens then I do not know it would be a massive political and Constitutional crises and would be even worse for Merkel if the CSU throw Horst Seehofer off the ship and the new CSU head is hopefully Markus Söder.

Poll changes:

September CDU/CSU 32.9% if a new election 31.8% SPD 20.5% if a new election 21.2% AfD 12.6% if a new election 14.6%, FDP 10.7% if a new election 10.4% Commies 9.2% if a new election 8.6%, Environmentalist psychos 8.9% if a new election 7% and 6.4% are Undecided or say they will not go and vote.
Last edited:
Everything which includes Merkel's participation has already failed. I can't imagine Germans elected her AGAIN after she flooded EU and Germany with thousands of terrorists.

Germany became DDR 2.0, it is not a free country anymore.

28 Jahre Mauerfall: Die Wandlung des "größten historischen Ereignisses der Nachkriegsgeschichte" zur größten Katstrophe der gesamtdeutschen Geschichte | Michael Mannheimer Blog
All EU has been controlled by Deep State, that was the idea: to control all 28 country by controlling just Brussels.

Stratford up until September/October 2015 I had TOTAL RESPECT for Angela Merkel, she was the best leader this Continent had seen for a very very long time and she not only was respected she was trusted and I basically worshipped that woman and she could do no wrong.

What she did in September/October 2015 and opened this Continents flood gates to millions of Kebab savages and Sub Saharan African savages was absolutely criminal and unforgivable and there are MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of Europeans like me on this Continent who say the same thing, we said that insane happening would have severe consequences for Merkel and it has.

If she had not done what she did she would have won the September election in a landslide. The whole thing is just beyond tragic, for a gifted and intelligent leader like Merkel to have shot herself so badly in one and a half feet is both frustrating and very tragic. WTF was she thinking?!
Everything which includes Merkel's participation has already failed. I can't imagine Germans elected her AGAIN after she flooded EU and Germany with thousands of terrorists.

Germany became DDR 2.0, it is not a free country anymore.

28 Jahre Mauerfall: Die Wandlung des "größten historischen Ereignisses der Nachkriegsgeschichte" zur größten Katstrophe der gesamtdeutschen Geschichte | Michael Mannheimer Blog
All EU has been controlled by Deep State, that was the idea: to control all 28 country by controlling just Brussels.

And Bruxelles is controlled by Muslims.

Brussels RIOT: Hundreds of angry youths take to the streets as police flee
It's looks like Merkel Jamaika Coalition failed. From the beginning it was a stupid idea to unite four different parties like CDU/CSU, FDP and Greens in one coalition.

Once a Swan, a Pike, and a Crab
Tried to pull a loaded cab, …
The pulled hard, did not flinch,
But they gained not an inch …
The Swan pulled hard toward the sky
The Crab to crawl backward did try,
The Pike made for the river nearby.
They could not agree on an approach out of the mess.

It's the Environmentalist psychos causing the problem for CDU/CSU the Environmentalist psychos want the family reunion thing ie. the 2 million Kebab savages Merkel invited to flood in without anyones permission the Environmentalists want them to now be allowed to bring their entire family with them, so that could be anything between another 8-10 MILLION Kebabs, illustrating that all Environmentalist psychos should just be dealt with as the enemy.

Katrin Göring-Eckardt supports flooding them with another 8-10 MILLION Kebabs to add to the 2 million Kebabs Merkel invited.

View attachment 161084

CDU cannot allow this and especially CSU won't allow that, what FDP think who knows I think they think no also.

So Merkel could go for the monumental mistake of a Minority Government of CDU/CSU/FDP but CDU/CSU got 32.9% and FDP got 10.7% in September so that would be CDU/CSU at 246 seats and FDP at 80 seats, the whole opposition is at AfD 93 seats, SPD 153 seats, Die Linke 69 seats and the above Environmentalist psychos 67 seats. A Minority Government would last about a month and it would collapse, see below:

So CDU/CSU/FDP = 326 seats

All others parties = 382 seats

SPD have said no again to helping Merkel form another coalition, so IMHO they are going to have to have a new election.

A friend of mine his Papa operates a well known polling company and he said he's already considered a new election and has a random poll and the results would not be a lot different from September for the main parties, so they again would have the exact same problem forming a government....what happens then I do not know it would be a massive political and Constitutional crises and would be even worse for Merkel if the CSU throw Horst Seehofer off the ship and the new CSU head is hopefully Markus Söder.

Poll changes:

September CDU/CSU 32.9% if a new election 31.8% SPD 20.5% if a new election 21.2% AfD 12.6% if a new election 14.6%, FDP 10.7% if a new election 10.4% Commies 9.2% if a new election 8.6%, Environmentalist psychos 8.9% if a new election 7% and 6.4% are Undecided or say they will not go and vote.

Can you see any difference between CDU-CSU-FDP-SPD-Greens-Lefts? Sorry, there are almost not any, they all are lying globalist, German haters, commies who wishes the destruction of Germany and its folks. To 90 % I sure they will build this coalition, accept all demands of greens, invite 10m +++ kebabs and ruin Germany for ever.
Unfortunately AFD is too weak and Germans are too stupid ( 87% voted for Merkel gang ) to withstand it.
Everything which includes Merkel's participation has already failed. I can't imagine Germans elected her AGAIN after she flooded EU and Germany with thousands of terrorists.

Germany became DDR 2.0, it is not a free country anymore.

28 Jahre Mauerfall: Die Wandlung des "größten historischen Ereignisses der Nachkriegsgeschichte" zur größten Katstrophe der gesamtdeutschen Geschichte | Michael Mannheimer Blog
All EU has been controlled by Deep State, that was the idea: to control all 28 country by controlling just Brussels.

Stratford up until September/October 2015 I had TOTAL RESPECT for Angela Merkel, she was the best leader this Continent had seen for a very very long time and she not only was respected she was trusted and I basically worshipped that woman and she could do no wrong.

What she did in September/October 2015 and opened this Continents flood gates to millions of Kebab savages and Sub Saharan African savages was absolutely criminal and unforgivable and there are MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of Europeans like me on this Continent who say the same thing, we said that insane happening would have severe consequences for Merkel and it has.

If she had not done what she did she would have won the September election in a landslide. The whole thing is just beyond tragic, for a gifted and intelligent leader like Merkel to have shot herself so badly in one and a half feet is both frustrating and very tragic. WTF was she thinking?!

Never trust a commie!
The agenda of commies is a totally destruction of Western World.

Everything which includes Merkel's participation has already failed. I can't imagine Germans elected her AGAIN after she flooded EU and Germany with thousands of terrorists.

Germany became DDR 2.0, it is not a free country anymore.

28 Jahre Mauerfall: Die Wandlung des "größten historischen Ereignisses der Nachkriegsgeschichte" zur größten Katstrophe der gesamtdeutschen Geschichte | Michael Mannheimer Blog
All EU has been controlled by Deep State, that was the idea: to control all 28 country by controlling just Brussels.

And Bruxelles is controlled by Muslims.

Brussels RIOT: Hundreds of angry youths take to the streets as police flee
That was the Deep State plan to weaken EU by flooding it with Muslims.
Remember what Freedman said after Ukrainian coup: our plan was to weaken both Germany and Russia just because they were the most powerful countries in Europe and traded with each other pretty good.

George Friedman, Founder and Chairman of Stratfor:
This speech came after another interesting interview where he admits that the
overthrow of Yanukovych was "the most blatant coup in history" and among other things the American "payback" for Russian involvement in Syria.
· The primordial interest of the United States for centuries (WWI, WWII and the Cold War) has been to stop a coalition between Germany and Russia.
  • Germany is in very peculiar position and they have a very complex relationship with Russians.
  • The Germans themselves don't know what to do and haven't made up their mind.
  • For the US, the primordial fear is German capital and technology and Russian natural resources and manpower. This combination for centuries has scared the United States.
Stratfor Chairman Straight-Talking: US Policy Is Driven by Imperative to Stop Coalition between Germany and Russia

So, Deep State plan was very easy: to weaken Russia by means of Ukraine and to weaken Germany by means of flood of terrorists.
Everything which includes Merkel's participation has already failed. I can't imagine Germans elected her AGAIN after she flooded EU and Germany with thousands of terrorists.

Germany became DDR 2.0, it is not a free country anymore.

28 Jahre Mauerfall: Die Wandlung des "größten historischen Ereignisses der Nachkriegsgeschichte" zur größten Katstrophe der gesamtdeutschen Geschichte | Michael Mannheimer Blog
All EU has been controlled by Deep State, that was the idea: to control all 28 country by controlling just Brussels.

And Bruxelles is controlled by Muslims.

Brussels RIOT: Hundreds of angry youths take to the streets as police flee
That was the Deep State plan to weaken EU by flooding it with Muslims.
Remember what Freedman said after Ukrainian coup: our plan was to weaken both Germany and Russia just because they were the most powerful countries in Europe and traded with each other pretty good.

George Friedman, Founder and Chairman of Stratfor:
This speech came after another interesting interview where he admits that the
overthrow of Yanukovych was "the most blatant coup in history" and among other things the American "payback" for Russian involvement in Syria.
· The primordial interest of the United States for centuries (WWI, WWII and the Cold War) has been to stop a coalition between Germany and Russia.
  • Germany is in very peculiar position and they have a very complex relationship with Russians.
  • The Germans themselves don't know what to do and haven't made up their mind.
  • For the US, the primordial fear is German capital and technology and Russian natural resources and manpower. This combination for centuries has scared the United States.
Stratfor Chairman Straight-Talking: US Policy Is Driven by Imperative to Stop Coalition between Germany and Russia

So, Deep State plan was very easy: to weaken Russia by means of Ukraine and to weaken Germany by means of flood of terrorists.

And the best weapon of Deep State is Merkel.

Everything which includes Merkel's participation has already failed. I can't imagine Germans elected her AGAIN after she flooded EU and Germany with thousands of terrorists.

Germany became DDR 2.0, it is not a free country anymore.

28 Jahre Mauerfall: Die Wandlung des "größten historischen Ereignisses der Nachkriegsgeschichte" zur größten Katstrophe der gesamtdeutschen Geschichte | Michael Mannheimer Blog
All EU has been controlled by Deep State, that was the idea: to control all 28 country by controlling just Brussels.

And Bruxelles is controlled by Muslims.

Brussels RIOT: Hundreds of angry youths take to the streets as police flee
That was the Deep State plan to weaken EU by flooding it with Muslims.
Remember what Freedman said after Ukrainian coup: our plan was to weaken both Germany and Russia just because they were the most powerful countries in Europe and traded with each other pretty good.

George Friedman, Founder and Chairman of Stratfor:
This speech came after another interesting interview where he admits that the
overthrow of Yanukovych was "the most blatant coup in history" and among other things the American "payback" for Russian involvement in Syria.
· The primordial interest of the United States for centuries (WWI, WWII and the Cold War) has been to stop a coalition between Germany and Russia.
  • Germany is in very peculiar position and they have a very complex relationship with Russians.
  • The Germans themselves don't know what to do and haven't made up their mind.
  • For the US, the primordial fear is German capital and technology and Russian natural resources and manpower. This combination for centuries has scared the United States.
Stratfor Chairman Straight-Talking: US Policy Is Driven by Imperative to Stop Coalition between Germany and Russia

So, Deep State plan was very easy: to weaken Russia by means of Ukraine and to weaken Germany by means of flood of terrorists.

And the best weapon of Deep State is Merkel.

She's just a very suitable puppet and traitor. I bet they told her: if you not obey you'll follow Weinstein to nowhere. Remember, she was mad when she figured out CIA and Obama were listening to her? I bet they know something spicy about her and are ready to publish it any moment.

That was the Deep State plan to weaken EU by flooding it with Muslims.
Remember what Freedman said after Ukrainian coup: our plan was to weaken both Germany and Russia just because they were the most powerful countries in Europe and traded with each other pretty good.

George Friedman, Founder and Chairman of Stratfor:
This speech came after another interesting interview where he admits that the
overthrow of Yanukovych was "the most blatant coup in history" and among other things the American "payback" for Russian involvement in Syria.
· The primordial interest of the United States for centuries (WWI, WWII and the Cold War) has been to stop a coalition between Germany and Russia.
  • Germany is in very peculiar position and they have a very complex relationship with Russians.
  • The Germans themselves don't know what to do and haven't made up their mind.
  • For the US, the primordial fear is German capital and technology and Russian natural resources and manpower. This combination for centuries has scared the United States.
Stratfor Chairman Straight-Talking: US Policy Is Driven by Imperative to Stop Coalition between Germany and Russia

So, Deep State plan was very easy: to weaken Russia by means of Ukraine and to weaken Germany by means of flood of terrorists.

And the best weapon of Deep State is Merkel.

She's just a very suitable puppet and traitor. I bet they told her: if you not obey you'll follow Weinstein to nowhere. Remember, she was mad when she figured out CIA and Obama were listening to her? I bet they know something spicy about her and are ready to publish it any moment.

View attachment 161161

Like any DDR commie Merkel is nothing who knows nothing and can nothing except kissing her bosses from Deep State on Ar..!
With help of Deep State she ruined former conservative party CDU, gradually transformed it in SED 2.0, kicked all conservatives out and now hardly working on a transformation of Germany in the Third Word country.
Too sad that politically system of a country like Germany allows a totally empty persons like Merkel to run and to devastate the country.
Anything this dame made while the last twenty years was against Germany and its folk.
Many believe Merkel is a demon or she is possessed by demon.
In any case she works together with Deep State on completely annihilation of Germany and its folk.

It's looks like Merkel Jamaika Coalition failed. From the beginning it was a stupid idea to unite four different parties like CDU/CSU, FDP and Greens in one coalition.

Once a Swan, a Pike, and a Crab
Tried to pull a loaded cab, …
The pulled hard, did not flinch,
But they gained not an inch …
The Swan pulled hard toward the sky
The Crab to crawl backward did try,
The Pike made for the river nearby.
They could not agree on an approach out of the mess.


This is from today November 19 and 47% of Germans want a new general election immediately now not good for Merkel and also I now think a new election the Environmentalist psychos probably will be collapsed I think lower than 5% this because it is them who are the cause of the problems in the coalition negotiation and also the demand that the family reunification of between 8-10 MILLION more Kebabs is very very much in the contempt and is also completely suicidal on all levels.

Jamaika-Unterhändler stehen vor Entscheidung über Migration

The Environmentalist psychos as I comment should be treated as what they are the enemy of the peoples, in our election on October 15 we flush the POS down the toilet 3.8% well below the 5% and 0 seats, good riddance to Traitor fuckers.

ÖVP + FPÖ = 57.5% of us voted for a Conservative majority, the only way a nation can preserve itself is to shut the Leftists up like below 52 seats and give them no help in a parliament from either the Environmentalist psychos or any other Left of Centre party, the below result is how you marginalise and silence the Left. The Left are a cancer that need to be silenced with the aim of eradication like cancer.

Also the below WTF is going to happen with PILZ now who knows as a few weeks ago Peter Pilz was forced to resign and will not take his seat because some women came forward in our media and say that he has been sexually harrassing them, so what happens with the leaderless PILZ now with even worse than 8 seats now 7 seats who knows. I presume that Peter Pilz himself now just does whatever he does with Rapid Wien as he is on their board of trustees unless the board of trustees is going to also force him to resign, I think they are going to do that.

Rapid Wien are crap anyhow normal people support FC Salzburg aka FC Red Bull Salzburg this is now the 106th Season of our Bundesliga and we are the defending champions.

It's looks like Merkel Jamaika Coalition failed. From the beginning it was a stupid idea to unite four different parties like CDU/CSU, FDP and Greens in one coalition.

Once a Swan, a Pike, and a Crab
Tried to pull a loaded cab, …
The pulled hard, did not flinch,
But they gained not an inch …
The Swan pulled hard toward the sky
The Crab to crawl backward did try,
The Pike made for the river nearby.
They could not agree on an approach out of the mess.


This is from today November 19 and 47% of Germans want a new general election immediately now not good for Merkel and also I now think a new election the Environmentalist psychos probably will be collapsed I think lower than 5% this because it is them who are the cause of the problems in the coalition negotiation and also the demand that the family reunification of between 8-10 MILLION more Kebabs is very very much in the contempt and is also completely suicidal on all levels.

Jamaika-Unterhändler stehen vor Entscheidung über Migration

The Environmentalist psychos as I comment should be treated as what they are the enemy of the peoples, in our election on October 15 we flush the POS down the toilet 3.8% well below the 5% and 0 seats, good riddance to Traitor fuckers.

ÖVP + FPÖ = 57.5% of us voted for a Conservative majority, the only way a nation can preserve itself is to shut the Leftists up like below 52 seats and give them no help in a parliament from either the Environmentalist psychos or any other Left of Centre party, the below result is how you marginalise and silence the Left. The Left are a cancer that need to be silenced with the aim of eradication like cancer.

Also the below WTF is going to happen with PILZ now who knows as a few weeks ago Peter Pilz was forced to resign and will not take his seat because some women came forward in our media and say that he has been sexually harrassing them, so what happens with the leaderless PILZ now with even worse than 8 seats now 7 seats who knows. I presume that Peter Pilz himself now just does whatever he does with Rapid Wien as he is on their board of trustees unless the board of trustees is going to also force him to resign, I think they are going to do that.

Rapid Wien are crap anyhow normal people support FC Salzburg aka FC Red Bull Salzburg this is now the 106th Season of our Bundesliga and we are the defending champions.

View attachment 161256

^^^^ To illustrate my now bolded comments above:

Excellent match winning again, crazy FH three goals including a penalty and an own goal from a Sturm Graz player I forget who and then also at 36 minutes they had Christian Schulz given the red card and were down to ten men until FT.

It's looks like Merkel Jamaika Coalition failed. From the beginning it was a stupid idea to unite four different parties like CDU/CSU, FDP and Greens in one coalition.

Once a Swan, a Pike, and a Crab
Tried to pull a loaded cab, …
The pulled hard, did not flinch,
But they gained not an inch …
The Swan pulled hard toward the sky
The Crab to crawl backward did try,
The Pike made for the river nearby.
They could not agree on an approach out of the mess.


This is from today November 19 and 47% of Germans want a new general election immediately now not good for Merkel and also I now think a new election the Environmentalist psychos probably will be collapsed I think lower than 5% this because it is them who are the cause of the problems in the coalition negotiation and also the demand that the family reunification of between 8-10 MILLION more Kebabs is very very much in the contempt and is also completely suicidal on all levels.

Jamaika-Unterhändler stehen vor Entscheidung über Migration

The Environmentalist psychos as I comment should be treated as what they are the enemy of the peoples, in our election on October 15 we flush the POS down the toilet 3.8% well below the 5% and 0 seats, good riddance to Traitor fuckers.

ÖVP + FPÖ = 57.5% of us voted for a Conservative majority, the only way a nation can preserve itself is to shut the Leftists up like below 52 seats and give them no help in a parliament from either the Environmentalist psychos or any other Left of Centre party, the below result is how you marginalise and silence the Left. The Left are a cancer that need to be silenced with the aim of eradication like cancer.

Also the below WTF is going to happen with PILZ now who knows as a few weeks ago Peter Pilz was forced to resign and will not take his seat because some women came forward in our media and say that he has been sexually harrassing them, so what happens with the leaderless PILZ now with even worse than 8 seats now 7 seats who knows. I presume that Peter Pilz himself now just does whatever he does with Rapid Wien as he is on their board of trustees unless the board of trustees is going to also force him to resign, I think they are going to do that.

Rapid Wien are crap anyhow normal people support FC Salzburg aka FC Red Bull Salzburg this is now the 106th Season of our Bundesliga and we are the defending champions.

View attachment 161256

It is difficult to believe that anything can be changed even in very improbably variant of new election.German politically system has not personalities, most of them are politically correct good-for-nothing carrier politicians who already helped to ruin the country. Even if AFD get 90 %, can be changed nothing because the real power is in leftists courts, medias, authorities and not in Bundetsag.Do you know a guy who can be the national leader in Germany. I know no one. Even the former CDU MP Erika Steinbach was nowadays proclaimed many times as killed by car incidents, just for scaring of opposition.
In DDR 2.0 is nothing possible, relax.

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