German asylum centers: Muslim migrants tear up Bibles, assault Christians, sexually abuse women and


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
It's the fault of those reporting these crimes. What ever woman reporting a rape is no different than nazis killing Jews.

They are disgusting.
They are just misunderstood.

German asylum centers: Muslim migrants tear up Bibles, assault Christians, sexually abuse women and children, beat up gays

German asylum centers: Muslim migrants tear up Bibles, assault Christians, sexually abuse women and children, beat up gays

And yet Christian leaders, feminists and gay rights activists would all sooner excoriate as “Islamophobic” and “racist” those who report on this rather than denounce the actions of the migrants.

Sic the dogs on them. Beat them with bratwurst.
Well, the Europeans are the descendants of people who decided that it is better to remain subjects of the monarchs rather than sail to the New World and try freedom and self reliance.

IF this shit really bothers them then they can always organize vigilante squads and take care of things in an enterprizing way like we Americans have done for centuries.

They could do it too if they werent such submissive little fucks.

For the ones trying to fight back, come to America! We will hold the door open for you!
Apparently they want to provoke an international war between the West and the Muslim world.
There is already a war between the west and the muslim world. The muslims are taking whatever they want from a docile people. It will end in a revolt against the governments if nothing is done.
Muslims are just misunderstood. ...... :cool:
I think it isnt so much misunderstanding as failure to distinguish among different groups of Muslims.

The Muslim refugees in question are the problem, not Muslims from Indonesia or Shiites from Iran. At least not for most people.

We do not have the infrastructure in place to protect Americans within our borders from the Wahabi Jihadist wack jobs that want to blow shit up.

I dont know what kind of Muslim you are, or if you are, but certainly you can appreciate the need to be more selective of who we let in so we can keep the public safe, right?
What I find alarming is the estimated 5,000 illegals who flood across our southern border per day.

And the 25 to 35 American citizens who are outright murdered or killed by drunk driving illegals every single day.

But lets turn our focus on a group of muslim refugees. That may or may not harbor a small fraction of extremists. ....... :cool:
They are just misunderstood.

German asylum centers: Muslim migrants tear up Bibles, assault Christians, sexually abuse women and children, beat up gays

German asylum centers: Muslim migrants tear up Bibles, assault Christians, sexually abuse women and children, beat up gays

And yet Christian leaders, feminists and gay rights activists would all sooner excoriate as “Islamophobic” and “racist” those who report on this rather than denounce the actions of the migrants.

Sic the dogs on them. Beat them with bratwurst.
Use pigs, they ARE now using pigs in Germany on the subways.
And its working.
They are just misunderstood.

German asylum centers: Muslim migrants tear up Bibles, assault Christians, sexually abuse women and children, beat up gays

German asylum centers: Muslim migrants tear up Bibles, assault Christians, sexually abuse women and children, beat up gays

And yet Christian leaders, feminists and gay rights activists would all sooner excoriate as “Islamophobic” and “racist” those who report on this rather than denounce the actions of the migrants.

Sic the dogs on them. Beat them with bratwurst.

Call in the Russians. Those guys know how to defend their women and kick the ever luving shit out of the Muslims.

I'm sure they would be more than happy to teach the Germans.
Aren't they just the greatest guests you could ask for ?

And just think, if they act this way now, imagine how they'll be once they've established some roots.

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