Why don't feminists fight for the most oppressed women in the world?


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
This isn't about religion. It's about an oppressive form of government masquerading as religion.

Probably the same reason leftists don't call Muslims out on their other shit, like torturing and murdering gays, raping young boys and treating all women like shit. Since Obama's reign, it's politically incorrect to say anything negative about Muslims. They continue their plan to spread and multiply by introducing their sharia law to all countries they enter.

Never mind that many women who escaped the evil grip of Islam have pleaded for people to stop looking the other way and dismissing the abuse as religious freedom. Every time someone tries to speak up for these women, some liberal snaps at them and silences the discussion. Show outrage at Muslim TV shows discussing the best ways for men to beat their wives and cries of Islamaphobia drown you out. By the way, the suggestion for beating wives is to hit them hard enough to teach them a lesson but not hard enough to end up paying a medical bill. This is their version of common sense. These women had the misfortune of being born into a Muslim family and the only way they will ever be free is if they run away or until enough people speak out and Muslim males make changes. Until then, young girls will suffer genital mutilation, abuse and oppression their entire lives. Hey, it's the law in Muslim countries. No rights. And the left adores Linda Sarsour as she preaches the benefits of sharia law. Yea, well, she's following orders the way she has been taught to do her whole life.

Non-Muslim women are treated even worse since the Muslim males think they have a right to rape or abuse them. In France, a Muslim rapist was let go because he didn't know any better because of his culture. Yet, none of the idiots in Europe have the guts to lay down the law and tell all immigrants and refugees that they must respect the cultures and the laws of their host countries. This issue has come up many times in Britain, Germany and France. The leftists cried that it was rude and bigoted to tell people they can't rape anyone, can't shit in people's yards, can't scream and assault infidel women for not dressing appropriately, or assaulting people for coming too close to mosques. A pregnant women in Britain was murdered because she walked too close to a mosque.

Muslims go on sharia patrols in the areas they claim as their territory. They demand that their sharia law trump all other laws. That includes any rights women and children have. Islam is more government than religion yet the left here defends them at every turn. The fascist part of Islam must appeal to them. Areas in Michigan are slowly turning into a third world Muslim countries. Just recently, a Christian man was arrested for discussing his religion in public. The two women he was talking to told police that they willingly engaged in the conversation and joined him at a table. A third person overheard the discussion and called police. This is what America is becoming. In Muslim countries, it's illegal to talk about any religion other than Islam. It's a crime to do so and now it's a crime in the Muslim-controlled parts of the U.S.

"Are women oppressed in Muslim countries? What about in Islamic enclaves in the West? Are these places violating or fulfilling the Quran and Islamic law? Ayaan Hirsi Ali, an author and activist who was raised a devout Muslim, describes the human rights crisis of our time, asks why feminists in the West don't seem to care, and explains why immigration to the West from the Middle East means this issue matters more than ever."

Why Don't Feminists Fight for Muslim Women?
I've been asking that question for many years. It seems the sad answer is Feminists care about themselves and their ability to assert their will and not so much about anyone else. If they did, they would be all over the Middle East and Africa at a minimum. The women there are treated worse than dogs, literally.
I am old-------other than the women's suffrage movement which had its heyday in the early 1900s, it seems to me that "WOMEN's RIGHTS"
got moving in the 1960s when I was alive. IMCO the movement
attracted persons attracted to movements. The most ACTIVE participants -
THEN AND NOW mostly included those who like to be ""INVOLVED""---
in any damned thing that comes along
This isn't about religion. It's about an oppressive form of government masquerading as religion.

Probably the same reason leftists don't call Muslims out on their other shit, like torturing and murdering gays, raping young boys and treating all women like shit. Since Obama's reign, it's politically incorrect to say anything negative about Muslims. They continue their plan to spread and multiply by introducing their sharia law to all countries they enter.

Never mind that many women who escaped the evil grip of Islam have pleaded for people to stop looking the other way and dismissing the abuse as religious freedom. Every time someone tries to speak up for these women, some liberal snaps at them and silences the discussion. Show outrage at Muslim TV shows discussing the best ways for men to beat their wives and cries of Islamaphobia drown you out. By the way, the suggestion for beating wives is to hit them hard enough to teach them a lesson but not hard enough to end up paying a medical bill. This is their version of common sense. These women had the misfortune of being born into a Muslim family and the only way they will ever be free is if they run away or until enough people speak out and Muslim males make changes. Until then, young girls will suffer genital mutilation, abuse and oppression their entire lives. Hey, it's the law in Muslim countries. No rights. And the left adores Linda Sarsour as she preaches the benefits of sharia law. Yea, well, she's following orders the way she has been taught to do her whole life.

Non-Muslim women are treated even worse since the Muslim males think they have a right to rape or abuse them. In France, a Muslim rapist was let go because he didn't know any better because of his culture. Yet, none of the idiots in Europe have the guts to lay down the law and tell all immigrants and refugees that they must respect the cultures and the laws of their host countries. This issue has come up many times in Britain, Germany and France. The leftists cried that it was rude and bigoted to tell people they can't rape anyone, can't shit in people's yards, can't scream and assault infidel women for not dressing appropriately, or assaulting people for coming too close to mosques. A pregnant women in Britain was murdered because she walked too close to a mosque.

Muslims go on sharia patrols in the areas they claim as their territory. They demand that their sharia law trump all other laws. That includes any rights women and children have. Islam is more government than religion yet the left here defends them at every turn. The fascist part of Islam must appeal to them. Areas in Michigan are slowly turning into a third world Muslim countries. Just recently, a Christian man was arrested for discussing his religion in public. The two women he was talking to told police that they willingly engaged in the conversation and joined him at a table. A third person overheard the discussion and called police. This is what America is becoming. In Muslim countries, it's illegal to talk about any religion other than Islam. It's a crime to do so and now it's a crime in the Muslim-controlled parts of the U.S.

"Are women oppressed in Muslim countries? What about in Islamic enclaves in the West? Are these places violating or fulfilling the Quran and Islamic law? Ayaan Hirsi Ali, an author and activist who was raised a devout Muslim, describes the human rights crisis of our time, asks why feminists in the West don't seem to care, and explains why immigration to the West from the Middle East means this issue matters more than ever."

Why Don't Feminists Fight for Muslim Women?
Last time I asked I was told “ it’s too hard” and “ it wouldn’t matter anyway”.

So ...basically they don’t care and they are lazy.
This isn't about religion. It's about an oppressive form of government masquerading as religion.

Probably the same reason leftists don't call Muslims out on their other shit, like torturing and murdering gays, raping young boys and treating all women like shit. Since Obama's reign, it's politically incorrect to say anything negative about Muslims. They continue their plan to spread and multiply by introducing their sharia law to all countries they enter.

Never mind that many women who escaped the evil grip of Islam have pleaded for people to stop looking the other way and dismissing the abuse as religious freedom. Every time someone tries to speak up for these women, some liberal snaps at them and silences the discussion. Show outrage at Muslim TV shows discussing the best ways for men to beat their wives and cries of Islamaphobia drown you out. By the way, the suggestion for beating wives is to hit them hard enough to teach them a lesson but not hard enough to end up paying a medical bill. This is their version of common sense. These women had the misfortune of being born into a Muslim family and the only way they will ever be free is if they run away or until enough people speak out and Muslim males make changes. Until then, young girls will suffer genital mutilation, abuse and oppression their entire lives. Hey, it's the law in Muslim countries. No rights. And the left adores Linda Sarsour as she preaches the benefits of sharia law. Yea, well, she's following orders the way she has been taught to do her whole life.

Non-Muslim women are treated even worse since the Muslim males think they have a right to rape or abuse them. In France, a Muslim rapist was let go because he didn't know any better because of his culture. Yet, none of the idiots in Europe have the guts to lay down the law and tell all immigrants and refugees that they must respect the cultures and the laws of their host countries. This issue has come up many times in Britain, Germany and France. The leftists cried that it was rude and bigoted to tell people they can't rape anyone, can't shit in people's yards, can't scream and assault infidel women for not dressing appropriately, or assaulting people for coming too close to mosques. A pregnant women in Britain was murdered because she walked too close to a mosque.

Muslims go on sharia patrols in the areas they claim as their territory. They demand that their sharia law trump all other laws. That includes any rights women and children have. Islam is more government than religion yet the left here defends them at every turn. The fascist part of Islam must appeal to them. Areas in Michigan are slowly turning into a third world Muslim countries. Just recently, a Christian man was arrested for discussing his religion in public. The two women he was talking to told police that they willingly engaged in the conversation and joined him at a table. A third person overheard the discussion and called police. This is what America is becoming. In Muslim countries, it's illegal to talk about any religion other than Islam. It's a crime to do so and now it's a crime in the Muslim-controlled parts of the U.S.

"Are women oppressed in Muslim countries? What about in Islamic enclaves in the West? Are these places violating or fulfilling the Quran and Islamic law? Ayaan Hirsi Ali, an author and activist who was raised a devout Muslim, describes the human rights crisis of our time, asks why feminists in the West don't seem to care, and explains why immigration to the West from the Middle East means this issue matters more than ever."

Why Don't Feminists Fight for Muslim Women?
Last time I asked I was told “ it’s too hard” and “ it wouldn’t matter anyway”.

So ...basically they don’t care and they are lazy.

it would not matter anyway-----it's a religion and its biggest proponents
are WOMEN.
Because those women need to fend for themselves. Trump seems to have no issues with human rights in those places, does he?? Or Jared.

Perhaps we have enough to worry about in the US, with the GOP judicial committee being staffed with old white codgers.

What is the GOP women doing about it??
This isn't about religion. It's about an oppressive form of government masquerading as religion.

Probably the same reason leftists don't call Muslims out on their other shit, like torturing and murdering gays, raping young boys and treating all women like shit. Since Obama's reign, it's politically incorrect to say anything negative about Muslims. They continue their plan to spread and multiply by introducing their sharia law to all countries they enter.

Never mind that many women who escaped the evil grip of Islam have pleaded for people to stop looking the other way and dismissing the abuse as religious freedom. Every time someone tries to speak up for these women, some liberal snaps at them and silences the discussion. Show outrage at Muslim TV shows discussing the best ways for men to beat their wives and cries of Islamaphobia drown you out. By the way, the suggestion for beating wives is to hit them hard enough to teach them a lesson but not hard enough to end up paying a medical bill. This is their version of common sense. These women had the misfortune of being born into a Muslim family and the only way they will ever be free is if they run away or until enough people speak out and Muslim males make changes. Until then, young girls will suffer genital mutilation, abuse and oppression their entire lives. Hey, it's the law in Muslim countries. No rights. And the left adores Linda Sarsour as she preaches the benefits of sharia law. Yea, well, she's following orders the way she has been taught to do her whole life.

Non-Muslim women are treated even worse since the Muslim males think they have a right to rape or abuse them. In France, a Muslim rapist was let go because he didn't know any better because of his culture. Yet, none of the idiots in Europe have the guts to lay down the law and tell all immigrants and refugees that they must respect the cultures and the laws of their host countries. This issue has come up many times in Britain, Germany and France. The leftists cried that it was rude and bigoted to tell people they can't rape anyone, can't shit in people's yards, can't scream and assault infidel women for not dressing appropriately, or assaulting people for coming too close to mosques. A pregnant women in Britain was murdered because she walked too close to a mosque.

Muslims go on sharia patrols in the areas they claim as their territory. They demand that their sharia law trump all other laws. That includes any rights women and children have. Islam is more government than religion yet the left here defends them at every turn. The fascist part of Islam must appeal to them. Areas in Michigan are slowly turning into a third world Muslim countries. Just recently, a Christian man was arrested for discussing his religion in public. The two women he was talking to told police that they willingly engaged in the conversation and joined him at a table. A third person overheard the discussion and called police. This is what America is becoming. In Muslim countries, it's illegal to talk about any religion other than Islam. It's a crime to do so and now it's a crime in the Muslim-controlled parts of the U.S.

"Are women oppressed in Muslim countries? What about in Islamic enclaves in the West? Are these places violating or fulfilling the Quran and Islamic law? Ayaan Hirsi Ali, an author and activist who was raised a devout Muslim, describes the human rights crisis of our time, asks why feminists in the West don't seem to care, and explains why immigration to the West from the Middle East means this issue matters more than ever."

Why Don't Feminists Fight for Muslim Women?

Feminists are largely Leftists. Leftists are blinded by any kind of "diversity". So Muslims speak "exotic" languages, wear "exotic" clothing and eat "exotic" food. That means Leftists go into fits of ecstasy about how "wonderful" it all is, and they're untouchable, no matter how awful they are to their women.

It really is that stupid, and that awful, modern Leftism/feminism. You almost have to lobotomize yourself to adhere to it.
Because those women need to fend for themselves. Trump seems to have no issues with human rights in those places, does he?? Or Jared.

Perhaps we have enough to worry about in the US, with the GOP judicial committee being staffed with old white codgers.

What is the GOP women doing about it??

Are you racist Penny? What's wrong with old white men?

What's your stance on FGM even here in the US?
This is a ridiculous attempt at deflection. Feminists fight all misconduct and attacks against women. What people who ask the absurd question posed by the OP are saying is "why don't you go away and complain about Muslims and let us sick fuckers alone to get away with anything we want with regard to mistreating women of any and all faiths." No faith should be singled out as being more oppressive. It's a dodge for men of all other faiths to prevent their misbehavior from being noticed and confronted.
This is a ridiculous attempt at deflection. Feminists fight all misconduct and attacks against women. What people who ask the absurd question posed by the OP are saying is "why don't you go away and complain about Muslims and let us sick fuckers alone to get away with anything we want with regard to mistreating women of any and all faiths." No faith should be singled out as being more oppressive. It's a dodge for men of all other faiths to prevent their misbehavior from being noticed and confronted.

Um, no, feminists don't. Feminists have taken Muslim women into the "women's marches" with seemingly little question as to how women are treated in Islam. And women are treated much worse in Islam, worldwide, than they are treated in Christianity. Honor killings, FGM, stonings, can't drive, work, walk without a man down the street.

I realize you are probably suffering from mental illness so I'm bracing myself for any personal attack with profanity you will launch at me as a result.
Because those women need to fend for themselves. Trump seems to have no issues with human rights in those places, does he?? Or Jared.

Perhaps we have enough to worry about in the US, with the GOP judicial committee being staffed with old white codgers.

What is the GOP women doing about it??

"those women need to fend for themselves" ???????? oh gee----
both Lysie and Penny ------shit on the oppressed ----assuming the "oppressed" are oppressed by oppressors that they support
Every person is responsible for his/her self, but only after they are sustained by the realization of personal power. The world needs a dedicated, focused approach to delivering the truth of what we know about psychology and our inner workings. False doctrines and domination will largely be seen for their falseness and error.
Every person is responsible for his/her self, but only after they are sustained by the realization of personal power. The world needs a dedicated, focused approach to delivering the truth of what we know about psychology and our inner workings. False doctrines and domination will largely be seen for their falseness and error.

oh goody-----everything is coming up roses................
Every person is responsible for his/her self, but only after they are sustained by the realization of personal power. The world needs a dedicated, focused approach to delivering the truth of what we know about psychology and our inner workings. False doctrines and domination will largely be seen for their falseness and error.

oh goody-----everything is coming up roses................
No one said that things are 'rosie'.
Because those women need to fend for themselves. Trump seems to have no issues with human rights in those places, does he?? Or Jared.

Perhaps we have enough to worry about in the US, with the GOP judicial committee being staffed with old white codgers.

What is the GOP women doing about it??

"those women need to fend for themselves" ???????? oh gee----
both Lysie and Penny ------shit on the oppressed ----assuming the "oppressed" are oppressed by oppressors that they support

the US women were depressed for a long time, and still are so the Muslim women need to stand up and reject the male authority same as the Hasidic females.
The "West" need not be embarrassed for everything. What has happened here for women over the last two centuries is to be praised for all but its slowness.
White American Men = Bad

Muslim Men that abuse Women = Good

Got it.
This isn't about religion. It's about an oppressive form of government masquerading as religion.

Probably the same reason leftists don't call Muslims out on their other shit, like torturing and murdering gays, raping young boys and treating all women like shit. Since Obama's reign, it's politically incorrect to say anything negative about Muslims. They continue their plan to spread and multiply by introducing their sharia law to all countries they enter.

Never mind that many women who escaped the evil grip of Islam have pleaded for people to stop looking the other way and dismissing the abuse as religious freedom. Every time someone tries to speak up for these women, some liberal snaps at them and silences the discussion. Show outrage at Muslim TV shows discussing the best ways for men to beat their wives and cries of Islamaphobia drown you out. By the way, the suggestion for beating wives is to hit them hard enough to teach them a lesson but not hard enough to end up paying a medical bill. This is their version of common sense. These women had the misfortune of being born into a Muslim family and the only way they will ever be free is if they run away or until enough people speak out and Muslim males make changes. Until then, young girls will suffer genital mutilation, abuse and oppression their entire lives. Hey, it's the law in Muslim countries. No rights. And the left adores Linda Sarsour as she preaches the benefits of sharia law. Yea, well, she's following orders the way she has been taught to do her whole life.

Non-Muslim women are treated even worse since the Muslim males think they have a right to rape or abuse them. In France, a Muslim rapist was let go because he didn't know any better because of his culture. Yet, none of the idiots in Europe have the guts to lay down the law and tell all immigrants and refugees that they must respect the cultures and the laws of their host countries. This issue has come up many times in Britain, Germany and France. The leftists cried that it was rude and bigoted to tell people they can't rape anyone, can't shit in people's yards, can't scream and assault infidel women for not dressing appropriately, or assaulting people for coming too close to mosques. A pregnant women in Britain was murdered because she walked too close to a mosque.

Muslims go on sharia patrols in the areas they claim as their territory. They demand that their sharia law trump all other laws. That includes any rights women and children have. Islam is more government than religion yet the left here defends them at every turn. The fascist part of Islam must appeal to them. Areas in Michigan are slowly turning into a third world Muslim countries. Just recently, a Christian man was arrested for discussing his religion in public. The two women he was talking to told police that they willingly engaged in the conversation and joined him at a table. A third person overheard the discussion and called police. This is what America is becoming. In Muslim countries, it's illegal to talk about any religion other than Islam. It's a crime to do so and now it's a crime in the Muslim-controlled parts of the U.S.

"Are women oppressed in Muslim countries? What about in Islamic enclaves in the West? Are these places violating or fulfilling the Quran and Islamic law? Ayaan Hirsi Ali, an author and activist who was raised a devout Muslim, describes the human rights crisis of our time, asks why feminists in the West don't seem to care, and explains why immigration to the West from the Middle East means this issue matters more than ever."

Why Don't Feminists Fight for Muslim Women?
Thank you for your diatribe about the darkness within Islam. You are not even making a case for Christianity, but only a case for reason and right judgment. Natural moral law even. In other words, most all of us lukewarm patriots or Christians are indicted for our hiding behind the scenes or our indifference. We in the West give Islam a ton of slack and fake praise mainly because we are afraid what they will do to us if we irritate them in any way. So the political rhetoric defending our accommodations is nauseous.

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