George Zimmerman

Good. They deserve more. I applaud them for managing to keep their composure throughout this entire process. Despite their son being killed they managed to maintain their dignity and did not stoop to the levels of their detractors.

They don't deserve shit. Once again, there are more important things to be pissed about.
Do you think they will risk this money in a foolish attempt to sue Zimmerman in civil court?
Good. They deserve more. I applaud them for managing to keep their composure throughout this entire process. Despite their son being killed they managed to maintain their dignity and did not stoop to the levels of their detractors.

What did the HOA have to do with this. If you say Zimmerman was acting on their behalf then Zimmerman has no further personal liability. You can't have it both ways.
It's actually more like Spike Lee finding an unfortunate elderly couple of the name Zimmerman and invited others to go teach them a lesson.

Or the newsman who said that James Holmes was in the tea party.

We have a nation of illiterates who want an excuse to attack someone and anyone will do.
Good lord, what did you people expect?

OMG, I'm starting to not care what happens with Z man simply on the premise that I'm sick of hearing about him!
That reminds me of when Conservatives found a picture of a "thug" named Trayvon Martin, and spread his picture all over the internet, only to find out later that it was an entirely different Trayvon Martin...

As seen below:
trayvon-martin-photo-media-george-zimmerman-photo-bias-sad-hill-news2.jpg Trayvon Martin Photos

So much different from the real thing...


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Martin’s Twitter feed reads as a parody of poor grammar and an even more impoverished vocabulary. There, he’s a “No Limit N-gga,” girls he knows are "bitc**s" and “hoes,” and the primary extracurricular activity he immerses himself in is marijuana. The gold-teeth smile, the tattoos, the ten-day suspension from school, and all the rest appear as pathetic attempts to assert his virility. Yet, as his supporters point out, Trayvon also liked Skittles and Chuck E. Cheese’s.
He was looking for trouble, & got it!
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Trayvon Martin: Pot Smoking Gives Munchies and Makes Paranoid

[ame=]Trayvon Martin: Pot Smoking Gives Munchies and Makes Paranoid - YouTube[/ame]
Martin’s Twitter feed reads as a parody of poor grammar and an even more impoverished vocabulary. There, he’s a “No Limit N-gga,” girls he knows are "bitc**s" and “hoes,” and the primary extracurricular activity he immerses himself in is marijuana. The gold-teeth smile, the tattoos, the ten-day suspension from school, and all the rest appear as pathetic attempts to assert his virility. Yet, as his supporters point out, Trayvon also liked Skittles and Chuck E. Cheese’s.
He was looking for trouble, & got it!

Are you saying all those things justified Zimmerman stalking him and killing him?
34 per cent disagree.

This is disturbing.

But not surprising at all. A lot of people in this country look at many issues from a purely emotional perspective.......and a lot of those 34 percent are PC whores, buying the media line no matter what they say.

One thing is for sure.......we got :eek:ALOT:eek: of people with connect the dots issues in this country.
Martin’s Twitter feed reads as a parody of poor grammar and an even more impoverished vocabulary. There, he’s a “No Limit N-gga,” girls he knows are "bitc**s" and “hoes,” and the primary extracurricular activity he immerses himself in is marijuana. The gold-teeth smile, the tattoos, the ten-day suspension from school, and all the rest appear as pathetic attempts to assert his virility. Yet, as his supporters point out, Trayvon also liked Skittles and Chuck E. Cheese’s.
He was looking for trouble, & got it!

Are you saying all those things justified Zimmerman stalking him and killing him?

No. But pummeling someones head into the ground does. What would u have done? Offer Trayvon cookies & milk?
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If walking at 7:00 pm in the rain is suspicious in America, god help you if you don't have a gun.

Gun manufacturers and NRA love that idea.


Go try it yourself. Wait until it's winter, dark, and raining and stroll around a gated community. Then try to sue anyone who questions you or calls the police on you.

That's their right to call police.

Zimmerman decided to be arresting officer, judge, jury and executioner.

Now it's a world issue and he is in deep deep trouble.


The evidence and the jury disagree with your analysis.
Dear driveby:

I agree with Iowahawk regarding the outrage on the part of Trayvon beatifers:

Of all the young black shooting victims in this country, you can name 1. Because you've been trained like a circus seal to bark on command.


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