George Will on "climate change"


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2010
I would hope that all who claim the sky is falling will read this; Think about what is going on. You are being lied to by a cabal of money and power hungry evil greedy people. WE are not destroying the planet! If Al Gore believes so adamantly that we are then you would think he would be living in a two room apartment and driving an electric car.

Doomsday predictions never come close - Local Opinion

If you still believe in man made global climate change then you are either a profiteer in the climate industry or for some weird reason you need to believe it. Maybe it makes you feel smart or more aware or more concerned or whatever but it also makes you look foolish.
What gets me giggling is the fear of what "climate change" will have on agriculture and its ability to feed the planet, when agriculture is the single most polluting industry there is.
I would hope that all who claim the sky is falling will read this; Think about what is going on. You are being lied to by a cabal of money and power hungry evil greedy people. WE are not destroying the planet! If Al Gore believes so adamantly that we are then you would think he would be living in a two room apartment and driving an electric car.

Doomsday predictions never come close - Local Opinion

If you still believe in man made global climate change then you are either a profiteer in the climate industry or for some weird reason you need to believe it. Maybe it makes you feel smart or more aware or more concerned or whatever but it also makes you look foolish.

A little birdie told me the planet was dying. You wouldn't doubt a little birdie, would you?
I would hope that all who claim the sky is falling will read this; Think about what is going on. You are being lied to by a cabal of money and power hungry evil greedy people. WE are not destroying the planet! If Al Gore believes so adamantly that we are then you would think he would be living in a two room apartment and driving an electric car.

Doomsday predictions never come close - Local Opinion

If you still believe in man made global climate change then you are either a profiteer in the climate industry or for some weird reason you need to believe it. Maybe it makes you feel smart or more aware or more concerned or whatever but it also makes you look foolish.

A little birdie told me the planet was dying. You wouldn't doubt a little birdie, would you?

If it makes you feel better then go ahead and believe that little birdie...:cuckoo:
I would hope that all who claim the sky is falling will read this; Think about what is going on. You are being lied to by a cabal of money and power hungry evil greedy people. WE are not destroying the planet! If Al Gore believes so adamantly that we are then you would think he would be living in a two room apartment and driving an electric car.

Doomsday predictions never come close - Local Opinion

If you still believe in man made global climate change then you are either a profiteer in the climate industry or for some weird reason you need to believe it. Maybe it makes you feel smart or more aware or more concerned or whatever but it also makes you look foolish.

A little birdie told me the planet was dying. You wouldn't doubt a little birdie, would you?

If it makes you feel better then go ahead and believe that little birdie...:cuckoo:

What if half of Noah's ark have told me the planet is dying. You won't doubt all those woodland, and elsewhere, creatures, would you?
I would hope that all who claim the sky is falling will read this; Think about what is going on. You are being lied to by a cabal of money and power hungry evil greedy people. WE are not destroying the planet! If Al Gore believes so adamantly that we are then you would think he would be living in a two room apartment and driving an electric car.

Doomsday predictions never come close - Local Opinion

If you still believe in man made global climate change then you are either a profiteer in the climate industry or for some weird reason you need to believe it. Maybe it makes you feel smart or more aware or more concerned or whatever but it also makes you look foolish.

So, Will is saying that past predictions of disasters that didn't (or at least haven't) happen(ed) means that any prediction of a disaster won't and can't happen?

That's not only foolish, it's just plain stupid. It would be like saying that all those near asteroid misses means that one will never strike the Earth. Tell that to the dinosaurs. Or you could just take a closer look at the moon through a telescope. Those craters represent meteor and/or asteroid strikes. And keep in mind that the moon is 1/6 the size of the Earth and consequently a smaller target. The difference between the Earth and the moon is that our climate and weather erases the evidence of a strike while the lack of an atmosphere on the moon preserves the evidence.
We don't manufacture anything anymore.
We have lowered the emissions from cars year after year....

Yet all we hear from the left is that Americans are the biggest scumbags on the planet and this so called climate nonsense is all our fault....

Let Al Gore and the rest go after Russia,China and India and tell them to straighten the fuck out and stop breaking my balls about it.
I want an answer. HOW will you stop it, hmm? come on, smartasses. HOW will you get the 3rd world to stop cutting forests, paving over farm land, using coal and wood to burn,hmm?
The first world is a SMALL part of the problem.
the only possible way would be to pay as yet childless young women to be sterilized. If you stop the pressures of overpopulation, you MIGHT get people to back off on the pollution and destruction.
I want an answer. HOW will you stop it, hmm? come on, smartasses. HOW will you get the 3rd world to stop cutting forests, paving over farm land, using coal and wood to burn,hmm?
The first world is a SMALL part of the problem.

What would Jesus do?
I want an answer. HOW will you stop it, hmm? come on, smartasses. HOW will you get the 3rd world to stop cutting forests, paving over farm land, using coal and wood to burn,hmm?
The first world is a SMALL part of the problem.

What would Jesus do?

Jesus would die and then rise again.

No, no, before that. The only way this is going to happen in time is for it be accepted not by treaty or by law but by conviction, like the Lord himself commanded it. We have to live a new life, or an old life actually. We are not living harmoniously with the Earth. God said we must respect the Earth, that we much not cause unnecessary suffering not only to His people but to all God's creatures. For all who believe in God's Will it is not God's Will that we destroy this planet. The Lord does command it. There will be a Second Coming if we destroy this planet and Someone is going to be pissed.
Developed countries have the lowest birth rates. I believe Italy, Spain, and Portugal have negative birth rates, inotherwords, they are losing population. And I believe the us had the lowest birth rates in years, barely replacement. Literacy and economic progress are the greatest tools for reducing populations.

When al gore takes a vow of poverty and uses all his money to buy all the amazon rain forest I'll give his environmental views a second look.
The U.S. has managed to reduce its carbon emissions to 20-year lows thanks to... hydrocarbons... thanks to... high volume horizontal hydraulic fracturing.

Yup. Natural Gas.

Yet, Liberals are dead-set against such practices. What gives, Libbos? :dunno:
The skeptics have displayed 9 ways to Sunday how much of a joke the "models" are. These cheesedicks base all their shit on "models" which time, after time, after time, after time, after time are so wrong its stoopid funny.

These human racist AGW mental cases don't care.....they have a narrative to stick to.
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We don't manufacture anything anymore.
We have lowered the emissions from cars year after year....

Yet all we hear from the left is that Americans are the biggest scumbags on the planet and this so called climate nonsense is all our fault....

Let Al Gore and the rest go after Russia,China and India and tell them to straighten the fuck out and stop breaking my balls about it.

You are so full of shit. Most of the present increase in CO2 in the atmosphere is from the US and Europe. Only recently has China and India come into the picture. No defense for their pollution, but the reality is that most of the present increase in GHGs is from the US and Europe.

Maybe you aren't involved in real manufacturing but a great many of us still are. Many thousands of tons of steel out the door every month where I work. And the Silicon Forest is still one of the largest centers of advanced chip production in the world.

We have been, and should remain, the leading nation in R and D. That we are letting that positon slip to other nations, such as China and South Korea, is an indictation of the failure of our leaders to recognize the importance of science and engineering in the advancement of any nation. And there is one political group that actively opposes science in any aspect. And also oppose education. That is the GOP.
The skeptics have displayed 9 ways to Sunday how much of a joke the "models" are. These cheesedicks base all their shit on "models" which time, after time, after time, after time, after time are so wrong its stoopid funny.

These human racist AGW mental cases don't care.....they have a narrative to stick to.

The 'skeptics', otherwise known as dickhead ignoramouses, have never made a single accurate prediction. Denied that there was any warming at all until 1998 forced them to change their tune to 'it's all natural cycles'.

Dr. James Hansen's paper from 1981 made some very accurate predictions.

The global temperature rose 0.2°C between the middle 1960s and 1980, yielding a warming of 0.4°C in the past century. This temperature increase is consistent with the calculated effect due to measured increases of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Variations of volcanic aerosols and possibly solar luminosity appear to be primary causes of observed fluctuations about the mean trend of increasing temperature. It is shown that the anthropogenic carbon dioxide warming should emerge from the noise level of natural climate variability by the end of the century, and there is a high probability of warming in the 1980s. Potential effects on climate in the 21st century include the creation of drought-prone regions in North America and central Asia as part of a shifting of climatic zones, erosion of the West Antarctic ice sheet with a consequent worldwide rise in sea level, and opening of the fabled Northwest Passage.
Developed countries have the lowest birth rates. I believe Italy, Spain, and Portugal have negative birth rates, inotherwords, they are losing population. And I believe the us had the lowest birth rates in years, barely replacement. Literacy and economic progress are the greatest tools for reducing populations.

When al gore takes a vow of poverty and uses all his money to buy all the amazon rain forest I'll give his environmental views a second look.

Fellow, Al Gore just put into layman's terms what the scientists were saying. And did it pretty well.

Now, every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements to the effect that AGW is a fact, and a clear and present danger.

I agree that literacy and economic progress are the greatest tools for reducing population. However, it will take more time for that to happen than we have. There are inevitable consequences to rapidly increasing the GHGs in the atmosphere. We see those consequences in the geological record from periods like the P-T extinction period when volcanics in the Siberian Trapps triggered a very rapid rise in GHGs. And it is the physics of the excess GHGs in the atmosphere that matter, not the source. Physics does not care whether the source is volcanics or the burning of fossil fuels.
What would Jesus do?

Jesus would die and then rise again.

No, no, before that. The only way this is going to happen in time is for it be accepted not by treaty or by law but by conviction, like the Lord himself commanded it. We have to live a new life, or an old life actually. We are not living harmoniously with the Earth. God said we must respect the Earth, that we much not cause unnecessary suffering not only to His people but to all God's creatures. For all who believe in God's Will it is not God's Will that we destroy this planet. The Lord does command it. There will be a Second Coming if we destroy this planet and Someone is going to be pissed.

Is that from the Koran?

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