George Clooney Arrested

Darfur is not part of South Sudan though, they are still in Sudan and genocide is still happening there.

Human rights are being violated in numerous places - including right here in the U.S.
Clooney's obsession with Sudan, and his publicity stunt today - just what it is - a publicity stunt. One of the elected officials arrested - Jim Moran - Northern Virginia. What a completely useless fuck that guy is. What he was doing with Clooney - who knows.

I have to admit I am curious about his passion for the place, he acts like his mother is from Darfur.
A lot has been done. South Sudan declared independence and now has their own Nation. So progress has been made. And go figure, it didn't require us interfering in yet another foreign conflict. Clooney and his gang of mental-midgets are just Socialist/Progressive Globalists looking to get us involved in another War. Let's not oblige them.

Darfur is not part of South Sudan though, they are still in Sudan and genocide is still happening there.

Darfur will have their own Nation at some point too. It's headed that way. Thanks for the correction.

No problem bro.
This is simply a publicity stunt. To think an elitist-Leftist like Clooney give's a rat's ass about the people of Sudan (or anyone else for that matter) is idiotic. Also - didn't he meet with Obama yesterday in the White House? You think he ran this protest by him or served it up cold?

For someone who doesn't 'give a rat's ass', he seems to spend quite a lot of time trying to raise awareness of the horrific conditions there. I certainly won't hammer him for that... in fact, I respect his passion.

I'm glad people care... and celebrities 'caring' gets coverage... including getting arrested... it highlights an issue that goes largely ignored by the world.
This is simply a publicity stunt. To think an elitist-Leftist like Clooney give's a rat's ass about the people of Sudan (or anyone else for that matter) is idiotic. Also - didn't he meet with Obama yesterday in the White House? You think he ran this protest by him or served it up cold?

For someone who doesn't 'give a rat's ass', he seems to spend quite a lot of time trying to raise awareness of the horrific conditions there. I certainly won't hammer him for that... in fact, I respect his passion.

I'm glad people care... and celebrities 'caring' gets coverage... including getting arrested... it highlights an issue that goes largely ignored by the world.

Good point CG. :thup:
Condolezza Rice was a vehement foe of Omar Al-Bashir.

I think Clooney is just trying to impress her.
I really can understand Clooney's frustration on this issue. Genocide for true. And no one is doing anything about it. Including the United Nations.

Instead, great support for Arab Spring that has only turned the Middle East over to the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda.

Clooney won't rest until Sudan is also controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda.
Time for the EU to start pulling their weight. Let them police & referee this thing. We've got enough Policing & Refereeing on our plate right now. The EU has the cash & the weapons. Time for them to do something for once. Let them take the lead on this one.
Darfur is not part of South Sudan though, they are still in Sudan and genocide is still happening there.

Human rights are being violated in numerous places - including right here in the U.S.
Clooney's obsession with Sudan, and his publicity stunt today - just what it is - a publicity stunt. One of the elected officials arrested - Jim Moran - Northern Virginia. What a completely useless fuck that guy is. What he was doing with Clooney - who knows.

I have to admit I am curious about his passion for the place, he acts like his mother is from Darfur.

Africa seems to be an obsession with some Hollywood elite. They used to be able to yell out "end apartheid" but now they either have to adopt African babies or get envolved in some African related political cause in order to be considered a top tier liberal elite.

You never know with the Hussein, he may very well start yet another war. We can call this one "Clooney's War".
Does anyone think that a pampered actor protesting at an embassy is going to actually result in anything happening in the Sudan?

He probably does.
If he actually wanted to make a difference in world peace, he should dial up 1-800-USA-ARMY and enlist.

He has enough money to arm a militia and allow people to fight back.

The US Army isn't moving into the Sudan any time soon. We have to invade Iran first.
I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part!
-- from some movie ....

He's accomplishing making the issue more visible.

Like it or not, our society as a whole seems to care about things more when it's popular to care about them. For example, see Kony 2012.

I have nothing against George Clooney making this issue more visible. There are certainly worse things that he could do with his time.
I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part!
-- from some movie ....

He's accomplishing making the issue more visible.

Like it or not, our society as a whole seems to care about things more when it's popular to care about them. For example, see Kony 2012.

I have nothing against George Clooney making this issue more visible. There are certainly worse things that he could do with his time.

At least he got arrested for doing something decent, not drugs or DUI or screwing a 13 year old.

He's accomplishing making the issue more visible.

Like it or not, our society as a whole seems to care about things more when it's popular to care about them. For example, see Kony 2012.

I have nothing against George Clooney making this issue more visible. There are certainly worse things that he could do with his time.

At least he got arrested for doing something decent, not drugs or DUI or screwing a 13 year old.


Not to mention, in the world we live in, millions more people will hear about this than otherwise - in the context of "George Clooney Got ARRESTED - while protesting this thing" on TMZ.
I don't like the mans politics, but I have to give him credit for his commitment to ending the genocide.

Face it, if it weren't for Clooney, Americans wouldn't be talking about Darfur.
I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part!
-- from some movie ....

He's accomplishing making the issue more visible.

Like it or not, our society as a whole seems to care about things more when it's popular to care about them. For example, see Kony 2012.

I have nothing against George Clooney making this issue more visible. There are certainly worse things that he could do with his time.

I don't disagree. And I think raising our collective consciousness on that horror is actually a good thing.

But my point is: what does he propose we do?

What are WE willing to say we should do?

It's not time to send in our troops, right?

We aren't the world's policeman, right?

SO other than making us SEE the horror, I'd like to know what the proposed next meaningful move is.

What are we raising consciousness to DO?

(I harbor zero animosity towards Mr. Clooney. To me he seems like a pretty decent human being.)

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