George Bush, Pure Idiot


Gold Member
Apr 2, 2009

George W. Bush: The Lowest Moment Of My Presidency

Can you guess what it is?

Is it having 9/11 on his watch, especially after disregarding Richard Clarke's warnings about al Qaeda?

Is it lying to American people to invade and occupy a country that posed no threat to us?

Is it the rendition and torturing of detainees?

Is it the trillions of dollars lost in the sands of the middle east?

Is it the collapse of the economy on his watch and due to his neglect?


No, according to Bush, it was when Kanye West called him a "racist".

Bush bankrupted the U.S. economy by embroiling the troops in TWO unwinnable Muslim wars lasting longer than BOTH World Wars combined(unwinnable because there is no will to win them by using EVERY weapon in the country's inventory) and set the stage for the election of a Muslim as President. When West made this statement, Bush then expanded the government to unprecedented levels, even more than he had with the creation of the Homeland Security Department that consumed billions that weren't already pissed away on the Muslim Wars while failing to secure the border against millions of Mexicans invading the U.S., just to accomodate, assist and save Welfare New Orleans blacks to prove he wasn't a "racist".

The Left claimed Bush was stupid and the jury was out on that one UNTIL this article was published.

Damned if they weren't correct!!!
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George W. Bush: The Lowest Moment Of My Presidency

Can you guess what it is?

Is it having 9/11 on his watch, especially after disregarding Richard Clarke's warnings about al Qaeda?

Is it lying to American people to invade and occupy a country that posed no threat to us?

Is it the rendition and torturing of detainees?

Is it the trillions of dollars lost in the sands of the middle east?

Is it the collapse of the economy on his watch and due to his neglect?


No, according to Bush, it was when Kanye West called him a "racist".

Bush bankrupted the U.S. economy by embroiling the troops in TWO unwinnable Muslim wars lasting longer than BOTH World Wars combined(unwinnable because there is no will to win them by using EVERY weapon in the country's inventory) and set the stage for the election of a Muslim as President. When West made this statement, Bush then expanded the government to unprecedented levels, even more than he had with the creation of the Homeland Security Department that consumed billions that weren't already pissed away on the Muslim Wars while failing to secure the border against millions of Mexicans invading the U.S., just to accomodate, assist and save Welfare New Orleans blacks to prove he wasn't a "racist".

The Left claimed Bush was stupid and the jury was out on that one UNTIL this article was published.

Damned if they weren't correct!!!

George W. Bush: The Lowest Moment Of My Presidency | Crooks and Liars

Yes, he is an idiot. The rest of us have long since gotten over that race card bullshit.
Let me guess, you think Obama is a better President than Bush was. If you believe that, you are insane.


He didn't dare release that book BEFORE the would have been too costly.

Nevertheless, if anyone didn't know by now, they now know that Dubya is a bonafide BUFFOON!!
He didn't dare release that book BEFORE the would have been too costly.

Nevertheless, if anyone didn't know by now, they now know that Dubya is a bonafide BUFFOON!!

Does that mean we should anticipate the left trotting out excerpts from this book for the 2012 campaign?? Excellent!!:lol:
To be fair it isn't realistic to judge a President long term until at least 5 years after Presidency, but even better 10 years plus. By that time documents are released...things that were classified are no more etc. that gives a broader story.
Bush had an ambitious agenda.

He wanted to increase America's presence at the heart of the world's largest remaining energy resources.

He also wanted to use the housing market to fuel what was otherwise a dead economy. Rather than risk a prolonged recession and a defeat to Kerry, he manufactured a fake prosperity bubble.

He grew a bubble that did long term damage to the country.


George W. Bush: The Lowest Moment Of My Presidency

Can you guess what it is?

Is it having 9/11 on his watch, especially after disregarding Richard Clarke's warnings about al Qaeda?

Is it lying to American people to invade and occupy a country that posed no threat to us?

Is it the rendition and torturing of detainees?

Is it the trillions of dollars lost in the sands of the middle east?

Is it the collapse of the economy on his watch and due to his neglect?


No, according to Bush, it was when Kanye West called him a "racist".

Bush bankrupted the U.S. economy by embroiling the troops in TWO unwinnable Muslim wars lasting longer than BOTH World Wars combined(unwinnable because there is no will to win them by using EVERY weapon in the country's inventory) and set the stage for the election of a Muslim as President. When West made this statement, Bush then expanded the government to unprecedented levels, even more than he had with the creation of the Homeland Security Department that consumed billions that weren't already pissed away on the Muslim Wars while failing to secure the border against millions of Mexicans invading the U.S., just to accomodate, assist and save Welfare New Orleans blacks to prove he wasn't a "racist".

The Left claimed Bush was stupid and the jury was out on that one UNTIL this article was published.

Damned if they weren't correct!!!

George W. Bush: The Lowest Moment Of My Presidency | Crooks and Liars

I am wondering how long we'll be talking about Obama--after he loses in 2012?---:lol:

George W. Bush: The Lowest Moment Of My Presidency

Can you guess what it is?

Is it having 9/11 on his watch, especially after disregarding Richard Clarke's warnings about al Qaeda?

Is it lying to American people to invade and occupy a country that posed no threat to us?

Is it the rendition and torturing of detainees?

Is it the trillions of dollars lost in the sands of the middle east?

Is it the collapse of the economy on his watch and due to his neglect?


No, according to Bush, it was when Kanye West called him a "racist".

Bush bankrupted the U.S. economy by embroiling the troops in TWO unwinnable Muslim wars lasting longer than BOTH World Wars combined(unwinnable because there is no will to win them by using EVERY weapon in the country's inventory) and set the stage for the election of a Muslim as President. When West made this statement, Bush then expanded the government to unprecedented levels, even more than he had with the creation of the Homeland Security Department that consumed billions that weren't already pissed away on the Muslim Wars while failing to secure the border against millions of Mexicans invading the U.S., just to accomodate, assist and save Welfare New Orleans blacks to prove he wasn't a "racist".

The Left claimed Bush was stupid and the jury was out on that one UNTIL this article was published.

Damned if they weren't correct!!!

George W. Bush: The Lowest Moment Of My Presidency | Crooks and Liars

Yes, he is an idiot. The rest of us have long since gotten over that race card bullshit.

It just goes to show what a shallow, self absorbed, ninny bush* was.

They were talking about Kartrina. All those people who died, and the many more who were left homeless, and for poor little bush*, the "lowest" time was when the mean black man called him a racist.

Forget about the dead and the homeless. Think about poor lil bush*'s unbearable pain.
George W. Bush is brilliant. And clever and conniving.

He successfully did exactly what he set out to do: Make his rich friends wealthy and make his wealthy friends disgusting.
Who will be judged a smarter president, 2-term "chimp" or the current occupant of the WH??

come on now, not more of that well they are worse than we are stuff.
Bush sucked and it appears that Obama is pretty much a 3rd Bush term. At least on economics.
Bush had an ambitious agenda.

He wanted to increase America's presence at the heart of the world's largest remaining energy resources.

He also wanted to use the housing market to fuel what was otherwise a dead economy. Rather than risk a prolonged recession and a defeat to Kerry, he manufactured a fake prosperity bubble.

He grew a bubble that did long term damage to the country.

Yep, that was just ONE of the MANY long term damages that the idiot slacker buffoon did to this country. All by himself.
He didn't dare release that book BEFORE the would have been too costly.

Nevertheless, if anyone didn't know by now, they now know that Dubya is a bonafide BUFFOON!!

Does that mean we should anticipate the left trotting out excerpts from this book for the 2012 campaign?? Excellent!!:lol:
Why not? They ran against him this year. :lol:

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