General Westmoreland

Back to Westmoreland.

Did he do the whole thing wrong?

I don’t think there was a path to victory
Even if we had “won” we would still be there today occupying the country and would still be suffering casualties from insurgents who wanted us out

There was. If we had entered in like we started in 1969, we would have broken the back of the North very quickly. Of course, the North would have looked more like the Moon in the process. We lost the lessons learned during WWII.
Back to Westmoreland.

Did he do the whole thing wrong?

I don’t think there was a path to victory
Even if we had “won” we would still be there today occupying the country and would still be suffering casualties from insurgents who wanted us out

I shall have to go back to research the whole thing.

Obviously the French weren't very good at handling their colonial legacies.
Back to Westmoreland.

Did he do the whole thing wrong?
Yes. Of course, we never should have entered the war in the first place.

Westy was a dumb fuck. His tactics clearly were failures, but he persisted and assholes in the Imperil Capital on the Potomac allowed itto continue so their pals in the MIC could get amazingly wealthy.

It bothered me the sheer numbers of troops he was requesting.

What bothered me at the time was he kept promising victory if only we would send a few hundred thousand more troops

LBJ hated Vietnam and wanted no part of it. But he did not want it to turn Communist while he was President
Danged, where did you get the idea that the Allies had anything to do with the Japanese Soldiers keeping their weapons?
The French, one of the allies, allowed the Japanese soldiers to keep their weapons and used them as a police force when the war ended to control the vietnamese people and help restore law and order. ... :cool:

And exactly where did you get that information? Inquiring minds want to know.
Back to Westmoreland.

Did he do the whole thing wrong?
Yes. Of course, we never should have entered the war in the first place.

Westy was a dumb fuck. His tactics clearly were failures, but he persisted and assholes in the Imperil Capital on the Potomac allowed itto continue so their pals in the MIC could get amazingly wealthy.

It bothered me the sheer numbers of troops he was requesting.

What bothered me at the time was he kept promising victory if only we would send a few hundred thousand more troops

LBJ hated Vietnam and wanted no part of it. But he did not want it to turn Communist while he was President

LBJ once said that not one single bomb was dropped without his personal permission. LBJ micromanaged Westmoreland. Nixon turned Abrams loose. And you will note that the worlds best tank in the world is NOT called a Westmoreland.
Back to Westmoreland.

Did he do the whole thing wrong?

I don’t think there was a path to victory
Even if we had “won” we would still be there today occupying the country and would still be suffering casualties from insurgents who wanted us out

There was. If we had entered in like we started in 1969, we would have broken the back of the North very quickly. Of course, the North would have looked more like the Moon in the process. We lost the lessons learned during WWII.
And that “win” would have committed us to stay in Vietnam indefinitely

The corrupt, inept S Vietnamese was incapable of holding the country. The war would have went underground with the Vietnam Cong fighting in the outskirts being supplied by Russia and China
Back to Westmoreland.

Did he do the whole thing wrong?

I don’t think there was a path to victory
Even if we had “won” we would still be there today occupying the country and would still be suffering casualties from insurgents who wanted us out

There was. If we had entered in like we started in 1969, we would have broken the back of the North very quickly. Of course, the North would have looked more like the Moon in the process. We lost the lessons learned during WWII.
And that “win” would have committed us to stay in Vietnam indefinitely

The corrupt, inept S Vietnamese was incapable of holding the country. The war would have went underground with the Vietnam Cong fighting in the outskirts being supplied by Russia and China

We'll never know, will we.
Back to Westmoreland.

Did he do the whole thing wrong?

I don’t think there was a path to victory
Even if we had “won” we would still be there today occupying the country and would still be suffering casualties from insurgents who wanted us out

There was. If we had entered in like we started in 1969, we would have broken the back of the North very quickly. Of course, the North would have looked more like the Moon in the process. We lost the lessons learned during WWII.
And that “win” would have committed us to stay in Vietnam indefinitely

The corrupt, inept S Vietnamese was incapable of holding the country. The war would have went underground with the Vietnam Cong fighting in the outskirts being supplied by Russia and China

We'll never know, will we.
We do know that if we allowed Vietnam to form its own government after WWII, we could have avoided the whole mess
Back to Westmoreland.

Did he do the whole thing wrong?
Yes. Of course, we never should have entered the war in the first place.

Westy was a dumb fuck. His tactics clearly were failures, but he persisted and assholes in the Imperil Capital on the Potomac allowed itto continue so their pals in the MIC could get amazingly wealthy.

It bothered me the sheer numbers of troops he was requesting.

What bothered me at the time was he kept promising victory if only we would send a few hundred thousand more troops

LBJ hated Vietnam and wanted no part of it. But he did not want it to turn Communist while he was President
LBJ made a pact with the devil, after they murdered JFK. He knew he had to give them their war, or he too would get his head blown off.

He was the BUTCHER OF VIETNAM. He like all sociopaths, didn’t give a shit about the boys dying in the jungle.
Was he the cause of all the trouble?


Why were missionaries the start of so much strife?
Just give me 100,000 more troops and we will be home by Christmas

He kept requesting more troops. Thousands of them.

As if it were a bottomless pit.
Of course. GM was manufacturing the tanks. Colt was making the rifles. Bell made the helicopters. etc. Kickbacks to politicians made gazillions of dollars. Who cares how many soldiers never came home again?
Back to Westmoreland.

Did he do the whole thing wrong?

I don’t think there was a path to victory
Even if we had “won” we would still be there today occupying the country and would still be suffering casualties from insurgents who wanted us out

There was. If we had entered in like we started in 1969, we would have broken the back of the North very quickly. Of course, the North would have looked more like the Moon in the process. We lost the lessons learned during WWII.
And that “win” would have committed us to stay in Vietnam indefinitely

The corrupt, inept S Vietnamese was incapable of holding the country. The war would have went underground with the Vietnam Cong fighting in the outskirts being supplied by Russia and China

We'll never know, will we.
We do know that if we allowed Vietnam to form its own government after WWII, we could have avoided the whole mess

Ah no; we would have been in it a lot sooner if that were case, having committed up front to keeping it free from Soviet attempts to collapse it.

Johnson did what anybody else would have done in the same situation, i.e. where his entire JCS and his own Secretaries were ally lying about the facts, and trusted none of them, so he took control of some facets of the war himself. He wasn't going to be led into criminal acts in violation of the UN mandates by his political enemies, either. IT was the press who made TET, a major and final defeat of the Viet Cong, look like a major victory, and it was also the press who never complained about the North's constant violations of UN restrictions ignoring the DMZ and their use of the trails in Laos and Cambodia. You can blame the press and the pseudo-intellectual commie in American academia for selling the public bullshit about the 'war' that continues to this day. It was right for the U.S. to get involved, same as it was to get involved in Korea, the ME, Africa, and South America. The difference between Johnson's escalations and Eisenhower's wimpiness and conservative approach to the Cold War is like night and day; Eisenhower rescued no one from Soviet and Red Chinese mass murders and slavery, Johnson's polices bankrupted the Soviets' imperialist dreams and kept Red China and the Soviets divided, and pretty much ended the Cold War. Nixon merely reaped the benefits of a bankrupt Soviet Union.
Ah no; we would have been in it a lot sooner if that were case, having committed up front to keeping it free from Soviet attempts to collapse it.
Jesus, you are up to your eyeballs in shit. The Vietnamese kicked out the French and was gearing up for Democratic Elections but the US prevented the elections and started a war instead. It is no more complicated than that. You should get an education and stop spewing trashy lies.
We do know that if we allowed Vietnam to form its own government after WWII, we could have avoided the whole mess
That is certainly true, but then the Military-Industrial Complex (and the dirty politicians who had their tongues up the butthole of the war-manufacturers) would have been a few gazillion dollars poorer. So, "the whole mess" was their goal. Creating THAT WHOLE MESS was the reason the U.S. went to Vietnam in the first place.
So many back stories to this, I've been researching over the weekend.

We are not living in those times now, and to try to put oneself into that mindset, the fear of communism was a strong palpable driving force.
Westmoreland is from an epoch full of American war criminals. Johnson, McNamara, Nixon, Kissinger and underlings would all have been hanged if the Nuremberg principles had been applied. It has become a tradition for Presidents and advisers to violate humanity's fundamental laws without consequences. The problem is that even stating historical facts about this country is instantly regarded as being anti-American by a significant part of the population.
Westmoreland is from an epoch full of American war criminals. Johnson, McNamara, Nixon, Kissinger and underlings would all have been hanged if the Nuremberg principles had been applied. It has become a tradition for Presidents and advisers to violate humanity's fundamental laws without consequences. The problem is that even stating historical facts about this country is instantly regarded as being anti-American by a significant part of the population.

The Nuremberg Principles? I hardly think so.
So many back stories to this, I've been researching over the weekend.

We are not living in those times now, and to try to put oneself into that mindset, the fear of communism was a strong palpable driving force.
That is only slightly true. Socialists looked upon Communism as a step too far and Capitalism as treachery upon the populace. Communists thought Communism was the answer to humanity, Socialism was not enough, and Capitalism as treachery upon the populace. Capitalists saw Communism and Socialism as "the competition" (the principles of which were superior for the benefit of the masses) and was, therefore, a threat to Capitalism.

Both Socialism and Communism are correct in their assessment of Capitalism.
"The fear of communism" (as you call it) was mostly Capitalist propaganda concocted in order to frighten the population by lies, ie. Joseph McCarthy. Capitalist's often refer to Communism as "spreading" as though it is an entity that engulfs by force rather than an ideology that can be considered as an alternative system in opposition to Capitalism.

In other words, the "fear of Communism" was a completely trumped-up notion that had successes, due in great part to Stalin's megalomania.

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