General Wesley Clark attempts to defend General Milley's Chinese collusion crime

Milley reminds me of the Dr Strange Love character General Jack D. Ripper.
He is totally bonkers.

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It's too late cause the Commies have already sapped and impurified all our precious bodily fluids.

This is why we have effeminate Soy Boys and so called Transgender Assholes running around in PERMANENT PMS crying about their Manginas being caught in a meat grinder if they aren't allowed to compete against women in combat sports or track and field or beauty pageants (drag queen shows).
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Who decides when this military coup is acceptable? Low ratings? Controversies? Bad media coverage? Scandals within their administration? Loss of mental acuity?

I don't consider this a military coup. It was a wise decision to set up safeguards in the cases of both Nixon and Trump. Clearly, yes ... there was a loss of mental acuity in both cases. Trump proved he would do ANYTHING to remain in power. See the violent insurrection he fomented on 1/6.
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On CNN, analyst Ret. Gen. Wesley Clark argued Milley was "within his rights" to make the calls and he would have been "derelict" in his duty if he hadn't picked up the phone.

Several others, like CNN's Mark Hertling, said Milley was justifiably trying to put "guardrails" in place between Trump and foreign policy disaster.

"Gen. Milley took some very prudent measures," Hertling, a retired U.S. Army officer, said.

"What he did was ensure the guardrails were in place," he later added. "So I give him high marks for this based on what’s described in the book."

CNN and Clark are both part of the Democrat Party's dangerous and lawless political cult.
There is no proof that President Trump was planning to attack China.
Saying that Milley had a "duty" to usurp authority is what's really CRAZY.
Trump is the only president in modern times who didn't try to start a war.
It is not really surprising that he would throw his support behind Milley's high treason and junta attempt.
Clark was also part of the Clinton cabal.

Clark is completely wrong, just trying to save Milley's ass.

Clark knows, or should know, that The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff violated his chain of command, not to mention his sedition and treason, by volunteering his services to the CCP without discussing it with / the authority / permission given by the Secretary of Defense....and OH BY THE WAY...

EXCLUSIVE: Trump's acting defense secretary 'did not' authorize Milley's China calls, wants resignation

EXCLUSIVE: Trump's acting defense secretary 'did not' authorize Milley's China calls, wants resignation

Former acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller, who led the Pentagon from the period after the 2020 election through Inauguration Day, said that he "did not and would not ever authorize" Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley to have "secret" calls with his Chinese counterpart, describing the allegations as a "disgraceful and unprecedented act of insubordination," and calling on him to resign "immediately."


Speaker of the House Pelosi, continuing to undermine the President during her non-stop obsessive attempt to overthrow the US govt by removing the President from office, went to General Milley with the plan to undermine the President, to secretly strip him of Commander and Chief Powers bestowed upon him by the US Constitution - she bragged to Congress / publicly that she had taken this action.

Milley, in turn, violated his chain of command and took it upon himself to contact the CCP and offer them his treasonous service that was both Un-Constitutional and Illegal, violating US law and the UCMJ.

There are plenty of excuses being made by them and for them in an attempt to save their asses and to cover up the depth of treason the Democrats and leftists were engaged in.

There is NO justification for their actions.

There is NO legal defense for what they did.

Both Milley and Pelosi should be charged with Sedition and Treason, and Milley should be prosecuted to the full extent of the UCMJ.
Good luck with getting the Pentagon into allowing CNN to film the trial.
Gee, will a transcript, a courtroom reporter and a sketch artist not suffice? You are reading this. Can't you read that? We've all seen trials as I describe before in civil, criminal and even military trials. I had to read the courtroom appearances of the disgrace, admitted felon, General Flynn along with the plea agreement worked out and recommended by his lawyers. I didn't get to see him squirm in front of the judge, nor did I miss it.
Is he now making calls to make the same assurances to Russia, Iran, Pakistan, the Taliban?

This is where I am right confused. Why the special treatment for China?

I wouldn't be surprised if there was some back channel talks going on with a lot of countries after 1-6-21.

Depends on how he knew that the Chinese were worried.

Was Putin worried his little Trumpybear would attack Russia. I doubt it.
Milley doing his own version of Paul Revere to warn the CCP.


"I have to warn Xi that President Trump is thinking of
attacking China, that Trump is crazy, and this is the
fastest way down to meet with him.......Yeeeeehaaaaaaa!"


General Milley and I were perfectly well within our rights
to do what we did. CRAZY, I tell you....

On CNN, analyst Ret. Gen. Wesley Clark argued Milley was "within his rights" to make the calls and he would have been "derelict" in his duty if he hadn't picked up the phone.

Several others, like CNN's Mark Hertling, said Milley was justifiably trying to put "guardrails" in place between Trump and foreign policy disaster.

"Gen. Milley took some very prudent measures," Hertling, a retired U.S. Army officer, said.

"What he did was ensure the guardrails were in place," he later added. "So I give him high marks for this based on what’s described in the book."

CNN and Clark are both part of the Democrat Party's dangerous and lawless political cult.
There is no proof that President Trump was planning to attack China.
Saying that Milley had a "duty" to usurp authority is what's really CRAZY.
Trump is the only president in modern times who didn't try to start a war.
It is not really surprising that he would throw his support behind Milley's high treason and junta attempt.
Clark was also part of the Clinton cabal.

Clark was always a Libtard piece of shit.

The American people elected Trump to be the Commander in Chief.

This Milley asshole was appointed to do whatever the Commander in Chief told him to do, not to conduct his own foreign policy.

If Milley was really interested in doing the right thing he would have remembered his Constitutional oath and ordered the troops in DC to stand down from protecting the traitorous shitheads that stole the 2020 election from the American people.
When the Chinese take over do you think they will immediately execute people like Milley, the CNN propagandists and Clark?
Yep, it was a dangerous situation that called for extreme safeguards. I just can't wrap my head around the notion that Milley should be court martialed and shot.
Thank you again for that biased OPINION, which is all anyone can give in Milley's defense.

In order to come to this defense snowflakes must disregard:

1. Trump was President and did not need a team of handlers to tell him what to do, what to say, what not to say, and to cut his mic like Biden does.

2. Despite their continuous stream of opinions claiming Trump was crazy he passed an acuity test which proved him to be highly intelligent, sharp, clever, and an excellent opposed to Biden now.

- This fact completely destroys the attempts by the Left / Dems / snowflakes to paint Trump as 'crazy'.

- What is crazy was Pelosi's obsession with and irrational hatred of the President which drove her to continue to pursue the overthrow of the US Govt by attempting to Impeach and remove him from office several times ONLY TO FAIL EVERY TIME because each attempt was based on ZERO crime, ZERO evidence, ZERO witnesses, AND each time Democrats were caught manufacturing false evidence. Pelosi even argued that san Impeachment did not need a crime, evidence, or witnesses. Now THAT is batshit crazy.

3. Pelosi and Milley met secretly to discuss - ON THEIR OWN - stripping a President / Commander and Chief of his powers AND to commit treason by offering to be China's spy.

4. Milley by-passed his chain of command, a violation of the UCMJ on top of Sedition and treason. The Secretary of Defense at the time, Milley's boss has correctly explained that what Milley did was a violation of Constitution, violation of US law, and violation of the UCMJ.

5. If a Conservative General would have gone behind Obama's back in such a way snowflakes would be arguing for their death penalty for committing the treason in a time of war.

'B...b...b....BUT TRUMP"

Is not a legal defense for the crimes Milley
and Pelosi chose to commit voluntarily.
Wasn't the General trying to assure the Chinese that there was no chance of an attack on them by Trump, and to reassure them he said he would let them know if something like that were to happen?

"If" again, being the most powerful word in the universe and all........
WTF would he have to assure the Chinese of....... other than the possibility that he's a paranoid prick trying to undermine the president....or he's attempting to make Trump look like he'd been removed from office in the eyes of the Chinese government.
Either way....any form of aid to our enemies is considered to be either outright treason or a subversion of our government.
I don't give a flying-fuck if you don't like the guy (Trump).....Miley stepped over the line when he went around the CIC and acted like he was in control of the government thus replacing Trump.

You have to ask yourself a very important question: Who do you consider to be an enemy?

If the answer is Trump....and not the Chinese......then you're essentially an enemy of the state.

The entire world thought Trump was fucking crazy

Milley was just assuring them Trump was in check

Only a fool believes that President Trump was going to launch an attack on China.

If Milley had any evidence that Presiden Trump was preparing to attack China his correct move was to resign, call a presser to alert America, and immediately notify Congress.

Trump was the most anti-war POTUS in decades.

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