General Colin Powell endorses Joe Biden: Calls Trump "a Liar and a Danger to the Nation"


Cafeteria Centrist
Jul 29, 2009
Illinois, USA
The Washington Post

By Carol Morello and Laurie McGinley
June 7, 2020 at 10:40 a.m. CDT

Powell endorses Biden, says Trump is a liar and a danger to the nation

Former military leaders kept up a barrage of criticism of President Trump on Sunday for his threat to use military force against protesters, warning the commander in chief’s actions could drive a wedge between the U.S. military and civilians.

The most withering critique came from Colin Powell in an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union.” The former secretary of state and chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff called Trump a chronic liar who had “drifted away” from the Constitution and become a danger to the country.
Powell said he plans to vote for Joe Biden for president and urged Americans to search their conscience and vote for the candidate who is best for the country as a whole, not only themselves.

“We’re not the country of just the president, we have a Congress, we have a Supreme Court,” said Powell, lamenting the silence from Republican members of Congress and lauding the retired military officials who have spoken out against Trump...


Thank you, Sir.

CNN is replaying this video clip this evening, and it's more timely than ever, now.

It would appear that "real" Republicans have had enough of the Orange Baboon.

I wish they would have spoken-up sooner, but, at this dangerous nexus in the Republic's history...

Better late than never.
To be fair, Trump says a lot of things he never means. Not exactly the traits of a leader.
The Washington Post

By Carol Morello and Laurie McGinley
June 7, 2020 at 10:40 a.m. CDT

Powell endorses Biden, says Trump is a liar and a danger to the nation

Former military leaders kept up a barrage of criticism of President Trump on Sunday for his threat to use military force against protesters, warning the commander in chief’s actions could drive a wedge between the U.S. military and civilians.

The most withering critique came from Colin Powell in an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union.” The former secretary of state and chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff called Trump a chronic liar who had “drifted away” from the Constitution and become a danger to the country.
Powell said he plans to vote for Joe Biden for president and urged Americans to search their conscience and vote for the candidate who is best for the country as a whole, not only themselves.

“We’re not the country of just the president, we have a Congress, we have a Supreme Court,” said Powell, lamenting the silence from Republican members of Congress and lauding the retired military officials who have spoken out against Trump...


Thank you, Sir.

CNN is replaying this video clip this evening, and it's more timely than ever, now.

It would appear that "real" Republicans have had enough of the Orange Baboon.

I wish they would have spoken-up sooner, but, at this dangerous nexus in the Republic's history...

Better late than never.

Another election, another election that Powell is endorsing the Democrat.

And this is supposed to influence who to do what again?
The Washington Post

By Carol Morello and Laurie McGinley
June 7, 2020 at 10:40 a.m. CDT

Powell endorses Biden, says Trump is a liar and a danger to the nation

Former military leaders kept up a barrage of criticism of President Trump on Sunday for his threat to use military force against protesters, warning the commander in chief’s actions could drive a wedge between the U.S. military and civilians.

The most withering critique came from Colin Powell in an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union.” The former secretary of state and chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff called Trump a chronic liar who had “drifted away” from the Constitution and become a danger to the country.
Powell said he plans to vote for Joe Biden for president and urged Americans to search their conscience and vote for the candidate who is best for the country as a whole, not only themselves.

“We’re not the country of just the president, we have a Congress, we have a Supreme Court,” said Powell, lamenting the silence from Republican members of Congress and lauding the retired military officials who have spoken out against Trump...


Thank you, Sir.

CNN is replaying this video clip this evening, and it's more timely than ever, now.

It would appear that "real" Republicans have had enough of the Orange Baboon.

I wish they would have spoken-up sooner, but, at this dangerous nexus in the Republic's history...

Better late than never.

How soon dipshit fucknut liberals forget.

Powell addressed a plenary session of the United Nations Security Council on February 5, 2003, to argue in favor of military action. Citing numerous anonymous Iraqi defectors, Powell asserted that "there can be no doubt that Saddam Hussein has biological weapons and the capability to rapidly produce more, many more." Powell also stated that there was "no doubt in my mind" that Saddam was working to obtain key components to produce nuclear weapons.
The Washington Post

By Carol Morello and Laurie McGinley
June 7, 2020 at 10:40 a.m. CDT

Powell endorses Biden, says Trump is a liar and a danger to the nation

Former military leaders kept up a barrage of criticism of President Trump on Sunday for his threat to use military force against protesters, warning the commander in chief’s actions could drive a wedge between the U.S. military and civilians.

The most withering critique came from Colin Powell in an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union.” The former secretary of state and chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff called Trump a chronic liar who had “drifted away” from the Constitution and become a danger to the country.
Powell said he plans to vote for Joe Biden for president and urged Americans to search their conscience and vote for the candidate who is best for the country as a whole, not only themselves.

“We’re not the country of just the president, we have a Congress, we have a Supreme Court,” said Powell, lamenting the silence from Republican members of Congress and lauding the retired military officials who have spoken out against Trump...


Thank you, Sir.

CNN is replaying this video clip this evening, and it's more timely than ever, now.

It would appear that "real" Republicans have had enough of the Orange Baboon.

I wish they would have spoken-up sooner, but, at this dangerous nexus in the Republic's history...

Better late than never.

Another election, another election that Powell is endorsing the Democrat.

And this is supposed to influence who to do what again?
It's supposed to influence you to stop being so fucking flipant and hateful. Just maybe. Maybe...
Powell endorsing a naked traitor to the United States, which Biden irrefutably is, a man who is controlled by communist China, and representing a political movement dedicated to the complete eradication of liberty, and morality, whilst simultaneously adopting exactly the same type of fascist totalitarian control over you that communist China wields over its own population of slaves, and Powell likes it.... Nothing to see or fear here.
The Washington Post

By Carol Morello and Laurie McGinley
June 7, 2020 at 10:40 a.m. CDT

Powell endorses Biden, says Trump is a liar and a danger to the nation

Former military leaders kept up a barrage of criticism of President Trump on Sunday for his threat to use military force against protesters, warning the commander in chief’s actions could drive a wedge between the U.S. military and civilians.

The most withering critique came from Colin Powell in an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union.” The former secretary of state and chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff called Trump a chronic liar who had “drifted away” from the Constitution and become a danger to the country.
Powell said he plans to vote for Joe Biden for president and urged Americans to search their conscience and vote for the candidate who is best for the country as a whole, not only themselves.

“We’re not the country of just the president, we have a Congress, we have a Supreme Court,” said Powell, lamenting the silence from Republican members of Congress and lauding the retired military officials who have spoken out against Trump...


Thank you, Sir.

CNN is replaying this video clip this evening, and it's more timely than ever, now.

It would appear that "real" Republicans have had enough of the Orange Baboon.

I wish they would have spoken-up sooner, but, at this dangerous nexus in the Republic's history...

Better late than never.

Another election, another election that Powell is endorsing the Democrat.

And this is supposed to influence who to do what again?
It's supposed to influence you to stop being so fucking flipant and hateful. Just maybe. Maybe...

You didn't say anything. Try going back, clicking reply and make a point
WAR-MONGERS do not like TRUMP. Sorry Colin, you fed the American people a BS story about IRAQ. so the military industrial complex made BILLIONS.

As an aside, not being reported by the MSM, TRUMP has been downsizing our force in Afghanistan:

So what country did draft dodging Donny defend, other than Vlad's Russia? That goes double for his two goofball sons who enjoy shooting animals that can't shoot back.

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