Gender Conversation: Media Vedas


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a mock dialogue between Krishna (Hindu god of negotiation), Shiva (Hindu god of destruction), Vishnu (Hindu god of negotiation), and the Christian Harlot of Babylon (a totem of seduction) about gender-relevant issues as varied as labor-views and pulp-fiction robot sociology (e.g., the fascism symbolism of the pop-culture chauvinistic-robot avatar Cyclonus).

This dialogue (IMO) is symbolic of modern age 'populism discourse' and reflects the impact on social attitudes created by wide media access to populism-relevant controversial gender conflicts such as the Anita Hill case and the Duke lacrosse rape-case of 2006.

It seems that wide access to TV/media has facilitated gender-intrigue interest in our age of commerce and consumerism...


KRISHNA: Women tempt men towards corruption.
SHIVA: Boys don't like to over-analyze gender-mingling.
VISHNU: Girls grow up in America thinking about vandalism.
HARLOT: Men daydream as much as women...

KRISHNA: The female mermaid-logo for Starbucks is not gender-exploitative.
SHIVA: The Statue of Liberty is seen as a welcome-sign to both men and women!
VISHNU: The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue is very popular and condoned...
HARLOT: Men as well as women opt for cosmetics-based plastic surgery.

KRISHNA: Men watch more sports on TV than women...
SHIVA: Women think more about the fertility aspect of inter-racial marriages.
VISHNU: American sitcoms such as The Golden Girls explore female spirituality.
HARLOT: Perhaps male-centric American sitcoms such as My Three Sons require improvement...

KRISHNA: The widely-publicized Anita Hill legal case drew much attention for both gender and race.
SHIVA: Most American movies about cops present male characters...
VISHNU: Celebrity divorces get a lot of negative press.
HARLOT: Cartoons about robots (for kids) present males usually as warriors!

KRISHNA: Stereotypes about male-female conflicts involve labor envy.
SHIVA: It's sometimes considered 'savvy' to wax intellectual about male-female rivalries.
VISHNU: Male robots in popular fiction/cinema signify a social focus on physique.
HARLOT: Men and women often disagree about beauty...

KRISHNA: President Trump is seen as a 'capitalist-baron.'
SHIVA: Female political leaders may challenge the 'intellectual artistry' of male-exclusive clubs.
VISHNU: Fictional stories/movies about genetic engineering/cloning may be more provocative to women...
HARLOT: The fictional male-warrior robot-avatar Cyclonus symbolizes 'wolfish etiquette corruption.'






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